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Investigating secondary contact of historically isolated lineages can provide insight into how selection and drift influence genomic divergence and admixture. Here, we studied the genomic landscape of divergence and introgression following secondary contact between lineages of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) to determine whether genomic regions under selection in allopatry also contribute to reproductive isolation during introgression. We used thousands of nuclear loci to study genomic differentiation between two lineages that have experienced recent secondary contact following isolation, and incorporated sampling from a zone of secondary contact to identify loci that are resistant to gene flow in hybrids. Comparisons of patterns of divergence and introgression revealed a positive relationship between allelic differentiation and resistance to introgression across the genome, and greater‐than‐expected overlap between genes linked to lineage‐specific divergence and loci that resist introgression. Genes linked to putatively selected markers were related to prominent aspects of rattlesnake biology that differ between populations of Western Diamondback rattlesnakes (i.e., venom and reproductive phenotypes). We also found evidence for selection against introgression of genes that may contribute to cytonuclear incompatibility, consistent with previously observed biased patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial alleles suggestive of partial reproductive isolation due to cytonuclear incompatibilities. Our results provide a genome‐scale perspective on the relationships between divergence and introgression in secondary contact that is relevant for understanding the roles of selection in maintaining partial isolation of lineages, causing admixing lineages to not completely homogenize.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization provides the unique opportunity for species to tap into genetic variation present in a closely related species and potentially take advantage of beneficial alleles. It has become increasingly clear that when hybridization occurs, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) often crosses species boundaries, raising the possibility that it could serve as a recurrent target of natural selection and source of species' adaptations. Here we report the sequences of 46 complete mitochondrial genomes of Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila santomea, two sister species known to produce hybrids in nature (~3%). At least two independent events of mtDNA introgression are uncovered in this study, including an early invasion of the D. yakuba mitochondrial genome that fully replaced the D. santomea mtDNA native haplotypes and a more recent, ongoing event centred in the hybrid zone. Interestingly, this recent introgression event bears the signature of Darwinian natural selection, and the selective haplotype can be found at low frequency in Africa mainland populations of D. yakuba. We put forward the possibility that, because the effective population size of D. santomea is smaller than that of D. yakuba, the faster accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations associated with Muller's ratchet in the former species may have facilitated the replacement of the mutationally loaded mitochondrial genome of Dsantomea by that of D. yakuba.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that reproductive isolation may be due to intrinsic genetic incompatibilities or extrinsic ecological factors. Therefore, an understanding of the genetic basis of isolation may require analyses of evolutionary processes in situ to include environmental factors. Here we study genetic isolation between populations of sculpins ( Cottus ) at 168 microsatellites. Genomic clines were fit using 480 individuals sampled across independent natural hybrid zones that have formed between one invading species and two separate populations of a resident species. Our analysis tests for deviations from neutral patterns of introgression at individual loci based on expectations given genome-wide admixture. Roughly 51% of the loci analysed displayed significant deviations. An overall deficit of interspecific heterozygotes in 26% and 21% of the loci suggests that widespread underdominance drives genomic isolation. At the same time, selection promotes introgression of almost 30% of the markers, which implies that hybridization may increase the fitness of admixed individuals. Cases of overdominance or epistatic interactions were relatively rare. Despite the similarity of the two hybrid zones in their overall genomic composition, patterns observed at individual loci show little correlation between zones and many fit different genotypic models of fitness. At this point, it remains difficult to determine whether these results are due to differences in external selection pressures or cryptic genetic differentiation of distinct parental populations. In the future, data from mapped genetic markers and on variation of ecological factors will provide additional insights into the contribution of these factors to variation in the evolutionary consequences of hybridization.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, differential gene exchange between partially reproductively isolated taxa can result in introgression that extends over long distances due to high larval dispersal potential. However, the degree to which this process contributes to interlocus variance of genetic differentiation within introgressed populations remains unclear. Using a genome-scan approach in the Indo-Pacific eel Anguilla marmorata, we investigated the degree of interpopulation genetic differentiation, the rate of introgression, and within-population genetic patterns at 858 AFLP markers genotyped in 1117 individuals. Three divergent populations were identified based on clustering analysis. Genetic assignments of individuals revealed the existence of different types of hybrids that tended to co-occur with parental genotypes in three population contact zones. Highly variable levels of genetic differentiation were found between populations across the AFLP markers, and reduced rates of introgression were shown at some highly differentiated loci. Gene flow across semipermeable genetic barriers was shown to generate spatial introgression patterns at some loci which define within-population structure over long distances. These results suggest that differential introgression in subdivided populations may be relevant when interpreting spatial variation patterns displayed by outlying loci in other marine fish populations.  相似文献   

Recently diverged populations often exhibit incomplete reproductive isolation, with a low level of gene flow continuing between populations. Previous studies have shown that, even under a low level of gene flow, genetic divergence between populations can proceed at the loci governing local adaptation and reproductive isolation but not at other neutral loci. A leaf‐mining moth, Acrocercops transecta, consists of Juglans‐ and Lyonia‐associated host races. The two host races differ in host preferences of ovipositing females and in larval adaptation to host plants but mate readily in the laboratory, producing fertile hybrids. The Juglans and Lyonia races are often sympatric in the wild, implying that gene introgression could occur in nature between the two host races. We tested this hypothesis by combining phylogenetic analyses with coalescent simulations, focusing on mitochondrial genes (COI and ND5) and the nuclear Tpi, Per and Ldh genes located on the Z‐chromosome. The mitochondrial genes clearly distinguished the Lyonia race from the Juglnas race, whereas the Tpi, Per and Ldh genealogies did not reflect the two host races. Coalescent simulations indicated gene flow at the three Z‐linked genes in both directions, whereas there was no introgression in the mitochondrial genes. The lack of introgression in mitochondrial genes suggests that female host preference is the primary force leading to the bifurcation of maternally inherited loci. Thus, the results show that a low level of gene flow coupled with the inflexible female host preference differentiates histories of divergence between maternally and biparentally inherited genes in this host race system.  相似文献   

Heliconius butterflies have become a model for the study of speciation with gene flow. For adaptive introgression to take place, there must be incomplete barriers to gene exchange that allow interspecific hybridization and multiple generations of backcrossing. The recent publication of estimates of individual components of reproductive isolation between several species of butterflies in the Heliconius melpomeneH. cydno clade allowed us to calculate total reproductive isolation estimates for these species. According to these estimates, the butterflies are not as promiscuous as has been implied. Differences between species are maintained by intrinsic mechanisms, while reproductive isolation of geographical races within species is mainly due to allopatry. We discuss the implications of this strong isolation for basic aspects of the hybrid speciation with introgression hypothesis.  相似文献   

Contact zones between two evolutionary lineages are often useful for understanding the process of speciation because the observed genetic pattern reflects the history of differentiation. The Eurasian lacertid lizard Zootoca vivipara is a potentially interesting model for studying the role of reproductive mode in the speciation of squamate reptiles because it has both oviparous (Zootoca vivipara carniolica) and viviparous (Zootoca vivipara vivipara) populations that have recently been shown to be genetically distinct. We studied a newly‐discovered syntopic area of these two Zootoca subspecies in the central Italian Alps using genetic markers to investigate the level of introgression between them. Patterns of genetic differentiation in a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytb gene and a set of nuclear microsatellites show that the speciation process is complete in this area, with no evidence of recent introgression. Phylogenetic and genotypic divergence suggests that the two subspecies have experienced long independent evolutionary histories, during which genetic and phenotypic differences evolved. The possible roles of biogeography, reproductive mode, and cytogenetic differentiation in this speciation process are discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 566–573.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for divergence and speciation in rainforests generally fall into two categories: those emphasizing the role of geographic isolation and those emphasizing the role of divergent selection along gradients. While a majority of studies have attempted to infer mechanisms based on the pattern of species richness and congruence of geographic boundaries, relatively few have tried to simultaneously test alternative hypotheses for diversification. Here we discuss four examples, taken from our work on diversification of tropical rainforest vertebrates, in which we examine patterns of genetic and morphological variation within and between biogeographic regions to address two alternative hypotheses. By estimating morphological divergence between geographically contiguous and isolated populations under similar and different ecological conditions, we attempt to evaluate the relative roles of geographic isolation and natural selection in population divergence. Results suggest that natural selection, even in the presence of appreciable gene flow, can result in morphological divergence that is greater than that found between populations isolated for millions of years and, in some cases, even greater than that found between congeneric, but distinct, species. The relatively small phenotypic divergence that occurs among long-term geographic isolates in similar habitats suggests that morphological divergence via drift may be negligible and/or that selection is acting to produce similar phenotypes in populations occupying similar habitats. Our results demonstrate that significant phenotypic divergence: (1) is not necessarily coupled with divergence in neutral molecular markers; and (2) can occur without geographic isolation in the presence of gene flow.  相似文献   

The processes of adaptation and speciation are expected to shape genomic variation within and between diverging species. Here we analyze genomic heterogeneity of genetic differentiation and introgression in a hybrid zone between two bird species (Manacus candei and M. vitellinus) using 59 100 SNPs, a whole genome assembly, and Bayesian models. Measures of genetic differentiation () and introgression (genomic cline center [α] and rate [β]) were highly heterogeneous among loci. We identified thousands of loci with elevated parameter estimates, some of which are likely to be associated with variation in fitness in Manacus populations. To analyze the genomic organization of differentiation and introgression, we mapped SNPs onto a draft assembly of the M. vitellinus genome. Estimates of , α, and β were autocorrelated at very short physical distances (< 100 bp), but much less so beyond this. In addition, average statistical associations (linkage disequilibrium) between SNPs were generally low and were not higher in admixed populations than in populations of the parental species. Although they did not occur with a constant probability across the genome, loci with elevated , α, and β were not strongly co-localized in the genome. Contrary to verbal models that predict clustering of loci involved in adaptation and isolation in discrete genomic regions, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic regions involved in adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation are scattered throughout the genome. We also found that many loci were characterized by both exceptional genetic differentiation and introgression, consistent with the hypothesis that loci involved in isolation are also often characterized by a history of divergent selection. However, the concordance between isolation and differentiation was only partial, indicating a complex architecture and history of loci involved in isolation.  相似文献   

Accurate phylogenies are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes, especially species diversification. It is commonly assumed that "good" species are sufficiently isolated genetically that gene genealogies represent accurate phylogenies. However, it is increasingly clear that good species may continue to exchange genetic material through hybridization (introgression). Many studies of closely related species reveal introgression of some genes without others, often with more rapid introgression of maternally inherited chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA (cpDNA, mtDNA). We seek a general explanation for this biased introgression using simple models of common reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs). We compare empirically informed models of prezygotic isolation (for pre- and postinsemination mechanisms of both female choice and male competition) with postzygotic isolation and demonstrate that rate of introgression depends critically upon type of RIB and mode of genetic inheritance (maternal versus biparental versus paternal). Our frequency-dependent prezygotic RIBs allow much more rapid introgression of biparentally and maternally inherited genes than do commonly modeled postzygotic RIBs (especially maternally inherited DNA). After considering the specific predictions in the context of empirical observations, we conclude that our model of prezygotie RIBs is a general explanation for biased introgression of maternally inherited genomic components. These findings suggest that we should use extreme caution when interpreting single gene genealogies as species phylogenies, especially for cpDNA and mtDNA.  相似文献   

Hybridization and postzygotic isolation patterns in pigeons and doves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— The study of the patterns of reproductive isolation in relation to species divergence is critical for the understanding of the process of speciation. Comparative analyses of this kind were previously conducted in Drosophila , Lepidoptera, frogs, ducks, and birds in general. In the present study, we used information from the literature to analyze hybrid inviability in relation to species divergence in pigeons and doves. Four main patterns arose from this analysis: (1) as in the other groups studied, F1 hybrid inviability gradually increases as species diverge, the time needed to reach total inviability being higher in birds than in the other groups; (2) as expected, the presence of geographic overlap does not influence the evolution of postzygotic isolation; (3) the percentage of unhatched eggs does not differ between hybrids of the first generation and the backcrosses, but it increases in the second hybrid generation; and (4) pigeons and doves follow Haldane's rule, as found in the other groups studied so far. The similarity between the results of this and previous studies contributes to the growing evidence suggesting that the patterns of the evolution of postzygotic isolation, and the process of speciation in general, are shared among animal groups.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is of interest because of its role in speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. However, we know little about how within‐species assortment is related to interspecific sexual isolation. Most previous studies of assortative mating have focused on a single trait in males and females, rather than utilizing multivariate trait information. Here, we investigate how intraspecific assortative mating relates to sexual isolation in two sympatric and congeneric damselfly species (genus Calopteryx). We connect intraspecific assortment to interspecific sexual isolation by combining field observations, mate preference experiments, and enforced copulation experiments. Using canonical correlation analysis, we demonstrate multivariate intraspecific assortment for body size and body shape. Males of the smaller species mate more frequently with heterospecific females than males of the larger species, which showed less attraction to small heterospecific females. Field experiments suggest that sexual isolation asymmetry is caused by male preferences for large heterospecific females, rather than by mechanical isolation due to interspecific size differences or female preferences for large males. Male preferences for large females and male–male competition for high quality females can therefore counteract sexual isolation. This sexual isolation asymmetry indicates that sexual selection currently opposes a species boundary.  相似文献   

物种形成过程是生物多样性形成的基础, 长期以来一直是进化生物学的中心议题之一。传统的异域物种形成理论认为, 地理隔离是物种分化的主要决定因子, 物种形成只有在种群之间存在地理隔离的情况下才能发生。近年来, 随着种群基因组学的发展和溯祖理论分析方法的完善, 种群间存在基因流情况下的物种形成成为进化生物学领域新的研究焦点。物种形成过程中是否有基因流的发生?基因流如何影响物种的形成与分化?基因流存在条件下物种形成的生殖隔离机制是什么?根据已发表的相关文献资料, 作者综述了当前物种形成研究中基因流的时间和空间分布模式、基因流对物种分化的影响以及生殖隔离机制形成等问题, 指出基因流存在条件下的物种形成可能是自然界普遍发生的一种模式。  相似文献   

Hybrids between species provide information about the evolutionary processes involved in divergence. In addition to creating hybrids in the laboratory, biologists can take advantage of natural hybrid zones to understand the factors that shape gene flow between divergent lineages. In the early stages of speciation, most regions of the genome continue to flow freely between populations. Alternatively, the subset of the genome that confers reproductive barriers between nascent species is expected to reject introgression. Now enabled by advances in genomics, this perspective is motivating detailed comparisons of gene flow across genomic regions in hybrid zones. Here, I review methods for measuring and interpreting introgression at multiple loci in hybrid zones, focusing on the problem of identifying loci that contribute to reproductive isolation. Emerging patterns from multi-locus studies of hybrid zones are highlighted, including remarkable variance in introgression across the genome. Although existing methods have been useful, there is scope for development of new analytical approaches that better connect differential patterns of gene flow in hybrid zones with current knowledge of speciation mechanisms. I outline future prospects for differential introgression studies on a genomic scale.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the speciation process requires the identification of genomic regions and genes that confer reproductive barriers between species. Empirical and theoretical research has revealed two important patterns in the evolution of reproductive isolation in animals: isolation typically arises as a result of disrupted epistatic interactions between multiple loci and these disruptions map disproportionately to the X chromosome. These patterns suggest that a targeted examination of natural gene flow between closely related species at X-linked markers with known positions would provide insight into the genetic basis of speciation. We take advantage of the existence of genomic data and a well-documented European zone of hybridization between two species of house mice, Mus domesticus and M. musculus, to conduct such a survey. We evaluate patterns of introgression across the hybrid zone for 13 diagnostic X-linked loci with known chromosomal positions using a maximum likelihood model. Interlocus comparisons clearly identify one locus with reduced introgression across the center of the hybrid zone, pinpointing a candidate region for reproductive isolation. Results also reveal one locus with high frequencies of M. domesticus alleles in populations on the M. musculus side of the zone, suggesting the possibility that positive selection may act to drive the spread of alleles from one species on to the genomic background of the other species. Finally, cline width and cline center are strongly positively correlated across the X chromosome, indicating that gene flow of the X chromosome may be asymmetrical. This study highlights the utility of natural populations of hybrids for mapping speciation genes and suggests that the middle of the X chromosome may be important for reproductive isolation between species of house mice.  相似文献   

In allopatric populations, geographical separation simultaneously isolates the entire genome, allowing genetic divergence to accumulate virtually anywhere in the genome. In sympatric populations, however, the strong divergent selection required to overcome migration produces a genetic mosaic of divergent and non-divergent genomic regions. In some recent genome scans, each divergent genomic region has been interpreted as an independent incidence of migration/selection balance, such that the reduction of gene exchange is restricted to a few kilobases around each divergently selected gene. I propose an alternative mechanism, 'divergence hitchhiking' (DH), in which divergent selection can reduce gene exchange for several megabases around a gene under strong divergent selection. Not all genes/markers within a DH region are divergently selected, yet the entire region is protected to some degree from gene exchange, permitting genetic divergence from mechanisms other than divergent selection to accumulate secondarily. After contrasting DH and multilocus migration/selection balance (MM/SB), I outline a model in which genomic isolation at a given genomic location is jointly determined by DH and genome-wide effects of the progressive reduction in realized migration, then illustrate DH using data from several pairs of incipient species in the wild.  相似文献   

Ecological models predict that, in the face of climate change, taxa occupying steep altitudinal gradients will shift their distributions, leading to the contraction or extinction of the high‐elevation (cold‐adapted) taxa. However, hybridization between ecomorphologically divergent taxa commonly occurs in nature and may lead to alternative evolutionary outcomes, such as genetic merger or gene flow at specific genes. We evaluate this hypothesis by studying patterns of divergence and gene flow across three replicate contact zones between high‐ and low‐elevation ecomorphs of the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) that have experienced altitudinal range shifts over the current postglacial period. Strong population structure with high genetic divergence in mitochondrial DNA suggests that vicariant evolution has occurred over several glacial–interglacial cycles and that it has led to cryptic differentiation within ecomorphs. In current parapatric boundaries, we do not find evidence for local extinction and replacement upon postglacial expansion. Instead, parapatric taxa recurrently show discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear markers, suggesting nuclear‐mediated gene flow across contact zones. Isolation with migration models support this hypothesis by showing significant gene flow across all five parapatric boundaries. Together, our results suggest that, while some genomic regions, such as the mitochondria, may follow morphologic species traits and retreat to isolated mountain tops, other genomic regions, such as nuclear markers, may flow across parapatric boundaries, sometimes leading to a complete genetic merger. We show that despite high ecologic and morphologic divergence over prolonged periods of time, hybridization allows for evolutionary outcomes alternative to extinction and replacement of taxa in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide insights into the evolution of reproductive isolation. Sexual selection can contribute to the evolution of reproductive barriers, but it remains poorly understood how sexual traits impact gene flow in secondary contact. Here, we show that a recently evolved suite of sexual traits that function in male-male competition mediates gene flow between two lineages of wall lizards (Podarcis muralis). Gene flow was relatively low and asymmetric in the presence of exaggerated male morphology and coloration compared to when the lineages share the ancestral phenotype. Putative barrier loci were enriched in genomic regions that were highly differentiated between the two lineages and showed low concordance between the transects. The exception was a consistently low genetic exchange around ATXN1, a gene that modulates social behavior. We suggest that this gene may contribute to the male mate preferences that are known to cause lineage-assortative mating in this species. Although female choice modulates the degree of reproductive isolation in a variety of taxa, wall lizards demonstrate that both male-male competition and male mate choice can contribute to the extent of gene flow between lineages.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

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