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Dioecy, a breeding system where individual plants are exclusively male or female, has evolved repeatedly. Extensive theory describes when dioecy should arise from hermaphroditism, frequently through gynodioecy, where females and hermaphrodites coexist, and when gynodioecy should be stable. Both pollinators and herbivores often prefer the pollen‐bearing sex, with sex‐specific fitness effects that can affect breeding system evolution. Nursery pollination, where adult insects pollinate flowers but their larvae feed on plant reproductive tissues, is a model for understanding mutualism evolution but could also yield insights into plant breeding system evolution. We studied a recently established nursery pollination interaction between native Hadena ectypa moths and introduced gynodioecious Silene vulgaris plants in North America to assess whether oviposition was biased toward females or hermaphrodites, which traits were associated with oviposition, and the effect of oviposition on host plant fitness. Oviposition was hermaphrodite‐biased and associated with deeper flowers and more stems. Sexual dimorphism in flower depth, a trait also associated with oviposition on the native host plant (Silene stellata), explained the hermaphrodite bias. Egg‐receiving plants experienced more fruit predation than plants that received no eggs, but relatively few fruits were lost, and egg receipt did not significantly alter total fruit production at the plant level. Oviposition did not enhance pollination; egg‐receiving flowers usually failed to expand and produce seeds. Together, our results suggest that H. ectypa oviposition does not exert a large fitness cost on host plants, sex‐biased interactions can emerge from preferences developed on a hermaphroditic host species, and new nursery pollination interactions can arise as negative or neutral rather than as mutualistic for the plant.  相似文献   

Pollination is often regarded as a mutualistic relationship between flowering plants and insects. In such a relationship, both partners gain a fitness benefit as a result of their interaction. The flower gets pollinated and the insect typically gets a food-related reward. However, flower-insect communication is not always a mutualistic system, as some flowers emit deceitful signals. Insects are thus fooled by irresistible stimuli and pollination is accomplished. Such deception requires very fine tuning, as insects in their typically short life span, try to find mating/feeding breeding sites as efficiently as possible, and following deceitful signals thus is both costly and time-consuming. Deceptive flowers have thus evolved the ability to emit signals that trigger obligate innate or learned responses in the targeted insects. The behavior, and thus the signals, exploited are typically involved in reproduction, from attracting pheromones to brood/food-site cues. Chemical mimicry is one of the main modalities through which flowers trick their pollen vectors, as olfaction plays a pivotal role in insect-insect and insect-plant interactions. Here we focus on floral odors that specifically mimic an oviposition substrate, i.e., brood-site mimicry. The phenomenon is wide spread across unrelated plant lineages of Angiosperm, Splachnaceae and Phallaceae. Targeted insects are mainly beetles and flies, and flowers accordingly often emit, to the human nose, highly powerful and fetid smells that are conversely extremely attractive to the duped insects. Brood-site deceptive plants often display highly elaborate flowers and have evolved a trap-release mechanism. Chemical cues often act in unison with other sensory cues to refine the imitation.  相似文献   

While the effects of carcass decomposition on microorganisms have been demonstrated in recent years, little is known of how this impacts necrophagous insects. A common assumption is that insects that exploit carcasses are exposed to a high density of potentially harmful microorganisms, but no field data have so far validated this. Necrophagous beetles such as the Scarabaeinae have complex nesting behaviors with elaborate parental care. So here, we begin to explore whether this conjunction of life history and nesting behavior represents an adaptive response to the threat posed by microbes in these environments, mainly by entomopathogens. We evaluated the density and distribution of fungi and bacteria from soil near the carcasses, and their ability to infect and kill insects that are in contact with this soil during the decomposition process. Our data showed an increase in the density and activity of opportunistic or facultative pathogens during the apex of decomposition, when there is a predominance of necrophagous insects. Meanwhile, the survivorship of bait insects decreased when in contact with soil from this period of decomposition, indicating a potential risk of infection. However, the density and activity of these microorganisms decreased with distance from the carcass, mainly with depth, which would benefit tunneller beetles in particular. We have thus provided the first field data to show that necrophagous insects are indeed exposed to high densities of potentially harmful microorganisms. Furthermore, we propose that some parental care strategies may have arisen not only as a response to competition, but also as adaptations that reduce the risks of disease. Although we have focused on carrion feeders, we suggest that the same occurs with coprophagous beetles, as both carrion and dung are nutrient‐rich resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although pollination of plants that attract flies by resembling their carrion brood and food sites has been reported in several angiosperm families, there has been very little work done on the level of specificity in carrion mimicry systems and the importance of plant cues in mediating such specialization. Specificity may be expected, as carrion-frequenting flies often exploit different niches, which has been interpreted as avoidance of interspecific competition. Interactions between the orchid Satyrium pumilum and a local assemblage of carrion flies were investigated, and the functional significance of floral traits, especially scent, tested. Pollination success and the incidence of pollinator-mediated self-pollination were measured and these were compared with values for orchids with sexual- and food-deceptive pollination systems. METHODS AND KEY RESULTS: Observations of insect visitation to animal carcasses and to flowers showed that the local assemblage of carrion flies was dominated by blow flies (Calliphoridae), house flies (Muscidae) and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae), but flowers of the orchid were pollinated exclusively by flesh flies, with a strong bias towards females that sometimes deposited live larvae on flowers. A trend towards similar partitioning of fly taxa was found in an experiment that tested the effect of large versus small carrion quantities on fly attraction. GC-MS analysis showed that floral scent is dominated by oligosulfides, 2-heptanone, p-cresol and indole, compounds that also dominate carrion scent. Flesh flies did not distinguish between floral and carrion scent in a choice experiment using olfactory cues only, which also showed that scent alone is responsible for fly attraction. Pollination success was relatively high (31·5 % of flowers), but tracking of stained pollinia also revealed that a relatively high percentage (46 %) of pollen deposited on stigmas originates from the same plant. CONCLUSIONS: Satyrium pumilum selectively attracts flesh flies, probably because its relatively weak scent resembles that of the small carrion on which these flies predominate. In this way, the plants exploit a specific subset of the insect assemblage associated with carrion. Pollination rates and levels of self-pollination were high compared with those in other deceptive orchids and it is therefore unlikely that this mimicry system evolved to promote outcrossing.  相似文献   

Most insects are dependent on chemical communication for activities such as mate finding or host location. Several plants, and especially orchids, mimic insect semiochemicals to attract insects for unrewarded pollination. Here, we present a new case of pheromone mimicry found in the terrestrial orchid Epipactis veratrifolia. Flowers are visited and pollinated by several species of aphidophagous hoverflies, the females of which also often lay eggs in the flowers. The oviposition behaviour of these hoverflies is mainly guided by aphid-derived kairomones. We show that the flowers produce α- and β-pinene, β-myrcene and β-phellandrene, and that these compounds attract and induce oviposition behaviour in female hoverflies. This floral odour profile is remarkably similar to the alarm pheromone released by several aphid species, such as Megoura viciae. We therefore suggest that E. veratrifolia mimics aphid alarm pheromones to attract hoverflies for pollination; this is the first time, to our knowledge, that such a case of mimicry has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Plant‐emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mediate interactions within a plant community. Typically, receiving a signal from a damaged neighbour enhances the defensive attributes of a receiver plant. The mechanisms underlying plant–plant interactions may be divided into active and passive processes, both of which involve transit of VOCs between plants and are vulnerable to environmental perturbation. Numerous studies have documented between‐plant interactions, but the specific effects on a receiver plant's interactions with herbivores have received little attention. Moreover, the relative contributions of active and passive processes to plant defence and the effects of environmental pollutants on the processes have been largely unexplored. We used a system comprising Brassica oleracea var. italica (broccoli) and the specialist herbivore Plutella xylostella to test whether plants previously exposed to herbivore‐damaged neighbours differed from nonexposed plants in their susceptibility to oviposition. We then investigated the roles of active and passive mechanisms in our observations and whether differences in susceptibility remained under elevated ozone concentrations. Plants exposed to herbivore‐damaged neighbours were more susceptible to oviposition than plants exposed to undamaged neighbours, which indicates associational susceptibility. Mechanistically, active and passive volatile‐mediated processes occurred in tandem with the passive process – involving adsorption of sesquiterpenes to receiver plants – appearing to structure the oviposition response. Exposure to ozone rapidly degraded the sesquiterpenes and eliminated the associational susceptibility. Plant volatiles have typically been thought to play roles in between‐plant interactions and to promote receiver plant defence. Here, we show that receiver plants may also become more susceptible to oviposition and thus more likely to be damaged. Extensive disruption of volatile‐mediated interactions by an atmospheric pollutant highlights the need to consider the pervading environment and changes therein when assessing their ecological significance.  相似文献   

Since the phenomenon of mimicry was first described by Bates in 1862 it has become one of the foundational examples of adaptive evolution. Numerous subcategories of mimicry and dozens of hypotheses pertaining to its evolution and maintenance have been proposed. Many of these hypotheses, however, are difficult to test in experimental settings, and data from natural observations are often inadequate. Here we use data from a long‐term survey of butterfly presence and abundance to test several hypotheses pertaining to Batesian and female‐limited polymorphic mimicry (FPM; a special case of Batesian mimicry). We found strong evidence that models outnumber mimics in both mimicry systems, but no evidence for an increase in relative abundance of FPM mimics to their Batesian counterparts. Tests of the early‐emergence/model first hypothesis showed strong evidence that the Batesian mimic routinely emerges after the model, while emergence timing in the FPM system was site specific, suggesting that other ecological factors are at play. These results demonstrate the importance of long‐term field observations for testing evolutionary and ecological hypotheses.  相似文献   

Abundant, many-flowered plants represent reliable and rich food sources for animal pollinators, and may even sustain guilds of specialized pollinators. Contrastingly, rare plants need alternative strategies to ensure pollinators' visitation and faithfulness. Flower mimicry, i.e. the sharing of a similar flower colour and display pattern by different plant species, is a means by which a rare species can exploit a successful model and increase its pollination services. The relationship between two or more rewarding flower mimic species, or Müllerian mimicry, has been proposed as mutualistic, in contrast to the unilaterally beneficial Batesian floral mimicry. In this work, we show that two different geographical colour phenotypes of Turnera sidoides ssp. pinnatifida resemble co-flowering Malvaceae in colour as seen by bees' eyes, and that these pollinators do not distinguish between them when approaching flowers in choice tests. Main pollinators of T. sidoides are bees specialized for collecting pollen in Malvaceae. We demonstrate that the similarity between at least one of the geographical colour phenotypes of T. sidoides and co-flowering Malvaceae is adaptive, since the former obtains more pollination services when growing together with its model than when growing alone. Instead of the convergent evolution pattern attributed to Müllerian mimicry, our data rather suggest an advergent evolution pattern, because only T. sidoides seems to have evolved to be more similar to its malvaceous models.  相似文献   

Deceptive flowers from several plant species emit odors that mimic oviposition cues and attract female insects seeking for a laying site. Helicodiceros muscivorus is a species that emits an odor mimicking the foul smell of rotting meat and thereby attracts blowflies that usually oviposit on carcasses but are deceived into pollinating the plant. Thus, H. muscivorus is a striking case of pollination by brood‐site deception. The Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilfordi, exhibits remarkable interactions with dead horse arum. Balearic lizards, which sometimes forage on carcasses, are attracted to blooming dead horse arum. We showed experimentally that P. lilfordi can detect chemical cues from carcasses on cotton swabs and exhibits elevated tongue‐flick rates to carcass chemical cues compared to control stimuli. Lizards also detected and located hidden carcasses using only airborne chemical cues. The responses of lizards to chemical cues from the spadix of blooming dead horse arum were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those to carcass odors. Therefore, the decay‐like odor that attracts blowflies for the plant's benefit also attracts lizards. This attraction may initially have been somewhat favorable for lizards that eat blowflies, but slightly unfavorable for plants because the lizards ate some pollinators. We suggest that lizards attracted by odor may have learned later to use the plant for thermoregulation and then consume its fruits, making the association more positive for lizards and benefitted arum by seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Variation in plant communities is likely to modulate the feeding and oviposition behavior of herbivorous insects, and plant‐associated microbes are largely ignored in this context. Here, we take into account that insects feeding on grasses commonly encounter systemic and vertically transmitted (via seeds) fungal Epichloë endophytes, which are regarded as defensive grass mutualists. Defensive mutualism is primarily attributable to alkaloids of fungal origin. To study the effects of Epichloë on insect behavior and performance, we selected wild tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and red fescue (Festuca rubra) as grass–endophyte models. The plants used either harbored the systemic endophyte (E+) or were endophyte‐free (E?). As a model herbivore, we selected the Coenonympha hero butterfly feeding on grasses as larvae. We examined both oviposition and feeding preferences of the herbivore as well as larval performance in relation to the presence of Epichloë endophytes in the plants. Our findings did not clearly support the female's oviposition preference to reflect the performance of her offspring. First, the preference responses depended greatly on the grass–endophyte symbiotum. In F. arundinacea, C. hero females preferred E+ individuals in oviposition‐choice tests, whereas in F. rubra, the endophytes may decrease exploitation, as both C. hero adults and larvae preferred E? grasses. Second, the endophytes had no effect on larval performance. Overall, F. arundinacea was an inferior host for C. hero larvae. However, the attraction of C. hero females to E+ may not be maladaptive if these plants constitute a favorable oviposition substrate for reasons other than the plants' nutritional quality. For example, rougher surface of E+ plant may physically facilitate the attachment of eggs, or the plants offer greater protection from natural enemies. Our results highlight the importance of considering the preference of herbivorous insects in studies involving the endophyte‐symbiotic grasses as host plants.  相似文献   

1. The decomposition of biological material produces a plethora of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are implicated in the foraging behaviour of coprophagous and necrophagous insects. Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) have an acute olfactory system used to locate food resources. Accordingly, identification of food resource VOCs potentially used in food location is integral to understanding dung beetle foraging ecology. 2. In this study, volatile emissions from dung and carrion of native and introduced animals in New Zealand were analysed using solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Volatile profiles were compared via principal component analyses (PCAs) and cluster solutions based on attractiveness using canonical discriminant analysis (CDA). 3. A total of 115 compounds were detected from 21 food types. Statistical analyses showed that dung and carrion volatile profiles clustered according to attractiveness to the dung beetle Saphobius edwardsi, and that different dung types formed distinct clusters and grouped separately from carrion. 4. This study suggests that volatile profiles emitted by food resources used by dung beetles are complex, producing distinct odours, which potentially mediate foraging decisions.  相似文献   

Herbivores have evolved numerous behavioural and physiological adaptations to host plants; however, molecular adaptations are still poorly understood. One well‐studied case comprises the specialist insects that feed on cardenolide‐containing plants. Here, convergent molecular evolution in the Na+/K+‐ATPase results in a reduced sensitivity to cardenolides across four insect orders. Because different plant species and genotypes differ in toxicity, Na+/K+‐ATPase may be under differential selection from geographically varying host plants. We examined the α subunit of Na+/K+‐ATPase in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) from six worldwide populations to test whether differences in their host plant chemistry result in local adaptation at the molecular level. Although our study revealed multiple synonymous changes, we did not find these to be population‐specific, nor did we identify nonsynonymous changes. Additionally, we compared the amino acid sequence of this subunit across 19 species. We identified two novel changes at sites 836 (K836N) and 840 (E840R) in the αM7‐αM8 regions in the genus Danaus. Although previous studies focused on the first two trans‐membrane domains, C‐terminal domains may also interact with cardenolides. These results reveal a lack of molecular evolution of Na+/K+‐ATPase at the population level, and call for additional attention regarding the C‐terminal regions of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

Divergent selection between environments can result in changes to the behavior of an organism. In many insects, volatile compounds are a primary means by which host plants are recognized and shifts in plant availability can result in changes to host preference. Both the plant substrate and microorganisms can influence this behavior, and host plant choice can have an impact on the performance of the organism. In Drosophila mojavensis, four geographically isolated populations each use different cacti as feeding and oviposition substrates and identify those cacti by the composition of the volatile odorants emitted. Behavioral tests revealed D. mojavensis populations vary in their degree of preference for their natural host plant. Females from the Mojave population show a marked preference for their host plant, barrel cactus, relative to other cactus choices. When flies were given a choice between cacti that were not their host plant, the preference for barrel and organ pipe cactus relative to agria and prickly pear cactus was overall lower for all populations. Volatile headspace composition is influenced by the cactus substrate, microbial community, and substrate‐by‐microorganism interactions. Differences in viability, developmental time, thorax length, and dry body weight exist among populations and depend on cactus substrate and population‐by‐cactus interactions. However, no clear association between behavioral preference and performance was observed. This study highlights a complex interplay between the insect, host plant, and microbial community and the factors mediating insect host plant preference behavior.  相似文献   

Oviposition preferences of herbivorous insects affect offspring performance. Both positive and negative links between oviposition preference and offspring performance have been reported for many species. A gall‐inducing leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), feeds on various Poaceae plants and induces galls of enhanced nutritional value for their offspring. Although gall induction by C. bipunctata improves nymphal performance, the oviposition preference of females between galled and non‐galled host plants is still unclear. In this paper, the nymphal performance and oviposition and feeding‐site preference of C. bipunctata were investigated using galled wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and non‐galled barley, Hordeum vulgare L., as host plants. The survival rate of C. bipunctata on wheat was significantly higher than on barley. In the choice test, significantly more eggs were laid into barley, whereas the number of eggs deposited on both hosts was not significantly different in the no‐choice test. The number of settling individuals per leaf area was not significantly different between wheat and barley, suggesting no clear preference for oviposition between these plants. Experience as a nymph with a growing host did not affect oviposition preference as adult female. The inconsistent correspondence between offspring performance and oviposition preference of C. bipunctata may reflect the high mobility of nymphs and/or differences in leaf area between host plants. The results indicate that the previous finding that oviposition preference and offspring performance are not always positively correlated in herbivorous insects is applicable to gall‐inducing insects.  相似文献   

Pollination by sexual deception is arguably one of the most unusual liaisons linking plants and insects, and perhaps the most illustrative example of extreme floral specialization in angiosperms. While considerable progress has been made in understanding the floral traits involved in sexual deception, less is known about how this remarkable mimicry system might have arisen, the role of pre-adaptations in promoting its evolution and its extent as a pollination mechanism outside the few groups of plants (primarily orchids) where it has been described to date. In the Euro-Mediterranean region, pollination by sexual deception is traditionally considered to be the hallmark of the orchid genus Ophrys. Here, we introduce two new cases outside of Ophrys, in plant groups dominated by generalized, shelter-mimicking species. On the basis of phylogenetic reconstructions of ancestral pollination strategies, we provide evidence for independent and bidirectional evolutionary transitions between generalized (shelter mimicry) and specialized (sexual deception) pollination strategies in three groups of flowering plants, and suggest that pseudocopulation has evolved from pre-adaptations (floral colours, shapes and odour bouquets) that selectively attract male pollinators through shelter mimicry. These findings, along with comparative analyses of floral traits (colours and scents), shed light on particular phenotypic changes that might have fuelled the parallel evolution of these extraordinary pollination strategies. Collectively, our results provide the first substantive insights into how pollination sexual deception might have evolved in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and demonstrate that even the most extreme cases of pollinator specialization can reverse to more generalized interactions, breaking ‘Cope''s rule of specialization’.  相似文献   

Gravid females of the common green bottle fly, Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae), readily locate recently deceased vertebrates as oviposition sites, particularly when these animals have been injured. We investigated semiochemical and visual cues that mediate attraction of gravid females to fresh rat carrion. Female flies were more strongly attracted to incised rat carrion than to intact carrion. They were also attracted to Porapak Q headspace volatile (HSV) extract of incised rat carrion. Analyzing aliquots of Porapak Q HSV extract by gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection revealed nine components [phenol, para‐ and/or meta‐cresol (could not be separated), guaiacol, dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS), phenylacetaldehyde, (E)‐2‐octenal, nonanal, and tetramethyl pyrazine] that consistently elicited responses from blow fly antennae. In laboratory experiments, a synthetic blend of these nine components was as attractive to gravid females as Porapak Q HSV extract, but blend attractiveness was due entirely to DMTS. In both laboratory and field experiments, increasing doses of DMTS attracted increasingly more flies. Coupled with DMTS, carrion‐type color cues (dark red, black) were more effective than bright color cues (white, yellow) in attracting flies. In field experiments, dark traps baited with DMTS captured a total of 214 calliphorid flies (200 Lsericata, 10 Lucilia illustris Meigen, three Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy, one Calliphora vomitoria L.), all of which were gravid females. These results support the conclusion that DMTS and dark color represent a bimodal cue complex that signifies suitable oviposition sites to gravid calliphorid females, particularly L. sericata.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects use plant metabolites to inform their host plant selection for oviposition. These host‐selection behaviours are often consistent with the preference–performance hypothesis; females oviposit on hosts that maximize the performance of their offspring. However, the metabolites used for these oviposition choices and those responsible for differences in offspring performance remain unknown for ecologically relevant interactions. Here, we examined the host‐selection behaviours of two sympatric weevils, the Datura (Trichobaris compacta) and tobacco (T. mucorea) weevils in field and glasshouse experiments with transgenic host plants specifically altered in different components of their secondary metabolism. Adult females of both species strongly preferred to feed on D. wrightii rather than on N. attenuata leaves, but T. mucorea preferred to oviposit on N. attenuata, while T. compacta oviposited only on D. wrightii. These oviposition behaviours increased offspring performance: T. compacta larvae only survived in D. wrightii stems and T. mucorea larvae survived better in N. attenuata than in D. wrightii stems. Choice assays with nicotine‐free, JA‐impaired, and sesquiterpene‐over‐produced isogenic N. attenuata plants revealed that although half of the T. compacta larvae survived in nicotine‐free N. attenuata lines, nicotine did not influence the oviposition behaviours of both the nicotine‐adapted and nicotine‐sensitive species. JA‐induced sesquiterpene volatiles are key compounds influencing T. mucorea females’ oviposition choices, but these sesquiterpenes had no effect on larval performance. We conclude that adult females are able to choose the best host plant for their offspring and use chemicals different from those that influence larval performance to inform their oviposition decisions.  相似文献   

Plants can detect cues associated with the risk of future herbivory and modify defence phenotypes accordingly; however, our current understanding is limited both with respect to the range of early warning cues to which plants respond and the nature of the responses. Here we report that exposure to volatile emissions from plant tissues infested with herbivore eggs promotes stronger defence responses to subsequent herbivory in two Brassica species. Furthermore, exposure to these volatile cues elicited an apparent shift from growth to reproduction in Brassica nigra, with exposed plants exhibiting increased flower and seed production, but reduced leaf production, relative to unexposed controls. Our results thus document plant defence priming in response to a novel environmental cue, oviposition‐induced plant volatiles, while also showing that plant responses to early warning cues can include changes in both defence and life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Some fungi use flower-visiting insects to facilitate sexual reproduction or to disperse spores. These fungi have evolved elaborate techniques, such as floral mimicry and the invasion of extant flower parts, for attracting 'pollinators'. Recent research shows that fungal exploitation of pollinators has the potential to affect floral evolution, pollination ecology, plant life history traits, as well as disease-transmission dynamics and fungal evolution.  相似文献   

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