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Clara cells are nonciliated secretory cells lining the respiratory epithelium and are easily identified by the expression of Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP). To investigate molecular mechanism(s) regulating Clara cell function in the lungs, Cre recombinase was inserted into exon 1 of the CCSP, generating two novel mouse models, CCSP(Cre-Neo) and CCSP(Cre). These two models differ only by the inclusion of the neomycin resistance gene. These mice were bred to the R26R reporter mouse to investigate the tissue and cell specificity of Cre-mediated recombination. The efficiency of Cre recombination in the CCSP(Cre) mouse model was higher than in the CCSP(Cre-Neo) mouse model. Recombination was detected at D 4.5 in CCSP(Cre-Neo)/R26R mice and at D 0.5 in CCSP(Cre)/R26R mice. The CCSP(Cre-Neo) and CCSP(Cre) mouse models provide valuable tools for the ablation of genes in the postnatal mouse Clara cells.  相似文献   

Organ-specific expression of a cre recombinase transgene allows for the analysis of gene function in a particular tissue or cell type. Using a 4.6 kb promoter from the mouse glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit (alphaGSU or Cga) gene, we have generated and characterized a line of transgenic mice that express cre recombinase in the anterior and intermediate lobes of the pituitary gland. Utilizing a cre-responsive reporter transgene, alphaGSU-cre transgene expression was detected in the pituitary primordium and in all five cell types of the adult anterior pituitary. alphaGSU-cre transgene activity was also detected in the cardiac and skeletal muscle. Little or no activity was evident in the gonads, adrenal glands, brain, ventromedial hypothalamus, or kidneys. The alphaGSU-cre transgenic mice characterized here will be a valuable tool for examining gene function in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

To study the development of the cerebellum, we generated a transgenic mouse line Tg(malpha6-cre)B1LFR that expresses CRE recombinase under the GABA(A) receptor alpha6 subunit promoter. In this line, recombination of an R26R reporter allele occurred postnatally in granule cells of the cerebellum and dorsal cochlear nucleus, as well as in a subset of precerebellar nuclei in the brainstem. All neurons in which recombination occurred originated during embryogenesis from the rhombic lip. This might be explained by a very early specification event at the rhombic lip that primes cells derived from this structure to express the transgene during neuronal maturation. As no recombination occurred in the inferior olive, it may be derived from a distinct subset of precursors at the rhombic lip. No recombination occurred in any of the interneurons in the cerebellum (stellate cells, basket cells, and Golgi cells), consistent with the hypothesis that they are not derived from the same embryonic tissue as the granule cells.  相似文献   

Organ-specific expression of a Cre recombinase allows the analysis of gene function in a particular tissue or cell type. Using a 6.1 kb promoter from the mouse tyrosinase gene, we generated and characterized two lines of transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase in melanoblasts. Utilizing a Cre-responsive reporter mouse strain, genetic recombination was detected in the melanoblasts of the skin from embryonic day 11.5. In addition, Cre-expression was detected in the skin and eyes of mice. Cre transgene activity was occasionally detected in the brain and peripheral nerves but not in other tissues. When Tyr::Cre mice were crossed with mice carrying a homozygous loxP conditional mutation for the insulin-like growth factor receptor gene (Igf1r), Cre-melanoblast-specific recombination pattern was confirmed and no abnormal phenotype was observed. In conclusion, Tyr::Cre transgenic mice provide a valuable tool to follow the cell lineage and to examine gene function in melanocyte development and transformation.  相似文献   

Site-specific transgenesis by Cre-mediated recombination in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transposons such as P elements are routinely used to stably transfer exogenous DNA (transgenes) into the Drosophila genome. Transgene insertion events, however, are essentially random and are subject to 'position effects' from nearby endogenous regulatory elements. Here we describe a microinjection-based system that uses Cre-mediated recombination to insert transgenes into precise genomic 'landing sites'. The system is simple and efficient, and will permit precise comparisons between multiple transgenic constructs.  相似文献   

Cre-mediated somatic site-specific recombination in mice.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Conditional mutant mice equipped with heterologous recombination systems (Cre/lox or Flp/frt) are promising for studying tissue-specific gene function and for designing better models of human diseases. The utility of these mice depends on the cell target specificity, on the efficiency and on the control over timing of gene (in)activation. We have explored the utility of adenoviral vectors and transgenic mice expressing Cre under the control of tissue-specific promoters to achieve Cre/lox-mediated somatic recombination of the LacZ reporter gene, using a newly generated flox LacZ mouse strain. When adeno Cre viruses were administered via different routes, recombination and expression of LacZ was detected in a wide range of tissues. Whereas in liverbeta-galactosidase activity was quickly lost by turnover of expressing cells, even though the recombined allele was retained,beta-galactosidase in other tissues persisted for many months. Our data indicate that the flox LacZ transgenic line can be utilized effectively to monitor the level and functionality of Cre protein produced upon infection with adeno Cre virus or upon crossbreeding with different Cre transgenic lines.  相似文献   

This study describes a new approach to targeting clustered genes. Our study began with the establishment of two lines of mice carrying different mutations in either Ren1 or Ren2. These two genes, both encoding renin, span over 40 kb in tandem on chromosome 1. Each gene was mutated by gene targeting to contain loxP sites. These two mutants and Cre transgenic mice were mated to produce offspring carrying the mutant Ren1 and Ren2 genes, as well as the Cre transgene concurrently. Initially, two mutant Ren genes were located on separate chromosomes. Southern analysis of mice from the second generation revealed that the mutant Ren1 and Ren2 were interchromosomally recombined at the loxP sites to produce a new dually mutated allele on the chromosome at the rate of 9.6% (7/73). Thus, interchromosomal recombination can be efficiently programmed by mating as designed using the Cre-loxP system.  相似文献   

We generated two complementary systems for Cre-mediated recombination of target genes in the mouse digestive epithelium and tested them with a Cre-reporter mouse strain. Cre was expressed under the control of a 9 kb regulatory region of the murine villin gene (vil-Cre). Genetic recombination was initiated at embryonic day (E) 9 in the visceral endoderm, and by E12.5 in the entire intestinal epithelium, but not in other tissues. Cre expression was maintained throughout adulthood. Furthermore, transgenic mice bearing a tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase (vil-Cre-ERT2) expressed under the control of the villin promoter were created to perform targeted spatiotemporally controlled somatic recombination. After tamoxifen treatment, recombination was detectable throughout the digestive epithelium. The recombined locus persisted for 60 days after tamoxifen administration, despite rapid intestinal cell renewal, indicating that epithelial progenitor cells had been targeted. The villin-Cre and villin-Cre-ERT2 mice provide valuable tools for studies of cell lineage allocation and gene function in the developing and adult intestine.  相似文献   

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication of preterm birth characterized by blunted post-natal lung development. BPD can be modelled in mice by exposure of newborn mouse pups to elevated oxygen levels. Little is known about the mechanisms of perturbed lung development associated with BPD. The advent of transgenic mice, where genetic rearrangements can be induced in particular cell-types at particular time–points during organogenesis, have great potential to explore the pathogenic mechanisms at play during arrested lung development. Many inducible, conditional transgenic technologies available rely on the application of the estrogen-receptor modulator, tamoxifen. While tamoxifen is well-tolerated and has been widely employed in adult mice, or in healthy developing mice; tamoxifen is not well-tolerated in combination with hyperoxia, in the most widely-used mouse model of BPD. To address this, we set out to establish a safe and effective tamoxifen dosing regimen that can be used in newborn mouse pups subjected to injurious stimuli, such as exposure to elevated levels of environmental oxygen. Our data reveal that a single intraperitoneal dose of tamoxifen of 0.2 mg applied to newborn mouse pups in 10 μl Miglyol vehicle was adequate to successfully drive Cre recombinase-mediated genome rearrangements by the fifth day of life, in a murine model of BPD. The number of recombined cells was comparable to that observed in regular tamoxifen administration protocols. These findings will be useful to investigators where tamoxifen dosing is problematic in the background of injurious stimuli and mouse models of human and veterinary disease.  相似文献   

The Cre recombinase mediates precise site-specific recombination between a pair of loxP sequences through an intermediate containing Holiday junction. The recombination junction in the loxP sequence is located within the asymmetric 8-nucleotide spacer region. To examine the role of each nucleotide sequence of the spacer region in the recombination process, we synthesized a complete set of 24 loxP spacer mutants with single-base substitutions and 30 loxP spacer mutants with double-base substitutions. Each synthesized loxP mutant was ligated at both ends of a linear DNA or to one end of a DNA-containing wild-type loxP at the other end and their recombination efficiencies were analyzed with an in vitro system. The sequence identity of the right two nucleotides and left four nucleotides in the central six bases of the spacer region was found to be essential for formation and resolution, respectively, of the intermediate product. Furthermore, even when homology was maintained, the recombination efficiencies were lower than that of wild-type loxP and varied among mutants. Based on this knowledge, we identified two loxP mutants with double-base substitutions, mutants 5171 and 2272, which recombine efficiently with an identical mutant but not with the other mutant or wild-type loxP.  相似文献   

Using gene-targeting methods, a progesterone receptor Cre knockin (PR-Cre) mouse was generated in which Cre recombinase was inserted into exon 1 of the PR gene. The insertion positions the Cre gene downstream (and under the specific control) of the endogenous PR promoter. As for heterozygotes for the progesterone receptor knockout (PRKO) mutation, mice heterozygous for the Cre knockin insertion are phenotypically indistinguishable from wildtype. Crossing the PR-Cre with the ROSA26R reporter revealed that Cre excision activity is restricted to cells that express PR in progesterone-responsive tissues such as the uterus, ovary, oviduct, pituitary gland, and mammary gland. Initial characterization of the PR-Cre mouse underscores the utility of this model to precisely ablate floxed target genes specifically in cell lineages that express the PR. In the wider context of female reproductive tissue ontology, this model will be indispensable in tracing the developmental fate of cell lineages that descend from PR positive progenitors.  相似文献   

Emx1 is a mouse homologue of the Drosophila homeobox gene empty spiracles and its expression is restricted to the neurons in the developing and adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus. We reported previously the creation of a line of transgenic mice in which the cre gene was placed directly downstream of the putative Emx1 promoter using ES cell technology. We showed that Cre protein was present in the cerebral cortex of the transgenic mice and was able to mediate loxP-specific recombination in vitro. In the present study, the specificity and efficiency of the cre-mediated recombination were determined using three independent lines of reporter mice and a combination of histochemical staining, neuronal culture, and Southern detection of the genomic DNA. Our results showed that the recombination was highly efficient in all three lines of reporter mice tested and confirmed that the deletion was restricted to the neurons in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Furthermore, we have determined that the recombination efficiency in the cerebral cortex was 91%. Our results suggest that Emx1 is not expressed in every neuron in the developing and adult cerebral cortex. This line of cre mice should contribute to the studies of cortical development and plasticity.  相似文献   

We have examined the linking-number changes that occur during phage P1 Cre-mediated recombination in vitro between two loxP sites. Such recombination reactions can be divided into three types: intramolecular inversion, in which recombination occurs between two loxP sites in opposite orientations on the same DNA substrate; intramolecular excision, where recombination occurs between two loxP sites that are in the same orientation on the DNA substrate; and intermolecular recombination, which occurs between two loxP sites on separate DNA molecules. Our results indicate that inversion changes the linking number of the substrate DNA by two topological turns. With a negatively supercoiled substrate, the product is changed by +2 turns. A relaxed substrate yields products that have been changed by either +2 or -2 turns. For intermolecular reactions, the sum of the linking numbers of each of the two starting circles is equal to the linking number of the dimer circle generated by recombination, and no change occurs in linking number. For intramolecular excision reactions, the data are most consistent, with no change in linking number during recombination. These results are discussed in terms of models for alignment and synapsis of the recombining sites and the mechanism of strand exchange.  相似文献   

It is well established that gene expression in eukaryotes is controlled by sequence-dependent binding of trans-acting proteins to regulatory elements like promoters, enhancers or silencers. A less well understood level of gene regulation is governed by the various structural and functional states of chromatin, which have been ascribed to changes in covalent modification of core histone proteins. And, much on how topological domains in the genome take part in establishing and maintaining distinct gene expression patterns is still unknown. Here we present a set of regulatory proteins that allow to reversibly alter the DNA structure in vivo and in vitro by adding low molecular weight effectors that control their oligomerization and DNA binding. Using this approach, we completely regulate the activity of an SV40 enhancer in HeLa cells by reversible loop formation to topologically separate it from the promoter. This result establishes a new mechanism for DNA-structure-dependent gene regulation in vivo and provides evidence supporting the structural model of insulator function.  相似文献   

Retroviral gene transfer is widely used in experimental and human gene therapy applications. We have devised a novel method of generating high-titer retroviral producer cell lines based on the P1 bacteriophage recombinase system Cre-loxP. Incorporation of loxP sites flanking a Neo(r)-SVTK cassette in the proviral DNA allows excision of these selectable markers through expression of Cre recombinase after production of a high-titer producer cell line. The resultant producer line contains a single loxP site flanked by the viral long terminal repeats. Retransfection of this line with the Cre expression vector and a plasmid containing a gene of interest flanked by loxP sites allows insertional recombination of the gene into the favorable preexisting site in the genome and the generation of a new line with a titer equivalent to that of the parental producer cell line. The efficiency of the process is sufficient to allow the generation of multiple new producer lines without the addition of antibiotic resistance genes. We have successfully generated retroviral vectors carrying different genes by using this approach and discuss the potential applications of this method in gene therapy.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may influence protein function possibly contributing to phenotype; yet, for most SNPs their potential influence is unknown. Here, we present a technique in mouse embryonic stem cells that enables high-throughput knock-in (the placement of coding sequences adjacent to a specific endogenous promoter). Our methodology utilizes gene targeting with a combination of two selection cassettes (SAbetageo and the HPRT minigene) along with site-specific recombinases (Cre/loxP and FLP/FRT) to efficiently introduce multiple DNA sequences, including enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), adjacent to the DNA topoisomerase 3beta (Top3beta) promoter. This technology enables rapid and efficient introduction of DNA sequences to a specific location and advances high-throughput analysis of many SNPs with control for expression and genetic background.  相似文献   

Summary: The versatility of the bacteriophage Cre/LoxP system is dependent on the availability of a spectrum of tissue-specific Cre transgenic mice to address a host of biological questions. In this paper, we report on the generation of an inducible Tie2Cre transgenic mouse line that facilitates gene targeting exclusively in endothelial cells. The temporal manner of recombination is feasible through the use of a Cre-estrogen receptor fusion protein ER(T2) and was, in practical terms, achieved by feeding the animals the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen orally for 5 weeks. High efficiency of recombination was found in the vast majority of endothelial cell populations examined, as monitored by an EGFP reporter mouse line. Critically, no EGFP expression was observed in any uninduced mice. This inducible Cre line will be a very beneficial asset to investigating the role of endothelial specific genes in the adult mouse and to induce transgenes in the endothelium in an extremely efficient manner. genesis 33:191-197, 2002.  相似文献   

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