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In French subalpine grasslands, cessation of mowing promotes dominance of Festuca paniculata, which alters plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. One of the mechanisms underpinning such effects may be linked to simultaneous changes in the abundance of fungal symbionts such as endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In field conditions, mowing reduced the abundance of the endophyte Neotyphodium sp. in leaves of F. paniculata by a factor of 6, and increased mycorrhizal densities by a factor of 15 in the soil. In greenhouse experiments, the mycorrhizal colonization of Trifolium pratense and Allium porrum increased 3- fold and 3.8- fold respectively in mown vs unmown grassland soil. Significantly reduced growth of the two host plants was also observed on soil from the unmown grassland. Such opposite effects of mowing on the two functional groups of fungal symbionts could suggest interactions between these two groups, which in turn could contribute to structuring plant communities in subalpine grasslands.  相似文献   

龙脑香科植物对丛枝菌根真菌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在天然林地和温室盆栽条件下,比较研究了龙脑香科植物对丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizas,AM)真菌孢子密度、相对多度、频度、属的组成、丰度和侵染状况等方面的影响.结果表明,用坡垒作盆栽寄主加富培养后,菌根侵染率、泡囊、丛枝和侵入点都低于原采样植物,以原坡垒土壤中栽植苗木的侵染率为最高,可达20.3%;而以望天树根围土壤栽植的苗木为最低,仅为10.6%;坡垒还不同程度地改变了原采样植物根围土壤中AM真菌孢子的密度、相对多度、频度、属的组成、丰度等.在4种土壤中,栽植坡垒苗木后,AM真菌的孢子密度都有不同程度的增长.采用与原采样相同种类的植物作为AM真菌加富培养的寄主更有利于促进AM真菌的生长发育、保持AM的多样性.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌影响作物非生物胁迫耐受性的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
土壤中存在着大量不同种类的微生物资源,土壤微生物能够与自然界中的大多数植物密切合作,其中丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)起着十分重要的作用。近年来,对于AMF的研究越来越多。AMF是存在于土壤中的重要真菌之一,是土壤中的菌根真菌菌丝与高等植物营养根系形成的一种联合体。AMF可以与陆地上90%左右的植物根系形成共生体,通过在植物根系形成重要的“丛枝菌根”结构而为植物提供更多的养分。为了了解接种AMF对作物生长过程中耐受一些非生物胁迫(如干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)性能方面的影响,基于之前接种AMF对养分胁迫下玉米生长影响的研究,在扩大作物品种的基础上,通过查阅大量文献,结合试验研究及对前人和近年来关于AMF的一些最新研究进展,获得了具有实践性意义的新发现:AMF与植物共生有助于植物生长,可以改善植物的营养状况,并且可以保护植物免受各种非生物环境胁迫的影响。由此可以得出结论:AMF通过各种机制改善植物生长状况,提高作物抗逆性,为作物增产、农民增收创造了福利,并且避免了由于肥料过量施用导致的一些污染环境问题。本文主要综述了接种AMF在各种非生物环境胁迫(干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)条件下对植株生长和发育的有利影响,并对目前存在的不足和今后研究的重点提出几点建议。  相似文献   

不同丛枝菌根真菌对万寿菊生长及柴油降解率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在盆栽条件下,用沈抚污灌区非灭菌水稻土,研究了柴油浓度为5000mg·kg^1时接种3种AM真菌(Glomus mosseae,G.geospora,G.constrictum)和细菌对万寿菊(Tagetes erecta)耐油性的影响。结果表明,在此浓度下,AM菌仍能和万寿菊形成共生体,白色万寿菊比黄色万寿菊耐油能力强,总生物量增加63.1%;接种AM真菌的处理,其侵染率比对照高3.5%~29.9%.G.masseae和G.geospora是较好的菌种,总生物量分别比对照增加9.0%和42.7%;混接AM真菌效果一般。施入细菌菌剂虽然抑制了AM菌对万寿菊的侵染,但促进了菌根化植物的营养生长和生殖生长,5种接菌处理中,以接种G.geospora和混接AM菌和细菌的处理最好,对柴油的降解率分别比对照增加16.51%和14.05%。  相似文献   

【目的】分离收集保藏中国大陆各个地区不同生态环境的丛枝菌根真菌菌种资源,为丛枝菌根的研究提供资源、奠定基础。【方法】以高粱为宿主植物,采用诱导培养、单孢培养和扩繁培养分离土壤样品中的丛枝菌根真菌菌种并鉴定。【结果】从我国大陆的45个地区50余种宿主植物根区土壤中分离到丛枝菌根真菌135株,隶属于23个种;对各个菌株的形态特征进行了描述。【结论】我国蕴藏着丰富的丛枝菌根真菌菌种资源,文中描述的菌种资源是目前从我国大陆地区获得的种类和数量最多、覆盖范围最广的AM真菌菌种资源。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophytic fungal colonization in a grassland in Kunming, southwest China, was investigated monthly over one year. All plant roots surveyed were co-colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophytic fungi in this grassland. Both arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophytic fungal colonization fluctuated significantly throughout the year, and their seasonal patterns were different in each plant species. The relationships between environmental (climatic and edaphic) factors and fungal colonization were also studied. Correlation analysis demonstrated that arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization was significantly correlative with environmental factors (rainfall, sunlight hours, soil P, etc.), but dark septate endophytic fungal colonization was only correlative with relative humidity and sunlight hours.  相似文献   

Aerial dispersal of fungal spores is common, but the role of wind and air movement in dispersal of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is largely unknown. Several studies have examined the possibility of AM fungal spores being moved by wind vectors without observing spores taken from the air environment. For the first time this study observed the presence of AM fungal spores in the air. The frequency of AM fungal spores in the air was determined in six North American biomes composed of 18 ecoregions. Multiple samples were taken from both the air and the soil at each location. AM fungal spores were found in high abundance in the soil (hundreds of spores per gram of soil), however, they were rarely found in the air (most samples contained no AM fungal spores). Furthermore, only the Glomus morphotype was found in the air, whereas spores in the soil were taxomomically more diverse (Glomus, Acaulospora, Gigaspora, Scutellospora morphotypes were observed). The proportion of Glomus spores in the air relative to Glomus spores in the soil was highest in more arid systems, indicating that AM fungi may be more likely to be dispersed in the air in such systems. Nonetheless, the results indicate that the air is not likely a dominant mode of dispersal for AM fungi.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌和生物质炭对连作西瓜土壤肥力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘耀臣  王萍  刘润进  李敏 《微生物学通报》2020,47(11):3811-3821
【背景】作为土壤改良剂生物质炭能够改善土壤条件,促进丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌侵染和植物生长发育。【目的】探究接种AM真菌配合施加生物质炭对连作土壤肥力和西瓜生长的效应。【方法】盆栽‘圆佳’西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)嫁接苗[砧木为‘全能铁甲’南瓜(Cucurbita maxima×C. moschata)],栽培基质为西瓜连作土壤,试验设接种或不接种AM真菌变形球囊霉(Glomus versiforme)并施加0%、1%、2%和4%的生物质炭,共8个处理,测定土壤理化特性、土壤酶活性、土壤微生物数量和植株生长量。【结果】接种AM真菌并施加生物质炭,可显著促进土壤大颗粒团聚体的形成和有机质的矿化,稳定土壤pH,增加土壤细菌和放线菌数量,降低真菌数量,提高土壤蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和脲酶的活性,活化土壤矿质养分,最终促进西瓜植株的生长发育。其中,以接种变形球囊霉并施加2%?4%生物质炭组合的效应最大。两者互作在一定程度上提高了连作土壤的pH、饱和含水量及孔隙度,降低了土壤容重,有利于土壤大颗粒团聚体的形成,提高了土壤酶活性,改善了根围土壤微生物组成。【结论】 AM真菌接种配合施加2%?4%的生物质炭可以显著改善连作土壤的肥力状况。  相似文献   

Although it is usually admitted that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are key components in soil bio-functioning, little is known on the response of microbial functional diversity to AM inoculation. The aims of the present study were to determine the influence of Glomus intraradices inoculum densities on plant growth and soil microflora functional diversity in autoclaved soil or non-disinfected soil. Microbial diversity of soil treatments was assessed by measuring the patterns of in situ catabolic potential of microbial communities. The soil disinfection increased sorghum growth, but lowered catabolic evenness (4.8) compared to that recorded in the non-disinfected soil (6.5). G. intraradices inoculation induced a higher plant growth in the autoclaved soil than in the non-disinfected soil. This AM effect was positively related to inoculum density. Catabolic evenness and richness were positively correlated with the number of inoculated AM propagules in the autoclaved soil, but negatively correlated in the non-disinfected soil. In addition, after soil disinfection and AM inoculation, these microbial functionality indicators had higher values than in the autoclaved or in the non-disinfected soil without AM inoculation. These results are discussed in relation to the ecological influence of AM inoculation, with selected fungal strains and their associated microflora on native soil microbial activity.  相似文献   

土壤因子对野生植物AM真菌的影响   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
1 引  言关于生态因子对AM真菌发生和分布的影响 ,国内外均有报道[1,2 ,7] ,张美庆等[6] 比较系统地研究了我国东、南沿海七省AM真菌的生态分布 ;吴铁航[5] 报道了几种土壤因子对栽培作物根围内AM真菌分布的影响 .本文主要介绍土壤类型、质地、营养状况、pH等对野生植物根围AM真菌的侵染、孢子密度和种属分布的影响 .2 研究地区与研究方法2 1 研究地区概况山东省位于 33°2 5′~ 38°2 3′N ,114°36′~ 12 2°4 3′E之间 ,属暖温带大陆性季风气候 ,年平均气温 11~ 14℃ ,年平均降水量为 5 5 0~ 95 0mm .根据地貌不…  相似文献   

中国盐碱土壤中AM菌的生态分布   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对我国盐碱土壤中丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza,AM) 菌的种属构成、生态分布状况进行了研究.结果表明,不同地区AM 菌种属构成不同,其种属组成、分布与土壤类型、碱化度和土壤有机质含量有关.盐渍化砂土、壤土和粘土中,Glomus 属的真菌数量最多,Acaulospora 属次之,而Glomus 属中的G.mosseae 则是分布最为广泛的菌种.随土壤碱化度的增加,Glomus mosseae 出现频率随之相对增加.在一定范围内有机质含量越高,土壤中AM 菌种和属的种类就越多.AM 菌的种属组成因不同寄主植物而异,其中豆科植物根围中AM 菌分布的种属数量最多.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of using temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis (TTGE) of PCR-amplified 18S rDNA fragments of different Glomus species for their detection and characterization. Screening of Glomus clarum, Glomus constrictum, Glomus coronatum, Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus viscosum by PCR-TGGE revealed that the NS31-AM1 region of the 18S rRNA gene contained insufficient variation to discriminate between them. In contrast, TTGE analysis of the NS31-Glo1 region, which was obtained by nested PCR of the NS31-AM1 amplicon, showed that each species was characterized by a specific TTGE fingerprint. However, isolates of the same species could not be distinguished. The nested PCR-TTGE approach developed allowed identification of the Glomus species colonising the roots of different plant species.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations (0.2, 2, 20, 200 mg l−1) of two sterol biosynthesis inhibitor (SBI) fungicides, i.e. fenpropimorph and fenhexamid, were evaluated on the spore germination, germ tube elongation, sporulation, and root colonization of Glomus intraradices grown monoxenically in association with transformed carrot roots. The percentage of germinated spores incubated on the SBI fungicides and the length of the germ tubes decreased with increasing concentrations of both fungicides. However, for spore germination this impact was fungistatic rather than fungicidal. Extraradical mycelium architecture and spore production in contact with the SBI fungicides were also strongly impacted at high concentration (20 mg l−1). Conversely, the colonization of roots developing in the fungicide-free compartment, but interconnected with the extraradical mycelium developing on the SBI fungicides, appeared unaffected. Our results demonstrated that the monoxenic culture system could be used as a standardized, reproducible technique to compare the impacts of different molecules on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and for the initial screening of new candidate molecules before registration.  相似文献   

矿区分离丛枝菌根真菌对万寿菊吸Cd潜力影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盆栽试验研究土壤不同施Cd水平(0、5、20、50μg/g)下,接种矿区污染土壤中丛枝菌根真菌对万寿菊根系侵染率、植株生物量及Cd吸收与分配的影响。结果表明:接种丛枝菌根真菌显著提高Cd胁迫下万寿菊的根系侵染率和植株生物量;随着施Cd水平提高,各处理植株Cd浓度显著增加。各施Cd水平下万寿菊地上部Cd吸收量远远高于根系Cd吸收量,在土壤施Cd量达到50μg/g时,接种处理地上部Cd吸收量是根系的3.48倍,对照处理地上部Cd吸收量是根系的1.67倍;同一施Cd水平下接种处理植株Cd吸收量要显著高于对照。总体上,试验条件下污染土壤中分离的丛枝菌根真菌促进了万寿菊对土壤中Cd的吸收,并在一定程度上增加Cd向地上部分的运转,表现出植物提取的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Grasses can be infected by endophytic fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi simultaneously. Here, we investigated the interactions of a native grass, Achnatherum sibiricum, with both endophytic and AM fungi (Glomus mosseae, GM and Glomus etunicatum, GE) at different nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) levels. The results showed that endophyte infection significantly suppressed the colonization rates and spore density of GE, but had no effect on those of GM. Endophyte infection increased shoot biomass regardless of the nutrient conditions. The effects of AM fungi on host growth were dependent on mycorrhizal species. There was no significant interaction between endophytic fungi and GE on host growth; however, a significant interaction between endophytic fungi and GE occurred in total phenolic concentrations and P uptake. As for GM, a significant interaction among endophytic fungi, AM fungi and nutrient availability occurred in shoot growth. Under sufficient N and P conditions, endophyte infection alleviated the detrimental effects of GM colonization on host growth.  相似文献   

【背景】丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)是一类重要的土壤微生物,能显著影响植物对镉(cadmium,Cd)的耐性与累积,但其对不同形态Cd胁迫的响应尚不清楚。【目的】探讨不同形态Cd胁迫下接种AMF对玉米(Zea mays L.)生长和Cd累积的影响。【方法】采用30 cm高的培养容器填装石英砂(0.2 mm),开展室内砂培玉米试验,研究溶解态和胶体态Cd (1 mg/kg)胁迫下,接种摩西斗管囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae)对玉米幼苗生长、根系特征、光合生理及Cd累积的影响。【结果】双因素分析表明,AMF和Cd形态均对玉米生长(株高和生物量)、根系特征、光合生理(叶绿素含量和光合速率)与Cd累积量存在显著的影响,但二者之间没有显著交互作用。与未接种处理相比,接种AMF显著降低玉米株高、生物量、叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率,抑制玉米根长、根表面积、根体积和根尖数;同时增加了玉米根系Cd含量,但减少玉米地上部Cd含量以及地上部与根系Cd累积量;与胶体态Cd处理相比,溶解态Cd显著降低玉米的根长、根表面积、平均根系直径、根尖数和地上部Cd累积量,但增加了植株叶片光合速率、根系Cd含量和累积量。相关分析发现,玉米根长、根表面积和根尖数与地上部Cd含量呈显著或极显著正相关,与根系Cd含量呈极显著负相关。【结论】溶解态Cd比胶体态Cd对砂培玉米幼苗的毒害效应严重,而且接种AMF加重溶解态和胶体态Cd对玉米幼苗的损伤,但降低了植株对Cd的累积。  相似文献   

荒漠油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)根围AM真菌分布与土壤酶活性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
于2007年10月在油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)集中分布区选取4个典型样地,分别从0~10cm、10~20cm、20~30cm、30~40cm和40~50cm土层采集根围土样,分离其丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌并测定了3种土壤酶活性.结果表明,在各样地0~50cm土层中油蒿根系AM真菌菌丝定殖率均很高,有典型的泡囊与丛枝结构.菌丝定殖率与泡囊定殖率呈显著正相关,但菌丝、泡囊和丛枝定殖率与AM真菌孢子密度和土壤酶活性之间都无相关性;孢子密度在不同样地及采样深度间差异明显,与土壤有机质、速效磷和速效氮含量都呈一定正相关关系.孢子密度与脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性有显著或极显著相关关系,与碱性磷酸酶活性之间的相关性受到土壤pH的显著影响.孢子密度的峰值出现在0~10cm表层土,并随土壤剖面深度增加而降低.土壤酶活性在土壤垂直剖面显示与孢子密度同样的规律.不同样地间AM真菌分布及油蒿根系定殖率的差异表明,油蒿与AM真菌之间有良好共生性,对维护荒漠生态环境系统结构的完整性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Although it has become increasingly clear that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play important roles in population, community, and ecosystem ecology, there is limited information on the spatial structure of the community composition of AMF in the field. We assessed small-scale spatial variation in the abundance and molecular diversity of AMF in a calcareous fen, where strong underlying environmental gradients such as depth to water table may influence AMF. Throughout an intensively sampled 2 × 2 m plot, we assessed AMF inoculum potential at a depth of 0–6 and 6–12 cm and molecular diversity of the AMF community using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of 18S rDNA. Inoculum potential was only significantly spatially autocorrelated at a depth of 6–12 cm and was significantly positively correlated with depth to water table at both depths. Molecular diversity of the AMF community was highly variable within the plot, ranging from 2–14 terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) per core, but the number of T-RFs did not relate to water table or plant species richness. Plant community composition was spatially autocorrelated at small scales, but AMF community composition showed no significant spatial autocorrelation. Saturated soils of calcareous fens contain many infective AMF propagules and the abundance and diversity of AMF inoculum is patchy over small spatial scales. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The key role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in maintaining soil fertility and ecosystem functioning and their general sensitivity to pesticides make them good candidate bioindicators in pesticide soil microbial toxicity assessment. We investigated the impact of the herbicide nicosulfuron on mycorrhizal colonization and community structure of AM fungi via a pot-to-field experimental approach. This allowed the assessment of nicosulfuron toxicity (i) at extreme exposure schemes (pot experiment, Tier I) invoked by the repeated application of a range of dose rates (x0, x10, x100, x1000 the recommended dose) and (ii) under realistic exposure scenarios (x0, x1, x2, x5 the recommended dose) in the field (Tier II). In the pot experiment, the x100 and x1000 dose rates significantly reduced plant biomass, mycorrhizal colonization and AM fungal richness as determined by DGGE. This coincided with the progressive accumulation of herbicide concentrations in soil. In contrast, no effects on AM fungi were observed at the nicosulfuron dose rates tested in the field. Clone libraries showed that the majority of AM fungi belonged to the Glomus group and were sensitive to the high levels of nicosulfuron accumulated in soil at the latter culture cycles. In contrast, a Paraglomeraceae and a Glomus etunicatum ribotype were present in maize roots in all cycles and dose rates implying a tolerance to nicosulfuron-induced stress. Overall, the deleterious effects of nicosulfuron on AM fungi induced by the highest dose rates in the pot experiment could be attributed either to fungal-driven toxicity or to plant-driven effects which have subsequent implications for mycorrhizal symbiosis. We suggest that the tiered pot-to-field experimental approach followed in our study combined with classic and standardized molecular tools could provide a realistic assessment of the toxicity of pesticides onto AM fungi as potential bioindicators.  相似文献   

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