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Plant invasion is an emerging driver of global change worldwide. We aimed to disentangle its impacts on plant–soil nutrient concentrations. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 215 peer‐reviewed articles and 1233 observations. Invasive plant species had globally higher N and P concentrations in photosynthetic tissues but not in foliar litter, in comparison with their native competitors. Invasive plants were also associated with higher soil C and N stocks and N, P, and K availabilities. The differences in N and P concentrations in photosynthetic tissues and in soil total C and N, soil N, P, and K availabilities between invasive and native species decreased when the environment was richer in nutrient resources. The results thus suggested higher nutrient resorption efficiencies in invasive than in native species in nutrient‐poor environments. There were differences in soil total N concentrations but not in total P concentrations, indicating that the differences associated to invasive plants were related with biological processes, not with geochemical processes. The results suggest that invasiveness is not only a driver of changes in ecosystem species composition but that it is also associated with significant changes in plant–soil elemental composition and stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton acclimates to irradiance by regulating the cellular content of light‐harvesting complexes, which are nitrogen (N) rich and phosphorus (P) poor. Irradiance is thus hypothesised to influence the cellular N : P ratio and the N : P defining the threshold between N and P limitation (the ‘optimal’ N : P). We tested this hypothesis by first addressing the response of the optimal N : P to irradiance in a controlled experiment with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Then, we did a meta‐analysis of experimental data on optimal and cellular N : P ratios across light gradients to test the generality of an N : P to light response within species. In both the experiment and the meta‐analysis, N : P ratios decreased with irradiance, indicating that factors affecting underwater irradiance, like depth and the composition of the water, may influence the relative N : P requirement. The effect of irradiance did not differ between optimal and cellular N : P ratios, but observations of optimal N : P were on average 2.8 times higher than observations of cellular N : P.  相似文献   

Understanding the reciprocal interactions between the evolved characteristics of species and the environment in which each species is embedded is a major priority for evolutionary ecology. Here we use the perspective of ecological stoichiometry to test the hypothesis that natural selection on body growth rate affects consumer body stoichiometry. As body elemental composition (nitrogen, phosphorus) of consumers influences nutrient cycling and trophic dynamics in food webs, such differences should also affect biogeochemical processes and trophic dynamics. Consistent with the growth rate hypothesis, body growth rate and phosphorus content of individuals of the Daphnia pulex species complex were lower in Wisconsin compared to Alaska, where the brevity of the growing season places a premium on growth rate. Consistent with stoichiometric theory, we also show that, relative to animals sampled in Wisconsin, animals sampled in Alaska were poor recyclers of P and suffered greater declines in growth when fed low‐quality, P‐deficient food. These results highlight the importance of evolutionary context in establishing the reciprocal relationships between single species and ecosystem processes such as trophic dynamics and consumer‐driven nutrient recycling.  相似文献   

The growth-rate hypothesis states that fast-growing organisms need relatively more phosphorus-rich RNA to support rapid rates of protein synthesis, and therefore predicts, within and among taxa, increases in RNA and phosphorus content (relative to protein and nitrogen content) with increased growth rate. Here, we present a test of this hypothesis in vascular plants. We determined nitrogen : phosphorus ratios and protein : RNA ratios in pines growing at different rates due to nutrient conditions. In general, when comparing leaves of the same species at low and high growth rates, the faster-growing plants had higher RNA content, higher %N and %P, and lower protein : RNA ratios, but not consistently lower N : P ratios. We found no link between growth rate and foliar N : P or protein : RNA when comparing multiple species of different inherent growth rates. We conclude that plants adjust the balance of protein and RNA to favour either speed or efficiency of protein synthesis, but this balance does not alone dictate leaf stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The non‐linearity and fear hypothesis predicts that certain non‐linear sounds are one way to evoke antipredator responses in both birds and mammals. This hypothesis, however, has not been studied in non‐vocal species or in reptiles. Such a study would be important because if non‐linear sounds are evocative even in a species that does not produce sounds, then there may be generally salient cues of risk in these sounds. We asked whether non‐vocal lizards, white‐bellied copper‐striped skinks (Emoia cyanura), respond to experimentally broadcast non‐linearities. This species is ideal to ask the question in because prior research has shown that they respond to predator sounds and alarm calls of other species even though they are not vocal. We conducted playback experiments with three computer‐generated simulated non‐linearities to assess whether or not skinks increased antipredator behavior after hearing them. We controlled for novelty by broadcasting a 3‐kHz, 500‐ms pure tone and tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) song. Our treatments consisted of a 3‐kHz, 400‐ms pure tone followed by a frequency shift up to 5‐kHz for 100‐ms, a 3‐kHz, 400‐ms pure tone to frequency shift down to 1‐kHz for 100‐ms, and a pure tone followed by 100‐ms of white noise. Following a total of 222 playbacks, we categorized responses into looking, locomotion, and high locomotion, focusing on how skinks changed their rates of time allocation from baseline. We examined 95% confidence intervals to identify whether skinks responded to playbacks and fitted general linear models followed by pairwise comparisons to ask whether skinks discriminated between broadcast stimuli. We found that skinks were especially responsive to frequency downshifts: They significantly increased looking and locomotion, consistent with our predictions based on the non‐linearity and fear hypothesis. Surprisingly, they decreased rates of looking behavior after hearing frequency upshifts, possibly suggesting an increase in relaxed behavior. While skinks responded to noise by increasing their rate of locomotion, this response was not significantly different from controls. We conclude that skinks increase antipredator behavior after hearing downshifts more than any other type of non‐linearity. This provides some support for the non‐linearity and fear hypothesis; even non‐vocal species may respond fearfully to specific types of non‐linear sounds.  相似文献   

黄菊莹  余海龙  刘吉利  马飞  韩磊 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5362-5373
以宁夏荒漠草原为研究对象,于2014—2015年设置了降雨量变化(减雨50%、减雨30%、自然降雨、增雨30%和增雨50%)的野外模拟试验,测定了植物、微生物和土壤C、N、P含量,同时调查了植物群落组成和土壤含水量等指标,研究了各组分C、N、P化学计量特征对连续两年降雨量变化的响应,分析了土壤C∶N∶P和含水量分别与植物生长、养分利用以及微生物量积累的相关性。结果表明,控雨改变了植物叶片C∶N∶P,且其影响程度随物种不同而异:减雨50%提高了牛枝子(Lespedeza potanimill)绿叶N和P以及猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)绿叶P摄取能力,增雨(30%和50%)降低了猪毛蒿绿叶N摄取能力。增雨提高了猪毛蒿绿叶C∶N,增雨30%提高了苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides)绿叶C∶N。增雨降低了猪毛蒿绿叶N∶P,增雨30%降低了白草(Pennisetum centrasiaticum)绿叶N∶P。相比之下,控雨条件下枯叶C∶N∶P的变化幅度较小;随降雨量增加微生物量C、N以及C∶N逐渐增加,但增雨50%使微生物量C和C∶N降低;控雨对土壤C∶N∶P的影响较小,但增雨提高了土壤水分有效性,因此促进了植物和微生物生长;试验期内,相对稳定的土壤C∶N∶P不能很好地指示植物和微生物生长发育的养分受限状况;干旱时提高叶片养分摄取、湿润时增强叶片养分回收,可能解释了牛枝子对降雨量变化的弹性适应能力。  相似文献   

The biogeochemical and stoichiometric signature of vegetation fire may influence post‐fire ecosystem characteristics and the evolution of plant ‘fire traits’. Phosphorus (P), a potentially limiting nutrient in many fire‐prone environments, might be particularly important in this context; however, the effects of fire on P cycling often vary widely. We conducted a global‐scale meta‐analysis using data from 174 soil studies and 39 litter studies, and found that fire led to significantly higher concentrations of soil mineral P as well as significantly lower soil and litter carbon:P and nitrogen:P ratios. These results demonstrate that fire has a P‐rich signature in the soil–plant system that varies with vegetation type. Further, they suggest that burning can ease P limitation and decouple the biogeochemical cycling of P, carbon and nitrogen. These effects resemble a transient reversion to an earlier stage of ecosystem development, and likely underpin at least some of fire's impacts on ecosystems and organisms.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have shown that two components of community trait composition are important for key ecosystem processes: (i) the community‐weighted mean trait value (CWM), related to the mass ratio hypothesis and dominant trait values in the community, and (ii) functional diversity (FD), related to the complementarity hypothesis and the divergence of trait values. However, no experiments controlling for the inherent dependence between CWM and FD have been conducted so far. We used a novel experimental framework to disentangle the unique and shared effects of CWM and FD in a leaf litter‐macrodetritivore model system. We manipulated isopod assemblages varying in species number, CWM and FD of litter consumption rate to test the relative contribution of these community parameters in the decomposition process. We showed that CWM, but also the combination of CWM and FD, is a main factor controlling litter decomposition. When we tested individual biodiversity components separately, CWM of litter consumption rate showed a significant effect on decomposition, while FD and species richness alone did not. Our study demonstrated that (i) trait composition rather than species diversity drives litter decomposition, (ii) dominant trait values in the community (CWM) play a chief role in driving ecosystem processes, corroborating the mass ratio hypothesis, and (iii) trait dissimilarity can contribute in modulating the overall biodiversity effects. Future challenge is to assess whether the generality of our finding, that is, that dominant trait values (CWM) predominate over trait dissimilarity (FD), holds for other ecosystem processes, environmental conditions and different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Environmental factors act as drivers of species coexistence or competition. Mesic environments favor the action of parasites and predators on gall communities, while the factors that determine the structure of gall communities in xeric environments remain unknown. We evaluated the structure of gall communities along an environmental gradient defined by intrinsic plant characteristics, soil fertility, and aridity, and investigated the role of competition as a structuring force of gall communities in xeric environments. We created null models to compare observed and simulated patterns of co‐occurrence of galls and used the C‐score index to assess community aggregation or segregation. We used the NES C‐score (standardized C‐score) to compare patterns of co‐occurrence with parameters of environmental quality. Xeric environments had poorer and more arid soils and more sclerophyllous plants than mesic environments, which was reflected in the distribution patterns of gall communities. Values of the C‐score index revealed a segregated distribution of gall morphospecies in xeric environments, but a random distribution in mesic environments. The low availability of resources for oviposition and the high density of gallers in xeric environments reinforce interspecific competition as an important structuring force for gall communities in these environments.  相似文献   

1. The light : nutrient hypothesis (LNH) proposes that herbivore growth rates are maximised at intermediate light‐to‐nutrient ratios. A reduction to light intensity (i.e. decreased light‐to‐nutrient ratio) should lead to reduced food availability for herbivores while excessive light intensity in oligotrophic environments (i.e. increased light‐to‐nutrient ratios) should increase the C : N and C : P ratios of producers. However, this hypothesis has not yet been supported by studies on stream ecosystems. 2. We tested the LNH by experimental application of controlled natural gradients in light intensity to oligotrophic laboratory channels that included periphyton and the freshwater snail Gyraulus chinensis. 3. The results in this oligotrophic environment indicate that light regulated the flow of matter between trophic levels and grazer reproduction by controlling C : P ratios of the producers.  相似文献   

Signaling through the hypoxia‐inducible factor hif‐1 controls longevity, metabolism, and stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans. Hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF) protein levels are regulated through an evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin ligase complex. Mutations in the VHL gene, encoding a core component of this complex, cause a multitumor syndrome and renal cell carcinoma in humans. In the nematode, deficiency in vhl‐1 promotes longevity mediated through HIF‐1 stabilization. However, this longevity assurance pathway is not yet understood. Here, we identify folliculin (FLCN) as a novel interactor of the hif‐1/vhl‐1 longevity pathway. FLCN mutations cause Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome in humans, another tumor syndrome with renal tumorigenesis reminiscent of the VHL disease. Loss of the C. elegans ortholog of FLCN F22D3.2 significantly increased lifespan and enhanced stress resistance in a hif‐1‐dependent manner. F22D3.2, vhl‐1, and hif‐1 control longevity by a mechanism distinct from insulin‐like signaling. Daf‐16 deficiency did not abrogate the increase in lifespan mediated by flcn‐1. These findings define FLCN as a player in HIF‐dependent longevity signaling and connect organismal aging, stress resistance, and regulation of longevity with the formation of renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Most studies of factors that limit the number of eggs that birds lay have focused on the disadvantages of having too many young to feed. Less attention has been paid to the consequences of having a large number of eggs to incubate. The incubation‐capacity hypothesis proposes that females lay as many eggs as they can effectively incubate. We tested this hypothesis in 2018 in a montane population of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). Most females in this population lay five or six eggs; clutches of seven occur, but are rare. We added eggs to some nests, forcing females to incubate seven eggs, while leaving other nests as controls. Among females completing incubation, those with enlarged clutches hatched as many eggs as did control females, and did so in the same amount of time. This was despite an extended period of unusually cold and often wet weather that occurred when many females were incubating. Our results firmly reject the suggestion that females typically lay no more than six eggs because they cannot effectively heat seven eggs. One or more other factors must limit clutch size. One possible factor is suggested by the fact that during the period of inclement weather, more females with enlarged clutches than control females appeared to abandon nests before completing incubation. Because larger clutches require more energy to incubate, females with seven eggs during energetically stressful conditions could more quickly reach the point where they lack sufficient energy for both incubation and self‐maintenance. Such conditions may occur frequently enough in the montane environment that, on average, laying seven eggs results in reduced lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence hypothesis predicts that testosterone (T)enhances the expression of male secondary sexual characterswhile exerting a suppressive effect on the immune system therebyexposing hosts to higher intensities of parasite infestations.In a natural population of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) males,the intensity of infestation by some ectoparasites was negativelycorrelated with tail length and was positively correlated withimmunoglobulin levels, but no clear relationship was observedbetween immune responses (leukocyte counts, immunoglobulins)and tail length. Males implanted with T had higher intensitiesof parasite infestations at the time of recapture than controlmales, and T-implanted males experienced an increase in countsof eosinophils. In T-implanted males, immunoglobulin levelsinitially decreased and then increased as time from implantationelapsed. Among T-implanted males, those with longer tails hada smaller increase in eosinophil counts, tended to experiencea smaller increase of parasite infestations, and were more likelyto survive until the following breeding season than those withshorter tails. The relationships between parasite burden, immunesystem, and exaggeration of tail length in the natural populationof males are consistent with some aspects of the immunocompetencehandicap hypothesis. The results from the manipulation of Tplasma levels are also partly consistent with the hypothesis,since T-implantation resulted in higher levels of parasite infestations,but contradict the assumption of an obligatory immunosuppressiveeffect of T. Higher activation of the immune system of T-implantedmales indicate that high T plasma levels imposed a two-foldcost because of the effects on parasites and the immune responseto parasites, and this suggests that the effect of T on parasitesmight not be mediated by the immune system of the host. Theresults of the manipulation of T plasma levels support the handicapversion of the immunocompetence hypothesis since high quality,long-tailed males paid less in terms of activation of the immunesystem, change in parasite infestations, and chances of survivalthan low-quality, short-tailed males.  相似文献   

Despite promises that ‘healthy’ marine systems show increased resilience, the effects of ecosystem management strategies on invasion success in marine systems is still unclear. We show that resistance to the invasive alga, Sargassum horneri, in a temperate reef system occurs through alternate mechanisms in different ecosystem states. In an old marine protected area (MPA), invasion of S. horneri was suppressed, likely due to competitive pressure from native algae, resulting from protection of urchin predators. In a nearby fished urchin barren, invasion of S. horneri was also suppressed, due to herbivory by urchins whose predators are fished. Within newer MPAs with intermediate levels of interacting species, S. horneri was abundant. Here, neither competition from native algae nor herbivory was sufficient to prevent invasion. We confirm that invasion in marine systems is complex and show that multiple mechanisms in single systems must be considered when investigating biotic resistance hypotheses.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change and of other anthropogenic pressures on the structure and composition of phytoplankton communities of large European rivers remains poorly documented. Here we report the findings of a study of the changes in the phytoplankton community of the middle segment of the river Loire over the past 24 years. An attempt is made to distinguish between the impact of changes acting at the local scale and that of those acting more globally. A dramatic reduction in phytoplankton abundance was observed, particularly in the mid ‐1990s; this was concomitant with an increase in the relative proportion of cyanobacteria. At the same time, the phytoplankton community displayed increasing richness and diversity, and little change in its size structure. All these changes seem to be related to local changes, in particular to the reduction in phosphorus concentrations, as well as to changes in climate, throughout modifications in the river discharge and water temperature. Interestingly, herbicide contamination also appeared to be of particular importance in explaining the unexpected increase in the proportion of cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton community after the 1990s. These findings suggest that combinations of numerous anthropogenic pressures acting at different spatial and temporal scales have led to a mix of predictable and unpredictable changes occurring in the phytoplankton community of the river Loire, with probable consequences for the trophic networks in this river.  相似文献   

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