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Rhizobia are soil bacteria that are able to establish symbiotic associations with leguminous hosts. In iron-limited environments these bacteria can use iron present in heme or heme compounds (hemoglobin, leghemoglobin). Here we report the presence in Sinorhizobium meliloti of an iron-regulated outer membrane protein that is able to bind hemin but not hemoglobin. Protein assignment was done by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Tryptic peptides correlated with the mass measurements obtained accounted for 54% of the translated sequence of a putative heme receptor gene present in the chromosome of S. meliloti 1021. The results which we obtained suggest that this protein (designated ShmR for Sinorhizobium heme receptor) is involved in high-affinity heme-mediated iron transport.  相似文献   

Genes of two iron-regulated outer membrane proteins of Vibrio parahaemolyticus zj2003, a pathogenic strain isolated from large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea), psuA and pvuA, were cloned and expressed as N-terminal His6-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The recombinant fusion proteins were purified with nickel chelate affinity chromatography. To analyze the immunogenicity of the proteins, groups of large yellow croaker were immunized with the purified recombinant psuA, pvuA or both, by intraperitoneal injection. Antibody response was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Titers to the recombinant proteins increased from log2 3.25 to log29.80, 4-8 weeks following immunization. The relative percent survival of the groups vaccinated with psuA, pvuA, or a combination of the two, reached 50%, 62.5% and 75%, respectively. Western blot analysis was carried out with the serum from unvaccinated survival fish after infection. Both recombinant proteins were detected, indicating that these two proteins of V. parahaemolyticus zj2003 were immunogenic and could produce synergistic effects during in vivo infection, and they might be considered as important components for developing an aquaculture vaccine against this pathogen.  相似文献   

We created hybrid proteins to study the functions of TonB. We first fused the portion of Escherichia coli tonB that encodes the C-terminal 69 amino acids (amino acids 170 to 239) of TonB downstream from E. coli malE (MalE-TonB69C). Production of MalE-TonB69C in tonB(+) bacteria inhibited siderophore transport. After overexpression and purification of the fusion protein on an amylose column, we proteolytically released the TonB C terminus and characterized it. Fluorescence spectra positioned its sole tryptophan (W213) in a weakly polar site in the protein interior, shielded from quenchers. Affinity chromatography showed the binding of the TonB C-domain to other proteins: immobilized TonB-dependent (FepA and colicin B) and TonB-independent (FepADelta3-17, OmpA, and lysozyme) proteins adsorbed MalE-TonB69C, revealing a general affinity of the C terminus for other proteins. Additional constructions fused full-length TonB upstream or downstream of green fluorescent protein (GFP). TonB-GFP constructs had partial functionality but no fluorescence; GFP-TonB fusion proteins were functional and fluorescent. The activity of the latter constructs, which localized GFP in the cytoplasm and TonB in the cell envelope, indicate that the TonB N terminus remains in the inner membrane during its biological function. Finally, sequence analyses revealed homology in the TonB C terminus to E. coli YcfS, a proline-rich protein that contains the lysin (LysM) peptidoglycan-binding motif. LysM structural mimicry occurs in two positions of the dimeric TonB C-domain, and experiments confirmed that it physically binds to the murein sacculus. Together, these findings infer that the TonB N terminus remains associated with the inner membrane, while the downstream region bridges the cell envelope from the affinity of the C terminus for peptidoglycan. This architecture suggests a membrane surveillance model of action, in which TonB finds occupied receptor proteins by surveying the underside of peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of iron deprivation on the expression of outer membrane proteins and the ability to use heme as an iron source by uropathogenic Proteus mirabilis , Pr 6515, was studied. Examination of iron-restricted bacteria showed three outer membrane proteins ranging from 66 to 75 kDa to be affected by iron restriction, as well as a newly expressed 64-kDa protein. These proteins were induced within 15 minutes of iron-deprivation. The strain grew in the presence of ferric citrate, hemin and hemoglobin as iron sources, but could not use transferrin, lactoferrin or siderophores from exogenous sources. The 64- and 66-kDa proteins showed hemin-binding activity by affinity chromatography, and both reacted in Western blots with sera from mice transurethrally infected with the same strain. We suggest that P. mirabilis expresses iron-regulated outer membrane proteins that could be involved in heme uptake and may have a role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The RmpM (class 4) protein of Neisseria meningitidis has previously been shown to be associated with the outer membrane porins. In the present study, we demonstrate that this protein forms complexes with the lactoferrin receptor LbpA, the transferrin receptor TbpA and the siderophore receptor FrpB as well. This complexation apparently resulted in a stabilization of oligomeric forms of these iron-regulated proteins. In vitro experiments further revealed a reduced ability to acquire iron from human lactoferrin in the rmpM mutant. Furthermore, all TonB-dependent receptors investigated here appeared to exist as oligomers (probably dimers), suggesting that this is a general feature of this class of proteins.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the role of iron-regulated outer membrane proteins (IROMP) of Pasteurella multocida B:2 in mice as potential immunogens. Outer membrane proteins extracted from P. multocida B:2 grown under normal (OMP) and iron-deficient (IROMP) conditions were subjected to discontinuous SDS-PAGE. Nine polypeptides of MW ranging from 85.1 to 16.7 kDa from OMP preparations and two additional polypeptides of MW 95.4 and 89.1 kDa from IROMP preparations were observed with bands of MW 37.2 and 34.7 kDa as major proteins. Mice were immunized twice with OMP, IROMP-enriched fractions and whole cell lysate (WCL) via subcutaneous route at day 0 and 21. Antibody titers were determined from sera collected at weekly interval and protection was studied against challenge using 10(2) cfu of P. multocida two weeks after secondary immunization via intranasal and subcutaneous routes. IROMP and OMP immunized mice provoked significant antibody responses and IROMP induced higher antibody responses. IROMP and OMP immunized mice showed protection (100%) upon intranasal challenge and a protection (84%) following subcutaneous challenge as compared to high mortality (84%) in control mice. These results indicate that OMP enriched with IROMP fractions can be superior means of immunization.  相似文献   

D Johnson  L E Roth    G Stacey 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(9):4583-4588
Monospecific, polyclonal antibodies to the nodC and nodA gene products of Rhizobium meliloti were used in combination with immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy to localize the NodC and NodA proteins in cultures of R. meliloti. Both NodC and NodA were detected in the cytoplasm and cell envelope in thin sections of free-living rhizobia treated with luteolin, a known inducer of nod gene expression; however, only NodC was detected on cell surfaces when immunolabeling was performed with intact induced cells. In view of biochemical data characterizing NodC as an outer membrane protein with a large extracellular domain, the pattern of immunolabeling on thin sections suggests that NodC is produced on free cytoplasmic ribosomes prior to assembly in the membrane. The pattern of NodA labeling on thin sections is consistent with biochemical data detecting NodA in both soluble and membrane fractions of NodA-overexpressing strains of R. meliloti.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 grown in iron-deficient media contained a large amount of outer membrane proteins O-2a, O-2b, and O-3, while cells grown in iron-supplemented media contained far smaller amounts of these proteins. The iron uptake by the iron-deficient cells was significantly stimulated in the presence of enterochelin, while that by the iron-rich cells was not. The outer membrane isolated from cells grown in the iron-deficient media showed enterochelin-stimulated binding of iron, while the outer membrane from iron-rich cells and cytoplasmic membranes from both types of cells did not show such binding activity. The amount of iron bound by the outer membrane was almost equivalent to the amount of O-2a, O2b, or O-3, irrespective of the amount of these proteins in the outer membrane, which is controlled by the amount of iron in the medium. Small particles rich in these proteins were prepared from cells by EDTA extraction. The particles were active in enterochelin-mediated iron binding and the amount of iron bound was equivalent to the amount of each of these proteins in the particles. Although the outer membrane of E. coli B was as active in iron binding as that of E. coli K-12, it did not possess an appreciable amount of O-2a. Gel electrophoretic analysis revealed that 9-2b and 9-3 were identical with the proteins missing mutants feuB and feuA, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract Siderophore produced by cowpea Rhizobium GN1 (Peanut isolate) was shown to be involved in iron uptake by this organism. Siderophore enhanced iron uptake in iron-starved cells. SDS-PAGE analysis of the outer membrane proteins showed two iron repressible outer membrane proteins with approximate molecular mass of 80 kDa and 76 kDa. A siderophore non-producing mutant, which was unable to grow on a medium containing synthetic iron chelators unless and until iron was added exogenously in the medium, could use siderophore of the wild-type for iron uptake indicating that the receptor for Fe-siderophore complex was intact in the mutant.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the ability of single site insertion mutants of Rhizobium meliloti 1021 defective in various components of a high-affinity iron transport system to produce nodules, fix nitogen and promote plant growth. Our results indicate that a high-affinity iron transport system may significantly increase the ability of the differentiated form of the bacterium to fix nitrogen and induce an increase in plant growth.Abbreviations EDDA ethylenediamine-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) - CAS chrome azurol S  相似文献   

Energy-coupled reactions of the Escherichia coli outer membrane transport proteins BtuB and Cir require the tonB product. Some point mutations in a region of btuB and cir that is highly conserved in TonB-dependent transport proteins led to loss of TonB-coupled uptake of vitamin B12 and colicin Ia, whereas binding was unaffected. Most other point mutations in this region had no detectable effect on transport activity. Mutations in tonB that suppressed the transport defect phenotype of these btuB mutations were isolated. All carried changes of glutamine 165 to leucine, lysine, or proline. The various tonB mutations differed markedly in their suppression activities on different btuB or cir mutations. This allele specificity of suppression indicates that TonB interacts directly with the outer membrane transport proteins in a manner that recognizes the local conformation but not specific side chains within this conserved region. An effect of the context of the remainder of the protein was seen, since the same substitution (valine 10----glycine) in btuB and cir responded differently to the suppressors. This finding supports the proposal that TonB interacts with more of the transport proteins than the first conserved domain alone.  相似文献   

I Stojiljkovic  J Larson  V Hwa  S Anic    M So 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(15):4670-4678
We have recently cloned and characterized the hemoglobin receptor gene from Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. N. meningitidis cells expressing HmbR protein were able to bind biotinylated hemoglobin, and the binding was specifically inhibited by unlabeled hemoglobin and not heme. The HmbR-mediated hemoglobin binding activity of N. meningitidis cells was shown to be iron regulated. The presence of hemoglobin but not heme in the growth medium stimulated HmbR-mediated hemoglobin binding activity. The efficiency of utilization of different hemoglobins by the HmbR-expressing N. meningitidis cells was shown to be species specific; human hemoglobin was the best source of iron, followed by horse, rat, turkey, dog, mouse, and sheep hemoglobins, The phenotypic characterization of HmbR mutants of some clinical strains of N. meningitidis suggested the existence of two unrelated hemoglobin receptors. The HmbR-unrelated hemoglobin receptor was shown to be identical to Hpu, the hemoglobin-haptoglobin receptor of N. meningitidis. The Hpu-dependent hemoglobin utilization system was not able to distinguish between different sources of hemoglobin; all animal hemoglobins were utilized equally well. HmbR-like genes are also present in N. meningitidis serogroups A and B, Neisseria gonorrhoeae MS11 and FA19, Neisseria perflava, and Neisseria polysaccharea. The hemoglobin receptor genes from N. meningitidis serogroups A and B and N. gonorrhoeae MS11 were cloned, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. The nucleotide sequence identity ranged between 86.5% (for N. meningitidis serogroup B hmbR and MS11 hmbR) and 93.4% (for N. meningitidis serogroup B hmbR and N. meningitidis serogroup C hmbR). The deduced amino acid sequences of these neisserial hemoglobin receptors were also highly related, with overall 84.7% conserved amino acid residues. A stop codon was found in the hmbR gene of N. gonorrhoeae MS11. This strain was still able to use hemoglobin and hemoglobin-haptoglobin complexes as iron sources, indicating that some gonococci may express only the HmbR-independent hemoglobin utilization system.  相似文献   

Three structurally diverse iron (III) sequestering compounds (siderophores) were isolated from the supernatants of early stationary phase iron-deficient cultures of vegetative mycelia of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (ATCC 36416). The compounds were purified as their ferric chelates to homogeneity by gel permeation, cation exchange, and low-pressure reversed phase C18 chromatographies, and characterized as trihydroxamic acids. The chelates were identified as ferrichrome, ferric fusarinine C, and an unusual compound, des (diserylglycyl) ferrirhodin (DDF) by HPTLC cochromatography and electrophoresis against authentic samples, hydrolysis and amino acid analysis, and FAB-MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The iron transport activities of the three compounds (and of some structurally similar exogenous compounds) in young mycelial cells were determined by time- and concentration-dependent kinetic assays and inhibition experiments (CN-, N3-) using 55Fe(3+)-labeled chelates. 55Iron (III) uptake mediated by all three compounds was found to be via high affinity, energy-dependent processes; transport effectiveness was in the order: ferrichrome > DDF > ferric fusarinine C. The relative uptake of iron by lambda-cis ferrichromes was: ferrichrome > ferrirhodin > ferrichrome A; transport activity by the delta-cis fusarinines was: ferric fusarinine C > tris cis-(and trans-) fusarinine iron (III) > ferric N1-triacetylfusarinine C.  相似文献   

Using biological iron chelators to control specifically iron availability to Escherichia coli K-12 in conjunction with radioactive pulse-labels, we examined the biosynthesis of six iron-regulated membrane proteins. Iron deprivation induced the synthesis of five proteins, which had molecular weights of 83,000 (83K), 81K (Fep), 78K (TonA), 74K (Cir), and 25K. The kinetics of induction were the same in entA and entA+ strains, but were affected by the initial iron availability in the media. Iron-poor cells induced rapidly (half-time, 10 min), whereas iron-rich cells began induction after a lag and showed a slower induction half-time (30 min). Within this general pattern of induction after iron deprivation, several different kinetic patterns were apparent. The 83K, 81K, and 74K proteins were coordinately controlled under all of the conditions examined. The 78K and 25K proteins were regulated differently. The synthesis of a previously unrecognized 90K inner membrane protein was inhibited by iron deprivation and stimulated by iron repletion. Both ferrichrome and ferric enterobactin completely repressed 81K and 74K synthesis when the siderophores were supplied at concentrations of 5 μM in vivo (half-time, 2.5 min). At concentrations less than 5 μM, however, both siderophores repressed synthesis only temporarily; the duration of repression was proportional to the amount of ferric siderophore added. The half-lives of the 81K and 74K mRNAs, as measured by rifampin treatment, were 1.2 and 1.6 min, respectively. The results of this study suggest that enteric bacteria are capable of instantaneously detecting and reacting to fluctuations in the extracellular iron concentration and that they store iron during periods of iron repletion for utilization during periods of iron stress. Neither iron storage nor iron regulation of envelope protein synthesis is dependent on the ability of the bacteria to form heme.  相似文献   

Cell-envelope fractions were isolated from the rapidly growing saprophyte Mycobacterium smegmatis following growth in glycerol/asparagine medium under both iron-limited (0.02 microgram Fe ml-1) and iron-sufficient (2.0 to 4.0 micrograms Fe ml-1) conditions. Examination of these preparations by SDS-PAGE demonstrated the production of at least four additional proteins when iron was limiting. These iron-regulated envelope proteins (IREPs) were ascribed apparent molecular masses of 180 kDa (protein I), 84 kDa (protein II), 29 kDa (protein III) and 25 kDa (protein IV). All four proteins were present in both cell-wall and membrane preparations but spheroplast preparations were devoid of the 29 kDa protein. Attempts at labelling the proteins with 55FeCl3 or 55Fe-exochelin, the siderophore for iron uptake, were unsuccessful, though this was attributed to the denatured state of the proteins following electrophoresis. Antibodies were raised to each of the four proteins: the one raised to protein III inhibited exochelin-mediated iron uptake into iron-deficiently grown cells by 70% but was ineffective against iron uptake into iron-sufficiently grown cells. As exochelin is taken up into both types of cells by a similar process, protein III may not be a simple receptor for iron uptake though the results imply some function connected with this process. The role of the other IREPs is less certain.  相似文献   

Proteomes of pathogenic Leptospira interrogans and L. borgpetersenii and the saprophytic L. biflexa were filtered through computational tools to identify Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs) that satisfy the required biophysical parameters for their presence on the outer membrane. A total of 133, 130, and 144 OMPs were identified in L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, and L. biflexa, respectively, which forms approximately 4% of proteomes. A holistic analysis of transporting and pathogenic characteristics of OMPs together with Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COGs) among the OMPs and their distribution across 3 species was made and put forward a set of 21 candidate OMPs specific to pathogenic leptospires. It is also found that proteins homologous to the candidate OMPs were also present in other pathogenic species of leptospires. Six OMPs from L. interrogans and 2 from L. borgpetersenii observed to have similar COGs while those were not found in any intermediate or saprophytic forms. These OMPs appears to have role in infection and pathogenesis and useful for anti‐leptospiral strategies.  相似文献   

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