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Antrodiaetus riversi (Araneae, Antrodiaetidae) is a dispersal-limited, habitat specialized mygalomorph spider species endemic to mesic woodlands of northern and central California. This species occupies a disjunct distribution, with populations in the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges, separated by the inhospitable Central Valley. Previous studies of morphological and allozyme variation have suggested that these populations may constitute cryptic species. We investigated the phylogeography of A. riversi using both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, collected for a comprehensive population sample. These data reveal the presence of at least five species in the A. riversi complex - these species are deeply diverged, and genealogically exclusive in both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Each of these species is characterized by extreme population subdivision and deep phylogeographical structuring, consistent with minimal gene flow across the dissected Californian landscape. Three species are restricted to the Coast Ranges, one to high altitudes of the central Sierran Nevada, and one species is found in both ranges. These species have allopatric distributions, although species parapatry is hypothesized to occur in several areas. Species diversification appears to have pulsed in the Late Miocene/Early Pliocene, a timing consistent with biogeographical reconstructions for many Californian taxa, and a time of turbulent geological activity in the region.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between individual heterozygosity and characteristics likely to be associated with fitness was investigated in the labyrinth spider Metepeira ventura . Adult females and their egg sacs were collected at a coastal site in southern California, and three measures of bodily condition (carapace width, weight, residual index) and six measures of reproductive output (number of egg sacs, variation in egg number among sacs [coefficient of variation], total number of eggs, mean eggs/sac, mean eggs/sac divided by carapace width, mean eggs/sac divided by weight) were determined for each spider. The sample was polymorphic at three allozyme loci that were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and individual females were heterozygous at up to two of the three loci, forming three heterozygosity classes (0, 1, and 2). None of the bodily condition measures were significantly related to the number of heterozygous loci, while four of the reproductive output estimators (total number of eggs, mean eggs/sac, mean eggs/sac divided by carapace width, mean eggs/sac divided by weight) were significantly influenced by heterozygosity. In each significant case, values for class 2 females were less than those for class 0 and 1 females, whose values were usually more similar. Thus, while female bodily condition was comparable among classes, the most heterozygous females produced fewer total eggs and eggs per sac than their less heterozygous peers. The fact that females of M. ventura engage in a reproductive investment-number trade-off suggests that high-variability and low-variability females may be pursuing distinct reproductive strategies in the wild, with more heterozygous females being K -selected (smaller clutches, heavier eggs) and more homozygous females being r -selected (larger clutches, lighter eggs). Further investigation will be needed to assess more fully the fitness value of heterozygosity in M. ventura .  相似文献   

Interdemic selection, inbreeding and highly structured populations have been invoked to explain the evolution of cooperative social behaviour in the otherwise solitary and cannibalistic spiders. The family Eresidae consists of species ranging from solitary and intermediate subsocial to species exhibiting fully cooperative social behaviour. In this study we, in a hierarchical analysis, investigated relatedness of putative family clusters, inbreeding and population genetic structure of the subsocial spider Eresus cinnaberinus. Five hierarchical levels of investigation ranging from large scale genetic structure (distances of 250 and 50 km level 1 and 2) over microgeographic structure (20 km2 and 4 km2, level 3 and 4) to a single hill transect of 200 m (level 5) were performed. The purpose of level 5 was two-fold: (1) to investigate the relatedness of putative family groups, and (2) to evaluate the influence of both family living and sampling design on higher level estimates. Relatedness estimates of putative family groups showed an average relatedness of R=0.26. There was no indication of inbreeding. In contrast to social spiders, genetic variation was abundant, He?0.10. The population genetic structure was intermediate between social and asocial spiders. Genetic variance increased continually across hierarchical levels. Family structured neighbourhoods biased differentiation estimates among level 5 samples (FST? 0.04) and level 3 and 4 samples (0.07ST<0.18), and apparent inbreeding among level 3 and 4 samples, FIS>0, was caused by disjunct sampling from separate neighbourhoods. Larger scale samples were highly differentiated 0.12ST<0.26, depending on level and sampling design. Due to a distance effect family living did not influence estimates of the higher level 1. Although the dispersing sex among social spiders and the subsocial E. cinnebarinus differ, females versus males, female behaviour of both sociality classes lead to high genetic variance.  相似文献   

作者在进行中国广西大明山无脊椎动物资源调查研究时,发现了蜘蛛目蟹蛛科绿蟹蛛属1新种,命名为饼绿蟹蛛Oxytate placentiformis sp.nov..所有标本均保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.饼绿蟹蛛,新种Oxytate placentiformis sp.nov.(图1~6)正模♂,广西南宁大明山自然保护区浣纱瀑布,2011-05-23,王英楠采.鉴别特征 在分布于亚洲大陆的本属种类中,本新种与冲绳绿蟹蛛O.hoshizuna Ono,1978,钳绿蟹蛛O.forcipata Zhang&Yin,1998和小头绿蟹蛛O.capitulata Tang&Li,2009外形和触肢器十分相似,但具有以下不同:本种触肢胫节突长,端部弯曲呈"7"字形,而冲绳绿蟹蛛O.hoshizuna的胫节突末端强烈弯曲呈钩状,钳绿蟹蛛O.forcipata胫节突末端呈钳状,小头绿蟹蛛O.capitulata Tang&Li,2009胫节突末端弯曲呈鸟头状.词源学 本新种以雄蛛背甲的形状而拟定.正模 雄蛛体长7.75:头胸部长2.81,宽2.40; 腹部长5.20,宽1.38.背甲黄褐色,中窝纵向线状,颈沟和放射沟不明显; 背甲圆形,头区轻微隆起.8眼2列,背面观两眼列均后凹,后眼列较宽,前侧眼和后侧眼突出; 前中眼直径0.08,前侧眼直径0.10,后中眼直径0.08,后侧眼直径0.10;前中眼距0.13,前中侧眼距0.10,后中眼距0.10,后中侧眼距0.30; 中眼域梯形,前边大于后边(0.30:0.25).螯肢黄褐色,前后齿堤无齿.颚叶黄色,边缘有浓厚的长毛.胸板淡黄色,长大于宽.步足黄褐色,步足测量:Ⅰ 12.40 (3.83+1.38+3.42+2.60+1.17),Ⅱ 12.60 (3.88+1.38+3.57+2.60+1.17),Ⅲ 6.80 (2.09+0.77+1.79+1.33+0.82),Ⅳ7.05 (2.40+0.71+1.79+1.33+0.82); 足式:2143.腹部十分窄长,淡黄色,被有黑色长毛; 腹部背面前端有2对明显的肌痕,腹部后部有横纹,似分节状.触肢胫节腹突拇指状; 外侧突较长,末端骨化程度高,弯曲呈"7"字形状; 生殖球简单,内侧具亚盾板; 插入器刺状,末端较钝.分布:广西.  相似文献   

Although species delimitation can be highly contentious, the development of reliable methods to accurately ascertain species boundaries is an imperative step in cataloguing and describing Earth's quickly disappearing biodiversity. Spider species delimitation remains largely based on morphological characters; however, many mygalomorph spider populations are morphologically indistinguishable from each other yet have considerable molecular divergence. The focus of our study, the Antrodiaetus unicolor species complex containing two sympatric species, exhibits this pattern of relative morphological stasis with considerable genetic divergence across its distribution. A past study using two molecular markers, COI and 28S, revealed that A. unicolor is paraphyletic with respect to A. microunicolor. To better investigate species boundaries in the complex, we implement the cohesion species concept and use multiple lines of evidence for testing genetic exchangeability and ecological interchangeability. Our integrative approach includes extensively sampling homologous loci across the genome using a RADseq approach (3RAD), assessing population structure across their geographic range using multiple genetic clustering analyses that include structure , principal components analysis and a recently developed unsupervised machine learning approach (Variational Autoencoder). We evaluate ecological similarity by using large‐scale ecological data for niche‐based distribution modelling. Based on our analyses, we conclude that this complex has at least one additional species as well as confirm species delimitations based on previous less comprehensive approaches. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of genomic‐scale data for recognizing cryptic species, suggesting that species delimitation with one data type, whether one mitochondrial gene or morphology, may underestimate true species diversity in morphologically homogenous taxa with low vagility.  相似文献   

Long-lived perennials are a species-rich, ecologically important component of the North American deserts, yet we know little about their genetic structure, information important for their conservation. Agave victoriae-reginae is an endemic of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico that is endangered by collection for the ornamental trade. We examined levels and patterns of variation at ten polymorphic allozyme loci in ten populations representing the range of the species. Levels of genetic variation (mean He= 0.335) and differentiation (mean FST = 0.236) were high. Phenetic clustering suggested the existence of at least three distinct groups of populations. If this pattern of variation is representative of other long-lived desert perennials, it may explain the species richness of this group and will pose a real challenge to gene conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Species delimitation is difficult for taxa in which the morphological characters are poorly known because of the rarity of adult morphs or sexes, and in cryptic species. In primitively segmented spiders, family Liphistiidae, males are often unknown, and female genital morphology – usually species‐specific in spiders – exhibits considerable intraspecific variation. Here, we report on an integrative taxonomic study of the liphistiid genus Ganthela Xu & Kuntner, 2015, endemic to south‐east China, where males are only available for two of the seven morphological species (two known and five undescribed). We obtained DNA barcodes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, COI) for 51 newly collected specimens of six morphological species and analysed them using five species‐delimitation methods: DNA barcoding gap, species delimitation plugin [P ID(Liberal)], automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD), generalized mixed Yule‐coalescent model (GMYC), and statistical parsimony (SP). Whereas the first three agreed with the morphology, GMYC and SP indicate several additional species. We used the consensus results to delimit and diagnose six Ganthela species, which in addition to the type species Ganthela yundingensis Xu, 2015, completes the revision of the genus. Although multi‐locus phylogenetic approaches may be needed for complex taxonomic delimitations, our results indicate that even single‐locus analyses based on the COI barcodes, if integrated with morphological and geographical data, may provide sufficiently reliable species delimitation. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Spiders of the genus Micaria are ground-living mimics of ants. Species delineation in these spiders is challenging, mainly because of exceptional high levels of intraspecific variation masking species boundaries. As implied by preliminary DNA barcode data from Central Europe, the Holarctic and very widely distributed glossy ant-spider M. pulicaria shows cryptic diversity. Here, we disentangle the hidden diversity by means of an integrative taxonomy approach, using mitochondrial DNA, morphometrics, traditional genitalic characters and ecology. Our data suggest the clear delineation of two distinct species, which supports the conception of 19th century taxonomists. These early naturalists distinguished M. pulicaria and a second closely related species based on morphology and natural history, which were synonymized in subsequent taxonomic studies. Therefore, we re-circumscribe M. pulicaria and revalidate the long forgotten M. micans. These two Micaria species co-occur sympatrically in vast areas of the western Palearctic, while the Nearctic region is populated by M. pulicaria alone. Male genitalic traits are more dissimilar in the area of sympatry than in allopatry, suggesting a decisive role of reproductive character displacement in species diversification. Our study emphasizes the value of the early taxonomic literature in integrative taxonomic studies, as it may contain crucial information on natural history that are not regularly recorded by modern taxonomists.  相似文献   

The mygalomorph spider genera Antrodiaetus and Atypoides (Antrodiaetidae) belong to an ancient lineage that has persisted since at least the Cretaceous. These spiders display a classic disjunct Holarctic distribution with species in the eastern Palaearctic plus the western and eastern Nearctic. Prior phylogenetic analyses of this group have been proposed on the basis of morphology, but lack strong support and independent corroboration. Here we present the first phylogenetic analysis of species-level relationships based on molecular data obtained from the mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and nuclear (18S and 28S rRNA) genomes. Analyses corroborate earlier findings that Atypoides forms a paraphyletic grade with respect to Antrodiaetus, and consequently, that genus is formally synonymized under Antrodiaetus. In addition, our results support the relatively early divergence of Antrodiaetus roretzi. Antrodiaetus pacificus is "paraphyletic" with respect to the A. lincolnianus group and is likely an assemblage of numerous species. The final topology based on a combined molecular dataset, in conjunction with two different molecular dating techniques (penalized likelihood plus a Bayesian approach) and ancestral distribution reconstructions, was used to infer the historical biogeography of these spiders. Trans-Beringian and trans-Atlantic routes appear to account for the present-day distribution of Antrodiaetus in Japan and North America. Future studies on Antrodiaetus phylogeny will be used to address questions regarding morphological stasis and the evolution of quantitative morphological characters.  相似文献   



The California Floristic Province is a biodiversity hotspot, reflecting a complex geologic history, strong selective gradients, and a heterogeneous landscape. These factors have led to high endemic diversity across many lifeforms within this region, including the richest diversity of mygalomorph spiders (tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, and kin) in North America. The trapdoor spider genus Aliatypus encompasses twelve described species, eleven of which are endemic to California. Several Aliatypus species show disjunct distributional patterns in California (some are found on both sides of the vast Central Valley), and the genus as a whole occupies an impressive variety of habitats.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected specimens from 89 populations representing all described species. DNA sequence data were collected from seven gene regions, including two newly developed for spider systematics. Bayesian inference (in individual gene tree and species tree approaches) recovered a general “3 clade” structure for the genus (A. gulosus, californicus group, erebus group), with three other phylogenetically isolated species differing slightly in position across different phylogenetic analyses. Because of extremely high intraspecific divergences in mitochondrial COI sequences, the relatively slowly evolving 28S rRNA gene was found to be more useful than mitochondrial data for identification of morphologically indistinguishable immatures. For multiple species spanning the Central Valley, explicit hypothesis testing suggests a lack of monophyly for regional populations (e.g., western Coast Range populations). Phylogenetic evidence clearly shows that syntopy is restricted to distant phylogenetic relatives, consistent with ecological niche conservatism.


This study provides fundamental insight into a radiation of trapdoor spiders found in the biodiversity hotspot of California. Species relationships are clarified and undescribed lineages are discovered, with more geographic sampling likely to lead to additional species diversity. These dispersal-limited taxa provide novel insight into the biogeography and Earth history processes of California.  相似文献   

Four new species of the Mouse Spider genus Missulena Walckenaer, 1805 (family Actinopodidae) are described from Western Australia based on morphological features of adult males. Missulena leniae sp. n.(from the Carnarvon and Yalgoo biogeographic regions), Missulena mainae sp. n. (Carnarvon), Missulena melissae sp. n. (Pilbara) and Missulena pinguipes sp. n. (Mallee) represent a broad spectrum of morphological diversity found in this genus and differ from other congeners by details of the male copulatory bulb, colour patterns, eye sizes, leg morphology and leg spination. Two of the species, M. pinguipes sp. n. and M. mainae sp. n., are characterised by swollen metatarsi of the fourth legs in males, a feature not previously recorded in the family. A key to males of all named Missulena species from Australia is presented and allows their identification based on external morphology.  相似文献   

Russia and western Asia harbour trout populations that have been classified as distinct species and subspecies, most often on the basis of morphological and ecological variation. In order to assess their origins and to verify whether traditional taxonomy reflects their evolutionary distinctiveness, we documented their genetic relationships on the basis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) RFLP, mtDNA sequence analysis, and allozyme variation. Both mtDNA and nuclear gene variation defined two ancient phylogenetic assemblages of populations distributed among northern (Baltic, White, Barents), and southern (Black, Caspian, Aral) sea basins, between which gene flow has been possible but limited in postglacial times. These results supported the traditional taxonomic differentiation between populations of these two regions. They provided weak support for the taxonomic distinction of southern brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations based on their basin of origin. They also refuted the hypothesis that L. Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan) diverged from a primitive brown trout ancestor. Nevertheless, all trout populations from southern sea basins possessed private alleles or mtDNA genotypes and were genetically distinct Therefore, they represent unique gene pools that warrant individual recognition for conservation and management.  相似文献   

The supraesophageal ganglion of the wolf spider Arctosa kwangreungensis is made up of a protocerebral and tritocerebral ganglion, whereas the subesophageal ganglionic mass is composed of a single pair of pedipalpal ganglia, four pairs of appendage ganglia, and a fused mass of abdominal neuromeres. In the supraesophageal ganglion, complex neuropile masses are located in the protocerebrum which include optic ganglia, the mushroom bodies, and the central body. Characteristically, the only nerves arising from the protocerebrum are the optic nerves, and the neuropiles of the principal eyes are the most thick and abundant in this wandering spider. The central body which is recognized as an important association center is isolated at the posterior of the protocerebrum and appears as a complex of highly condensed neurons. These cells give off fine parallel bundles of axons arranged in the mushroom bodies. The subesophageal nerve mass can be divided into two main tracts on the basis of direction of the neuropiles. The dorsal tracts are contributed to from the motor or interneurons of each ganglion, whereas the ventral tracts are from incoming sensory axons.  相似文献   

The microstructural organization of the silk‐spinning apparatus of the comb‐footed spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, was observed by using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The silk glands of the spider were classified into six groups: ampullate, tubuliform, flagelliform, aggregate, aciniform and pyriform glands. Among these, three types of silk glands, the ampullate, pyriform and aciniform glands, occur only in female spiders. One (adult) or two (subadult) pairs of major ampullate glands send secretory ductules to the anterior spinnerets, and another pair of minor ampullate glands supply the median spinnerets. Three pairs of tubuliform glands in female spiders send secretory ductules to the median (one pair) and posterior (two pairs) spinnerets. Furthermore, one pair of flagelliform glands and two pairs of aggregate glands together supply the posterior spinnerets, and form a characteristic spinning structure known as a “triad” spigot. In male spiders, this combined apparatus of the flagelliform and the aggregate spigots for capture thread production is not apparent, instead only a non‐functional remnant of this triad spigot is present. In addition, the aciniform glands send ductules to the median (two pairs) and the posterior spinnerets (12–16 pairs), and the pyriform glands feed silk into the anterior spinnerets (90–100 pairs in females and 45–50 pairs in males).  相似文献   

Young of the Japanese foliage spider, Chiracanthium japonicum, show matriphagy, whereby they consume their own mothers before dispersal. By removing mothers in the laboratory, I examined the importance of this sacrificial habit for offspring survival and dispersal behavior. Spiderlings that cannibalized their mothers gained weight more than threefold and dispersed from their breeding nests after molting into the third instar. The third-instar spiderlings had relatively longer legs than the previous instars and appeared to be more adapted to a solitary hunting life style. On the other hand, most spiderlings separated from their mothers could not molt into the third instar and dispersed significantly earlier than those with matriphagy. Furthermore, the lack of matriphagy decreased the survival rate of predispersal spiderlings. These results showed that matriphagy of C. japonicum has a great advantage in allowing offspring to disperse at a more developed and active instar. Received: October 23, 2000 / Accepted: March 15, 2001  相似文献   

Study of the syntype of Larinioides subinermis, a species known from Ethiopia only, revealed that it actually belongs to Singafrotypa Benoit, 1962. We redescribe Singafrotypa subinermis (Caporiacco, 1940), comb. n., and provide a key to females of four species belonging to Singafrotypa. A distribution map for all species is provided.  相似文献   

Field observations on the relationship between male mating success and emergence timing in the funnel-web spider,Agelena limbata, were conducted.Agelena limbata is an annual species and adult males appear slightly earlier than adult females in July. As males deposit a copulatory plug at the female epigynum after copulation, copulation with virgin females is important to males. The number of copulations in males with virgin females, which strongly correlates with the longevity of males and the number of females that males courted, did not correlate with the emergence timing of males. Early emerged males and females were significantly larger in size than later ones, but the correlation coefficient between the emerged date and the cephalothorax width was not strong. Males that emerged earlier did not have any advantage in copulating with larger and more fecund females. Furthermore, virgin females first copulated on average 7.9 days after their final molt and the mortality rate of adult males increased after the final molt. These factors may favor the smaller degree of protandry in male emergence timing inA. limbata.  相似文献   

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