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Wetlands Ecology and Management - A mangrove ecosystem encompasses two environments, a larger flooding area with a characteristic wetland forest, and a less flooded area, more saline with little or...  相似文献   

We examined the cardiovascular responses to acute and chronic changes in blood volume (BV) in the land crab Cardisoma guanhumi. Acute reduction in BV caused an increase in activity in the dorsoventral muscles (DVMs) and to a lesser extent in the epimeral attractor muscles (EAMs). Contraction of the DVMs and EAMs will decrease the volume of the dorsal sinus and the thorax as a whole, respectively. BV reduction also caused bradycardia with frequent periods of cardiac arrest. There was a small drop in hemolymph pressure. BV expansion had the reciprocal effect on DVM and EAM activity but had no effect on heart rate (fH). After the cardioregulatory nerves were cut, acute hypovolemia had no effect on fH but still caused a moderate increase in DVM activity. After dehydration-induced BV reduction, DVM activity increased, whereas hemolymph pressure, fH, and EAM activity were maintained close to control levels.  相似文献   

Commensal pea crabs inhabiting bivalves have a high reproductive output due to the extension andfecundity of the ovary. We studied the underlying morphology of the female reproductive system in the Pinnotheridae Pinnotheres pisum, Pinnotheres pectunculi and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eubrachyura have internal fertilization: the paired vaginas enlarge into storage structures, the spermathecae, which are connected to the ovaries by oviducts. Sperm is stored inside the spermathecae until the oocytes are mature. The oocytes are transported by oviducts into the spermathecae where fertilization takes place. In the investigated pinnotherids, the vagina is of the “concave pattern” (sensu Hartnoll 1968 ): musculature is attached alongside flexible parts of the vagina wall that controls the dimension of its lumen. The genital opening is closed by a muscular mobile operculum. The spermatheca can be divided into two distinct regions by function and morphology. The ventral part includes the connection with vagina and oviduct and is regarded as the zone where fertilization takes place. It is lined with cuticle except where the oviduct enters the spermatheca by the “holocrine transfer tissue.” At ovulation, the oocytes have to pass through this multilayered glandular epithelium performing holocrine secretion. The dorsal part of the spermatheca is considered as the main sperm storage area. It is lined by a highly secretory apocrine glandular epithelium. Thus, two different forms of secretion occur in the spermathecae of pinnotherids. The definite role of secretion in sperm storage and fertilization is not yet resolved, but it is notable that structure and function of spermathecal secretion are more complex in pinnotherids, and probably more efficient, than in other brachyuran crabs. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproductive systems of crabs reveal characters of considerable importance for the understanding of brachyuran phylogeny and evolution. The Dorippoidea show several plesiomorphic characters within Eubrachyura and similarities to podotreme crabs. Hence, they are often considered as an early diverging lineage, sometimes even as the sister group to all remaining eubrachyurans. Due to their role as prime candidates for putative plesiomorphic characters of the reproductive system of the Eubrachyura, we compared the morphology of the vaginae, seminal receptacles, and ovaries of three dorippid species using histological methods, micro‐computed tomography, and 3‐D reconstructions. Despite the putative phylogenetic position of dorippids, the female reproductive system shows features that are regarded as derived characters in eubrachyurans, including a concave vagina and a ventral‐type seminal receptacle. In contrast to other eubrachyurans, the oviduct does not enter the seminal receptacle directly but through specific cuticular valves. The female reproductive systems of Dorippe sinica and Dorippe quadridens are remarkable in further aspects. The seminal receptacles of both species are completely cuticle‐lined and have accessory sperm storage structures, the bursae. Our findings on the morphology of the female reproductive system of dorippids with its unique combination of basal, derived, and new characters challenges the prevailing hypothesis on the evolution of sperm storage organs in Eubrachyura.  相似文献   

Robert Perger  Adam Wall 《ZooKeys》2014,(435):93-109
In this contribution a new species of the land crab genus Gecarcinus Leach, 1814, from the Neotropical Pacific coast of South America is described and illustrated. In addition to its unique body color, Gecarcinus nobiliisp. n. is distinguished from congeners by a distinctly wider carapace front and differences in the shape of the infraorbital margin. The new species is not isolated from Gecarcinus populations from the Pacific coast of Central America by an insurmountable geographic barrier. Considering the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus as a calibration point for morphological divergence between the trans-isthmian mainland populations of Gecarcinus, the virtual lack of morphological differentiation (other than color) between them and the distinctness of G. nobiliisp. n. suggests that G. nobiliisp. n. evolved from a common ancestor before the Isthmus closed.  相似文献   

The control region (CR) is the largest noncoding segment of the mitochondrial DNA and includes the major regulatory elements for its replication and expression. In addition, the high level of intraspecific genetic variability found in the CR favors its use in phylogeographical and population genetic studies of a variety of organisms. However, most of the work on the structure of the CR has focused on vertebrates and insects, and little is known about the evolution of the CR in other taxa. In this study, we sequenced the entire CR of several individuals of 2 crab species: Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) and Cardisoma guanhumi (Gecarcinidae). There were neither large conserved regions in the CR of either species nor any similarity among species at the nucleotide level. However, the spatial pattern of genetic variability on the CR was similar among species. In addition, interesting similarities were found in the formation of stable secondary structures and in the position of regulatory elements. These results indicate that the evolution of CR in crustaceans is a remarkably dynamic process, with most homology among species being found at the secondary level.  相似文献   

In this article, the morphology and function of the female reproductive organs of Ebalia tumefacta were investigated using histological methods. While the vagina conforms to the concave type, the study reveals a new orientation of seminal receptacle compartments. The seminal receptacle consists of two chambers, which are oriented in anterior‐posterior direction. This is in contrast to the dorso‐ventral orientation of seminal receptacle chambers in all other known brachyuran crabs. The anterior chamber is lined by cuticle, whereas the posterior chamber is covered with a holocrine glandular epithelium. The oviduct connection is located ventrally, close to the opening of the vagina. The oviduct orifice is characterized by a transition of the epithelium lining of the oviduct to the seminal receptacle holocrine glandular epithelium. Special features are muscle fibers, which are attached to the oviduct orifice and to the sternal cuticle as well. The muscle fibers can be found exactly at that point where the oviduct opens into the seminal receptacle and are secondly attached to the sternum beneath. This musculature is newly described for Eubrachyuran crabs. This musculature can be interpreted as an important feature in the fertilization and egg‐laying process in relation to supporting and controling the inflow of eggs into the seminal receptacle lumen. These new discoveries were compared to the known pattern of an Eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. J. Morphol. 276:517–525, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The spermathecal contents of primiparous, multiparous and barren female snow crabs were observed by a scanning electron microscope. Bacteria colonies were observed with a significantly higher frequency in the spermathecae of primiparous and old barren females. Bacteria infect the spermathecae and destroy the spermatophores and spermatozoa inside. These observations suggest that bacteria in the spermathecae do not exclude opportunistic microbes by modifying pH of the medium as suggested in the literature. The prevalence of bacteria in primiparous and old barren females suggests that they infect individuals with a weak anti-microbial protection. The absence of bacteria in the highly acidic seminal fluid derived from males upon copulation suggests that it may provide anti-microbial protection. Bacteria do not seem to be able to survive in an anaerobic environment for a long period.  相似文献   

Morphology of the genital ducts in female crabs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Brachyura may be separated into two groups by the position of the female genital openings. In the superfamilies Gymnopleura and Dromiacea they open on the coxae of the third peraeopods, while in the Oxystomata, Corystoidea, Brachyrhyncha and Oxyrhyncha they open on the sternum of the corresponding segment. This paper deals with the structure of the genital duets in females of the latter group. Each duct, leading from the ovary to the exterior, consists of four regions—oviduct, spermatheca, vagina and vulva. Two basic patterns of duct, simple and concave, are recognized by variations in the structure of the vagina. Each may be elaborated by the presence of an operculum closing the vulva. These are described by chosen examples, and some of the changes associated with the breeding cycle are detailed. The distribution of the two patterns of duet in the various families of Brachyura is examined, and the phylogenetic implications considered. The more important of these are that the Corystoidea is rightly designated a distinct superfamily, and that the Corystoidea-Portunidae line forms the basic stock of the Brachyura with sternal female openings.  相似文献   

Leverage and muscle type in crab chelae (Crustacea: Brachyura)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chelae of Cancer pagurus and Macropipus depurator were examined with respect to mechanical advantage. The closer muscles were investigated with respect to sarcomere length in the constituent fibres and to the force developed by the whole muscle during isometric contraction. Cancer chelae have a relatively high mechanical advantage, 0.329 ± 001. Cancer closer muscles contain a high proportion of fibres with long sarcomeres, mean lengths mostly falling between 12 and 15 μm, and develop a maximum stress of about 496 kN.m−2 during contraction. These figures are typical for "slow" crustacean muscle. The chelae of M. depurator are dimorphic. In one, the strong chela, the mechanical advantage is 0.248 ± 0.066 while in the other, the fast chela, the mechanical advantage is 0.177 ± 0.006. M. depurator closer muscles contain fibres with mean sarcomere lengths mostly falling between 6 and 10 μm. The muscle develops a maximum stress of about 145 kN.m2 during contraction. These figures are typical of "intermediate" crustacean muscles. "Fast" muscle fibres with short sarcomeres (about 30 um) were found in the chelae of both Cancer and M. depurator but were much commoner in the latter. Thus in Cancer a high mechanical advantage is correlated with slow muscle while in M. depurator lower mechanical advantages are broadly correlated with faster muscle. Consistent correlation between mechanical advantage and muscle type in the dimorphic chelae of M. depurator , however, is lacking. No consistent regionation of fibres with similar properties was found in the muscles.  相似文献   

Previous works about comparative spermatology in Dasypodidae determined that sperm morphology is a striking variable among genera. It was suggested that this sperm feature may be related to specific morphologies of the female reproductive tract. The present comparative study of the morphology of the female genital tract from seven species corresponding to six genera of Dasypodidae is aimed to determine the main similarities and differences between the species and to establish a possible correlation with the sperm shapes and sizes. Genital tracts were studied macroscopically and histologically. Dasypus hybridus has disk-shaped ovaries and the cortex occupies almost all the organ with a single oocyte in each follicle. Tolypeutes matacus, Chaetophractus villosus, Chaetophractus vellerosus, Zaedyus pichiy, Cabassous chacoensis and Clamyphorus truncatus possess ovoid and elongated ovaries, with both longitudinally polarized cortex and medulla, and the peculiar presence of several oocytes in the same follicle. D. hybridus and T. matacus have a simple pear-shaped uterus, but in the other species the uterus is pyramid shaped and bicornuate. The uterine cervix is very long in all studied species. Only T. matacus presents a true vagina as in most eutherian mammals; on the other hand, in the other species a urogenital sinus is observed. The structure of female reproductive tracts in Dasypodidae contains a mixture of assumedly primary and other derived features. According to the different morphologies of the regions analyzed, a classification of the female genital tracts in three groups can be performed (group 1: Dasypus; group 2: Tolypeutes; group 3: Chaetophractus, Zaedyus, Cabassous, Clamyphorus) and a correlation between each group and a specific sperm morphology can be established.  相似文献   

D. G. Reid    P. Abello    C. G. Warman    E. Naylor 《Journal of Zoology》1994,232(3):397-407
The relationship between the size of a given mating male Carcinus maenas (L.) (Brachyura, Portunidae) and the size of the female with which it was paired was studied for 1248 pairs of crabs collected from the shore In 764 of these pairs the female was in pre-moult and so the pair were in pre-copula. In the remaining 484 pairs the female had already moulted and the pairs were in copula. There were significant correlations between the sizes of the males and females in both pre-copula and copula pairs. It was found that male Carcinus collected in mating pairs and tested in the laboratory were unable to distinguish between females in terms of their size or stage of pre-moult. The positive correlation between the sizes of males and females in mating pairs on the shore is proposed to be, in part, a function of a mechanical constraint of the size of female that a given male can hold, defend and copulate with. In addition, encounters between solitary males and males carrying females, resulting in the formation of new pairs, appear to enhance the size-related mating pattern observed.  相似文献   

A mass return to land of the megalop of the land crab Gecarcinus ruricola is reported. The return occurred in June 2004 on the island of Providencia in the western Caribbean: this is the first detailed report of larval return in this species, and the most detailed report for any gecarcinid. Crabs emerged from the sea as megalops over 2 to 3 days, and moved rapidly landwards. Vast numbers migrated > 50 m across land before moulting to the first crab – the megalop is clearly the invasive stage. The megalop is described for the first time, and criteria are identified to discriminate it from other Caribbean gecarcinids.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 149–164.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of the palaeogeographic and climatic history of the Aegean region on the diversity of freshwater crabs of the genus Potamon and to test whether this area served as source or reservoir in species diversity. Necessary species delimitation was accomplished by phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial markers COX1 and ND1, partial 16S rRNA gene and the tRNALeu gene. We found 14 genetic lineages of which nine could be assigned to previously recognised species. Temporal estimates of the splitting pattern in the phylogeny of Potamon indicated that a combination of geological and climatic events influenced their diversification. Within Potamon, the lineages separated into a western group and an eastern group. This first split in the genus occurred approximately 8.3-5.5 Mya, thus possibly correlated with the Messinian salinity crisis. A likelihood approach to geographic range evolution suggested for most species, occurring in the Aegean area, an origin in the Middle East. Moreover, there were no insular endemics in the central Aegean archipelago, therefore low sea-levels during the Pleistocene glacial periods possibly enabled dispersal to these islands, but subsequent rise in sea-level did not cause speciation. Nevertheless, the diversification of most lineages occurred during the Pleistocene epoch thus coinciding with Quaternary fluctuations of the climate.  相似文献   

Cardisoma guanhumi is the focus of an important artisanal fishery in Puerto Rico. Data on land crab landings point towards a dramatic decline in their abundance. This is cause for concern given the intrinsic value of the fishery and the important role these crabs play in coastal ecosystems. In this paper we examine the effect of harvesting and habitat quality on the abundance, survival, and size structure of C. guanhumi. To accomplish this we conducted a capture-mark-recapture study for a period of 18 months at three localities with minimal or no harvesting, and three with intense harvesting. Habitat quality at the six study sites was assessed by measuring vegetation composition-structure and litter biomass. We also conducted a leaf consumption experiment to evaluate leaf litter selectivity and limitation. Mean crab abundance differed significantly among sites, and this variation was significantly explained by differences in crab survival among sites. Sites with less harvesting tended to have higher survivorship and more crabs than sites where harvesting took place. Crabs mean size differed among study sites and was inversely related to abundance. Vegetation composition and structure, leaf litter standing stock and leaf-litter consumption differed among study sites. However, only some of these habitat characteristics are directly related to crab abundance or demography. There is a tendency for sites with a high leaf litter standing stock and large basal area to have the largest crabs but in low abundance. This study shows that C. guanhumi populations are very sensitive to increases in mortality that result from harvesting, and that the historical decline in abundance of this crab in Puerto Rico can be explained, in part, by an increase in trapping effort. Our results also indicate that C. guanhumi is a very plastic species, capable of occupying diverse types of coastal forests and a leaf litter generalist.  相似文献   

A large sample ofadult male Carcinus maenas was 79% right-handed and 21% left-handed. A separate sample of 207 intact adult males was divided into left-handed and right-handed crabs and four measurements were taken from all major and minor chelae. Correlation and regression analyses against carapace width on log-transformed data showed that major chelae of right-handed crabs grow proportionately higher with increasing size and the ideal mechanical advantage increases; concurrently, the fingers of the minor chelae grow proportionately longer. The data for left-handed crabs showed greater variability, especially for minor chelae, providing evidence for the concept that left-handedness arises by reversal of handedness following loss of the major chela from the right-hand side. Records of handedness in large samples of non-ocypodid heterochelous brachyuran crabs show a preponderance of right-handedness.  相似文献   



Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) is one of the most important crustacean species captured and commercialized in Brazil. Although this species is not considered to be threatened with extinction, populations of C. guanhumi are known to be rapidly diminishing due to heavy harvesting pressures and degradation of their natural habitats, highlighting the necessity of developing and implanting management and protection strategies for their populations. There have been no ethnozoological publications that have focused specifically on C. guanhumi, in spite of importance of this type of information for developing efficient management plans of resource utilization. So, the present work describes the ethnoecological aspects of the capture and commercialization of C. guanhumi by a fishing community in northeastern Brazil.


Field work was carried out in the municipality of Mucuri, Bahia in Brazil, between the months of January and March/2011 through the use of open semi-structured interviews with all of the crustacean harvesters in city who acknowledged their work in capturing this species, totaling 12 interviewees. The informants were identified through the use of the "snowball" sampling technique. In addition to the interviews themselves, the "guided tour" technique and direct observations was employed.


According all the interviewees, the C. guanhumi is popularly called "guaiamum" and is collected in "apicum" zones. They recognize sexual dimorphism in the species based on three morphological characteristics and the harvesters also pointed two stages in the reproductive cycle during the year and another phase mentioned by the interviewees was ecdysis. All of the interviewed affirmed that the size and the quantities C. guanhumi stocks in Mucuri have been diminishing. All of the interviewees agreed that the species and other mangrove resources constituted their principal source of income. The harvesters dedicated three to five days a week to collect Blue Land Crabs and the principal technique utilized for capturing is a trap called a "ratoeira" (rat-trap).


The results of the present work demonstrated that the community retains a vast and important volume of knowledge about C. guanhumi that could subsidize both scientific studies and the elaboration of viable management and conservation strategies for this species.  相似文献   

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