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We studied the relationship among re‐mating, site fidelity and breeding performance in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using 16 y of data on reproductive biology in a population breeding in nest boxes near Ithaca, New York. Of 217 pairs for which both members survived the non‐breeding season, 76% mated with a new partner and 24% reunited with their previous mate. Pairs did not increase their breeding success by breeding together for more than one breeding season. Males produced fewer fledglings after breeding with a new partner, but females neither increased nor decreased their success when breeding with a new mate. Females who bred with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, and they were more likely to move to a different nest box. Males that bred with a new mate were of similar age to males that reunited, and they did not move more often. The probability of breeding with a new partner was better predicted by female age than by previous breeding success, suggesting that re‐mating was not strongly affected by past breeding performance. Because younger females change breeding sites more frequently than do older females and females that mated with a new partner were younger than females that reunited with their previous mates, we suggest that the tendency of tree swallows to change partners between years is a by‐product of lower site fidelity of younger females rather than a strategy for increasing breeding success.  相似文献   

Divorce and remating in birds can be described as strategies used to enhance reproductive success. Mate switching often occurs because pairs failed to brood at least one chick during the previous breeding season. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of reproductive success on female preferences in domesticated canaries (Serinus canaria). For that purpose, females previously paired and having reared young were placed in a choice test situation: They were allowed to choose between their previous mate and a familiar male (a male neighbor during the breeding period). During these choice tests, females tended to stay near their previous mate longer than near a male neighbor when their reproductive success was “good” (at least two chicks). On the other hand, females with “poor” reproductive success (one chick) did not show a preference for their previous mate. Furthermore, in the present study, we observed that during choice tests males reacted to the presence of their previous mate in a particular way, by gathering nest material. This behavior was more scarcely observed in neighbor males which, on the contrary, sang significantly more than previous mates did.  相似文献   

The population of great hornbills (Buceros bicornis) in the United States is rapidly aging, and captive breeding efforts have not met population managers' expectations for a sustainable captive group. Little is known about the reproductive physiology of these birds. This study reports the first data on the re‐productive endocrinology of the great hornbill. The hormone profiles of the only pair of these birds that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season are compared to the profiles of six other pairs of hornbills, from different institutions in the United States, that did not reproduce successfully that season. The study investigates the estradiol, corticosterone, and testosterone profiles of these seven pairs of birds, establishing a base of knowledge from which endocrine data may be used to improve the success of captive breeding programs. The estradiol profiles from this study indicate a difference in hormonal patterns between laying and non‐laying female great hornbills. Egg‐laying females had significantly higher estradiol concentrations during the breeding season than the non‐laying females (P<0.003). Testosterone concentrations of the males were not significantly different between the mates of egg‐laying and non‐egg‐laying females. The corticosterone concentrations tended to be lower in the females that laid eggs vs. the non‐egg‐laying group. The males of the egg‐laying pairs showed a significantly lower (P<0.036) corticosterone concentration than the non‐egg‐laying male pairs. This, combined with the extremely low corticosterone levels (compared to the other birds in the study) of the pair of hornbills that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season, suggests that adrenal activity may play a role in the reproductive failure of some captive great hornbills. Zoo Biol 22:135–145, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A multiple regression analysis of current reproductive success (goslings fledged) on three male and female life-history traits (age, previous breeding periods, previous successes) was carried out for 31 semicaptive pairs of barheaded geese Anser indicus. Of the female variables, age proved positively and the number of previous nesting periods negatively related to current success. The latter relationship suggests that incubation has costs in terms of future fecundity for the female. Of the male variables, age was negatively and the number of previous fledging successes positively related to current reproductive success. Attempts with additional data to explain these findings in the male either by a positive feedback of success on future success or by differences in male quality gave inconclusive results, as did earlier attempts to demonstrate reproductive costs in geese and swans. In monogamous species with long-term pair bonds, where male and female share most of their life history but specialize in different activities, reproduction may affect the sexes in different ways. If the correlations between life-history traits of mates are not accounted for, individual strategies or constraints may be obscured by opposing effects in the mate.  相似文献   

We assessed whether behavioral markers could be used to evaluate pair compatibility and predict pair bond success of captive‐reared San Clemente loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi) released into the wild. Potential breeding pairs of shrikes were introduced at the Zoological Society of San Diego's captive‐breeding facility and then moved to release cages located in suitable but unoccupied habitat. Courting pairs were affected negatively by the disturbance of translocation to a new location and generally needed a few days to reinitiate pair bonding in the release enclosures. We separated and returned pairs to captivity when intra‐pair aggression or cessation of all courtship behavior occurred; all other pairs were released into the wild. The rate of nest approaches was the best marker to predict a successful release into the wild (i.e., pairs that remained near the release site and attempted to breed). Additionally, all experienced breeding pairs (i.e., pairs with males and females with prior captive breeding experience) exhibiting nesting behavior were successful, although previous experience alone does not ensure post‐release breeding. Results from this study indicate the importance of assessing behaviors of individuals paired for population augmentation. In using behavioral cues, identifying pairs with a low probability of success is possible, and replacing these pairs with individuals that have a higher likelihood of post‐release success can occur. This strategy will be important to efficiently restore imperiled populations of endangered species while working within temporal and financial constraints. Zoo Biol 0:1–12, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between mate fidelity and breeding site tenacity during a 5-year study of the black turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala, a socially monogamous sandpiper breeding in subArctic Alaska. We tested the predictions of several hypotheses regarding the incidence of divorce and the benefits of fidelity to mate and breeding site. Interannual return rates to the breeding grounds (88% for males, 79% for females) were among the highest yet recorded for any scolopacid sandpiper, and 88% of returning birds nested on their previous year's territory. The annual divorce rate was only 11%, and mate fidelity was significantly linked to fidelity to territory but independent of sex and year. Males arrived in spring significantly earlier than their mates and interannual fidelity was influenced by the relative timing of arrival of pair members. Reunited pairs had significantly higher fledging success than new pairs formed after death or divorce. The incidence of divorce was unrelated to reproductive success the previous year, although birds nested significantly further away after failure than after a successful nesting attempt. Sightings of marked individuals suggested that members of pairs do not winter together, and breeding site tenacity provides a mechanism through which pair members can reunite. We reject the 'incompatibility' hypothesis for divorce in turnstones, and our data contradict predictions of the 'better option' hypothesis. Alternatively, we propose the 'bet-hedging' hypothesis to explain the occurrence of divorce, which transpires when an individual pairs with a new mate to avoid the cost of waiting for a previous mate to return. Such costs can include remaining unmated, if the former mate has died, or experiencing lower reproductive success because of delayed breeding. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses can explain why divorce is an adaptive strategy to improve reproductive success. Under the ‘better option hypothesis’, only one of the two partners initiates divorce to secure a higher‐quality partner and increases reproductive success after divorce. Under the ‘incompatibility hypothesis’, partners are incompatible and hence they may both increase reproductive success after divorce. In a long‐term study of the barn owl (Tyto alba), we address the question of whether one or the two partners derive fitness benefits by divorcing. Our results support the hypothesis that divorce is adaptive: after a poor reproductive season, at least one of the two divorcees increase breeding success up to the level of faithful pairs. By breeding more often together, faithful pairs improve coordination and thereby gain in their efficiency to produce successful fledglings. Males would divorce to obtain a compatible mate rather than a mate of higher quality: a heritable melanin‐based signal of female quality did not predict divorce (indicating that female absolute quality may not be the cause of divorce), but the new mate of divorced males was less melanic than their previous mate. This suggests that, at least for males, a cost of divorce may be to secure a lower‐quality but compatible mate. The better option hypothesis could not be formally rejected, as only one of the two divorcing partners commonly succeeded in obtaining a higher reproductive success after divorce. In conclusion, incompatible partners divorce to restore reproductive success, and by breeding more often together, faithful partners improve coordination.  相似文献   

We analyzed 35 years of data from a captive breeding program of cheetahs to determine basic reproductive life history characteristics of females. Breeding females ranged in age from 2.7–10.5 years. Sixteen females and over 13 males produced 129 cubs in 36 litters, with an average litter size of 3.6. Older females produced significantly fewer cubs per litter than younger females, but cub survivorship was comparable across female ages. Sex ratio was balanced at birth and 71% of infants survived the weaning period. Given that the reproductive output of captive cheetahs in our study is similar to that in other zoologic institutions and to cheetahs in the wild, we suggest that reproductive deficits in captive cheetahs arise from the inability of some pairs to breed, due to a lack of mating preference, rather than from a species‐wide problem. Zoo Biol 0:1–8, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data from 939 nests of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and 1008 nests of the Great Tit P. major from nestboxes provided in superabundance in mixed forest study sites between 1976 and 2001 were analysed to examine the effects of mate retention on breeding success and the relationship between mate fidelity and site fidelity. Most birds retained their former partner (76% in Great Tits and 65% in Blue Tits). The probability of a pair divorcing was affected by male age in Great Tits, divorce being more likely in pairs with first‐year males. Great Tit pairs breeding together for a second season bred earlier, but had no higher breeding success than pairs breeding together for the first time. In Blue Tits laying date and start of incubation tended to be earlier in pairs breeding together for a second season, but hatching and fledging dates were not earlier than in other pairs. Great Tit pairs breeding together for two consecutive seasons bred earlier in the second season than in the first, but breeding success did not differ significantly between years. In both species, breeding performance did not differ between pairs that divorced after a season and pairs that stayed together. Thus breeding success did not determine whether a pair divorced or bred together again. Neither Blue Tits nor Great Tits improved their breeding performance through divorce. Blue Tit females even had fewer fledglings in the year after divorce than in the year before. Mate retention affected breeding site fidelity. Blue Tit females had greater breeding dispersal distances between consecutive years when re‐mating than when breeding again with the same mate. In Great Tits both males and females dispersed more when re‐mating than when retaining the former partner, suggesting that mate retention increased the chance of retaining the breeding site. In both species, breeding dispersal distances did not differ between pairs that divorced and pairs in which one mate disappeared. Because no major advantage of mate retention was evident, we suggest that mate retention evolved under different conditions than those found in study sites with high breeding densities and a superabundance of artificial nesting sites.  相似文献   

Discriminating female mate preferences enhance the variance in reproductive success among males of a population and create a potential for sexual selection, which can account for trait evolution and diversification. Fish color patterns are among the prime targets of mate choice-driven sexual selection. Populations of the cichlid Tropheus from Lake Tanganyika display remarkable geographic color pattern variation, but the role of female choice in their rapid and rich phenotypic diversification is unclear. Males and females establish a pair bond prior to spawning monogamously, but as brood care is strictly maternal, female investment in reproduction is high and the operational sex ratio is male-biased. Therefore, variance in male reproductive success can accrue if individual males succeed repeatedly in securing a mate. To test this prediction in the red colored Tropheus moorii “Chimba”, four pairs of males were presented to a series of females and female mate preferences were inferred from pairwise interactions. There was a significant difference in mating success between the males of each pair (P < 0.001 over all trials), as—with one exception—females shared preferences for the same males. Male courtship activity was strongly correlated with female choice. Our experiment suggests that female choice contributes to the variance in male reproductive success in the tested population.  相似文献   

Diversity in reproductive and social systems characterizes the primate family Callitrichidae. This paper contributes to our appreciation of this diversity by presenting the first detailed comparative analysis of captive breeding in three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas, L. chrysopygus, and L. rosalia) housed at the Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro. The annual pattern of reproduction in all three species of Leontopithecus was markedly seasonal, with births occurring during the spring, summer, and fall months from August through March. While modal number of litters produced per female per year was 1, approximately 20% of breeding females produced two litters per year. The onset of breeding activity in years when two litters are produced was significantly earlier than in years when only one litter was produced. The cumulative number of offspring surviving to 3 months of age did not differ between years with one vs. two breeding attempts. Like other callitrichids, postnatal mortality was highest during the first week of life, and there were pronounced species differences in offspring survival through 1 year, with significantly lower survivorship in L. chrysomelas. Infant survivorship was affected by a number of experiential factors. Survivorship up to 30 days of life was higher in groups in which the breeding female had previous experience with infants as a nonbreeding helper than in groups in which the female lacked previous helping experience. Likewise, survivorship to 30 days of life was higher for infants born to multiparous females than for infants born to primiparous females. When parity and previous helping experience were analyzed concurrently, the lowest survivorship was associated with offspring produced by inexperienced primiparous females. Genus-wide, there was no significant departure from a 50:50 sex ratio at any point during the first year of life, nor was there evidence for differential mortality for male and female infants. However, L. chrysopygus produced significantly more male infants at birth (65:44) and had male-biased litters (approximately 60% males) throughout the first year of life, while L. chrysomelas showed a nonsignificant tendency toward female-biased litters. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lifetime reproductive success may vary considerably with birth date. I measured phenotypic selection on female birth date in a viviparous teleost fish (Embiotocidae: Micrometrus minimus) by sampling birth-date cohorts over time in Tomales Bay, California. Four episodes of selection were measured: survival from birth to first reproduction, reproductive success in the first breeding season, survival to second reproduction, and reproductive success in the second season. Birth date had a significant impact on fitness in the first two episodes. Early born females were more successful in their first breeding season than late born females (directional selection on birth date), but early born females were less likely to survive the period between birth and first reproduction, relative to females born in the middle of the season (stabilizing selection on birth date). The final two episodes of selection had no detectable effect on birth date. Because of the relationship between birth date and survival in the first year, overall selection on female birth date was stabilizing.  相似文献   

Due to the great number of greater flamingos in captivity and their long life span, studying their behavior and welfare might be useful to improve the husbandry and breeding of this species in zoos. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the breeding activity of captive greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) from 2012 to 2016. To estimate reproductive success, the number of pairs, eggs laid, and hatchlings were recorded. In addition, information on age, egg-laying history of the partners, and pair composition was collected. An increase in the number of pairs, eggs, and hatchlings was reported over the years. For each breeding season, there were pairs who laid more than once, especially in 2014 and 2015. Approximately 50% of pairs were monogamous between consecutive years; however, the percentage dropped gradually when comparing nonconsecutive years. Senescence and previous experience seemed to affect the reproductive success of the study flamingos. In conclusion, different factors can influence the reproduction of greater flamingos in zoos. All these factors are related to nonhuman animal welfare and need to be considered in developing and improving management practices.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of mate retention has been studied in several socially monogamous birds but evidence of reproductive benefits for short-lived species is inconclusive. Most studies come from northern latitudes but more research on tropical birds is needed, as these species typically show higher survival rates and longer pair bonds than those from temperate regions. We gathered data on the reproductive biology of a subtropical, isolated population of Thorn-tailed Rayadito Aphrastura spinicaudaduring 2008–2017 to evaluate the reproductive consequences of mate retention. We examined data from 243 breeding attempts made by 159 breeding pairs. We found that ~30% of all breeding pairs bred together during at least two consecutive years, and some were mated for 6 years. The main cause of pair dissolution was mate loss, not divorce. Mixed-effects models provided moderate evidence for positive effects of mate retention and successive remating on reproductive success. Newly formed pairs laid eggs later and had slightly smaller clutches than remated pairs. Furthermore, clutch size seemed to increase with successive remating. Overall, our results suggest that newly formed pairs are less efficient in reproduction and that minor yearly reproductive benefits of mate retention might accumulate for birds that are able to breed with the same partner over many years. Because breeding habitat is limited in our study population, Thorn-tailed Rayaditos could benefit from remating if the number of individuals that can breed exceeds the number of available breeding positions. Profitable long-term pair bonds might be more frequent in tropical birds and therefore more studies are needed to assess the prevalence of remating-mediated effects on reproduction in relatively short-lived monogamous species breeding in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Drullion D  Dubois F 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29737
Several hypotheses on divorce predict that monogamous pairs should split up more frequently after a breeding failure. Yet, deviations from the expected pattern "success-stay, failure-leave" have been reported in several species. One possible explanation for these deviations would be that individuals do not use only their own breeding performance (i.e., private information) but also that of others (i.e., public information) to decide whether or not to divorce. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the relative importance of private and public information for mate choice decisions in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).We manipulated the reproductive performance of breeding pairs and measured females' preferences for their mate and the neighbouring male first following pair formation and then seven weeks later when all females had laid eggs and the young were independent. Although all females reduced their preference for their mate after a breeding failure, the decrease was significant only when the neighbouring pair had reproduced successfully. Furthermore, there was no evidence that females biased the sex ratio of their offspring according to their mate's attractiveness. On the other hand, after reproduction, both successful and unsuccessful females increased their preferences for males who had produced a larger proportion of sons. Despite the fact that other mechanisms may have also contributed to our findings, we suggest that females changed their mate preferences based on the proportion of sons produced by successful males, because offspring sex ratio reflects the male's testosterone level at the moment of fertilization and hence is an indicator of his immune condition.  相似文献   

The social structure and reproductive behaviour of the wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas, was studied in the coastal waters around the Azorean Islands. Both sexes are territorial throughout the year. Adult males defend large territories, which include several smaller female territories. Intraspecific agonistic behaviour was frequent and differed between sexes: males were more aggressive towards other males, while females were only aggressive towards each other and juveniles. During the reproductive season and only at dawn, territorial males court and mate successively with females in their territories, and females seem to show mating fidelity to their dominant male. Such territoriality and mating patterns indicate a haremic social system in the wide-eyed flounder. In order to identify potential factors influencing female mate choice acting on this haremic system, we examined male mating success and some of its potential correlates. We found no evidence for female preference for any of the males' physical or territory characteristics. However, courtship effort was strongly correlated with the total number of attempted and successful spawnings, indicating that females seem to mate preferentially with males that court them more vigorously. Thus, our data suggest that courtship plays an important role in determining male mating success in the wide-eyed flounder and, that it may possibly serve as an honest indicator of male `quality' for female choice.  相似文献   

MICHAEL STREIF  O. ANNE E. RASA 《Ibis》2001,143(3):554-560
An urban population of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula was studied between 1995 and 1998 in the Botanic Garden in Bonn, Germany. The number of breeding pairs varied from 32 to 39 per breeding season. Mean divorce rate (pair separation with remating of at least one of the partners) between two breeding seasons was 19.3% and 5.1% within breeding seasons. The number of fledglings produced per breeding season, of pairs which subsequently divorced, was significantly lower than that of pairs that stayed together. Females, but not males, produced more fledglings in the season after divorce than with their former mates the year before, and as many as females of the same age in stable pair bonds. The increase in reproductive success was thus unlikely to be due to age effects. Nestling mass correlated positively with offspring survival to the following year. Females had heavier nestlings after divorce than in their former pair bond. There was no difference in nestling mass for males before and after divorce. The data were used to test the predictions of several hypotheses to explain divorce. Because divorce was more likely after low reproductive success in the previous year, and only females benefited, the findings best support the 'better option' hypothesis.  相似文献   

Many cooperatively breeding societies are characterized by high reproductive skew, such that some socially dominant individuals breed, while socially subordinate individuals provide help. Inbreeding avoidance serves as a source of reproductive skew in many high‐skew societies, but few empirical studies have examined sources of skew operating alongside inbreeding avoidance or compared individual attempts to reproduce (reproductive competition) with individual reproductive success. Here, we use long‐term genetic and observational data to examine factors affecting reproductive skew in the high‐skew cooperatively breeding southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). When subordinates can breed, skew remains high, suggesting factors additional to inbreeding avoidance drive skew. Subordinate females are more likely to compete to breed when older or when ecological constraints on dispersal are high, but heavy subordinate females are more likely to successfully breed. Subordinate males are more likely to compete when they are older, during high ecological constraints, or when they are related to the dominant male, but only the presence of within‐group unrelated subordinate females predicts subordinate male breeding success. Reproductive skew is not driven by reproductive effort, but by forces such as intrinsic physical limitations and intrasexual conflict (for females) or female mate choice, male mate‐guarding and potentially reproductive restraint (for males). Ecological conditions or “outside options” affect the occurrence of reproductive conflict, supporting predictions of recent synthetic skew models. Inbreeding avoidance together with competition for access to reproduction may generate high skew in animal societies, and disparate processes may be operating to maintain male vs. female reproductive skew in the same species.  相似文献   

The critically endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) has been subject to a strictly managed captive breeding program for three decades. A retrospective demographic analysis of the captive population was performed based on data from the red wolf studbook. Data analyses revealed a decrease in the effective population size relative to the total population size, and changes in age structure and inbreeding coefficients over time. To varying degrees, the probability of successful breeding and litter sizes declined in association with increasing dam age and sire inbreeding coefficients. Neonate survival also declined with increasing dam age. Recent changes in strategies regarding breed-pair recommendations have resulted in moderate increases in reproductive success. Zoo Biol 28:214–229, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most studies of mate choice have focused on female preference for male traits because it is generally assumed that since males provide less parental investment they are not choosy. However, if males suffer missed opportunity costs by mating with lower quality females, selection should favor males with the ability to discriminate among females. We tested the hypothesis that male house mice (Mus musculus) discriminate between females that differ in nutritional status (non-food-deprived versus food-deprived). We recorded the time males spent investigating either type of female and used that to determine preference (spending ≥55% of their total investigation time with one female). We also examined the effects of female nutritional status and female preference status (preferred versus non-preferred) on the reproductive success of males. Males did not display a preference for non-food-deprived females nor did their reproductive success vary with nutritional status or preference status of females. Interestingly, males spent more time investigating females that were closest to the male's own weight. In addition, pairs that were closer in weight were more likely to produce a litter. These results suggest that male house mice are capable of discriminating among females and that such discrimination may influence their reproductive success.  相似文献   

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