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It has been shown that electropherograms of DNA sequences can be modeled with hidden Markov models. Basecalling, the procedure that determines the sequence of bases from the given eletropherogram, can then be performed using the Viterbi algorithm. A training step is required prior to basecalling in order to estimate the HMM parameters. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian approach which employs the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to perform basecalling. Such an approach not only allows one to naturally encode the prior biological knowledge into the basecalling algorithm, it also exploits both the training data and the basecalling data in estimating the HMM parameters, leading to more accurate estimates. Using the recently sequenced genome of the organism Legionella pneumophila we show that the MCMC basecaller outperforms the state-of-the-art basecalling algorithm in terms of total errors while requiring much less training than other proposed statistical basecallers.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data usually consist of a number of short time series. A group of subjects or groups of subjects are followed over time and observations are often taken at unequally spaced time points, and may be at different times for different subjects. When the errors and random effects are Gaussian, the likelihood of these unbalanced linear mixed models can be directly calculated, and nonlinear optimization used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the fixed regression coefficients and parameters in the variance components. For binary longitudinal data, a two state, non-homogeneous continuous time Markov process approach is used to model serial correlation within subjects. Formulating the model as a continuous time Markov process allows the observations to be equally or unequally spaced. Fixed and time varying covariates can be included in the model, and the continuous time model allows the estimation of the odds ratio for an exposure variable based on the steady state distribution. Exact likelihoods can be calculated. The initial probability distribution on the first observation on each subject is estimated using logistic regression that can involve covariates, and this estimation is embedded in the overall estimation. These models are applied to an intervention study designed to reduce children's sun exposure.  相似文献   

Markov models for covariate dependence of binary sequences   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Suppose that a heterogeneous group of individuals is followed over time and that each individual can be in state 0 or state 1 at each time point. The sequence of states is assumed to follow a binary Markov chain. In this paper we model the transition probabilities for the 0 to 0 and 1 to 0 transitions by two logistic regressions, thus showing how the covariates relate to changes in state. With p covariates, there are 2(p + 1) parameters including intercepts, which we estimate by maximum likelihood. We show how to use transition probability estimates to test hypotheses about the probability of occupying state 0 at time i (i = 2, ..., T) and the equilibrium probability of state 0. These probabilities depend on the covariates. A recursive algorithm is suggested to estimate regression coefficients when some responses are missing. Extensions of the basic model which allow time-dependent covariates and nonstationary or second-order Markov chains are presented. An example shows the model applied to a study of the psychological impact of breast cancer in which women did or did not manifest distress at four time points in the year following surgery.  相似文献   

DNA sequence classification is the activity of determining whether or not an unlabeled sequence S belongs to an existing class C. This paper proposes two new techniques for DNA sequence classification. The first technique works by comparing the unlabeled sequence S with a group of active motifs discovered from the elements of C and by distinction with elements outside of C. The second technique generates and matches gapped fingerprints of S with elements of C. Experimental results obtained by running these algorithms on long and well conserved Alu sequences demonstrate the good performance of the presented methods compared with FASTA. When applied to less conserved and relatively short functional sites such as splice-junctions, a variation of the second technique combining fingerprinting with consensus sequence analysis gives better results than the current classifiers employing text compression and machine learning algorithms.  相似文献   

This article presents a statistical method for detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments, which is based on combining two probabilistic graphical models: (1) a taxon graph (phylogenetic tree) representing the relationship between the taxa, and (2) a site graph (hidden Markov model) representing interactions between different sites in the DNA sequence alignments. We adopt a Bayesian approach and sample the parameters of the model from the posterior distribution with Markov chain Monte Carlo, using a Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs-within-Gibbs scheme. The proposed method is tested on various synthetic and real-world DNA sequence alignments, and we compare its performance with the established detection methods RECPARS, PLATO, and TOPAL, as well as with two alternative parameter estimation schemes.  相似文献   

Over the years, there have been claims that evolution proceeds according to systematically different processes over different timescales and that protein evolution behaves in a non-Markovian manner. On the other hand, Markov models are fundamental to many applications in evolutionary studies. Apparent non-Markovian or time-dependent behavior has been attributed to influence of the genetic code at short timescales and dominance of physicochemical properties of the amino acids at long timescales. However, any long time period is simply the accumulation of many short time periods, and it remains unclear why evolution should appear to act systematically differently across the range of timescales studied. We show that the observed time-dependent behavior can be explained qualitatively by modeling protein sequence evolution as an aggregated Markov process (AMP): a time-homogeneous Markovian substitution model observed only at the level of the amino acids encoded by the protein-coding DNA sequence. The study of AMPs sheds new light on the relationship between amino acid-level and codon-level models of sequence evolution, and our results suggest that protein evolution should be modeled at the codon level rather than using amino acid substitution models.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION:Aligning multiple proteins based on sequence information alone is challenging if sequence identity is low or there is a significant degree of structural divergence. We present a novel algorithm (SATCHMO) that is designed to address this challenge. SATCHMO simultaneously constructs a tree and a set of multiple sequence alignments, one for each internal node of the tree. The alignment at a given node contains all sequences within its sub-tree, and predicts which positions in those sequences are alignable and which are not. Aligned regions therefore typically get shorter on a path from a leaf to the root as sequences diverge in structure. Current methods either regard all positions as alignable (e.g. ClustalW), or align only those positions believed to be homologous across all sequences (e.g. profile HMM methods); by contrast SATCHMO makes different predictions of alignable regions in different subgroups. SATCHMO generates profile hidden Markov models at each node; these are used to determine branching order, to align sequences and to predict structurally alignable regions. RESULTS: In experiments on the BAliBASE benchmark alignment database, SATCHMO is shown to perform comparably to ClustalW and the UCSC SAM HMM software. Results using SATCHMO to identify protein domains are demonstrated on potassium channels, with implications for the mechanism by which tumor necrosis factor alpha affects potassium current. AVAILABILITY: The software is available for download from http://www.drive5.com/lobster/index.htm  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models (HMM) are introduced for the offline classification of single-trail EEG data in a brain-computer-interface (BCI). The HMMs are used to classify Hjorth parameters calculated from bipolar EEG data, recorded during the imagination of a left or right hand movement. The effects of different types of HMMs on the recognition rate are discussed. Furthermore a comparison of the results achieved with the linear discriminant (LD) and the HMM, is presented.  相似文献   

A structural pattern recognition approach to the analysis and classification of metaphase chromosome band patterns is presented. An operational method of representing band pattern profiles as sharp edged idealized profiles is outlined. These profiles are nonlinearly scaled to a few, but fixed number of "density" levels. Previous experience has shown that profiles of six levels are appropriate and that the differences between successive bands in these profiles are suitable for classification. String representations, which focuses on the sequences of transitions between local band pattern levels, are derived from such "difference profiles." A method of syntactic analysis of the band transition sequences by dynamic programming for optimal (maximal probability) string-to-network alignments is described. It develops automatic data-driven inference of band pattern models (Markov networks) per class, and uses these models for classification. The method does not use centromere information, but assumes the p-q-orientation of the band pattern profiles to be known a priori. It is experimentally established that the method can build Markov network models, which, when used for classification, show a recognition rate of about 92% on test data. The experiments used 200 samples (chromosome profiles) for each of the 22 autosome chromosome types and are designed to also investigate various classifier design problems. It is found that the use of a priori knowledge of Denver Group assignment only improved classification by 1 or 2%. A scheme for typewise normalization of the class relationship measures prove useful, partly through improvements on average results and partly through a more evenly distributed error pattern. The choice of reference of the p-q-orientation of the band patterns is found to be unimportant, and results of timing of the execution time of the analysis show that recent and efficient implementations can process one cell in less than 1 min on current standard hardware. A measure of divergence between data sets and Markov network models is shown to provide usable estimates of experimental classification performance.  相似文献   

The general Markov model (GMM) of nucleotide substitution does not assume the evolutionary process to be stationary, reversible, or homogeneous. The GMM can be simplified by assuming the evolutionary process to be stationary. A stationary GMM is appropriate for analyses of phylogenetic data sets that are compositionally homogeneous; a data set is considered to be compositionally homogeneous if a statistical test does not detect significant differences in the marginal distributions of the sequences. Though the general time-reversible (GTR) model assumes stationarity, it also assumes reversibility and homogeneity. We propose two new stationary and nonhomogeneous models--one constrains the GMM to be reversible, whereas the other does not. The two models, coupled with the GTR model, comprise a set of nested models that can be used to test the assumptions of reversibility and homogeneity for stationary processes. The two models are extended to incorporate invariable sites and used to analyze a seven-taxon hominoid data set that displays compositional homogeneity. We show that within the class of stationary models, a nonhomogeneous model fits the hominoid data better than the GTR model. We note that if one considers a wider set of models that are not constrained to be stationary, then an even better fit can be obtained for the hominoid data. However, the methods for reducing model complexity from an extremely large set of nonstationary models are yet to be developed.  相似文献   

Segmentation of yeast DNA using hidden Markov models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

DNA sequence patterns in precisely positioned nucleosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several investigators have recognized the importance of non-periodic DNA sequence information in determining the translational position of precisely positioned nucleosomes. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of such information, in addition to the character of periodic information present. This is accomplished by examining the half-nucleosome DNA sequences of a considerable number of precisely positioned nucleosomes, and determining the probability of occurrence of each dinucleotide type as a function of position from the nucleosome center to the terminus (positions 0 to 72). By the nature of this procedure, no assumptions of periodicity are made. The results show the importance of several DNA sequence periodicities including 6-7, 10, and 21 base pairs, in addition to significant nonperiodic information. The results demonstrate that each dinucleotide type is unique in terms of its positional preference in precisely positioned nucleosomes (for example AA not equal to TT). The probabilities of occurrence for the dinucleotide types can be used to predict the translational positions of a number of observed nucleosomes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Analysis of eukaryotic sequences reveals recurring trends in upstream regions. Oligomers composed of (G/C)n and (A/T)m blocks are preferentially flanked by (G/C)2 doublets on their 3' rather than on their 5′ ends, that is (G/C)nä(A/T)m(G/C)2 > (G/C)n+2(A/T)m.
  • 2.2. These trends are stronger for larger n and smaller m. Additional trends are outlined below.
  • 3.3. The trends are correlated with DNA structural parameters, in particular with twist and roll angles.
  • 4.4. Generally, the trends hold if the base pair step joining the 5′ (G/C)2 doublet to the (G/C)n (A/T)m oligomer is not undertwisted and is not strongly rolled into the major groove.
  • 5.5. Other DNA parameters crucial for DNA-protein interactions are discussed as well.

The genome sequence of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 reveals the presence of orthologues of the chemotaxis genes cheA, cheW, cheV, cheY, cheR and cheB, ten chemoreceptor genes and two aerotaxis genes. The presence of cheV and a response regulator domain in CheA, combined with the absence of a cheZ gene and the lack of a response regulator domain in CheB, reveals significant differences in the C. jejuni chemotaxis system compared with that found in other bacteria.  相似文献   

Profile hidden Markov models (HMMs) based on classical HMMs have been widely applied for protein sequence identification. The formulation of the forward and backward variables in profile HMMs is made under statistical independence assumption of the probability theory. We propose a fuzzy profile HMM to overcome the limitations of that assumption and to achieve an improved alignment for protein sequences belonging to a given family. The proposed model fuzzifies the forward and backward variables by incorporating Sugeno fuzzy measures and Choquet integrals, thus further extends the generalized HMM. Based on the fuzzified forward and backward variables, we propose a fuzzy Baum-Welch parameter estimation algorithm for profiles. The strong correlations and the sequence preference involved in the protein structures make this fuzzy architecture based model as a suitable candidate for building profiles of a given family, since the fuzzy set can handle uncertainties better than classical methods.  相似文献   

Species-specific patterns of DNA bending and sequence.   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleotide sequences in the GenEMBL database were analyzed using strategies designed to reveal species-specific patterns of DNA bending and DNA sequence. The results uncovered striking species-dependent patterns of bending with more variations among individual organisms than between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The frequency of bent sites in sequences from different bacteria was related to genomic A + T content and this relationship was confirmed by electrophoretic analysis of genomic DNA. However, base composition was not an accurate predictor for DNA bending in eukaryotes. Sequences from C. elegans exhibited the highest frequency of bent sites in the database and the RNA polymerase II locus from the nematode was the most bent gene in GenEMBL. Bent DNA extended throughout most introns and gene flanking segments from C.elegans while exon regions lacked A-tract bending characteristics. Independent evidence for the strong bending character of this genome was provided by electrophoretic studies which revealed that a large number of the fragments from C.elegans DNA exhibited anomalous gel mobilities when compared to genomic fragments from over 20 other organisms. The prevalence of bent sites in this genome enabled us to detect selectively C.elegans sequences in a computer search of the database using as probes C.elegans introns, bending elements, and a 20 nucleotide consensus sequence for bent DNA. This approach was also used to provide additional examples of species-specific sequence patterns in eukaryotes where it was shown that (A) greater than or equal to 10 and (A.T) greater than or equal to 5 tracts are prevalent throughout the untranslated DNA of D.discodium and P.falciparum, respectively. These results provide new insight into the organization of eukaryotic DNA because they show that species-specific patterns of simple sequences are found in introns and in other untranslated regions of the genome.  相似文献   

Contrasting DNA sequence organisation patterns in sauropsidian genomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genomic DNA organisation patterns of four sauropsidian species, namely Python reticularis, Caiman crocodilus, Terrapene carolina triungius and Columba livia domestica were investigated by reassociation of short and long DNA fragments, by hyperchromicity measurements of reannealed fragments and by length estimations of S1-nuclease resistant repetitive duplexes. While the genomic DNA of the three reptilian species shows a short period interspersion pattern, the genome of the avian species is organised in a long period interspersion pattern apparently typical for birds. These findings are discussed in view of the close phylogenetic relationships of birds and reptiles, and also with regard to a possible relationship between the extent of sequence interspersion and genome size.  相似文献   

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