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Bacterial strains carrying the derepressed incompatibility group IncI2 plasmids TP114drp-l or R721pilc were lysed by the filamentous bacteriophages IKe, I2-2, and X. Phage I2-2 was serologically related to IKe, but phage X was not. Phage IKe adsorbed to the tips of thick pili determined by the IncI2 plasmids, but not to the well-known thin I2 pili.  相似文献   

By means of 2D NMR techniques, all backbone resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of the single-stranded DNA binding protein encoded by gene V of the filamentous phage IKe have been assigned sequence specifically (at pH 4.6, T = 298 K). In addition, a major part of the side chain resonances could be assigned as well. Analysis of NOESY data permitted the elucidation of the secondary structure of IKe gene V protein. The major part of this secondary structure is present as an antiparallel beta-sheet, i.e., as two beta-loops which partly combine into a triple-stranded beta-sheet structure, one beta-loop and one triple-stranded beta-sheet structure. It is shown that a high degree of homology exists with the secondary structure of the single-stranded DNA binding protein encoded by gene V of the distantly related filamentous phage M13.  相似文献   

The filamentous virus PH75, which infects the thermophile Thermus thermophilus, consists of a closed DNA strand of 6500 nucleotides encapsidated by 2700 copies of a 46-residue coat subunit (pVIII). The PH75 virion is similar in composition to filamentous viruses infecting mesophilic bacteria but is distinguished by in vivo assembly at 70 degrees C and thermostability to at least 90 degrees C. Structural details of the PH75 assembly are not known, although a fiber X-ray diffraction based model suggests that capsid subunits are highly alpha-helical and organized with the same symmetry (class II) as in the mesophilic filamentous phages Pf1 and Pf3 [Pederson et al. (2001) J. Mol. Biol. 309, 401-421]. This is distinct from the symmetry (class I) of phages fd and M13. We have employed polarized Raman microspectroscopy to obtain further details of PH75 architecture. The spectra are interpreted in combination with known Raman tensors for modes of the pVIII main chain (amide I) and Trp and Tyr side chains to reveal the following structural features of PH75: (i) The average pVIII peptide group is oriented with greater displacement from the virion axis than peptide groups of fd, Pf1, or Pf3. The data correspond to an average helix tilt angle of 25 degrees in PH75 vs 16 degrees in fd, Pf1, and Pf3. (ii) The indolyl ring of Trp 37 in PH75 projects nearly equatorially from the subunit alpha-helix axis, in contrast to the more axial orientations for Trp 26 of fd and Trp 38 of Pf3. (iii) The phenolic rings of Tyr 15 and Tyr 39 project along the subunit helix axis, and one phenoxyl engages in hydrogen-bonding interaction that has no counterpart in either fd or Pf1 tyrosines. Also, in contrast to fd, Pf1, and Pf3, the packaged DNA genome of PH75 exhibits no Raman anisotropy, suggesting that DNA bases are not oriented unidirectionally within the nucleocapsid assembly. The structural findings are discussed in relation to intrasubunit and intersubunit interactions that may confer hyperthermostability to the PH75 virion. A refined molecular model is proposed for the PH75 capsid subunit.  相似文献   

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The nucleotide sequence and genetic organization of the genome of the N-specific filamentous single-stranded DNA phage IKe has been established and compared with that of the F-specific filamentous phages M13, fd and f1 (Ff). The IKe DNA sequence comprises 6883 nucleotides, which is 476 (475) nucleotides more than the nucleotide sequence of the Ff genome. The data indicate that IKe and Ff have evolved from a common ancestor (overall homology approx. 55%) and that their genomes contain ten homologous genes, the order of which is identical. Similar to Ff, the major coat protein and the gene III-encoded pilot protein of IKe are synthesized via precursor molecules. The extent of homology between the genes of IKe and Ff differs significantly from one gene to another. Genes that code for viral capsid proteins are less homologous than genes whose products are involved in the processes of DNA replication and phage morphogenesis. During evolution, large nucleotide sequence rearrangements have occurred in the gene (gene III) whose product is needed for the attachment of the virion to the conjugative pili of the host cell, suggesting that these rearrangements have led to phages with different host specificities. Extensive nucleotide sequence homology was noted between the structural elements involved in DNA replication and phage morphogenesis, indicating that the mechanisms involved in DNA replication and morphogenesis are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Under physiological conditions and at concentrations needed for NMR studies, severe aggregation of the gene-5 protein of the filamentous phage IKe occurs. Conditions are described for which well-resolved 1H-NMR spectra of the protein can be obtained. The aromatic part of the spectrum is analyzed by means of two-dimensional NMR techniques; a complete interpretation is presented. Oligonucleotide binding studies reveal that just one phenylalanyl residue and one tyrosyl residue are influenced by the binding of rAMP, (dA)2, (dA)3, (dA)4, (dA)6, d(pT)3 or (dT)4. Upon binding, the aromatic resonances of these amino acid residues are shifted upfield by about 0.4-0.5 ppm. NMR measurements at different pH values demonstrate that only one of the two histidyl residues is freely titratable. From CIDNP experiments it is concluded that three out of five tyrosyl residues are located at the surface of the protein. Measurements carried out as a function of protein concentration indicate the occurrence of specific protein-protein interactions between dimeric gene-5-protein molecules. The data obtained are compared with those available for the gene-5 protein of M13. It follows from the comparison that these proteins mimic each other in almost every respect.  相似文献   

The filamentous bacteriophage PH75, which infects the thermophile T. thermophilus, assembles in vivo at 70 degrees C and is stable to at least 90 degrees C. Although a high-resolution structure of PH75 is not available, the virion is known to comprise a closed single-stranded (ss) DNA circle of 6500 nucleotides sheathed by a capsid comprising 2700 copies of a 46-residue subunit (pVIII). Here, we employ Raman and UV-resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy to identify structural details of the pVIII and DNA constituents of PH75 that may be related to the high thermostability of the native virion assembly. Analysis of the Raman amide I and amide III signatures reveals that the capsid subunit secondary structure is predominantly (87%) alpha-helical but contains a significant number of residues (6 +/- 1 or 13 +/- 3%) differing from the canonical alpha-helix. This minor structural component is not apparent in capsid subunits of the mesophilic filamentous phages, fd, Pf1, and Pf3, previously examined at similar spectral resolution. The Raman signature of PH75 also differs from those of fd, Pf1, and Pf3 by virtue of an unusual alanine marker (898 cm(-)(1) band), which is attributed to C(alpha)-H hydrogen-bond donation by subunit Ala residues. Because alanines of the PH75 subunit occur primarily within sXXXs motifs (where s is a small side chain, e.g. Gly, Ala, Ser), and because the occurrence of such motifs in alpha-helices is believed to thermostabilize interhelix associations via C(alpha)-H...O interactions [G. Kleiger et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 5990-5997], we propose that such hydrogen bonding may explain both the alanyl and amide I/III markers of PH75 capsid subunits and that C(alpha)-H...O interactions may serve as a significant source of virion thermostabilization. Raman and UVRR signatures of PH75 are also distinguished from those of fd, Pf1, and Pf3 by several marker bands that are indicative of hydrophilic Trp and Tyr environments, including hydrogen bonding interactions of aromatic ring substituents. These interactions are likewise proposed as contributors to the high thermostability of PH75 vis-a-vis fd, Pf1, and Pf3. Finally, PH75 is the only filamentous phage exhibiting UVRR markers diagnostic of a highly base-stacked ssDNA genome incorporating the low energy C2'-endo/anti deoxynucleoside conformation. The present results suggest that both intersubunit interactions and genome organization contribute to the enhanced thermostability of PH75 relative to mesophilic filamentous bacteriophages.  相似文献   

Protein III (pIII) of filamentous phage is required for both the beginning and the end of the phage life cycle. The infection starts by binding of the N-terminal N2 and N1 domains to the primary and secondary host receptors, F pilus and TolA protein, respectively, whereas the life cycle terminates by the C-terminal domain-mediated release of the membrane-anchored virion from the cell. It has been assumed that the role of the C-terminal domain of pIII in the infection is that of a tether for the receptor-binding domains N1N2 to the main body of the virion. In a poorly understood process that follows receptor binding, the virion disassembles as its protein(s) become integrated into the host inner membrane, resulting in the phage genome entry into the bacterial cytoplasm. To begin revealing the mechanism of this process, we showed that tethering the functional N1N2 receptor-binding domain to the virion via termination-incompetent C domain abolishes infection. This infection defect cannot be complemented by in trans supply of the functional C domain. Therefore, the C domain of pIII acts in concert with the receptor-binding domains to mediate the post receptor binding events in the infection. Based on these findings, we propose a model in which binding of the N1 domain to the periplasmic portion of TolA, the secondary receptor, triggers in cis a conformational change in the C domain, and that this change opens or unlocks the pIII end of the virion, allowing the entry phase of infection to proceed. To our knowledge, this is the first virus that uses the same protein domain both for the insertion into and release from the host membrane.  相似文献   

The filamentous bacteriophage Pf1 undergoes a reversible temperature-dependent transition that is also influenced by salt concentrations. This structural responsiveness may be a manifestation of the important biological property of flexibility, which is necessary for long, thin filamentous assemblies as a protection against shear forces. To investigate structural changes in the major coat protein, one- and two-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra of concentrated solutions of Pf1 bacteriophage were acquired, and the structure of the coat protein determined at 0 degrees C was compared with the structure previously determined at 30 degrees C. Despite dramatic differences in the NMR spectra, the overall change in the coat protein structure is small. Changes in the orientation of the C-terminal helical segment and the conformation of the first five residues at the N-terminus are apparent. These results are consistent with prior studies by X-ray fiber diffraction and other biophysical methods.  相似文献   

A modelling procedure has been utilized to obtain a preliminary three-dimensional structural model for the bacteriophage IKe DNA binding protein (IKe-DBP) based on the known high resolution X-ray diffraction structure of a functionally related protein (G5BP) from bacteriophage fd. The degree of structural homology observed is much higher than the 44% primary sequence identity between these proteins would indicate. These studies suggest IKe-DBP, like G5BP, is composed of a central three-stranded beta sheet from which protrude three extended beta loops. Furthermore, the IKe-DBP structural model can easily form, without conformational rearrangements, the compact dimer unit that is the functionally active species of G5BP. Structural comparisons show residues conserved in the primary sequence of both proteins tend to cluster in two regions. The first being essential for the maintenance of dimer association. The second about the two DNA binding channels which cross the face of each dimer. Based upon an earlier characterized G5BP-DNA complex, a model for DNA complexation to IKe-DBP is also presented.  相似文献   

The DNA‐packaging motor in tailed bacteriophages requires nuclease activity to ensure that the genome is packaged correctly. This nuclease activity is tightly regulated as the enzyme is inactive for the duration of DNA translocation. Here, we report the X‐ray structure of the large terminase nuclease domain from bacteriophage SPP1. Similarity with the RNase H family endonucleases allowed interactions with the DNA to be predicted. A structure‐based alignment with the distantly related T4 gp17 terminase shows the conservation of an extended β‐sheet and an auxiliary β‐hairpin that are not found in other RNase H family proteins. The model with DNA suggests that the β‐hairpin partly blocks the active site, and in vivo activity assays show that the nuclease domain is not functional in the absence of the ATPase domain. Here, we propose that the nuclease activity is regulated by movement of the β‐hairpin, altering active site access and the orientation of catalytically essential residues.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteriophage (Inovirus) is a widely studied model system in molecular biophysics. The structure of the virion has been analysed by various methods, but the methods have seldom questioned the hand of the virion helix. The hand of the helix relating the protein subunits in the class II virus strain Pf1 was chosen by calculating an electron-density distribution from X-ray fibre diffraction data, using a maximum-entropy method, but to our knowledge this method has not been used for a similar purpose in any other system. Moreover, this same hand was extended only by analogy, with no direct analysis of the corresponding data, to the class I virus strain Ff (fd, f1, M13), which has a different helix symmetry. Here we use published solid-state NMR data to confirm the validity of the hand of Pf1 chosen by the maximum-entropy method, and to confirm the extension to Ff.  相似文献   

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Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to obtain residue- and sequence-specific assignments in the 1H spectrum of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein encoded by gene V of the filamentous phage IKe (IKe GVP). The residue-specific assignments are based on the analysis of J-correlated spectra, i.e. correlated spectroscopy and homonuclear-Hartmann-Hahn total correlated spectroscopy. Complete assignments of side-chain spin systems, e.g. long side-chains, were, to a major part, derived from two-dimensional spectra obtained by means of the latter technique. Sequence-specific residue assignments were obtained for the two neighbouring residues V41 and Y42, and the amino acid sequence segment encompassing residues S17 through I29. The structure of this segment, a beta-loop, was deduced from the interresidue nuclear Overhauser effect pattern. Residues S17 through V19 and P26 through I29 form an anti-parallel beta-ladder segment, whereas residues Q21 to K25 constitute the loop region. The beta-loop is expected to project into the solution and is intimately involved in binding to single-stranded DNA; it is therefore designated the "DNA-binding wing". By analogy with the structure of the DNA-binding wing deduced from IKe GVP, a similar structure is proposed for the corresponding domain of the gene V protein encoded by the filamentous phage Ff for which, from X-ray diffraction studies, a three-dimensional structure has been deduced. Essential differences appear to exist between the DNA-binding domain in the X-ray structure and that proposed in this paper. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Many thin helical polymers, including bacterial pili and filamentous bacteriophage, have been seen as refractory to high-resolution studies by electron microscopy. Studies of the quaternary structure of such filaments have depended upon techniques such as modeling or X-ray fiber diffraction, given that direct visualization of the subunit organization has not been possible. We report the first image reconstruction of a filamentous virus, bacteriophage fd, by cryoelectron microscopy. Although these thin ( approximately 70 A in diameter) rather featureless filaments scatter weakly, we have been able to achieve a nominal resolution of approximately 8 A using an iterative helical reconstruction procedure. We show that two different conformations of the virus exist, and that in both states the subunits are packed differently than in conflicting models previously proposed on the basis of X-ray fiber diffraction or solid-state NMR studies. A significant fraction of the population of wild-type fd is either disordered or in multiple conformational states, while in the presence of the Y21M mutation, this heterogeneity is greatly reduced, consistent with previous observations. These results show that new computational approaches to helical reconstruction can greatly extend the ability to visualize heterogeneous protein polymers at a reasonably high resolution.  相似文献   

DNA sequence of the filamentous bacteriophage Pf1   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Seven of eight plasmids of incompatibility group P were found to code for the capacity to propagate bacteriophage IKe in Escherichia coli. Six of the seven plasmids allowed propagation of IKe by one bacterial host (RG172) but not by another (RG176); the other plasmid allowed IKe propagation by both hosts. IKe propagation by a number of E. coli K-12 strains was quite variable. IKeh, an extended host range mutant of IKe, was found to plaque specifically on N+ and P+ strains.  相似文献   


HDAC6 is a protein involved in cancer, neurodegenerative disease and inflammatory disorders. To date, the full three-dimensional (3D) structure of human HDAC6 has not been elucidated; however, there are some experimental 3D structural homologs to HDAC6 that can be used as templates. In this work, we utilized molecular modeling procedures to model both of the catalytic domains of HDAC6 connected by the linker region where DMB region is placed. Once the 3D structure of human HDAC6 was obtained, it was structurally evaluated and submitted to docking and molecular dynamic (MD) simulations along with Molecular Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area (MM/GBSA) method to explore the stability and the binding free energy properties of the HDAC6–ligand complexes. In addition, its structural and energetic behavior was explored with each one of the catalytic domains in the molecular recognition of six selective HDAC6 inhibitors, HPOB, CAY10603, Nexturastat, Rocilinostat, Tubacin and Tubastatin A for DD2, and with the so-called 9-peptide which is DD1–HDAC6 selective substrate. The use of the whole system (DD1–DMB–DD2) showed a tendency toward the ligand affinity of DD2, CAY10603> Tubacin?>?Rocilinostat?> Nexturastat?>?HPOB?>?Tubastatin > 9-peptide, which is in line with experimental reports. However, 9-peptide showed a higher affinity for DD1, which agrees with experimental reports elsewhere. Principal component analysis provided important information about the structural changes linked to the molecular recognition process, whereas per-residue decomposition analysis revealed the energetic contribution of the key residues in the molecular binding and structural characteristics that could assist in drug design.  相似文献   

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