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Summary The interaction between the dnaB protein of E. coli and the gene P product of bacteriophage was investigated by measuring the cleavage of closed circular phage DNA after infection of two temperature sensitive dnaB mutants, JG28 and To534 groP - B. Cleavage of superhelical DNA from a B mutant phage was observed after infection of either strain whereas superhelical DNA from a wild type phage was only cleaved after infection of JG28. When DNA synthesis in infected cells was blocked by incubation at the nonpermissive temperature, no inhibition of superhelical phage DNA cleavage was observed. It is concluded that in conditions where the dnaB protein has lost the capacity to function in nucleotide polymerization, it is capable of interacting with the replication gene products to introduce a break in the phage DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of the E. coli chromosome that carry the dnaB groPB534 or groPB612 alleles have been cloned into a cosmid vector. The resulting recombinant plasmids contained the genes uvrA, groP (B534 or B612), and lexA. Further subcloning into high copy number plasmids, during which the uvrA and lexA genes were removed successively, yielded a groPB534 and groPB612 DNA fragment of about 2.4 kb each. Both fragments contained an overlapping 1.8 kb segment of DNA in which the sites of all restriction enzymes tested were identical. The size of these dnaB gene fragments were further delimited by deletion analysis.In E. coli groPB534 in which wild-type and A mutants do not replicate (Georgopoulos and Herskowitz 1971) phage replication is rescued if the strain contains the groPB534 gene on high copy number plasmids. On the contrary, in E. coli groPB612, which is temperature-sensitive for its groP character, replication of and A is abolished at 30° C if the strain contains the groPB612 recombinant plasmid. On the other hand, replication of B remains unaffected whether or not the groP strains harbor the isogenic dnaB gene-containing plasmid. The results suggest that within the cell not only the quality but also the relative amounts of dnaB and P protein are crucial for phage replication.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the cellular level of RecA protein on the ability of E. coli K12 bacteria to (i) survive UV-irradiation (ii) promote UV-reactivation of UV-damaged phage (iii) induce prophage was determined in bacterial mutants with discrete increasing levels of RecA protein. The various levels of RecA protein were obtained by combining lexA and recA alleles. Except for the double mutant lexA3 recAo98, whose repair ability was 25% less than that observed in wild type bacteria, bacterial survival was proportional to the level of RecA protein measured after 90 min of incubation. In lexA3 recAo98 bacteria, RecA protein, at a constitutive high basal level, failed to compensate totally for the lack of LexA repressor cleavage; UV-reactivation of UV-damaged phage was not restored; yet, prophage was induced with 35% efficiency. Efficient UV-induction of prophage is linked to the induction of lexA-controlled host processes that repair the UV-damaged prophage.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction fragment of DNA carrying the P gene was cloned in the high copy number plasmid RSF2124. Cells harbouring this new plasmid RSF2124/E complement Pam80 phage. A lac promoter-operator region (lacP), produced by EcoRI digestion of plasmid pKB252, was inserted into RSF2124/glE such that induction of the lac promoter by IPTG or lactose leads to increased production of the P gene product. A high amount of P protein in E. coli cells results in a slow inhibition of bacterial DNA synthesis, suggesting that the initiation reaction is blocked by P protein. Synthesis of DNA proceeds normally under these conditions.Nonsuppressing groPA15 mutant bacteria which are unable to support the replication of wild-type (wt), acquire the ability to replicate Pam80 phage but not wt when they are transformed with a plasmid carrying the P gene. When harbouring a plasmid containing the mutant Pamber 80 gene, groPA15 mutants are able to support the replication of wt phage when infected at a high multiplicity. Pam80 phage does not multiply in these cells.  相似文献   

Summary The position of the metJBLF gene cluster in the transducing phage dmet102 was determined by ligation of its leftmost EcoRI fragment (102-1) to the BCDEF (nin5) EcoRI fragment of gtl (BC) and characterization of the resultant recombinant phage. The new transducing phage carries about 6kb of bacterial DNA which contains the entire met gene cluster including the promoter of its rightmost member metF. Reasonable estimates of the coding capacity required for the four genes indicate that most of the bacterial DNA of the recombinant phage is occupied by the met gene cluster.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated previously by DNA-DNA hybridization that induction of phage with wild type O and P genes results in an increase of bacterial DNA in the chromosomal region adjacent to the left of the prophage, that is a segment between gal and att (gal DNA) (Imae and Fukasawa, 1970). Evidence is presented in this report that such an increase of bacterial DNA is also seen in the region to the right of the prophage; a segment between bio and att (bio DNA). We postulate therefore that the bidirectional replication of DNA extends beyond the prophage and copies the neighboring host DNA until the prophage is excised. The model is verified by making use of excision-defective phages. The synthesis of gal DNA (or bio DNA) slows down to a halt within 40 min after the induction in the normal lysogens. The results are attributed to the prophage excision: (1) In lysogens for int, synthesis of the bacterial DNA continues for longer times. (2) The synthesis of the bacterial DNA slows down to a halt in lysogens for xis or b2 as in the control. However DNA synthesis also slows down in parallel so that the amount of the bacterial DNA relative to that of DNA synthesized by a given time stays constant from 20 min to 80 min. During that time the relative amount of the bacterial DNA rapidly decreases in the normal lysogen.The first article of this series is in J. molec. Biol. 54, 585 (1970).  相似文献   

Summary Bacteria with A-specific restriction plate unmodified phage with an efficiency of 10-2. One mutational event can produce restriction insensitive (sAo) mutants of . These differ from the original sA form of by no other property than their response to A-host specificity. Two-parental phage crosses involving sA and sAo, respectively, as non-selective marker allowed to map sA between genes cII and O. These data indicate that sA is the only site on DNA with affinity for A-specific restriction. DNA is thus an interesting substrate in in vitro A-specific restriction and modification. Using an assay based on the infectivity of DNA on helper-infected bacteria, A-specific modification activity was found in partially purified sonicates of bacteria with A-host specificity. In parallel to modification, 3H-methyl label from s-adenosylmethionine, the only cofactor required for modification, was transferred to unmodified DNA. No association of radioactivity was observed in control experiments with DNA from either modified ·A or from asAo mutant. These data suggest that A-specific modification is brought about by DNA methylation and that the sAo mutation not only abolished the affinity for A-specific restriction, but also for A-specific modification.  相似文献   

Summary A 24 kilobase pair region of the E. coli chromosome surrounding the dnaG gene has been cloned and characterized. A phage library was first constructed by ligating a Sau3A (GATC) partial DNA digest of the entire E. coli chromosome into the BamHI (G GATCC) cloning vector charon 28. Partial digestion was performed to generate overlapping chromosomal fragments and to allow one to walk along the chromosome. This library was probed with a nick-translated plasmid (pRRB1) containing the rpoD gene, which maps adjacent to dnaG at 66 min. Four bacteriophages: 3, 4, 5, 6 that hybridized to the probe were isolated from the 2,500 plaques screened. One phage recombinant 4, was shown to contain the dnaG gene. Three recombinant plasmids containing dnaG: pGL444, pGL445, pBS105, were constructed via subcloning of 4 using different restriction fragments. Plasmids pGL444 and pBS105 were subjected to transposon Tn5 mutagenesis and 88 Tn5 inserts into the cloned region were isolated. The location of the Tn5 inserts were mapped by restriction enzyme analysis of the plasmids and the insertion mutations were checked for ability to complement a dnaGts chromosomal marker at nonpermissive 40° C. In this manner a correlated physical and genetic map of dnaG was determined. A large number of Tn5 inserts map to a specific 900 b.p. region which we propose may be involved in the regulation of dnaG gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Transfer of a UV-damaged F sex factor to a recipient lysogen induces prophage development. Under these conditions RecA protein synthesis was induced and repressor cleaved, as observed upon direct induction, that is, when the recipient lysogen was directly exposed to UV-light. The efficiency of induction of RecA protein synthesis in recipient bacteria which had received an irradiated F-lac factor was about 80% of that measured upon direct induction. We observed the simultaneous disappearance of repressor and a slight production of cleavage fragments; quantitation by densitometric scanning of the autoradiogram after correction for the efficiency of transfer indicated that 55% of repressor was cleaved. Transfer of UV-damaged Hfr DNA failed to induce RecA protein synthesis. A phage vector carrying oriF, the cloned origin of F plasmid replication, after exposure to UV-light and infection of a recipient lysogen, induced RecA protein synthesis and a moderate but significant cleavage of repressor. Indirect induction by UV-damaged F sex factor or phage oriF resulted in biochemical cellular reactions similar to those observed upon direct induction. LexA repressor that negatively controls RecA protein synthesis appeared more susceptible to cleavage than did repressor.  相似文献   

Summary The region of the phage lambda chromosome containing the attachment site (P · P) and the genes int and xis, excised by the action of endonuclease R.EcoRI, has been inserted into the unique site for that enzyme on the promiscuous conjugative plasmid, RP4, generating the recombinant plasmid RP4att. Transformants containing the hybrid plasmid were recognised by their ability to allow efficient lysogenization by phage b2 (Weil and Signer, 1968; Echols et al., 1968) containing the mutant attachment site · P. The construction and properties of the hybrid plasmid RP4att are described.  相似文献   

Summary A phage has been isolated which specifically transduces the Escherichia coli pheS and pheT genes coding for the and subunits of the phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PRS). This phage transduces with high frequency (i) several temperaturesensitive PRS mutants to thermoresistance and (ii) a p-fluorophenylalanine resistant PRS mutant to sensitivity against this amino-acid analog. The in vitro PRS activities of such lysogens suggest that the and subunits coded by the transducing phage complement the mutant host PRS-subunits in vivo by means of formation of hybrid enzymes.The transducing phages were also used to infect UV light irradiated cells. The SDS-gel electrophoretic analysis of the proteins synthesized in such cells revealed that the phage codes at least for four different E. coli proteins. Two proteins with molecular weights of 94,000 and 38,000 daltons cross-reacted with an anti PRS serum and were thus identified as the and subunits of PRS, respectively. A third protein with w molecular weight of 22,000 daltons is identical with the ribosomal initiation factor IF3 (Springer et al., 1977b). The other protein (Mr 78,000) is still unidentified.  相似文献   

Summary T4 derivatives that carry T4 tail fiber genes 34–38 have been isolated and characterized by genetic, structural and functional analysis. 32 T4 recombinants were identified by a marker rescue screen of 310 T4 clones generated by restriction of partial cytosine-containing T4 DNA with either HindIII or EcoRI and ligation into appropriately cleaved vectors. These tests defined 15 recombinant classes with respect to the contiguous stretches of genome recovered. Restriction enzyme structural analysis identified 7 HindIII fragments and 7 EcoRI fragments, established a restriction map covering about 11 kb, and indicated the orientation of the DNA inserts within the vectors. The cloned tail fiber genes are expressed efficiently from promoters and complement in vivo T4 phage carrying amber mutations in the tail fiber genes. Polypeptides corresponding to gp34-gp38 have been detected by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 35S-labeled extracts of appropriate T4 recombinant infected UV-treated host cells. The genetic, structural and functional maps of the T4 tail fiber gene cluster have been correlated, and provide a rational approach to genetically directed DNA sequence analysis of genes 34–38 and their mutant variants that affect the assembly, structure and function of the tail fibers.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature sensitive dnaAts46 mutants, in which initiation of chromosome replication is blocked at 42° C, are unable to maintain a dv plasmid at the permissive temperature unless the plasmid carries a mutation in gene P of the type permitting phage to grow in groP (dnaB) bacteria. The growth rate of dnaAts46 mutants seems to be impaired by the presence of the dvP mutant plasmid.Cold sensitive dnaAcos mutants which overinitiate replication at low temperature and grow normally only at 40° and above, can maintain efficiently dvP + plasmids as well as dvP mutants. Cold sensitivity of dnaAcos mutants is suppressed by the presence of the plasmid dvP + and by certain dvP mutants, but not by others.The gene P product seems to act by reducing the initiation potential of both types of dnaA mutants, aggravating the initiation defect in dnaAts46 and correcting the overinitiation of dnaAcos.  相似文献   

Summary The purified bacteriophage replication proteins O and P sediment separately in metrizamide gradients of low ionic strength as dimers. Together they interact with each other forming an oligomer, composed of two molecules of O and one molecule of P. The O-P oligomer is active in the in vitro replication of ori-containing DNA.Equilibrium sedimentation in preformed metrizamide density gradients under conditions that separate DNA-protein complexes from free proteins was employed in order to study possible interactions among the replication proteins and ori DNA. It was found that the P protein binds specifically to ori-containing plasmid DNA only in the presence of O protein. About 100 molecules of O and 10 molecules of P form a complex with the ori DNA. The DNA-O-P complex was shown to be active in an in vitro replication system.Since the physical interactions between ori and O and between P and the Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein are well documented, the evidence for a O-P interaction presented in this paper provides the missing link in the molecular mechanism that enables to direct the host replication machinery to the replication of its own DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of E. coli RNA polymerase which can be bound to individual promoters on pgal and dgal phage DNA in a stable heparin-resistant form was measured by assessing its capacity to transcribe, upon addition of the nucleoside triphosphates, the RNA sequences starting at these promoters. These RNA species were analysed by competition hybridization to separated single strands of , pgal and dgal phage DNA.Individual promoters bind, at saturation, different numbers of polymerase molecules. From the amount of polymerase necessary to saturate all promoters (Fig. 3), from the proportions of RNA synthesized at the individual promoters (Table 1) and from the amounts of -32P-ATP or-GTP label incorporated into the different RNA species (Tables 2 and 3) we calculate polymerase storage capacities for the promoters as follows: gal: 6 molecules; l-strand specific: 3–5 molecules starting with ATP and 1 molecule starting with GTP; r-strand specific: 3–5 molecules starting with ATP (and perhaps one molecule starting with GTP); these estimates are lower limits and may be too small by a factor of up to three.The heparin resistant binding of six polymerase molecules to the gal promoter is dependent on CGA protein and cAMP, but ATP and GTP can allow one polymerase to bind to the same site or to a very close one.Several parameters of polymerase binding are different with the individual promoters tested.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid ColE1 plasmids called ColE1-cos-guaA or ColE1-cos-gal can be efficiently transduced into various E. coli K-12 cells through packaging into phage particles. Using these plasmids, repair of ultraviolet-light (UV) damaged ColE1 DNAs was studied in various UV sensitive E. coli K-12 mutants. (1) The host mutations uvrA and uvrB markedly reduced host-cell reactivation of UV-irradiated ColE1-cos-guaA. (2) Pre-existing hybrid ColE1 plasmids had no effect on the frequency of phage-mediated transduction of another differentially marked hybrid ColE1 DNAs. (3) ColE1-cos-guaA and ColE1-cos-gal DNAs could temporarily but not stably co-exist in E. coli K-12 recA cells. (4) The presence of ColE1-cos-gal in uvrB cells promoted the repair of super-infected UV-irradiated ColE1-cos-guaA about 7-fold. (5) The same ColE1-cos-gal plasmid in a uvrB recA double mutant did not have this promoting effect. These results indicate that the effect of resident hybrid ColE1 plasmids is manifested by the host recA + gen function(s) and suggest that ColE1 plasmid itself provides no recA +-like functions.  相似文献   

Summary Phage cl + gives clear plaques whereas phage cIind - gives turbid plaques on a lawn of a mutant strain of E. coli K12. This strain, called STS, carries mutation spr in a tif sfi genetic background. I hypothesize that upon temperate phage infection, STS bacteria spontaneously inactivate phage repressor by the same mechanism involved in normal lysogenic induction which results in obligatory lytic growth of +. The use of the STS mutant facilitates the isolation and genetic analysis of phage mutants with an abnormal response to lysogenic induction.  相似文献   

Summary Lambda prophage in auxotrophic lysogens can be induced by omission of one or combinations of the required amino acids from the culture medium. Such amino acid deprivation can result in nearly as effective induction of lambda as thymine deprivation. Prophage 424 is also induced equally effectively under both conditions although to a lesser extent than lambda. By contrast prophage 21 and i21 are differentially induced effectively by thymine deprivation and virtually not at all during amino acid deprivation. The same differential induction of 21 and equivalent induction of and 424 occur when all three prophages are present in the same lysogen. Increasing the levels of repressor with a cI carrying-plasmid prevented amino acidless induction of as did the ind mutation. A recA, but not a recB, mutation in the host prevented induction by amino acid deprivation. A recC mutant host showed increased spontaneous induction of and 21 prophages. The findings reported are used as an argument that the recA protease probably is not itself acting as the inducing protease and that a likely source of the observed specificity is an effector molecule. Different effector molecules may be produced in response to different exigent situations, to which the phage repressors may have evolved sensitivity. i80 was inducible both by amino acid and thymine deprivation.  相似文献   

The B-G antigens are highly polymorphic antigens encoded by genes located within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the chicken, the B system. The B-G antigens of the chicken MHC are found only on erythrocytes and correspond to neither MHC class I nor class II antigens. Several clones were selected from a gt11 erythroid cell expression library by means of rabbit antisera prepared against a purified, denatured B-G antigen. One clone chosen for further study, bg28, was confirmed as a B-G subregion cDNA clone by the results obtained through using it as a nucleic acid hybridization probe. In Northern hybridizations bg28 anneals specifically with erythroid cell mRNA. In Southern blot analyses the bg28 clone could be assigned to the B system-bearing microchromosome of the chicken karyotype on the basis of its hybridization to DNA from birds disomic, trisomic, and tetrasomic for this microchromosome. The cDNA clone was further mapped to the B-G subregion on the basis of its pattern of hybridization with DNA from birds of known B region recombinant haplotypes. Southern blot analyses of the hybridization of bg28 with genomic DNA from birds of known haplotypes strongly suggest that the B-G antigens are encoded by a highly polymorphic multigene family.  相似文献   

Summary Derepression of prophage in E. coli strain K12 results in constitutive synthesis of the enzymes directed by the nearby bacterial operon, gal (escape synthesis). Phage 82 fails to cause escape synthesis despite that it lysogenizes the strain K12 at the site identical to that of on the host chromosome. The reason for the observed difference between 82 and is studied in the light of the recent finding that escape synthesis in -lysogen is closely associated to phage-promoted replication of bacterial chromosome contiguous to the prophage including gal operon (escape replication). Excision-defective mutants from 82, 82int or 82xis, do initiate escape synthesis, suggesting that the prophage 82 is normally excised too quickly after induction to allow sufficient escape replication. In support of this, much more DNA hybridizable to bacterial DNA contained in gal accumulates after induction of 82int than after induction of 82. Studies with various hybrid phages between 82 and have suggested: 1. The occurrence of gal escape synthesis depends on the nature of the region between b2 and N in the map. 2. Regions of the 82 genome on both sides of the attachment site contribute independently to prevent gal escape synthesis. Implications of these results are discussed with regard to the factors involved in the prophage excision.The IIIrd article of this series is in Molec. Gen. Genet. 159, 185–190 (1978)  相似文献   

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