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We have isolated specific microsatellite loci from a partial genomic library of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis. Their usefulness was investigated by measuring intra- and inter-population genetic diversity at four loci among 20 individuals from each of five lakes located 3 to 22 km apart in La Mauricie national park (Canada). These markers were moderately to highly polymorphic. A total of five, six, 16 and 18 alleles per locus were detected, and their overall expected heterozygosity was 0.53, 0.58, 0.86 and 0.87. Strong inter-population diversity was detected. Highly significant differences in allelic frequencies were found in all but two pairwise χ2 permutation tests between populations at all loci. Numerous population unique alleles were observed in all five lakes. Consequently, a highly significant component of total genetic diversity was due to interpopulation variance, as exemplified by G ST values of 0.33, 0.42, 0.47 and 0.84 for each individual locus. Altogether, the results indicated that these loci should be valuable in addressing fine scale population genetics questions in brook charr. To our knowledge, they also represent the first available microsatellites developed in the genus Salvelinus.  相似文献   

The coral fauna of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is depauperate and peripheral; hence, it has drawn attention to the factors allowing its survival. Here, we use a genetic seascape approach and ecological niche modeling to unravel the environmental factors correlating with the genetic variation of Porites panamensis, a hermatypic coral endemic to the ETP. Specifically, we test if levels of diversity and connectivity are higher among abundant than among depauperate populations, as expected by a geographically relaxed version of the Abundant Center Hypothesis (rel‐ACH). Unlike the original ACH, referring to a geographical center of distribution of maximal abundance, the rel‐ACH refers only to a center of maximum abundance, irrespective of its geographic position. The patterns of relative abundance of P. panamensis in the Mexican Pacific revealed that northern populations from Baja California represent its center of abundance; and southern depauperate populations along the continental margin are peripheral relative to it. Genetic patterns of diversity and structure of nuclear DNA sequences (ribosomal DNA and a single copy open reading frame) and five alloenzymatic loci partially agreed with rel‐ACH predictions. We found higher diversity levels in peninsular populations and significant differentiation between peninsular and continental colonies. In addition, continental populations showed higher levels of differentiation and lower connectivity than peninsular populations in the absence of isolation by distance in each region. Some discrepancies with model expectations may relate to the influence of significant habitat discontinuities in the face of limited dispersal potential. Environmental data analyses and niche modeling allowed us to identify temperature, water clarity, and substrate availability as the main factors correlating with patterns of abundance, genetic diversity, and structure, which may hold the key to the survival of P. panamensis in the face of widespread environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Understanding how abiotic factors influence the spatial distribution of genetic variation provides insight into microevolutionary processes. The intertidal seascape is characterized by highly heterogeneous habitats which probably influence the partitioning of genetic variation at very small scales. The effects of tidal height on genetic variation in both the haploid (gametophytes) and diploid (tetrasporophytes) stages of the red alga Chondrus crispus were studied. Fronds were sampled every 25 cm within a 5 m × 5 m grid and along a 90-m transect at two shore heights (high and low) in one intertidal site in France. The multilocus genotype of 799 fronds was determined (Nhaploid = 586; Ndiploid = 213) using eight microsatellite loci to test the following hypotheses: (i) high and low shore fronds belong to genetically differentiated populations, (ii) gene flow is restricted within the high shore habitat due to tidal-influenced isolation and (iii) significant FIS values are driven by life history characteristics. Pairwise FST estimates between high and low shore levels supported the hypothesis that high and low shore fronds were genetically differentiated. The high shore was characterized by the occurrence of within-shore genetic differentiation, reduced genetic diversity and increased levels of intergametophytic selfing, suggesting it is a marginal environment. These results suggest at fine scales within the intertidal seascape the same mechanisms as those over the species’ distributional range are at work with core and marginal population dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to provide guidelines for conservationand management of the severely declining LakeSaimaa (eastern Finland) European grayling(Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae), weinvestigated the microgeographic geneticstructure of three populations from the watersystem using 17 microsatellite loci andmitochondrial DNA polymerase chainreaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism analysis. Microsatellites revealedlow levels of intrapopulation genetic diversityand substantial divergence between populationssampled from spawning sites separated by aslittle as 55 kilometers. Mitochondrial analysisindicated the occurrence of two compositehaplotypes within Lake Saimaa. The nucleotidesubstitution estimates between the haplotypessuggested their separation to markedly predatethe late Pleistocene period. The populationsexhibited marked frequency differences for thetwo mitochondrial haplotypes, reinforcing theview of limited interpopulation gene flowwithin Lake Saimaa. An individual basedmicrosatellite Neighbor-Joining dendrogramdemonstrated clustering of all the specimensaccording to their sampling origin. Individualassignment tests revealed 100% assignmentsuccess of individuals into their population oforigin and 100% exclusion (p <0.05) from all alternative referencepopulations. These findings exemplify that T. thymallus populations may be genetically highly structured over small geographical scales and provide a good starting point for the development of appropriate conservation strategies for Lake Saimaa grayling.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in microsatellite allele frequencies and morphology were compared for five subspecies of Melospiza melodia (song sparrow; M. m. samuelis, M. m. maxillaris, M. m. pusillula, M. m. gouldii, and M. m. heermanni) in 14 populations in the San Francisco Bay region to (a) assess divergence based on these estimates and (b) test the hypothesis that drift is responsible for morphological and genetic divergence. Morphological differentiation between subspecies was high despite low differentiation at microsatellite loci, indicating high gene flow and large effective population sizes. Low concordance of morphological and genetic estimates of divergence suggests that selection or phenotypic plasticity in morphology has caused morphological differentiation among the subspecies.  相似文献   

Knowledge of genetic connectivity dynamics in the world's large‐bodied, highly migratory, apex predator sharks across their global ranges is limited. One such species, the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), occurs worldwide in warm temperate and tropical waters, uses remarkably diverse habitats (nearshore to pelagic) and possesses a generalist diet that can structure marine ecosystems through top‐down processes. We investigated the phylogeography and the global population structure of this exploited, phylogenetically enigmatic shark by using 10 nuclear microsatellites (= 380) and sequences from the mitochondrial control region (CR,= 340) and cytochrome oxidase I gene (= 100). All three marker classes showed the genetic differentiation between tiger sharks from the western Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific ocean basins (microsatellite FST > 0.129; CR ΦST > 0.497), the presence of North vs. southwestern Atlantic differentiation and the isolation of tiger sharks sampled from Hawaii from other surveyed locations. Furthermore, mitochondrial DNA revealed high levels of intraocean basin matrilineal population structure, suggesting female philopatry and sex‐biased gene flow. Coalescent‐ and genetic distance‐based estimates of divergence from CR sequences were largely congruent (dcorr = 0.0015–0.0050), indicating a separation of Indo‐Pacific and western Atlantic tiger sharks <1 million years ago. Mitochondrial haplotype relationships suggested that the western South Atlantic Ocean was likely a historical connection for interocean basin linkages via the dispersal around South Africa. Together, the results reveal unexpectedly high levels of population structure in a highly migratory, behaviourally generalist, cosmopolitan ocean predator, calling for management and conservation on smaller‐than‐anticipated spatial scales.  相似文献   

A recent PCR-based fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), was successfully applied to the red alga Chondrus crispus Stackh. This is apparently the first account to describe the application of AFLP methodology to an alga. Six isolates of C. crispus were analyzed by AFLP. A total of twenty-five primer pairs were screened and six primer pairs were selected for further investigation. Both conservative and variable markers were identified within and between populations; some markers were unique to individuals. As such, AFLP should prove useful as a source of genetic markers in algae for applications as diverse as genome mapping to population genetic investigations. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Population genetic theory predicts that adaptation in novel environments is enhanced by genetic variation for fitness. However, theory also predicts that under strong selection, demographic stochasticity can drive populations to extinction before they can adapt. We exposed wheat-adapted populations of the flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) to a novel suboptimal corn resource, to test the effects of founding genetic variation on population decline and subsequent extinction or adaptation. As previously reported, genetically diverse populations were less likely to go extinct. Here, we show that among surviving populations, genetically diverse groups recovered faster after the initial population decline. Within two years, surviving populations significantly increased their fitness on corn via increased fecundity, increased egg survival, faster larval development, and higher rate of egg cannibalism. However, founding genetic variation only enhanced the increase in fecundity, despite existing genetic variation-and apparent lack of trade-offs-for egg survival and larval development time. Thus, during adaptation to novel habitats the positive impact of genetic variation may be restricted to only a few traits, although change in many life-history traits may be necessary to avoid extinction. Despite severe initial maladaptation and low population size, genetic diversity can thus overcome the predicted high extinction risk in new habitats.  相似文献   

While ecological effects on short‐term population dynamics are well understood, their effects over millennia are difficult to demonstrate and convincing evidence is scant. Using coalescent methods, we analysed past population dynamics of three lizard species (Psammodromus hispanicus, P. edwardsianus, P. occidentalis) and linked the results with climate change data covering the same temporal horizon (120 000 years). An increase in population size over time was observed in two species, and in P. occidentalis, no change was observed. Temporal changes in temperature seasonality and the maximum temperature of the warmest month were congruent with changes in population dynamics observed for the three species and both variables affected population density, either directly or indirectly (via a life‐history trait). These results constitute the first solid link between ecological change and long‐term population dynamics. The results moreover suggest that ecological change leaves genetic signatures that can be retrospectively traced, providing evidence that ecological change is a crucial driver of genetic diversity and speciation.  相似文献   

Recent changes in sylvicultural practices in Central Europe have created forests with closed canopies, and tree species preferring open and sunny forests have declined in area and abundance. This led to increased isolation of populations of many rare insect-pollinated, fleshy-fruited species with a naturally scattered distribution. To gain insight into the regional population dynamics of such species, we investigated the consequences of spatial isolation, population size and density on the genetic structure of Sorbus torminalis and simultaneously considered the relationship between fecundity and habitat quality. Genotype data for biparentally (ISSRs) and maternally inherited (cpDNA PCR-RFLPs) molecular markers were generated for 26 Swiss populations of S. torminalis. We applied analyses of molecular variance (amova) to both marker types and separated the relative contributions of pollen and seed dispersal to historical gene flow. amova detected significant differentiation among populations (Phi(ST ISSR) = 0.107; Phi(ST cpDNA) = 0.370) in both marker types. The relative rate of pollen to seed gene flow was low (r = 2.919) and significantly different from equality. Isolation by distance was weak within Eastern and Western Switzerland, although populations were substantially differentiated. Within-population molecular variance was not explained by population size, whereas habitat quality (openness) positively influenced the percentage of fruiting trees and the degree of fruiting per tree, indicating that more open forests enhance sexual reproduction. Our findings of significant genetic differentiation in the absence of clear geographical structuring can be explained by the distinct ecology of S. torminalis and nondirectional colonization events in metapopulation-like dynamics.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints on effective dispersal have been suggested to be a key factor influencing social evolution in animal societies as well as the shift from single queen colonies (monogyny) to multiple queen colonies (polygyny) in ants. However, little is known about the effective dispersal patterns of ant queens. Here we investigate the microgeographic genetic structure of mitochondrial haplotypes in polygynous populations of the ant Formica exsecta, both between pastures and among nests within pastures. An analysis of molecular variance revealed a very high genetic differentiation (phiST = 0.72) between pastures, indicating that queens rarely disperse successfully between pastures, despite the fact that pastures were sometimes as close as 1 km. Most of the pastures contained only a single haplotype, and haplotypes were frequently distinct between nearby pastures and even between groups of nests within the same pasture. In the three pastures that contained several haplotypes, haplotypes were not randomly distributed, the genetic differentiation between nests being phiST = 0.17, 0.52, and 0.69. This indicates that most queens are recruited within their parental colonies. However, a large proportion of nests contained more than one haplotype, demonstrating that colonies will sometimes accept foreign queens. The relatedness of mitochondrial genes among nestmates varied between 0.62 and 0.75 when relatedness was measured within each pasture and ranged between 0.72 and 1.0 when relatedness was assessed with all pastures as a reference population. Neighboring nests were more genetically similar than distant ones, and there was significant isolation by distance. This pattern may be due to new nests being formed by budding or by limited effective queen dispersal, probably on foot between neighboring nests. These results show that effective queen dispersal is extremely restricted even at a small geographical scale, a pattern consistent with the idea that ecological constraints are an important selective force leading to the evolution and maintenance of polygyny.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is a mysterious phenomenon. Most animals and plants invest in sexual reproduction, even though it is more costly than asexual reproduction. Theoretical studies suggest that occasional or conditional use of sexual reproduction, involving facultative switching between sexual and asexual reproduction, is the optimal reproductive strategy. However, obligate sexual reproduction is common in nature. Recent studies suggest that the evolution of facultative sexual reproduction is prevented by males that coerce females into sexual fertilization; thus, sexual reproduction has the potential to enforce costs on a given species. Here, the effect of sex on biodiversity is explored by evaluating the reproductive costs arising from sex. Sex provides atypical selection pressure that favors traits that increase fertilization success, even at the expense of population growth rates, that is, sexual selection. The strength of sexual selection depends on the density of a given species. Sexual selection often causes strong negative effects on the population growth rates of species that occur at high density. Conversely, a species that reduces its density is released from this negative effect, and so increases its growth rate. Thus, this negative density-dependent effect on population growth that arises from sexual selection could be used to rescue endangered species from extinction, prevent the overgrowth of common species and promote the coexistence of competitive species. Recent publications on sexual reproduction provide several predictions related to the evolution of reproductive strategies, which is an important step toward integrating evolutionary dynamics, demographic dynamics and community dynamics.  相似文献   

Characterization of the fine‐scale population dynamics of the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus is needed to improve our understanding of its role as a disease vector in the Galapagos Islands. We used microsatellite data to assess the genetic structure of coastal and highland mosquito populations and patterns of gene flow between the two habitats through time on Santa Cruz Island. In addition, we assessed possible associations of mosquito abundance and genetic diversity with environmental variables. The coastal and highland mosquito populations were highly differentiated from each other all year round, with some gene flow detected only during periods of increased precipitation. The results support the hypothesis that selection arising from ecological differences between habitats is driving adaptation and divergence in A. taeniorhynchus, and maintaining long‐term genetic differentiation of the populations against gene flow. The highland and lowland populations may constitute an example of incipient speciation in progress. Highland populations were characterized by lower observed heterozygosity and allelic richness, suggesting a founder effect and/or lower breeding site availability in the highlands. A lack of reduction in genetic diversity over time in highland populations suggests that they survive dry periods as dormant eggs. Association between mosquito abundance and precipitation was strong in the highlands, whereas tide height was the main factor affecting mosquito abundance on the coast. Our findings suggests differences in the infection dynamics of mosquito‐borne parasites in the highlands compared to the coast, and a higher risk of mosquito‐driven disease spread across these habitats during periods of increased precipitation.  相似文献   

Studies on inter-annual dynamics of populations from temperate regions have shown that density dependence and climate effects are relatively common, albeit weak. Yet, for short-lived organisms, intra-annual variation may be at least as important. Furthermore, tropical species commonly experience temperatures close to their upper thermal limit and thus may be more likely to experience heat stress. Here, we used the soil mite Rostrozetes ovulum to investigate the drivers of intra-annual population dynamics in an Amazonian rain forest. We sampled 3,600 soil cores from 20 transects during 13 months, obtaining 180 mite counts. Next, we built a dynamic N-mixture model accounting for different detection probabilities between soil types. In a Bayesian framework, we used this model to estimate (a) the strength of density dependence and (b) per capita growth rates, which were then tested against environmental variables. We found that the intra-annual population dynamics of R. ovulum were weakly density dependent. Further, per capita growth rates increased with resource supply (litterfall) and decreased with maximum temperature over much of the observed thermal range, although these effects explained relatively little variance. Yet, the seasonal correlation between these factors created a trade-off, so that realized population growth was highest when neither resource supply nor thermal suitability was optimal. Overall, our results suggest that the mechanisms shaping soil animal population dynamics may be surprisingly similar across latitudes. Our model offers a starting point for analyses of soil animal counts when extraction from soil samples is imperfect.  相似文献   

Investigating the impact of ecological factors on sex‐ and age‐specific vital rates is essential to understand animal population dynamics and detect the potential for interactions between sympatric species. We used block count data and autoregressive linear models to investigate variation in birth rate, kid survival, female survival, and male survival in a population of Alpine chamois Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra monitored over 27 years within the Stelvio National Park, Central Italian Alps, as function of climatic variables, density dependence, and interspecific competition with red deer Cervus elaphus. We also used path analysis to assess the indirect effect of deer abundance on chamois growth rate mediated by each demographic parameter. Based on previous findings, we predicted that birth rate at [t] would negatively relate to red deer abundance at year [t − 1]; survival rates between [t] and [t + 1] would negatively relate to red deer abundance at year [t − 1] and to the interactive effect of winter precipitation at [t + 1] and chamois density at [t]. Our results showed that birth rate was positively related to spring–summer precipitation in the previous year, but this effect was hampered by increasing red deer abundance. Kid and female survival rates were negatively related to the combined effect of chamois abundance and winter precipitation. Male and female survival rates were negatively related to lagged red deer abundance. The path analysis supported a negative indirect effect of red deer abundance on chamois growth rate mediated by birth rate and female survival. Our results suggest that chamois population dynamics was largely explained by the synergistic effect of density dependence and winter harshness, as well as by interspecific competition with red deer, whose effects were seemingly stronger on the kid–female segment of the population.  相似文献   

Global patterns of population genetic differentiation in seed plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evaluating the factors that drive patterns of population differentiation in plants is critical for understanding several biological processes such as local adaptation and incipient speciation. Previous studies have given conflicting results regarding the significance of pollination mode, seed dispersal mode, mating system, growth form and latitudinal region in shaping patterns of genetic structure, as estimated by FST values, and no study to date has tested their relative importance together across a broad scale. Here, we assembled a 337‐species data set for seed plants from publications with data on FST from nuclear markers and species traits, including variables pertaining to the sampling scheme of each study. We used species traits, while accounting for sampling variables, to perform phylogenetic multiple regressions. Results demonstrated that FST values were higher for tropical, mixed‐mating, non‐woody species pollinated by small insects, indicating greater population differentiation, and lower for temperate, outcrossing trees pollinated by wind. Among the factors we tested, latitudinal region explained the largest portion of variance, followed by pollination mode, mating system and growth form, while seed dispersal mode did not significantly relate to FST. Our analyses provide the most robust and comprehensive evaluation to date of the main ecological factors predicted to drive population differentiation in seed plants, with important implications for understanding the basis of their genetic divergence. Our study supports previous findings showing greater population differentiation in tropical regions and is the first that we are aware of to robustly demonstrate greater population differentiation in species pollinated by small insects.  相似文献   

Genetic quality of individuals impacts population dynamics   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Ample evidence exists that an increase in the inbreeding level of a population reduces the value of fitness components such as fecundity and survival. It does not follow, however, that these decreases in the components of fitness impact population dynamics in a way that increases extinction risk, because virtually all species produce far more offspring than can actually survive. We analyzed the effects of the genetic quality (mean fitness) of individuals on the population growth rate of seven natural populations in each of two species of wolf spider in the genus Rabidosa , statistically controlling for environmental factors. We show that populations of different sizes, and different inbreeding levels, differ in population dynamics for both species. Differences in population growth rates are especially pronounced during stressful environmental conditions (low food availability) and the stressful environment affects smaller populations (<500 individuals) disproportionately. Thus, even in an invertebrate with an extremely high potential growth rate and strong density-dependent mortality rates, genetic factors contribute directly to population dynamics and, therefore, to extinction risk. This is only the second study to demonstrate an impact of the genetic quality of individual genotypes on population dynamics in a wild population and the first to document strong inbreeding–environment interactions for fitness among populations. Endangered species typically exist at sizes of a few hundred individuals and human activities degrade habitats making them innately more stressful (e.g. global climate change). Therefore, the interaction between genetic factors and environmental stress has important implications for efforts aimed at conserving the Earth's biodiversity.  相似文献   

The clam Ruditapes decussatus is commercially important in southwestern Europe, suffering from population decline and hybridization with exotic Manila clam (R. philippinarum). Previous studies with intronic markers showed a genetic subdivision of the species in three races (Atlantic, West Mediterranean, and Adriatic‐Aegean). However, detailed population genetic studies to help management of the main production areas in the southwest of Europe are missing. We have analyzed eight Atlantic and two Mediterranean populations from the Spanish coasts using 14 microsatellites and six intronic markers. Microsatellites confirmed the Atlantic and West Mediterranean races detected with introns and showed that genetic variability was higher in Mediterranean than in Atlantic populations. Both marker types showed that genetic differentiation of Atlantic populations was low and indicated that populations could be managed at the regional level in the case of Cantabrian and Gulf of Cadiz areas, but not in the case of Rias Baixas and the Mediterranean. This study shows the interest of including different types of markers in studies of genetic population structure of marine organisms.  相似文献   

The Haute Island mouflon (Ovis aries) population is isolated on one small (6.5 km2) island of the remote Kerguelen archipelago. Given a promiscuous mating system, a cyclic demography and a strong female-biased sex ratio after population crashes, we expected a low effective population size (Ne). We estimated Ne using demographic and temporal genetic approaches based on genetic information at 25 microsatellite loci from 62 and 58 mouflons sampled in 1988 and 2003, respectively. Genetic Ne estimates were higher than expected, varying between 104 and 250 depending on the methods used. Both demographic and genetic approaches show the Haute Island Ne is buffered against population crashes. The unexpectedly high Ne likely results from the cyclic winter crashes that allow young males to reproduce, limiting the variance of male reproductive success. Based on individual-based simulations, we suggest that despite a strongly female-biased sex ratio, the effects of the mating system on the effective population size more closely resemble random mating or weak polygyny.  相似文献   

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