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Astrocytes comprise approximately half of the volume of the adult mammalian brain and are the primary neuronal structural and trophic supportive elements. Astrocytes are organized into distinct nonoverlapping domains and extend elaborate and dense fine processes that interact intimately with synapses and cerebrovasculature. The recognition in the mid 1990s that astrocytes undergo elevations in intracellular calcium concentration following activation of G protein-coupled receptors by synaptically released neurotransmitters demonstrated not only that astrocytes display a form of excitability but also that astrocytes may be active participants in brain information processing. The roles that astrocytic calcium elevations play in neurophysiology and especially in modulation of neuronal activity have been intensely researched in recent years. This review will summarize the current understanding of the function of astrocytic calcium signaling in neurophysiological processes and discuss areas where the role of astrocytes remains controversial and will therefore benefit from further study.  相似文献   

Strong evidence in favor of a direct action of hypothalamic PACAP at the pituitary to modulate gonadotrope function has been acquired mainly by in vitro studies using cultured pituitary cells or gonadotrope cell lines. In particular, PACAP has been shown to cooperate with GnRH, the primary regulator of gonadotropes, to regulate/modulate gonadotropin subunit gene expression, gonadotropin release as well as gonadotrope responsiveness. These effects of PACAP appear to be due essentially to its high potent stimulatory action on the cAMP/protein kinase pathway. Ensuing mechanisms include signaling cross-talk and/or enhanced gene expression within gonadotropes. PACAP may also indirectly operate on these cells through paracrine mechanisms. While PACAP has long been viewed as a hypophysiotropic factor, a locally produced PACAP has also been described. Interestingly, both appear similarly up-regulated at proestrus of the reproductive cycle in female rats. Further in vivo investigation is now necessary to ascertain the physiological relevance of the observed pituitary PACAP effects and especially to evaluate the respective contribution of hypothalamic and pituitary PACAP in the dynamic control of gonadotrope function.  相似文献   

Endothelins are a family of three peptides of 21 amino acids with strong vasoconstrictor effects. The three peptides are encoded by three different genes and derived from precursors (" big endothelins") which are cleaved by metalloproteases, named endothelin-converting enzyme. Two receptors have been cloned, ET-A and ET-B which bind the three endothelins with various affinities. The diverse expression pattern of the endothelin system (ET) components is associated with a complex pharmacology and its counteracting physiological actions. New modulators of the ET system have been described : retinoic acid, leptin, prostaglandins, hypoxia. Endothelins can be considered as regulators working in paracrine and autocrine fashion in a variety of organs in different cellular types. The ET system has beneficial and detrimental roles in mammals. The different components have been shown to be essential for a normal embryonic and neonatal development, for renal homeostasis and maintenance of basal vascular tone. They are involved in physiological and tumoral angiogenesis. They affect the physiology and pathophysiology of the liver, muscle, skin, adipose tissue and reproductive tract. The endothelin system participates in the development of atherosclerosis as well as pulmonary hypertension, and mediates cardiac remodeling in heart failure. Elaboration of new animal models (knock-out, pathophysiological models em leader ) will allow the clear genetic dissection of physiological and pathophysiological roles of the endothelin system.  相似文献   

An idea underlying a great deal of research and discussion in plant cell and developmental biology is that the spatial regulation of cell division plays a key role in plant development. In this article, the role of cell division in two aspects of leaf development is analysed: morphogenesis (leaf initiation, growth, and the generation of leaf shape) and histogenesis (the differentiation of leaf cells to form the various cell types that make up a functional leaf). The point of view that emerges from this analysis is that the rate and pattern of cell division is important for leaf development, but does not dictate leaf size, shape, or cell fate.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor activating protein receptor (SNARE) proteins have been at the fore-front of research on biological membrane fusion for some time. The subcellular localization of SNAREs and their ability to form the so-called SNARE complex may be integral to determining the specificity of intracellular fusion (the SNARE hypothesis) and/or serving as the minimal fusion machinery. Both the SNARE hypothesis and the idea of the minimal fusion machinery have been challenged by a number of experimental observations in various model systems, suggesting that SNAREs may have other functions. Considering recent advances in the SNARE literature, it appears that SNAREs may actually function as part of a complex fusion "machine." Their role in the machinery could be any one or a combination of roles, including establishing tight membrane contact, formation of a scaffolding on which to build the machine, binding of lipid surfaces, and many others. It is also possible that complexations other than the classic SNARE complex participate in membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Epileptic afterdischarges (ADs) elicited by electrical stimulation of sensorimotor cortical area were used as a model to study the role of neurotransmitter systems in cortical seizures in three age groups of developing rats. Drugs augmenting inhibition mediated by GABAA receptors were found to suppress ADs in all age groups, their activity was usually more marked in younger than in 25-day-old rat pups. Drugs potentiating GABAB receptors exhibit lower efficacy and more complicated developmental profile than GABAA-ergic drugs. Effects of an antagonist of GABAB receptor--marked prolongation of ADs in all three age groups--suggest an important role of GABAB receptors in arrest of cortical seizures. Drugs affecting glutamate receptors exhibit variable effects, usually better expressed in older animals than in 12-day-old ones. No specific role for ionotropic as well as metabotropic glutamate receptors could be predicted. Activation of adenosinergic inhibitory modulatory system also exhibited anticonvulsant action in the present model. All three neurotransmitter systems probably participate in mechanisms of generation, maintenance and arrest of cortical seizures.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection is characterized by a progressive CD4 T cell depletion. It is now accepted that apoptosis of uninfected bystander CD4 T lymphocytes plays a major role in AIDS development. Viral envelope glycoproteins (Env) are mainly involved in inducing this cell death process, but the mechanisms triggered by HIV-1 leading to immunodeficiency are still poorly understood. Recently, we have demonstrated that autophagy is a prerequisite for Env-mediated apoptosis in uninfected CD4 T cells, underlining its role in HIV-1 infection. However, occurrence of autophagy in HIV-1-infected cells has not yet been described. Several hypotheses are discussed, based on the comparison with data from other viral infections.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection is characterized by a progressive CD4 T cell depletion. It is now accepted that apoptosis of uninfected bystander CD4 T lymphocytes plays a major role in AIDS development. Viral envelope glycoproteins (Env) are mainly involved in inducing this cell death process, but the mechanisms triggered by HIV-1 leading to immunodeficiency are still poorly understood. Recently, we have demonstrated that autophagy is a prerequisite for Env-mediated apoptosis in uninfected CD4 T cells, underlining its role in HIV-1 infection. However, occurrence of autophagy in HIV-1-infected cells has not yet been described. Several hypotheses are discussed, based on the comparison with data from other viral infections.  相似文献   

Shnerb T  Lin N  Shurki A 《Biochemistry》2007,46(38):10875-10885
Structural analysis of Gsalpha shows that it is composed of two domains: the ras-like domain (RD) that is conserved in all members of the GTPase superfamily and is homologous to the monomeric G-proteins (e.g., p21ras) and an alpha-helical domain (HD) that is unique to heterotrimeric G-proteins. Little is known about the function of the HD. Recent experiments by Bourne and co-workers, who expressed both the RD and the HD of Gsalpha separately and found that GTP hydrolysis is very slow if only recombinant RD is present but is accelerated when the HD is added, suggest that the HD serves as an intrinsic GTPase-activating protein (GAP). In this work, the GTP hydrolysis in Gsalpha was studied. The results obtained by calculating catalytic effects with and without the HD provide evidence for the role of the HD as a GAP. It is demonstrated that a major part of the catalysis is obtained because of an allosteric influence of the HD on the RD. Structural as well as energetic considerations suggest that the HD confines the RD to a more compact conformation, pushing the phosphate into an orientation where it is further stabilized, thus lowering the overall reaction barrier. The resemblance between the behavior of rasGAP and the HD suggests that the conclusion may be a general conclusion, applicable for all of the G-protein members.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases typically involve deposits of inclusion bodies that contain abnormal aggregated proteins. Therefore, it has been suggested that protein aggregation is pathogenic. However, several lines of evidence indicate that inclusion bodies are not the main cause of toxicity, and probably represent a cellular protective response. Aggregation is a complex multi-step process of protein conformational change and accretion. The early species in this process might be most toxic, perhaps through the exposure of buried moieties such as main chain NH and CO groups that could serve as hydrogen bond donors or acceptors in abnormal interactions with other cellular proteins. This model implies that the pathogenesis of diverse neurodegenerative diseases arises by common mechanisms, and might yield common therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The most challenging and emerging field of biotechnology is the tailoring of proteins to attain the desired characteristic properties. In order to increase the stability of proteins and to study the function of proteins, the mechanism by which proteins fold and unfold should be known. It has been debated for a long time how exactly the linear form of a protein is converted into a stable 3-dimensional structure. The literature showed that many theories support the fact that protein folding is a thermodynamically controlled process. It is also possible to predict the mechanism of protein deactivation and stability to an extent from thermodynamic studies. This article reviewed various theories that have been proposed to explain the process of protein folding after its biosynthesis in ribosomes. The theories of the determination of the thermodynamic properties and the interpretation of thermodynamic data of protein stability are also discussed in this article.  相似文献   

It has been found that nonsense mutation R419X of cereblon (CRBN) is associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation. Further experiments showed that CRBN binds to the cytosolic C-terminus of large-conductance Ca++ activated potassium channel (BKCa) α-subunit and the cytosolic C-terminus of a voltage-gated chloride channel-2 (ClC-2), suggesting that CRBN may play a role in memory and learning via regulating the assembly and surface expression of BKCa and ClC-2 channels. In addition, it has also been found that CRBN directly interacts with the α1 subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and prevents formation of a functional holoenzyme with regulatory subunits β and γ. Since AMPK is a master sensor of energy balance that inhibits ATP-consuming anabolic pathways and increases ATP-producing catabolic pathways, binding of CRBN with α1 subunit of AMPK may play a role in these pathways by regulating the function of AMPK. Furthermore, CRBN interacts with damaged DNA binding protein 1 and forms an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex with Cullin 4 where it functions as a substrate receptor in which the proteins recognized by CRBN might be ubiquitinated and degraded by proteasomes. Proteasome-mediated degradation of unneeded or damaged proteins plays a very important role in maintaining regular function of a cell, such as cell survival, dividing, proliferation and growth. Intriguingly, a new role for CRBN has been identified, i.e, the binding of immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs), e.g. thalidomide, to CRBN has now been associated with teratogenicity and also the cytotoxicity of IMiDs, including lenalidomide, which are widely used to treat multiple myeloma patients. CRBN likely plays an important role in binding, ubiquitination and degradation of factors involved in maintaining function of myeloma cells. These new findings regarding the role of CRBN in IMiD action will stimulate intense investigation of CRBN’s downstream factors involved in maintaining regular function of a cell.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the ecological consequences of globalization, by employing the Ecological Footprint (EF) as a proxy for human ecological demands and the KOF index of Globalization. We develop an unbalanced data set covering 146 countries over the 1981–2009 period and are thus able to address the influence of countries’ development over time. After empirically showing that globalization is an explanatory factor of ecological demands, an Extreme Bounds Analysis (EBA) identifies a robust set of impact factors. Subsequently, specific hypotheses on economic, political, social and overall globalization guide the empirical analysis. The findings suggest that economic globalization drives the EF of consumption, production, imports and exports. Social globalization correlates negatively with the EF of consumption and production, while increasing the EF of imports and exports. No effects are found for political globalization while overall globalization is positively correlated with EFs of imports and exports. The findings show that globalization may have different effects on EFs depending on the dimension (consumption, production, exports and imports) referred to.  相似文献   

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