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正Unlike the previous circulating strains that were not associated with significant human pathology,recent circulating Zika virus(ZIKV)strains isolated during the 2015–2016Brazilian Outbreak are highly suspected to cause neuropathology,including disorders of fetal brain development and Guillain-Barrésyndrome(Broutet et al.,2016).Studies have revealed that recent ZIKV strains can be spread through maternal-fetal(Calvet et al.,2016)and sexual(Hills et al.,2016)transmission,in addition to the traditional route  相似文献   

JC virus is a ubiquitous human polyomavirus present in populations worldwide. Seven genotypes differing in DNA sequence by approximately 1-3% characterize three Old World population groups (African, European and Asian) as well as Oceania. It is possible to follow Old World populations into the New World by the JC virus genotypes they carried. The first population to settle in the Americas, the Native Americans, brought with them type 2A from northeast Asia. European settlers arriving after Columbus carried primarily type 1 and type 4. Africans brought by the slave trade carried type 3 and type 6.  相似文献   

BackgroundSince the major outbreak in 2007 in the Yap Island, Zika virus (ZIKV) causing dengue-like syndromes has affected multiple islands of the South Pacific region. In May 2015, the virus was detected in Brazil and then spread through South and Central America. In December 2015, ZIKV was detected in French Guiana and Martinique. The aim of the study was to evaluate the vector competence of the mosquito spp. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus from the Caribbean (Martinique, Guadeloupe), North America (southern United States), South America (Brazil, French Guiana) for the currently circulating Asian genotype of ZIKV isolated from a patient in April 2014 in New Caledonia.Conclusions/SignificanceThis study suggests that although susceptible to infection, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were unexpectedly low competent vectors for ZIKV. This may suggest that other factors such as the large naïve population for ZIKV and the high densities of human-biting mosquitoes contribute to the rapid spread of ZIKV during the current outbreak.  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito‐transmitted flavivirus, linked to microcephaly and fetal death in humans. Here, we investigate whether host‐mediated RNA editing of adenosines (ADAR) plays a role in the molecular evolution of ZIKV. Using complete coding sequences for the ZIKV polyprotein, we show that potential ADAR substitutions are underrepresented at the ADAR‐resistant GA dinucleotides of both the positive and negative strands, that these changes are spatially and temporally clustered (as expected of ADAR editing) for three branches of the viral phylogeny, and that ADAR mutagenesis can be linked to its codon usage. Furthermore, resistant GA dinucleotides are enriched on the positive (but not negative) strand, indicating that the former is under stronger purifying selection than the latter. ADAR editing also affects the evolution of the rhabdovirus sigma. Our study now documents that host ADAR editing is a mutation and evolutionary force of positive‐ as well as negative‐strand RNA viruses.  相似文献   


The opening of the Panama Canal?~?100 years ago created a migration pathway between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean for euryhaline marine organisms that can cope with passage through 65 km of freshwater. The Atlantic Tarpon, Megalops atlanticus, a prized recreational-fishery species in its native geographic range, where it is considered “Vulnerable” by the IUCN Red List, is one species that has swum through the canal to the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP). Since Tarpon were first seen in the Pacific locks of the Panama Canal in the late 1930′s,?~?25 y after the opening of the canal, and large adults were subsequently observed in Panama Bay over many years, it has remained unclear whether this species has become established and is reproducing in the TEP. Here we review evidence showing that the Tarpon’s TEP geographic range now extends along?~?2600 km of the coastline (Guatemala to the Colombia/Ecuador border), and that adults are moderately common in the southern parts of that area. General ichthyoplankton surveys in the TEP over the last 50 year have not detected any Tarpon larvae. Small juveniles have been found throughout the main part of its TEP range, up to 700 km from the Panama Canal. As such fish typically are sedentary and have never been seen inside the Panama Canal, they most likely were spawned in the TEP. At present, nothing is known about the basic ecology of Tarpon in the TEP and possible effects it might have on native ecosystems there.


This work reports the synthesis of quinolone-N-acylhydrazone hybrids, namely 6-R-N'-(2-hydxoxybenzylidene)-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carbohydrazide (R = H: 5a, F: 5b, Cl: 5c and Br: 5d), which exhibited excellent activity against arbovirus Zika (ZIKV) and Chikungunya (CHIKV). In vitro screening towards ZIKV and CHIKV inhibition revealed that all substances have significant antiviral activity, most of them being more potent than standard Ribavirin (5a-d: EC50 = 0.75–0.81 μM, Ribavirin: EC50 = 3.95 μM for ZIKV and 5a-d: 1.16–2.85 μM, Ribavirin: EC50 = 2.42 μM for CHIKV). The quinolone-N-acylhydrazone hybrids were non-toxic against Vero cells, in which compounds 5c and 5d showed the best selectivities (SI = 1410 and 630 against ZIKV and CHIKV, respectively). Antiviral activity was identified by inhibition of viral RNA production in a dose-dependent manner. In the evaluation of the time of addition of the compounds, we observed that 5b and 5c remain with strong effect even in the addition for 12 h after infection. The above results indicate that quinolone-N-acylhydrazones represent a new and promising class to be further investigated as anti-ZIKV and anti-CHIKV agents.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) has a circular DNA genome of about 3,200 base pairs. Economical use of the genome with overlapping reading frames may have led to severe constraints on nucleotide substitutions along the genome and to highly variable rates of substitution among nucleotide sites. Nucleotide sequences from 13 complete HBV genomes were compared to examine such variability of substitution rates among sites and to examine the phylogenetic relationships among the HBV variants. The maximum likelihood method was employed to fit models of DNA sequence evolution that can account for the complexity of the pattern of nucleotide substitution. Comparison of the models suggests that the rates of substitution are different in different genes and codon positions; for example, the third codon position changes at a rate over ten times higher than the second position. Furthermore, substantial variation of substitution rates was detected even after the effects of genes and codon positions were corrected; that is, rates are different at different sites of the same gene or at the same codon position. Such rates after the correction were also found to be positively correlated at adjacent sites, which indicated the existence of conserved and variable domains in the proteins encoded by the viral genome. A multiparameter model validates the earlier finding that the variation in nucleotide conservation is not random around the HBV genome. The test for the existence of a molecular clock suggests that substitution rates are more or less constant among lineages. The phylogenetic relationships among the viral variants were examined. Although the data do not seem to contain sufficient information to resolve the details of the phylogeny, it appears quite certain that the serotypes of the viral variants do not reflect their genetic relatedness. Correspondence to: Z. Yang  相似文献   

During the 2015–2017 Zika epidemic, dengue and chikungunya–two other viral diseases with the same vector as Zika–were also in circulation. Clinical presentation of these diseases can vary from person to person in terms of symptoms and severity, making it difficult to differentially diagnose them. Under these circumstances, it is possible that numerous cases of Zika could have been misdiagnosed as dengue or chikungunya, or vice versa. Given the importance of surveillance data for informing epidemiological analyses, our aim was to quantify the potential extent of misdiagnosis during this epidemic. Using basic principles of probability and empirical estimates of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, we generated revised estimates of reported cases of Zika that accounted for the accuracy of diagnoses made on the basis of clinical presentation with or without laboratory confirmation. Applying this method to weekly reported case data from 43 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, we estimated that 944,700 (95% CrI: 884,900–996,400) Zika cases occurred when assuming all confirmed cases were diagnosed using molecular methods versus 608,400 (95% CrI: 442,000–821,800) Zika cases that occurred when assuming all confirmed cases were diagnosed using serological methods. Our results imply that misdiagnosis was more common in countries with proportionally higher reported cases of dengue and chikungunya, such as Brazil. Given that Zika, dengue, and chikungunya appear likely to co-circulate in the Americas and elsewhere for years to come, our methodology has the potential to enhance the interpretation of passive surveillance data for these diseases going forward. Likewise, our methodology could also be used to help resolve transmission dynamics of other co-circulating diseases with similarities in symptomatology and potential for misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

We examine Zika virus (ZIKV) from an ecological perspective and with a focus on the Americas. We assess (1) the role of wildlife in ZIKV disease ecology, (2) how mosquito behavior and biology influence disease dynamics, and (3) how nontarget species and ecosystems may be impacted by vector control programs. Our review suggests that free-ranging, non-human primates may be involved in ZIKV transmission in the Old World; however, other wildlife species likely play a limited role in maintaining or transmitting ZIKV. In the Americas, a zoonotic cycle has not yet been definitively established. Understanding behaviors and habitat tolerances of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, two ZIKV competent vectors in the Americas, will allow more accurate modeling of disease spread and facilitate targeted and effective control efforts. Vector control efforts may have direct and indirect impacts to wildlife, particularly invertebrate feeding species; however, strategies could be implemented to limit detrimental ecological effects.  相似文献   

Summary In light of previous data, which suggested thatAc-like sequences might have undergone a significant radiation in the recent past, I examined the copy number ofAc-like sequences in representatives of all theZea taxa, both maize and teosinte. The maize and teosinte samples contained approximately equal numbers ofAc-like sequences. FewAc-like sequences were in unmethylated regions of DNA. Unmethylated elements were distributed randomly among both maize and teosinte lines. The appearance in a line of a discrete band resulting from digestion with one methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme was correlated with the appearance of discrete bands with other methylation-sensitive bands. This suggests that individualAc-like elements are occasionally demethylated in many sites. No unmethylated element having restriction fragments of the lengths predicted from the publishedAc sequence was seen in the approximately 326 elements examined.  相似文献   

A panel of national experts was convened by the Brazilian Infectious Diseases Society in order to organize the national recommendations for the management of zika virus infection. The focus of this document is the diagnosis, both clinical and laboratorial, and appropriate treatment of the diverse manifestations of this infection, ranging from acute mild disease to Guillain-Barré syndrome and also microcephaly and congenital malformations.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is the most widely distributed of the encephalitic flaviviruses and is a major cause of encephalitis, with isolates obtained from all continents, apart from Antarctica. Subsequent to its divergence from the other members of the Japanese encephalitis virus complex, presumably in Africa, WNV has diverged into individual lineages that mostly correspond with geographic distribution. Here we elucidate the phylogeography and evolutionary history of isolates from lineage 1 of WNV. Interestingly, there are many examples of the same amino acid having evolved independently on multiple occasions. In Africa, WNV exists in an endemic cycle, whereas it is epidemic in Europe, being reintroduced regularly from Africa either directly (in western Europe) or via the Middle East (in eastern Europe). Significantly, introduction into other geographic areas has occurred on one occasion only in each region, leading to subsequent establishment and expansion of the virus in these areas. Only one endemic genotype each is present in India and Australia, suggesting that WNV was successfully introduced into these locations once only. Each introduction occurred many centuries ago, probably due to trade and exploration during the 19th century. Likewise, in the Americas, WNV was successfully introduced in 1999 and subsequently became endemic across most temperate regions of North America (NA). In contrast to previous suggestions, an isolate from the epidemic in Israel in 1998 was not the direct progenitor of the NA epidemic; rather, both epidemics originated from the same (unknown) location.  相似文献   

Labral spines are sharp projections of the apertural lip found in some marine gastropods that are used to penetrate hard-shelled prey. The majority of gastropod genera that contain labral spine-bearing species are found in the subfamily Ocenebrinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae). To reconstruct the evolutionary history of labral spine-bearing and labral spine-lacking gastropods in the eastern Pacific (EP) Ocean, partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase I and 12S rRNA) were obtained from representative taxa. Despite high nucleotide bias, a variety of phylogenetic reconstruction methods produced the same tree topology. The traditional taxonomic view that all "Nucella-like" spine-bearing taxa in the EP belong to a monophyletic "Acanthina" is rejected due to nonmonophyly of this group. The more recently recognized "Acanthinucella" is also not monophyletic, and we therefore propose the new genus Mexacanthina for two Mexican species formerly assigned to Acanthinucella. The genus Ocinebrina, which first appears in the middle Eocene, is not a stem EP ocenebrine lineage and may also not be a monophyletic clade. Tracing the evolutionary history of labral spines among extant lineages indicates that the absence of a labral spine is ancestral for all EP ocenebrines. Ancestral conditions could not be resolved unambiguously for all nodes of the phylogeny based on extant taxa. However, by jointly considering both molecular phylogenetic relationships and the phylogenetic affinities of several extinct taxa, all remaining character state transformation can be inferred unambiguously. Based on this analysis, a labral spine likely evolved independently in at least four lineages of EP ocenebrines. Although homoplasy appears to characterize labral spine evolution among ocenebrine gastropods, the structural position of a labral spine was evolutionarily altered in one lineage, indicating that different types of labral spines do not necessarily reflect convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Since first isolation in 1947 from the Zika forest in Uganda, Zika virus(ZIKV) has been principally known as a benign agent associated with sporadic human infections in a restricted number of African countries. However, during 2015–2016,an Asian lineage of ZIKV caused an unprecedentedly large outbreak in the Americas and sizeable numbers of exported cases across the globe. In this review, we critically appraise the recent advances in molecular epidemiological studies of ZIKV performed to date, and we highlight the pivotal role played by genomic surveillance in elucidating the origins,dissemination and evolution of the Asian lineage of ZIKV in Asia and in the Americas.  相似文献   

Zika virus (ZIKV) poses a serious threat to global public health due to its close relationship with neurological and male reproductive damage. However, deficiency of human testicular samples hinders the in-depth research on ZIKV-induced male reproductive system injury. Organoids are relatively simple in vitro models, which could mimic the pathological changes of corresponding organs. In this study, we constructed a 3D testicular organoid model using primary testicular cells from adult BALB/c mice. Similar to the testis, this organoid system has a blood-testis barrier (BTB)-like structure and could synthesize testosterone. ZIKV tropism of testicular cells and ZIKV-induced pathological changes in testicular organoid was also similar to that in mammalian testis. Therefore, our results provide a simple and reproducible in vitro testicular model for the investigations of ZIKV-induced testicular injury.  相似文献   

寨卡病毒(zikavirus,ZIKV)发现距今已有70多年。早期的患者临床症状较轻,通常为自限性疾病。近年来,由于基因突变使ZIKV致病力逐渐增强,导致严重的神经系统并发症,引起了人们普遍关注。目前,全球尚无针对性的疫苗和药物,ZIKV的暴发、流行已经成为全球公共卫生问题。为了有效防控ZIKV感染,许多国家和地区加快了对ZIKV的研究,并取得了一定的成果,现就ZIKV的生物学特征、流行特点、致病机制及防控措施等作一概述。  相似文献   

Zika病毒是一种新现虫媒黄病毒,近期在美洲暴发流行,并有向全球扩散的趋势,已成为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。Zika病毒感染的临床诊断主要依据实验室检测结果。本文就Zika病毒的核酸检测、抗原和抗体检测、病毒分离鉴定等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of Zika virus (ZIKV) infections in Oceania's islands and the Americas were characterized by high numbers of cases and the spread of the virus to new areas. To better understand the origin of ZIKV, its epidemic history was reviewed. Although the available records and information are limited, two major genetic lineages of ZIKV were identified in previous studies. However, in this study, three lineages were identified based on a phylogenetic analysis of all virus sequences from GenBank, including those of the envelope protein (E) and non-structural protein 5 (NS5) coding regions. The spatial and temporal distributions of the three identified ZIKV lineages and the recombination events and mechanisms underlying their divergence and evolution were further elaborated. The potential migration pathway of ZIKV was also characterized. Our findings revealed the central roles of two African countries, Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire, in ZIKV evolution and genotypic divergence. Furthermore, our results suggested that the outbreaks in Asia and the Pacific islands originated from Africa. The results provide insights into the geographic origins of ZIKV outbreaks and the spread of the virus, and also contribute to a better understanding of ZIKV evolution, which is important for the prevention and control of ZIKV infections.

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