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In all six members of TRPV channel subfamily, there is an ankyrin repeat domain (ARD) in their intracellular Ntermini. Ankyrin (ANK) repeat, a common motif with typically 33 residues in each repeat, is primarily involved in protein-protein interactions. Despite the sequence similarity among the ARDs of TRPV channels, the structure of TRPV3-ARD, however, remains unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of TRPV3-ARD solved at 1.95 ? resolution, which reveals six-ankyrin repeats. While overall structure of TRPV3-ARD is similar to ARDs from other members of TRPV subfamily; it, however, features a noticeable finger 3 loop that bends over and is stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic packing, instead of being flexible as seen in known TRPV-ARD structures. Electrophysiological recordings demonstrated that mutating key residues R225, R226, Q255, and F249 of finger 3 loop altered the channel activities and pharmacology. Taken all together, our findings show that TRPV3-ARD with characteristic finger 3 loop likely plays an important role in channel function and pharmacology.  相似文献   

Consensus-designed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins are thermodynamically very stable. The structural analysis of the designed AR protein E3_5 revealed that this stability is due to a regular fold with highly conserved structural motifs and H-bonding networks. However, the designed AR protein E3_19 exhibits a significantly lower stability than E3_5 (9.6 vs. 14.8 kcal/mol), despite 88% sequence identity. To investigate the structural correlations of this stability difference between E3_5 and E3_19, we determined the crystal structure of E3_19 at 1.9 A resolution. E3_19 as well has a regular AR domain fold with the characteristic H-bonding patterns. All structural features of the E3_5 and E3_19 molecules appear to be virtually identical (RMSD(Calpha) approximately 0.7 A). However, clear differences are observed in the surface charge distribution of the two AR proteins. E3_19 features clusters of charged residues and more exposed hydrophobic residues than E3_5. The atomic coordinates of E3_19 have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank. PDB ID: 2BKG.  相似文献   

The TRPV ion channels mediate responses to many sensory stimuli including heat, low pH, neuropeptides, and chemical ligands. All TRPV subfamily members contain an intracellular N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ARD), a prevalent protein interaction motif. The 1.6-A crystal structure of the TRPV2-ARD, with six ankyrin repeats, reveals several atypical structural features. Repeats one through three display unusually long and flexible fingers with a large number of exposed aromatic residues, whereas repeats five and six have unusually long outer helices. Furthermore, a large counterclockwise twist observed in the stacking of repeats four and five breaks the regularity of the domain, altering the shape of surfaces available for interactions with proteins or other cellular ligands. Both solution studies and crystal packing interactions indicate that the TRPV2-ARD does not form homo-oligomers, suggesting that the ARD of TRPV ion channels may be used for interactions with regulatory factors rather than in promoting tetrameric assembly of the ion channels.  相似文献   

The 118 residue protein myotrophin is composed of four ankyrin repeats that stack linearly to form an elongated, predominantly α-helical structure. The protein folds via a two-state mechanism at equilibrium. The free energy change of unfolding in water (ΔGU-NH2O) is 5.8 kcal.mol−1. The chevron plot reveals that the folding reaction has a broad energy barrier and that it conforms to a two-state mechanism. The rate of folding in water (kfH2O) of 95 s−1 is several orders of magnitude slower than the value predicted by topological calculations. Proline mutants were used to show that the minor kinetic phases observed for myotrophin arise from heterogeneity of the ground states due to cis-trans isomerisation of prolyl as well as non-prolyl peptide bonds. Myotrophin is the first example of a naturally occurring ankyrin repeat protein that conforms to an apparent two-state mechanism at equilibrium and under kinetic conditions, making it highly suitable for high resolution protein folding studies.  相似文献   

CARP是新发现的具有锚定重复序列,并在哺乳类动物中呈心肌特异性表达的蛋白,它在肌肉发育过程中对转录调控、肌纤维组装和拉伸信号传递等方面发挥重要的作用。本文综述了CARP基因与蛋白质结构、CARP的表达模式及其表达调控、参与调节CARP的细胞内信号转导通路、CARP在肌肉发育中的作用,以及MARP家族其他成员。  相似文献   

The ankyrin repeat as molecular architecture for protein recognition   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
The ankyrin repeat is one of the most frequently observed amino acid motifs in protein databases. This protein-protein interaction module is involved in a diverse set of cellular functions, and consequently, defects in ankyrin repeat proteins have been found in a number of human diseases. Recent biophysical, crystallographic, and NMR studies have been used to measure the stability and define the various topological features of this motif in an effort to understand the structural basis of ankyrin repeat-mediated protein-protein interactions. Characterization of the folding and assembly pathways suggests that ankyrin repeat domains generally undergo a two-state folding transition despite their modular structure. Also, the large number of available sequences has allowed the ankyrin repeat to be used as a template for consensus-based protein design. Such projects have been successful in revealing positions responsible for structure and function in the ankyrin repeat as well as creating a potential universal scaffold for molecular recognition.  相似文献   

Full-consensus designed ankyrin repeat proteins were designed with one to six identical repeats flanked by capping repeats. These proteins express well in Escherichia coli as soluble monomers. Compared to our previously described designed ankyrin repeat protein library, randomized positions have now been fixed according to sequence statistics and structural considerations. Their stability increases with length and is even higher than that of library members, and those with more than three internal repeats are resistant to denaturation by boiling or guanidine hydrochloride. Full denaturation requires their heating in 5 M guanidine hydrochloride. The folding and unfolding kinetics of the proteins with up to three internal repeats were analyzed, as the other proteins could not be denatured. Folding is monophasic, with a rate that is nearly identical for all proteins (∼ 400-800 s− 1), indicating that essentially the same transition state must be crossed, possibly the folding of a single repeat. In contrast, the unfolding rate decreases by a factor of about 104 with increasing repeat number, directly reflecting thermodynamic stability in these extraordinarily slow denaturation rates. The number of unfolding phases also increases with repeat number. We analyzed the folding thermodynamics and kinetics both by classical two-state and three-state cooperative models and by an Ising-like model, where repeats are considered as two-state folding units that can be stabilized by interacting with their folded nearest neighbors. This Ising model globally describes both equilibrium and kinetic data very well and allows for a detailed explanation of the ankyrin repeat protein folding mechanism.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeats (AR) are 33-residue motifs containing a beta-turn, followed by two alpha-helices connected by a loop. AR occur in tandem arrangements and stack side-by-side to form elongated domains involved in very different cellular tasks. Recently, consensus libraries of AR repeats were constructed. Protein E1_5 represents a member of the shortest library, and consists of only a single consensus repeat flanked by designed N- and C-terminal capping repeats. Here we present a biophysical characterization of this AR domain. The protein is compactly folded, as judged from the heat capacity of the native state and from the specific unfolding enthalpy and entropy. From spectroscopic data, thermal and urea-induced unfolding can be modeled by a two-state transition. However, scanning calorimetry experiments reveal a deviation from the two-state behavior at elevated temperatures. Folding and unfolding at 5 degrees C both follow monoexponential kinetics with k(folding) = 28 sec(-1) and k(unfolding) = 0.9 sec(-1). Kinetic and equilibrium unfolding parameters at 5 degrees C agree very well. We conclude that E1_5 folds in a simple two-state manner at low temperatures while equilibrium intermediates become populated at higher temperatures. A chevron-plot analysis indicates that the protein traverses a very compact transition state along the folding/unfolding pathway. This work demonstrates that a designed minimal ankyrin repeat protein has the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a compactly folded protein, and explains the favorable properties of the consensus framework.  相似文献   

Proteins containing stretches of repeating amino acid sequences are prevalent throughout nature, yet little is known about the general folding and assembly mechanisms of these systems. Here we propose myotrophin as a model system to study the folding of ankyrin repeat proteins. Myotrophin is folded over a large pH range and is soluble at high concentrations. Thermal and urea denaturation studies show that the protein displays cooperative two-state folding properties despite its modular nature. Taken together with previous studies on other ankyrin repeat proteins, our data suggest that the two-state folding pathway may be characteristic of ankyrin repeat proteins and other integrated alpha-helical repeat proteins in general.  相似文献   

Full-consensus designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins), in which randomized positions of the previously described DARPin library have been fixed, are characterized. They show exceptionally high thermodynamic stabilities, even when compared to members of consensus DARPin libraries and even more so when compared to naturally occurring ankyrin repeat proteins. We determined the crystal structure of a full-consensus DARPin, containing an N-capping repeat, three identical internal repeats and a C-capping repeat at 2.05 Å resolution, and compared its structure with that of the related DARPin library members E3_5 and E3_19. This structural comparison suggests that primarily salt bridges on the surface, which arrange in a network with almost crystal-like regularity, increase thermostability in the full-consensus NI3C DARPin to make it resistant to boiling. In the crystal structure, three sulfate ions complement this network. Thermal denaturation experiments in guanidine hydrochloride directly indicate a contribution of sulfate binding to the stability, providing further evidence for the stabilizing effect of surface-exposed electrostatic interactions and regular charge networks. The charged residues at the place of randomized residues in the DARPin libraries were selected based on sequence statistics and suggested that the charge interaction network is a hidden design feature of this protein family. Ankyrins can therefore use design principles from proteins of thermophilic organisms and reach at least similar stabilities.  相似文献   

We describe an efficient way to generate combinatorial libraries of stable, soluble and well-expressed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins. Using a combination of sequence and structure consensus analyses, we designed a 33 amino acid residue AR module with seven randomized positions having a theoretical diversity of 7.2x10(7). Different numbers of this module were cloned between N and C-terminal capping repeats, i.e. ARs designed to shield the hydrophobic core of stacked AR modules. In this manner, combinatorial libraries of designed AR proteins consisting of four to six repeats were generated, thereby potentiating the theoretical diversity. All randomly chosen library members were expressed in soluble form in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli in amounts up to 200 mg per 1 l of shake-flask culture. Virtually pure proteins were obtained in a single purification step. The designed AR proteins are monomeric and display CD spectra identical with those of natural AR proteins. At the same time, our AR proteins are highly thermostable, with T(m) values ranging from 66 degrees C to well above 85 degrees C. Thus, our combinatorial library members possess the properties required for biotechnological applications. Moreover, the favorable biophysical properties and the modularity of the AR fold may account, partly, for the abundance of natural AR proteins.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins are cation channels composed of a transmembrane domain flanked by large N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic domains. All members of the vanilloid family of TRP channels (TRPV) possess an N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ARD). The ARD of mammalian TRPV6, an important regulator of calcium uptake and homeostasis, is essential for channel assembly and regulation. The 1.7 A crystal structure of the TRPV6-ARD reveals conserved structural elements unique to the ARDs of TRPV proteins. First, a large twist between the fourth and fifth repeats is induced by residues conserved in all TRPV ARDs. Second, the third finger loop is the most variable region in sequence, length and conformation. In TRPV6, a number of putative regulatory phosphorylation sites map to the base of this third finger. Size exclusion chromatography and crystal packing indicate that the TRPV6-ARD does not assemble as a tetramer and is monomeric in solution. Adenosine triphosphate-agarose and calmodulin-agarose pull-down assays show that the TRPV6-ARD does not interact with either ligand, indicating a different functional role for the TRPV6-ARD than in the paralogous thermosensitive TRPV1 channel. Similar biochemical findings are also presented for the highly homologous mammalian TRPV5-ARD. The implications of the structural and biochemical data on the role of the ankyrin repeats in different TRPV channels are discussed.  相似文献   

Two designed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins (E3_5 and E3_19) are high homologous (with about 87% sequence identity) and their crystal structures have a Calpha atom-positional root-mean-square difference of about 0.14 nm. However, it was found that E3_5 is considerably more stable than E3_19 in guanidinium hydrochloride and thermal denaturation experiments. With the goal of providing insights into the various factors contributing to the stabilities of the designed AR proteins and suggesting possible mutations to enhance their stabilities, homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with explicit solvent have been performed. Because the crystal structure of E3_19 was solved later than that of E3_5, a homology model of E3_19 based on the crystal structure of E3_5 was also used in the simulations. E3_5 shows a very stable trajectory in both crystal and solution simulations. In contrast, the C-terminal repeat of E3_19 unfolds in the simulations starting from either the modeled structure or the crystal structure, although it has a sequence identical to that of E3_5. A continuum electrostatic model was used to estimate the effect of single mutations on protein stability and to study the interaction between the internal ARs and the C-terminal capping AR. Mutations involving charged residues were found to have large effects on stability. Due to the difference in charge distribution in the internal ARs of E3_19 and E3_5, their interaction with the C-terminal capping AR is less favorable in E3_19. The simulation trajectories suggest that the stability of the designed AR proteins can be increased by optimizing the electrostatic interactions within and between the different repeats.  相似文献   

TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) is an important enzyme in the regulation of cellular antiviral effects. TBK1 regulates the activity of the interferon regulatory factors IRF3 and IRF7, thereby playing a key role in type I interferon (IFN) signaling pathways. The structure of TBK1 consists of an N-terminal kinase domain, a middle ubiquitin-like domain (ULD), and a C-terminal elongated helical domain. It has been reported that the ULD of TBK1 regulates kinase activity, playing an important role in signaling and mediating interactions with other molecules in the IFN pathway. In this study, we present the crystal structure of the ULD of human TBK1 and identify several conserved residues by multiple sequence alignment. We found that a hydrophobic patch in TBK1, containing residues Leu316, Ile353, and Val382, corresponding to the “Ile44 hydrophobic patch” observed in ubiquitin, was conserved in TBK1, IκB kinase epsilon (IKK?/IKKi), IκB kinase alpha (IKKα), and IκB kinase beta (IKKβ). In comparison with the structure of the IKKβ ULD domain of Xenopus laevis, we speculate that the Ile44 hydrophobic patch of TBK1 is present in an intramolecular binding surface between ULD and the C-terminal elongated helices. The varying surface charge distributions in the ULD domains of IKK and IKK-related kinases may be relevant to their specificity for specific partners.  相似文献   

The frequently observed ankyrin repeat motif represents a structural scaffold evolved for mediating protein-protein interactions. As such, these repeats modulate a diverse range of cellular functions. We thermodynamically characterized the heterodimeric GA-binding protein (GABP) alphabeta complex and focused specifically on the interaction mediated by the ankyrin repeat domain of the GABPbeta. Our isothermal titration calorimetric analysis of the interaction between the GABP subunits determined an association constant (K(A)) of 6.0 x 10(8) M(-1) and that the association is favorably driven by a significant change in enthalpy (DeltaH) and a minor change in entropy (-TDeltaS). A total of 16 GABPbeta interface residues were chosen for alanine scanning mutagenesis. The calorimetrically measured differences in the free energy of binding were compared to computationally calculated values resulting in a correlation coefficient r = 0.71. We identified three spatially contiguous hydrophobic and aromatic residues that form a binding free energy hot spot (DeltaDeltaG > 2.0 kcal/mol). One residue provides structural support to the hot spot residues. Three non-hot spot residues are intermediate contributors (DeltaDeltaG approximately 1.0 kcal/mol) and create a canopy-like structure over the hot spot residues to possibly occlude solvent and orientate the subunits. The remaining interface residues are located peripherally and have weak contributions. Finally, our mutational analysis revealed a significant entropy-enthalpy compensation for this interaction.  相似文献   

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