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Phosphorylation of rat brain calpastatins by protein kinase C.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calpastatin, the natural inhibitor of calpain, is present in rat brain in multiple forms, having different molecular masses, due to the presence of one (low Mr form) or four (high Mr form) repetitive inhibitory domains. Recombinant and native calpastatin forms are substrates of protein kinase C, which phosphorylates a single serine residue at their N-terminus. Furthermore, both low and high Mr calpastatins are phosphorylated by protein kinase C at the same site. These calpastatin forms are phosphorylated also by protein kinase A, although with a lower efficiency. The incorporation of a phosphate group determines an increase in the concentration of Ca2+ required to induce the formation of the calpain-calpastatin complex. This effect results in a large decrease of the inhibitory efficiency of calpastatins. We suggest that phosphorylation of calpastatin represents a mechanism capable to balance the actual amount of active calpastatin to the level of calpain to be activated.  相似文献   

Purified Na,K-ATPase after reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles catalyzed an active coupled transport with a ratio close to 3Na/2K. A uniform population of closed vesicles with average diameters close to 900 A are observed after freeze-fracture and thin sectioning. After freeze-fracture intramembranous particles with diameters of 80-100 A are observed. The data suggest that these particles correspond to Na,K-ATPase molecules.  相似文献   

The dihydropyridine receptor purified from rabbit skeletal muscle contains three proteins of 165, 55 and 32 kDa. cAMP kinase and protein kinase C phosphorylate the 165-kDa and the 55-kDa proteins. At identical concentrations of each protein kinase, cAMP kinase phosphorylates the 165-kDa protein faster than the 55-kDa protein. Protein kinase C phosphorylates preferentially the 55-kDa protein. cAMP kinase incorporates up to 1.6 mol phosphate/mol protein into the 165-kDa protein and 1 mol/mol into the 55-kDa protein upon prolonged incubation. At a physiological concentration of cAMP kinase 1 mol phosphate is incorporated/mol 165-kDa protein within 10 min, suggesting a physiological role of this phosphorylation. Protein kinase C incorporates up to 1 mol phosphate/mol into the 55-kDa protein and less than 1 mol/mol into the 165-kDa protein. Tryptic phosphopeptide analysis reveals that cAMP kinase phosphorylates two distinct peptides in the 165-kDa protein, whereas protein kinase C phosphorylates a single peptide in the 165-kDa protein. cAMP kinase and protein kinase C phosphorylate three and two peptides in the 55-kDa protein, respectively. Mixtures of the tryptic phosphopeptides derived from the 165-kDa and 55-kDa proteins elute according to the composite of the two elution profiles. These results suggest that the 165-kDa protein, which contains the binding sites for each class of calcium channel blockers and the basic calcium-conducting structure, is a specific substrate for cAMP kinase. The 55-kDa protein apparently contains sites preferentially phosphorylated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Chromosomal high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins have been examined as substrates for calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C. Protein kinase C from rat brain phosphorylated efficiently both HMG 14 and HMG 17 derived from calf thymus and the reactions were calcium/phospholipid-dependent. About 1 mol of 32P was incorporated per mol of HMG 14 and HMG 17. Phosphopeptide mapping suggested that the same major site was phosphorylated in both proteins at serine. The apparent Km values for HMG 14 and HMG 17 were about 5 μM. HMG 14, HMG 17 and the five histone H1 subtypes prepared from rat thymus, liver and spleen were phosphorylated by the kinase. HMG 14 and HMG 17 from transformed human lymphoblasts (Wi-L2) were also phosphorylated in a calcium/phospholipid-dependent manner. HMG 1 and HMG 2 from the tissues examined were found to be poor substrates for the kinase.  相似文献   

Association of protein kinase C with phospholipid vesicles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C (PKC), was purified from bovine brain by a modified procedure that provided sufficient quantities of stable protein for analysis of physical properties of protein-membrane binding. The binding of PKC to phospholipid vesicles of various compositions was investigated by light-scattering and fluorescence energy transfer measurements. The binding properties for membranes of low phosphatidylserine (PS) content were consistent with a peripheral membrane association; PKC showed Ca2+ -dependent binding to phospholipid vesicles containing phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, or phosphatidylglycerol. Membranes containing 0-20% PS (the remainder of the phospholipid was phosphatidylcholine) bound less protein than membranes containing greater than 20% PS; the factor limiting protein binding to membranes containing low PS appeared to be the availability of acidic phospholipids. Increasing the PS content above 20% did not increase the amount of membrane-bound protein at saturation, and the limiting factor was probably steric packing of protein on the membrane surface. The membranes bound about 1 g of protein/g of phospholipid at steric saturation. Binding was of relatively high affinity (Kd less than 5 nM), and the association rate was rapid on the time scale of the experiments. Addition of ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid to phospholipid-bound PKC caused dissociation of the complex, and the properties of this dissociation indicated an equilibrium binding of protein to membrane. However, only partial dissociation of PKC was achieved when the PS content of the vesicles exceeded 20%. A number of comparisons revealed that binding of protein to the membrane, even in the presence of phorbol esters, was insufficient for development of enzyme activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Incubation of protein kinase C (PKC) alpha with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and phospholipid vesicles promoted a time-dependent irreversible insertion of the enzyme into the vesicles and the generation of a calcium-independent kinase activity. Calcium neither caused insertion nor influenced the insertion induced by the phorbol ester. The effect was strongly dependent on the phosphatidylserine concentration in the vesicle and could also be supported by other anionic phospholipids. An analysis of the structure-activity relations of PKC activators for the calcium-independent kinase activity revealed marked relative differences in potencies for binding and for insertion. Compounds such as phorbol 13-myristate 12-acetate and mezerein were very efficient at inducing insertion. In contrast, 12-deoxyphorbol esters and diacylglycerol were relatively inefficient at inducing insertion, requiring higher concentrations than expected from their binding affinities. The insertion of PKC alpha depended substantially on the length of the aliphatic esters in the 12- and 13-positions of the phorbol derivatives, and once again, potencies for insertion and binding were not directly proportional. Our findings suggest two different sites for ligand interaction on the molecule of PKC alpha with different structure-activity requirements. We speculate that the differential ability of compounds to promote insertion could contribute to the documented marked differences in the biological behavior of PKC activators.  相似文献   

Inactivation of both brain and cardiac Na+ channels is modulated by activation of protein kinase C (PKC) but in different ways. Previous experiments had shown that phosphorylation of serine 1506 in the highly conserved loop connecting homologous domains III and IV (LIII/IV) of the brain Na+ channel alpha subunit is necessary for all effects of PKC. Here we examine the importance of the analogous serine for the different modulation of the rH1 cardiac Na+ channel. Serine 1505 of rH1 was mutated to alanine to prevent its phosphorylation, and the resulting mutant channel was expressed in 1610 cells. Electrophysiological properties of these mutant channels were indistinguishable from those of wild-type (WT) rH1 channels. Activation of PKC with 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG) reduced WT Na+ current by 49.3 +/- 4.2% (P < 0.01) but S1505A mutant current was reduced by only 8.5 +/- 5.4% (P = 0.29) when the holding potential was -94 mV. PKC activation also caused a -17-mV shift in the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation of the WT channel which was abolished in the mutant. Thus, phosphorylation of serine 1505 is required for both the negative shift in the inactivation curve and the reduction in Na+ current by PKC. Phosphorylation of S1505/1506 has common and divergent effects in brain and cardiac Na+ channels. In both brain and cardiac Na+ channels, phosphorylation of this site by PKC is required for reduction of peak Na+ current. However, phosphorylation of S1506 in brain Na+ channels slows and destabilizes inactivation of the open channel. Phosphorylation of S1505 in cardiac, but not S1506 in brain, Na+ channels causes a negative shift in the inactivation curve, indicating that it stabilizes inactivation from closed states. Since LIII/IV containing S1505/S1506 is completely conserved, interaction of the phosphorylated serine with other regions of the channel must differ in the two channel types.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase was solubilized from rat brain particulate fraction with the nonionic detergent, Nonidet P-40. Incubation of detergent-solubilized adenylate cyclase with liposomes prepared from egg yolk phosphatidylcholine results in virtually quantitative incorporation of the enzyme activity into phospholipid vesicles. Incorporation of adenylate cyclase into liposomes results in an approximately 10- to 20-fold purification relative to the solubilized preparation giving a final specific activity of about 50 nmol of cAMP min-1 mg-1. The detergent-solubilized adenylate cyclase migrates as a broad band between 14 and 33% sucrose on density gradient centrifugation, separated from the endogenous phospholipid. Following overnight incubation of the solubilized enzyme with exogenous phospholipid, all enzyme activity is found in a narrow band between 7 and 9% sucrose, co-migrating with the phospholipid. The adenylate cyclase could not be released from the liposomes by extraction with high ionic strength, low ionic strength-EDTA, or sonication. Treatment of liposomal adenylates cyclase with soluble proteases or immobilized trypsin destroys enzyme activity. Thus, it is likely that a functionally important part of the enzyme molecule is exposed on the outer surface of the liposome. Optimal conditions for the incorporation of adenylate cyclase into liposomes, and some effects of manipulating the phospholipid composition on enzyme activity are reported.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Yu FH  Surmeier DJ  Scheuer T  Catterall WA 《Neuron》2006,49(3):409-420
Neurotransmitters modulate sodium channel availability through activation of G protein-coupled receptors, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and protein kinase C (PKC). Voltage-dependent slow inactivation also controls sodium channel availability, synaptic integration, and neuronal firing. Here we show by analysis of sodium channel mutants that neuromodulation via PKA and PKC enhances intrinsic slow inactivation of sodium channels, making them unavailable for activation. Mutations in the S6 segment in domain III (N1466A,D) either enhance or block slow inactivation, implicating S6 segments in the molecular pathway for slow inactivation. Modulation of N1466A channels by PKC or PKA is increased, whereas modulation of N1466D is nearly completely blocked. These results demonstrate that neuromodulation by PKA and PKC is caused by their enhancement of intrinsic slow inactivation gating. Modulation of slow inactivation by neurotransmitters acting through G protein-coupled receptors, PKA, and PKC is a flexible mechanism of cellular plasticity controlling the firing behavior of central neurons.  相似文献   

I Lotan  N Dascal  Z Naor  R Boton 《FEBS letters》1990,267(1):25-28
Effects of purified subtypes I, II and III of protein kinase C (PKC) on voltage-dependent transient K+ (A) and Na+ channels were studied in Xenopus oocytes injected with chick brain RNA. The experiments were performed in the constant presence of 10 nM beta-phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Intracellular injection of subtype I (tau) reduced the A-current (IA), with no effect on Na+ current (INa). PKC subtype II (beta 1 + beta 2) and III (alpha) reduced both currents. PKC did not affect the response to kainate. Inactivated (heated) or unactivated (injected in the absence of PMA) enzyme and vehicle alone had no effect. Our results strongly suggest that INa and IA in vertebrate neurons are modulated by PKC; all PKC subtypes exert a similar effect on the A-channel while only subtypes II and III modulate the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Fluorescein-labeled (Na,K)ATPase reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles has been used to study conformational transitions. Addition of K+ or Na+ to the vesicle medium induces fluorescence changes characteristic of the E2(K) or E1Na states of fluorescein-labeled (Na,K)ATPase (Karlish, S.J.D. (1980) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 12, 111-136). The cation effects are exerted from the cytoplasmic surface of inside-out-oriented pumps. Equilibrium cation titrations and measurements of rates of conformational transitions have led to the following observations. 1) The rate of E2(K)----E1Na or E2(T1)----E1Na is 4-6-fold faster and E1K----E2(K) is about 2-fold slower in vesicles compared to enzyme. In equilibrium titrations the K0.5 for K+ is higher and that for Na+ is lower for vesicles compared to enzyme. The conformational equilibrium E(1)2K----E2(2K) is apparently shifted toward E(1)2K in vesicles compared to enzyme. 2) Diffusion potentials, positive-outside, induced with valinomycin or Li+ ionophore AS701, do not affect the rates of E2(T1)----E1Na or E1K----E2(K), or equilibrium cation titrations. This demonstrates that the conformational transitions E(1)2K----E2(2K) are voltage-insensitive steps, confirming a prediction based on transport experiments. 3) In vesicles containing choline, K+, Na+, or Li+, the rate of E2(T1)----E1Na increases in the order given. Vesicles with reconstituted fluorescein-labeled (Na,K)ATPase provide a convenient system for correlating directly properties of conformational transitions with cation transport.  相似文献   

N Dascal  I Lotan 《Neuron》1991,6(1):165-175
Phorbol esters and purified protein kinase C (PKC) have been shown to down-modulate the voltage-dependent Na+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with chick brain RNA. We used the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique to demonstrate that a Na+ channel expressed in oocytes injected with RNA coding for the alpha subunit of the channel alone (VA200, a variant of rat brain type IIA) is also inhibited by PKC activation. The inhibition of Na+ currents, expressed in oocytes injected with either alpha subunit RNA (rat) or total brain RNA (chick), is voltage-dependent, being stronger at negative potentials. It appears to result mainly from a shift in the activation curve to the right and possibly a decrease in the steepness of the voltage dependence of activation. There is little effect on the inactivation process and maximal Na+ conductance. Thus, PKC modulates the Na+ channel by a mechanism involving changes in voltage-dependent properties of its main, channel-forming alpha subunit.  相似文献   

Purified lamb kidney Na+, K+-ATPase, consisting solely of the Mτ = 95,000 catalytic subunit and the Mτ~- 44,000 glycoprotein, was solubilized with Triton X-100 and incorporated into unilamellar phospholipid vesicles. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of the vesicles showed intramembranous particles of approximately 90–100 Å in diameter, which are similar to those seen in the native Na+,K+-ATPase fraction. Digestion of the reconstituted proteins with neuraminidase indicated that the glycoprotein moiety of the Na+,K+-ATPase was asymmetrically oriented in the reconstituted vesicles, with greater than 85% of the total sialic acid directed toward the outside of the vesicles. In contrast, in the native Na+,K+-ATPase fraction, the glycoprotein was symmetrically distributed. Purified glycoprotein was also asymmetrically incorporated into phospholipid vesicles using Triton X-100 and without detergents as described by R. I. MacDonald and R. L. MacDonald (1975, J. Biol. Chem.250, 9206–9214). The glycoprotein-containing vesicles were 500–1000 Å in diameter, unilamellar, and, in contrast to the vesicles containing the Na+,K+-ATPase, did not contain the 90- to 100-Å intramembranous particles. These results indicate that the intramembranous particles observed in the native Na+,K+-ATPase and in the reconstituted Na+,K+-ATPase are not due to the glycoprotein alone, but represent either the catalytic subunit, or the catalytic plus the glycoprotein subunit.  相似文献   

Annexin II tetramer (A-IIt) is a member of the annexin family of Ca2+ and phospholipid-binding proteins. The ability of this protein to aggregate both phospholipid vesicles and chromaffin granules has suggested a role for the protein in membrane trafficking events such as exocytosis. A-IIt is also a major intracellular substrate of both pp60src and protein kinase C; however, the effect of phosphorylation on the activity of this protein is unknown. In the current report we have examined the effect of phosphorylation on the lipid vesicle aggregation activity of the protein. Protein kinase C catalyzed the incorporation of 2.1 +/- 0.8 mol of phosphate/mol of A-IIt. Phosphorylation of A-IIt caused a dramatic decrease in the rate and extent of lipid vesicle aggregation without significantly effecting Ca(2+)-dependent lipid binding by the phosphorylated protein. Phosphorylation of A-IIt increased the A50%(Ca2+) of lipid vesicle aggregation from 0.18 microM to 0.65 mM. Activation of A-IIt phosphorylation, concomitant with activation of lipid vesicle aggregation, inhibited both the rate and extent of lipid vesicle aggregation but did not cause disassembly of the aggregated lipid vesicles. These results suggest that protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of A-IIt blocks the ability of the protein to aggregate phospholipid vesicles without affecting the lipid vesicle binding properties of the protein.  相似文献   

Although the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays an important role in the modulation of alveolar liquid clearance, the precise mechanism of its regulation in alveolar epithelial cells is still under investigation. Protein kinase C (PKC) has been shown to alter ENaC expression and activity in renal epithelial cells, but much less is known about its role in alveolar epithelial cells. The objective of this study was to determine whether PKC activation modulates ENaC expression and transepithelial Na+ transport in cultured rat alveolar epithelial cells. Alveolar type II cells were isolated and cultured for 3 to 4 d before they were stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA 100 nmol/L) for 4 to 24 h. PMA treatment significantly decreased alpha, beta, and gammaENaC expression in a time-dependent manner, whereas an inactive form of phorbol ester had no apparent effect. This inhibitory action was seen with only 5-min exposure to PMA, which suggested that PKC activation was very important for the reduction of alphaENaC expression. The PKC inhibitors bisindolylmaleimide at 2 micromol/L and G?6976 at 2 micromol/L diminished the PMA-induced suppression of alphaENaC expression, while rottlerin at 1 micromol/L had no effect. PMA elicited a decrease in total and amiloride-sensitive current across alveolar epithelial cell monolayers. This decline in amiloride-sensitive current was not blocked by PKC inhibitors except for a partial inhibition with bisindolylmaleimide. PMA induced a decrease in rubidium uptake, indicating potential Na+-K+-ATPase inhibition. However, since ouabain-sensitive current in apically permeabilized epithelial cells was similar in PMA-treated and control cells, the inhibition was most probably related to reduced Na+ entry at the apical surface of the cells. We conclude that PKC activation modulates ENaC expression and probably ENaC activity in alveolar epithelial cells. Ca2+-dependent PKC is potentially involved in this response.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid receptor was purified from rat liver cytosol using a dexamethasone affinity column. The receptor thus purified displayed a single protein band when subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It had a molecular weight of 90,000 which was consistent with the reported value for other glucocorticoid receptor preparations. Incubation of the purified preparation with [gamma 32P] ATP and Mg2+ resulted in transfer of [32P] to the receptor protein indicating the presence of an endogeneous protein kinase activity capable of phosphorylating the receptor molecule. Phosphorylation of the glucocorticoid receptor by the endogenous protein kinase might serve as a direct mechanism for the activation of the receptor.  相似文献   

Opi1p is a negative regulator of expression of phospholipid-synthesizing enzymes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this work, we examined the phosphorylation of Opi1p by protein kinase C. Using a purified maltose-binding protein-Opi1p fusion protein as a substrate, protein kinase C activity was time- and dose-dependent, and dependent on the concentrations of Opi1p and ATP. Protein kinase C phosphorylated Opi1p on a serine residue. The Opi1p synthetic peptide GVLKQSCRQK, which contained a protein kinase C sequence motif at Ser(26), was a substrate for protein kinase C. Phosphorylation of a purified S26A mutant maltose-binding protein-Opi1p fusion protein by the kinase was reduced when compared with the wild-type protein. A major phosphopeptide present in purified wild-type Opi1p was absent from the purified S26A mutant protein. In vivo labeling experiments showed that the phosphorylation of Opi1p was physiologically relevant, and that the extent of phosphorylation of the S26A mutant protein was reduced by 50% when compared with the wild-type protein. The physiological consequence of the phosphorylation of Opi1p at Ser(26) was examined by measuring the effect of the S26A mutation on the expression of the phospholipid synthesis gene INO1. The beta-galactosidase activity driven by an INO1-CYC-lacI'Z reporter gene in opi1Delta mutant cells expressing the S26A mutant Opi1p was about 50% lower than that of cells expressing the wild-type Opi1p protein. These data supported the conclusion that phosphorylation of Opi1p at Ser(26) mediated the attenuation of the negative regulatory function of Opi1p on the expression of the INO1 gene.  相似文献   

Purified G-protein from vesicular stomatitis virus was reconstituted into egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles by detergent dialysis of octyl glucoside. A homogeneous population of reconstituted vesicles could be obtained, provided the protein to lipid ratio was high (about 0.3 mol % protein) and the detergent removal was slow. The reconstituted vesicles were assayed for fusion activity using electron microscopy and fluorescence energy transfer. The fusion activity mediated by the viral envelope protein was dependent upon pH, temperature, and target membrane lipid composition. Incubation of reconstituted vesicles at low pH with small unilamellar vesicles containing negatively charged lipids resulted in the appearance of large cochleate structures, as shown by electron microscopy using negative stain. This process did not cause leakage of a vesicle-encapsulated aqueous marker. The rate of fusion was pH-dependent with a pK of about 4 and the apparent energy of activation for the fusion was 16 +/- 1 kcal/mol. G-protein-mediated fusion showed a large preference for target membranes which contain phosphatidylserine or phosphatidic acid. Inclusion of 36% cholesterol in any of the lipid compositions had no effect on the rate of fusion. These reconstituted vesicles provide a system to study the mechanism of pH-dependent fusion induced by a viral spike protein.  相似文献   

Permeability properties of reconstituted rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were characterized by measuring efflux rates of [3H]inulin, [3H]choline+, 86Rb+, and 22Na+, as well as membrane potential changes using the voltage-sensitive probe, 3,3′-dipentyl-2,2′-oxacarbocyanine. Native vesicles were dissociated with deoxycholate and were reconstituted by dialysis. Energized Ca2+ accumulation was partially restored. About 12 of the reconstituted vesicles were found to be ‘leaky’, i.e., permeable to choline+ or Tris+ but not to inulin. The remaining reconstituted vesicles were ‘sealed’, i.e., impermeable to choline+, Tris+ and inulin. Sealed reconstituted vesicles could be further subdivided according to their K+, Na+ permeability. About 12, previously designated Type I, were readily permeable to K+ and Na+, indicating the presence of the K+, Na+ channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The remaining sealed vesicles (Type II) formed a permeability barrier to K+ and Na+, suggesting that they lacked the K+, Na+ channel. These studies show that the K+, Na+ channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum can be solubilized with detergent and reconstituted with retention of activity. Furthermore, our results suggest that part or all of the decreased Ca2+-loading efficiency of reconstituted vesicles may be due to the presence of a significant fraction of leaky vesicles.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of enzyme phosphorylation in vitro on the properties of diacylglycerol kinase. Diacylglycerol kinase and protein kinase C, both present as Mr-80,000 proteins, were highly purified from pig thymus cytosol. Protein kinase C phosphorylated diacylglycerol kinase (up to 1 mol of 32P/mol of enzyme) much more actively than did cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated diacylglycerol kinase showed a similar pI, approx. 6.8. Diacylglycerol kinase phosphorylated by either protein kinase C or cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was almost exclusively associated with phosphatidylserine membranes. In contrast, soluble kinase consisted of the non-phosphorylated form. The catalytic properties of the lipid kinase were not much affected by phosphorylation, although phosphorylation-linked binding with phosphatidylserine vesicles resulted in stabilization of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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