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Many plants employ induced responses against generalist herbivores. Specialist herbivores, however, may employ several mechanisms to overcome the negative effects of induced plant defenses. Here we test how the behavior and development of specialist Manduca sexta larvae are affected by induced responses in their natural host plant Nicotiana attenuata. On a spatial scale relevant to both the plant and the herbivore, we first determined how methyl jasmonate (MeJA)-induced responses, such as increased nicotine production, affect the tendency of larvae to leave induced plants. When larvae were allowed to move between two plants planted in one pot, they left an MeJA-treated plant faster than a control plant. When both plants in the pot were MeJA-treated, the larvae developed more slowly than when both plants were uninduced, or when the larvae had the opportunity to move to an uninduced neighbor. The sooner larvae moved from an MeJA-treated plant to an untreated neighbor, the larger the body mass they attained. This demonstrates that M. sexta larvae can compensate behaviorally for the deleterious effects of induced plant responses. These effects were observed in plants grown under both low and high N supply rates, though the effects were more pronounced under high N. To examine the consequences of the timing and the direction of the host plant switching behavior for larval development, neonate larvae were fed leaves excised from induced and uninduced plants. Larvae confined to MeJA-treated leaves had higher mortality rates and grew slower than larvae fed only control leaves. This demonstrates that MeJA-induced responses decrease growth and development of specialist herbivores that do not have the behavioral option of moving to an uninduced plant. The sooner the larvae were switched to MeJA-treated leaves, the slower their development compared to larvae fed only uninduced leaves. In contrast, the sooner larvae fed MeJA-treated leaves were switched to control leaves, the faster they developed. Again the effects of MeJA treatment were stronger in plants grown under high N supply. We propose that induced plants growing in close competition with an uninduced conspecific may offset the fitness costs of these induced responses and perhaps obtain a fitness benefit by motivating herbivores to move to their neighboring competitors. Received: 25 March 1999 / Accepted: 8 October 1999  相似文献   

1. The time delay associated with the activation of induced defences is thought to be a liability for this type of defence because it allows herbivores to remove biomass before the defence is fully induced. When defences are costly and plants grow with competitors, however, it may be more advantageous not to induce defences too fast and motivate the herbivore to move to the neighbour when it is most voracious. 2. Such a strategy can only work when the costs for the herbivore of moving to a neighbouring plant are smaller than the costs of staying on a fully induced plant. For lepidopteran herbivores, both the sensitivity to induced defences and the costs of moving may vary considerably between instars and this variation may constrain the plant's defensive opportunities. 3. This study was designed to examine whether the cost of moving, mimicked by a starvation period of 8 h, was larger than the cost of staying on a fully induced plant for each larval instar of the specialist Manduca sexta feeding on induced and control tissues of Nicotiana attenuata. 4. For first‐ and second‐instar larvae, the costs of moving were larger than the costs of staying on a fully induced plant. In contrast, feeding on induced plant material retarded development in third‐instar larvae more than did starvation, indicating that in this instar the costs of leaving are smaller than the costs of staying on an induced plant. More than 98% of the lifetime leaf mass consumed by a M. sexta larva is consumed during the fourth and fifth instars, and during these instars larval development was not affected by either induced defences or starvation. Thus the third instar, the stage just before larvae cause the majority of damage, represents a window of sensitivity to induced defences during which larvae can be motivated to change plants. 5. These results suggest that N. attenuata plants, which commonly compete with conspecifics in nature, have the opportunity to manipulate the behaviour of the specialist herbivore M. sexta to minimise the fitness effects of inducing defences when these defences are most costly, i.e. when plants grow under intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

After herbivore attack, plants launch a suite of direct and indirect defense responses that must be coordinated if plants are to realize a fitness benefit from these responses. Here we characterize the volatile emissions in the native tobacco plant, Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex Wats., that are elicited by tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta L.) attack and are known to function as attractants for parasitoids. To provide the first ecophysiological comparison of examples of both types of defense in the same species, we characterize the elicitation and signaling mechanisms, the resources required, and the potential costs and benefits of the volatile release and compare these traits with those of the well-described induced direct defense in this species, nicotine production. The release of (E)-β-ocimene, cis-α-bergamotene and linalool is dramatically induced within 24 h by application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA), caterpillar feeding, and the treatment of mechanical wounds with larval oral secretions (OS), but not by mechanical damage alone. Plants from different geographic locations produce volatile blends that differ in composition. The most consistently released component from all genotypes, cis-α-berga-motene, is positively related to the amount of MeJA and the level of wounding if OS are applied to the wounds. The volatile release is strongly light dependent, dropping to undetectable quantities during dark periods, even when temperatures are elevated to match those of the light period. Inhibitors of wound-induced jasmonate accumulation (salicylates and auxins), which are known to inhibit wound-induced nicotine production, do not inhibit the release of volatiles. By individually inducing different leaf positions with OS and, on other plants, excising them after induction, we demonstrate that the emission is largely a systemic, whole-plant response, which is maximally triggered when the second fully expanded leaf is induced. We conclude that while both are whole-plant, systemic responses that utilize recently acquired resources for their production and are activated by the jasmonate cascade, the elicitation of the volatile release exhibits greater tissue sensitivity and utilizes additional signaling components than does nicotine production. In contrast to the large investment of fitness-limiting resources required for induced nicotine production or the resources used in benzyl acetone release from flowers for pollinator attraction, the resource requirements for the volatile release are minor. Hence the argument that the volatile release incurs comparatively large physiological costs cannot be supported in this system. Received: 4 November 1999 / Accepted: 1 March 2000  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The defensive effect of endogenous trypsin proteinase inhibitors (NaTPIs) on the herbivore Manduca sexta was demonstrated by genetically altering NaTPI production in M. sexta's host plant, Nicotiana attenuata. To understand how this defense works, we studied the effects of NaTPI on M. sexta gut proteinase activity levels in different larval instars of caterpillars feeding freely on untransformed and transformed plants. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Second and third instars larvae that fed on NaTPI-producing (WT) genotypes were lighter and had less gut proteinase activity compared to those that fed on genotypes with either little or no NaTPI activity. Unexpectedly, NaTPI activity in vitro assays not only inhibited the trypsin sensitive fraction of gut proteinase activity but also halved the NaTPI-insensitive fraction in third-instar larvae. Unable to degrade NaTPI, larvae apparently lacked the means to adapt to NaTPI in their diet. However, caterpillars recovered at least part of their gut proteinase activity when they were transferred from NaTPI-producing host plants to NaTPI-free host plants. In addition extracts of basal leaves inhibited more gut proteinase activity than did extracts of middle stem leaves with the same protein content. CONCLUSIONS/ SIGNIFICANCE: Although larvae can minimize the effects of high NaTPI levels by feeding on leaves with high protein and low NaTPI activity, the host plant's endogenous NaTPIs remain an effective defense against M. sexta, inhibiting gut proteinase and affecting larval performance.  相似文献   

Nicotiana attenuata has the capacity to respond specifically to herbivory by its natural herbivore, Manduca sexta, through the perception of elicitors in larval oral secretions. We demonstrate that Lectin receptor kinase 1 (LecRK1) functions during M. sexta herbivory to suppress the insect-mediated inhibition of jasmonic acid (JA)-induced defense responses. Gene function analysis performed by reducing LecRK1 expression in N. attenuata by both virus-induced gene silencing and inverted repeated RNA interference (ir-lecRK1 plants) revealed that LecRK1 was essential to mount a full defense response against M. sexta folivory; larvae growing on ir-lecRK1 plants were 40 to 100% larger than those growing on wild-type plants. The insect-induced accumulation of nicotine, diterpene-glucosides, and trypsin protease inhibitors, as well as the expression of Thr deaminase, was severalfold reduced in ir-lecRK1 plants compared with the wild type. The accumulation of JA and JA-Ile was unaffected during herbivory in ir-lecRK1 plants; however, salicylic acid (SA) accumulation was increased by twofold. The expression of nahG in ir-lecRK1 plants prevented the increased accumulation of SA and restored the defense response against M. sexta herbivory. The results suggest that LecRK1 inhibits the accumulation of SA during herbivory, although other mechanisms may also be affected.  相似文献   

We examined performance of herbivores on plants lacking either jasmonate (JA, asLOX3) or ethylene (ET, mETR1) signaling or both (mETR1asLOX3). Plant defenses against Manduca sexta caterpillars were strongly impaired in JA-deficient asLOX3 plants; however, making asLOX3 plants ethylene insensitive did not further increase the performance of the larvae on a mETR1asLOX3 genetic cross. This result demonstrates the dominant role of JA over ET in the regulation of plant defenses against herbivores. However, ET-insensitivity combined with otherwise normal levels of JA in mETR1 plants promoted faster caterpillar growth, which correlated with reduced accumulation of the alkaloidal direct defense nicotine in mETR1 compared to WT plants. Our data points to an important accessory function of ET in the activation of JA-regulated plant defenses against herbivores at the level of alkaloid biosynthesis in the roots and/or accumulation in the leaves.Key words: herbivory, jasmonic acid and ethylene crosstalk, Nicotiana attenuata, nicotine, trypsin proteinase inhibitors (TPIs)  相似文献   

Nitric oxide-associated protein 1 (NOA1) is involved in various abiotic stress responses and is required for plant resistance to pathogen infections. However, the role of NOA1 in plant-herbivore interactions has not been explored. We created NOA1-silenced Nicotiana attenuata plants (irNaNOA1). Compared with wild-type (WT) plants, irNaNOA1 plants had highly decreased photosynthesis rates. We further examined various traits important for plant defense against its specialist herbivore Manduca sexta by treating WT and irNaNOA1 plants with mechanical wounding and M. sexta oral secretions (OS). NOA1-silenced plants showed elevated levels of herbivory-induced jasmonic acid (JA), but decreased JA-isoleucine conjugate (JA-Ile) levels. The decreased JA-Ile levels did not result from compromised JAR (jasmonic acid resistant) activity in irNOA1 plants. Moreover, nitrogen-rich defensive compounds, nicotine and trypsin proteinase inhibitors, did not differ between WT and irNaNOA1 plants. In contrast, concentrations of most carbon-based defensive compounds were lower in these plants than in WT plants, although the levels of chlorogenic acid were not changed. Therefore, silencing NOA1 alters the allocation of carbon resources within the phenylpropanoid pathway. These data suggest the involvement of NOA1 in N. attenuata's defense against M. sexta attack, and highlight its role in photosynthesis, and biosynthesis of jasmonates and secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and among populations provides the raw material for evolution. Although many studies describe inter- and intraspecific variation of defensive metabolites, little is known about variation among plant populations within early signaling responses elicited by herbivory or by herbivore oral secretions (OS) introduced into wounds during feeding. In this study, we compare the OS-elicited early responses as well as the antiherbivore defensive metabolites in two accessions of the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata and show that, compared with an accession collected from Utah, an Arizona accession has lower herbivore-elicited activity of the salicylic acid-induced protein kinase, an important mitogen-activated protein kinase involved in herbivore resistance. These differences in salicylic acid-induced protein kinase activity were associated with substantially different levels of OS-elicited jasmonic acid, jasmonic acid-isoleucine conjugate, and ethylene bursts. Gene expression level polymorphism (ELP) determines phenotypic variation among populations, and we found the two accessions to have significantly different ELPs in the genes involved in early signaling responses to herbivory. In addition, we found differences between the Utah and the Arizona accessions in the concentrations of several secondary metabolites that contribute to N. attenuata's direct and indirect defenses. This study demonstrates significant natural variation in regulatory elements that mediate plant responses to herbivore attack, highlighting the role of ELP in producing a diversity of plant defense phenotypes.  相似文献   

Root growth in Nicotiana attenuata is transiently reduced after application of oral secretions (OS) of Manduca sexta larvae to wounds in leaves. Feeding of M. sexta or OS elicitation is known to result in jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene bursts, and activates a suite of defence responses. Because both plant hormones are known to strongly reduce root growth, their activation might account for the observed reduction of root growth following herbivory. To test this hypothesis, we measured primary root growth with digital image sequence processing at high temporal resolution in antisense- lipoxygenase 3 (as LOX3 ) and inverted repeat- coronatin-insensitive 1 (ir COI1 ) seedlings which are impaired in JA biosynthesis and perception, respectively, and wild-type (WT) seedlings. Higher root growth rates in ir COI1 compared with WT were observed after OS elicitation. The dynamics of wound-induced root growth reduction coincide with the dynamics of root growth reduction induced by external application of methyl JA. In an experiment with 1-methylcyclopropen (1-MCP), a potent ethylene receptor blocker, no wounding-specific difference between growth of 1-MCP-treated plants and non-treated plants was observed, suggesting that wound-induced endogenous JA and not ethylene mediates the wounding-specific reduction in root growth. Yet, inhibiting the ethylene response by applying 1-MCP led to markedly increased root growth compared with that of control plants, indicating that ethylene normally suppresses plant growth in N. attenuata seedlings.  相似文献   

The functional significance of herbivore-induced plant traits known to directly or indirectly influence herbivore performance remains largely untested under field conditions due to the difficulty of uncoupling the response to herbivory from the act of herbivory. The signals that activate many of the induced responses in plants are endogenously produced in response to wounding, unlike many of the predator-induced responses found in aquatic invertebrates (which are activated by exogenous cues derived from predators). Jasmonates, endogenously-produced damage signals, activate diverse wound-induced responses in plants including induced nicotine production in Nicotiana sylvestris. The results presented here are from two experiments which illustrate the use of jasmonates to uncouple induced nicotine production in Nicotiana attenuata (Torrey ex. Watson) from wounding. The exogenous addition of methyl jasmonate (MJ) in small quantities (11 g for a 1.4 g dry mass plant) to roots of hydroponically-grown plants induces de novo nicotine synthesis and increases whole-plant nicotine concentrations just as wounding does. The MJ-induced changes were proportional to the quantity of MJ given. Moreover, the effects of MJ were additive to the effects of damage. Applications of MJ to shoots were less effective. Root treatments also worked with plants growing in a field plot. The application of MJ represents a promising tool for examining the functional significance of induced nicotine responses in plants growing in their native environments.  相似文献   

Four wild species of Nicotiana were examined in field experiments for antibiosis toward larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). The species examined were N. excelsior Black, N. gossei Domin., N. plumbaginifolia Viviani, and N. stocktonii Brandegee. Feeding, growth, and mortality rates were used as physiological indicators of plant defense compounds in a four day bioassay procedure. The magnitude of the resistance in Nicotiana stocktonii was consistently greater by all criteria measured. The mechanisms of resistance appeared to be different among the species tested. In addition, inferences on the mode of action of the resistance factors in the species and the best candidate for a breeding program are discussed.Résumé La resistance aux chenilles de M. sexta a été examinée chez quatre espèces sauvages: Nicotani excelsior Black, N. gossei Domin, N. plumbaginifolia Viviani, et N. stocktonii Brandagee. L'alimentation, la croissance et la mortalité pendant quatre jours d'expérience ont servi d'indices physiologiques de l'action des substances chimiques de la plante. Pour tous les critères utilisés, la résistance de N. stockonii était significativement supérieure. Les méchanismes de la résistance se sont révélés différents pour les quatre espèces examinées. La discussion concerne l'influence du mode d'action des facteurs de résistance et l'espèce présentant le plus de potentialités pour la sélection.  相似文献   

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