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Wang J  Zhang K  Lu H  Wang E 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(3):1612-1620
We propose a new approach to activated protein folding dynamics via a diffusive path integral framework. The important issues of kinetic paths in this situation can be directly addressed. This leads to the identification of the kinetic paths of the activated folding process, and provides a direct tool and language for the theoretical and experimental community to understand the problem better. The kinetic paths giving the dominant contributions to the long-time folding activation dynamics can be quantitatively determined. These are shown to be the instanton paths. The contributions of these instanton paths to the kinetics lead to the "bell-like" shape folding rate dependence on temperature, which is in good agreement with folding kinetic experiments and simulations. The connections to other approaches as well as the experiments of the protein folding kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics and folding kinetics of a circularly permuted construct of the ribozyme from Bacillus subtilis RNase P are analyzed and compared with the folding properties of the wild-type ribozyme using optical spectroscopy and catalytic activity. The folding of the wild-type ribozyme is slow due to the rearrangement of kinetically trapped species containing misfolded structures. To test whether any misfolded structure arises from interactions between the two independently folding domains of the RNase P RNA, a circular permuted form was created where one of the two phosphodiester bonds connecting these domains is broken. This construct folds approximately 15-fold faster (t1/2 approximately nine seconds) than the wild-type ribozyme at 37 degreesC. While the complete folding of both domains is kinetically indistinguishable in the wild-type ribozyme, one domain folds much faster than the other domain in the circularly permuted construct. Hence, the major kinetic trap in the folding of the wild-type RNase P RNA involves interdomain interactions. This kinetic trap is avoidable at 37 degreesC in the circularly permuted RNA. However, at temperatures below 30 degreesC or when refolding begins from an equilibrium intermediate stabilized by submillimolar concentrations of Mg2+, a subpopulation containing an interdomain misfold still forms. These results indicate that the folding pathway of this large RNA is highly malleable and can be under kinetic control.  相似文献   

Nakamura HK  Sasai M 《Proteins》2001,43(3):280-291
A simple lattice model of protein folding is studied in order to analyze the kinetic partitioning phenomena in the energy landscape perspective. By restricting the area of conformational space, it becomes possible to follow many Monte Carlo trajectories until they reach equilibrium. Alteration of population of trajectories is monitored and the relations between the energy landscape and kinetics are examined. Kinetic partitioning phenomena are categorized into different types in terms of characteristic time constants and partitioning ratio. In a specific partitioning process, refolding proceeds along the parallel pathways; the time constants have a temperature dependence similar to that observed in hen lysozyme. High-energy conformations are classified into groups according to the probability that the trajectories starting from those conformations will reach each energy valley. The partitioning ratio is determined by the way in which the conformational space is organized into these groups.  相似文献   

Conformational transition is fundamental to the mechanism of functional regulation in proteins, and serpins (serine protease inhibitors) can provide insight into this process. Serpins are metastable in their native forms, and they ordinarily undergo conformational transition to a stable state only when they form a tight complex with target proteases. The metastable native form is thus considered to be a kinetically trapped folding intermediate. We sought to understand the nature of the serpin kinetic trap as a step toward discovering how conformational transition is regulated. We found that mutations of the B/C beta-barrel of native alpha(1)-antitrypsin, a prototypical serpin, allowed conversion of the molecule into a more stable state. A 2.2 A resolution crystal structure of the stable form (PDB code, ) showed that the reactive site loop is inserted into an A beta-sheet, as in the latent plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Mutational analyses suggest strongly that interactions not found in the final stable form cause the kinetic trap in serpin protein folding.  相似文献   

Modelling neutral and selective evolution of protein folding.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examine a model evolutionary space consisting of genotypes mapped to their corresponding phenotypes. This mapping is derived from a lattice model for proteins which, despite its highly idealized nature, has been shown to share general properties with real proteins. Large evolutionary networks are observed, with genotypes corresponding to non-lethal phenotypes linked by unit mutational steps. Neutral mutations are necessary for traversing the evolutionary networks, and even one neutral mutation in a genotype can change the phenotypes attainable by a unit mutational step.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins account for a quarter of cellular proteins, and most are synthesised at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Insertion and folding of polypeptides in the membrane environment is prone to error, necessitating diverse quality control systems. Recent discoveries have demonstrated how forces act on the nascent chain during insertion, and revealed new translocon components and accessories that facilitate the correct biogenesis of substrates. Our understanding of one of the best studied quality control systems—ER-associated degradation—has been advanced through new structural and functional studies of the core Hrd1 complex, and through the discovery of a new branch of this degradative pathway. New data also reveal how cells resolve clogged translocons, which would otherwise be unable to function. Finally, new work elucidates how mitochondrial tail-anchored proteins that have been mistargeted to the ER are identified and destroyed. Overall, we describe an emerging picture of an increasingly complex quality control network.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the "protein engineering method" has been used to investigate the folding pathways of more than 20 different proteins. This method involves measuring the folding and unfolding rates of mutant proteins with single amino acid substitutions spread across the sequence. Comparison of folding rates of the mutant proteins to that of the wild-type protein allows the calculation of the phi value, which can be used to evaluate the stabilizing contribution of an amino acid side chain to the structure of the folding transition state. Here, we review the methodology for analysing data collected in protein engineering folding kinetics studies. We discuss the calculation of folding rates and kinetic m values, the estimation of errors in folding kinetics experiments, phi value calculation including potential pitfalls of the analysis, Br?nsted plots, detecting Hammond behaviour, and the analysis of curved chevron plots.  相似文献   

The native form of some proteins such as strained plasma serpins (serine protease inhibitors) and the spring-loaded viral membrane fusion proteins are in a metastable state. The metastable native form is thought to be a folding intermediate in which conversion into the most stable state is blocked by a very high kinetic barrier. In an effort to understand how the spontaneous conversion of the metastable native form into the most stable state is prevented, we designed mutations of alpha1-antitrypsin, a prototype serpin, which can bypass the folding barrier. Extending the reactive center loop of alpha1-antitrypsin converts the molecule into a more stable state. Remarkably, a 30-residue loop extension allows conversion into an extremely stable state, which is comparable to the relaxed cleaved form. Biochemical data strongly suggest that the strain release is due to the insertion of the reactive center loop into the major beta-sheet, A sheet, as in the known stable conformations of serpins. Our results clearly show that extending the reactive center loop is sufficient to bypass the folding barrier of alpha1-antitrypsin and suggest that the constrain held by polypeptide connection prevents the conversion of the native form into the lowest energy state.  相似文献   

Sasahara K  Demura M  Nitta K 《Proteins》2002,49(4):472-482
The equilibrium and kinetic folding of hen egg-white lysozyme was studied by means of circular dichroism spectra in the far- and near-ultraviolet (UV) regions at 25 degrees C under the acidic pH conditions. In equilibrium condition at pH 2.2, hen lysozyme shows a single cooperative transition in the GdnCl-induced unfolding experiment. However, in the GdnCl-induced unfolding process at lower pH 0.9, a distinct intermediate state with molten globule characteristics was observed. The time-dependent unfolding and refolding of the protein were induced by concentration jumps of the denaturant and measured by using stopped-flow circular dichroism at pH 2.2. Immediately after the dilution of denaturant, the kinetics of refolding shows evidence of a major unresolved far-UV CD change during the dead time (<10 ms) of the stopped-flow experiment (burst phase). The observed refolding and unfolding curves were both fitted well to a single-exponential function, and the rate constants obtained in the far- and near-UV regions coincided with each other. The dependence on denaturant concentration of amplitudes of burst phase and both rate constants was modeled quantitatively by a sequential three-state mechanism, U<-->I<-->N, in which the burst-phase intermediate (I) in rapid equilibrium with the unfolded state (U) precedes the rate-determining formation of the native state (N). The role of folding intermediate state of hen lysozyme was discussed.  相似文献   

Many small proteins fold fast and without detectable intermediates. This is frequently taken as evidence against the importance of partially folded states, which often transiently accumulate during folding of larger proteins. To get insight into the properties of free energy barriers in protein folding we analyzed experimental data from 23 proteins that were reported to show non-linear activation free-energy relationships. These non-linearities are generally interpreted in terms of broad transition barrier regions with a large number of energetically similar states. Our results argue against the presence of a single broad barrier region. They rather indicate that the non-linearities are caused by sequential folding pathways with consecutive distinct barriers and a few obligatory high-energy intermediates. In contrast to a broad barrier model the sequential model gives a consistent picture of the folding barriers for different variants of the same protein and when folding of a single protein is analyzed under different solvent conditions. The sequential model is also able to explain changes from linear to non-linear free energy relationships and from apparent two-state folding to folding through populated intermediates upon single point mutations or changes in the experimental conditions. These results suggest that the apparent discrepancy between two-state and multi-state folding originates in the relative stability of the intermediates, which argues for the importance of partially folded states in protein folding.  相似文献   

A frequent outcome in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments carried out with large proteins is the irreversibility of the observed endothermic effects. In these cases, DSC profiles are analyzed according to methods developed for temperature-induced denaturation transitions occurring under kinetic control. In the one-step irreversible model (native → denatured) the characteristics of the observed single-peaked endotherm depend on the denaturation enthalpy and the temperature dependence of the reaction rate constant, k. Several procedures have been devised to obtain the parameters that determine the variation of k with temperature. Here, we have elaborated on one of these procedures in order to analyze more complex DSC profiles. Synthetic data for a heat capacity curve were generated according to a model with two sequential reactions; the temperature dependence of each of the two rate constants involved was determined, according to the Eyring's equation, by two fixed parameters. It was then shown that our deconvolution procedure, by making use of heat capacity data alone, permits to extract the parameter values that were initially used. Finally, experimental DSC traces showing two and three maxima were analyzed and reproduced with relative success according to two- and four-step sequential models.  相似文献   

The recombinant mouse prion protein (MoPrP) can be folded either to a monomeric alpha-helical or oligomeric beta-sheet-rich isoform. By using circular dichroism spectroscopy and size-exclusion chromatography, we show that the beta-rich isoform of MoPrP is thermodynamically more stable than the native alpha-helical isoform. The conformational transition from the alpha-helical to beta-rich isoform is separated by a large energetic barrier that is associated with unfolding and with a higher order kinetic process related to oligomerization. Under partially denaturing acidic conditions, MoPrP avoids the kinetic trap posed by the alpha-helical isoform and folds directly to the thermodynamically more stable beta-rich isoform. Our data demonstrate that the folding of the prion protein to its native alpha-helical monomeric conformation is under kinetic control.  相似文献   

Here a brief introduction to the series is given, which highlights concepts, recent findings and current challenges in understanding chaperone function and quality control of proteins.  相似文献   

Previous folding studies of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha1-PI), which regulates the activity of the serine protease human neutrophil elastase, show an intermediate state at approximately 1.5 M guanidine-HCl (Gu). For the normal form of alpha1-PI, we demonstrate the reversible formation of the same stable distribution of monomeric and polymeric intermediates after approximately 1 h in 1.5 M Gu at approximately 23 degrees C from fully folded or fully unfolded alpha1-PI at similar final total concentrations and show that the stable distribution of monomeric and polymeric intermediates conforms with the law of mass action. We attribute these observations to an apparent equilibrium among intermediates. Our CD data are compatible with the intermediates having slightly relaxed structures relative to that of fully folded alpha1-PI and, thus, with the polymeric intermediates having a loop-sheet structure. Furthermore, we observe that the rates of folding (fast and slow terms) from the intermediate state are the same as those from the fully unfolded state, thereby supporting the contention that this intermediate state is on the folding pathway. We attribute the tendency of the Z mutant protein to polymerize/aggregate to an increased rate of the monomeric intermediate to form the apparent equilibrium distribution of intermediate species relative to its rate of folding to give intact alpha1-PI.  相似文献   

The pathologies of many serious human diseases are thought to develop from the effects of intra- or extracellular aggregates of non-native proteins. Inside cells, chaperone and protease systems regulate protein folding; however, little is known about any corresponding mechanisms that operate extracellularly. The identification of these mechanisms is important for the development of new disease therapies. This review briefly discusses the consequences of protein misfolding, the intracellular mechanisms that control folding and the potential corresponding extracellular control processes. Finally, a new speculative model is described, which proposes that newly discovered extracellular chaperones bind to exposed regions of hydrophobicity on non-native, extracellular proteins to target them for receptor-mediated endocytosis and intracellular, lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the phenomenon of kinetic partitioning when a polypeptide chain has two ground-state conformations, one of which is kinetically more reachable than the other. We designed sequences for lattice model proteins with two different conformations of equal energy corresponding to the global energy minimum. Folding simulations revealed that one of these conformations was indeed much more kinetically accessible than the other. We found that the number and strength of local contacts in the ground-state conformation are the major factors that determine which conformation is reached faster; the greater the number of local contacts, the more kinetically reachable a conformation is. We present simple statistical–mechanical arguments to explain these findings. Our results may be relevant in explaining the phenomenology of such proteins as human plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), photosystem II, and prions. Proteins 31:335–344, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The maturation or A-protein gene of single-stranded RNA phage MS2 is preceded by a 130-nt long untranslated leader. When MS2 RNA folding is at equilibrium, the gene is untranslatable because the leader adopts a well-defined cloverleaf structure in which the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence of the maturation gene is taken up in long-distance base pairing with an upstream complementary sequence (UCS). Synthesis of the A-protein takes place transiently while the RNA is synthesized from the minus strand. This requires that formation of the inhibitory cloverleaf is slow. In vitro, the folding delay was on the order of minutes. Here, we present evidence that this postponed folding is caused by the formation of a metastable intermediate. This intermediate is a small local hairpin that contains the UCS in its loop, thereby preventing or slowing down its pairing with the SD sequence. Mutants in which the small hairpin could not be formed made no detectable amounts of A-protein and were barely viable. Apparently, here the cloverleaf formed quicker than ribosomes could bind. On the other hand, mutants in which the small intermediary hairpin was stabilized produced more A-protein than wild type and were viable. One hardly growing mutant that could not form the metastable hairpin and did not make detectable amounts of A-protein was evolved. The emerging pseudo-revertant had selected two second site repressor mutations that allowed reconstruction of a variant of the metastable intermediate. The pseudo-revertant had also regained the capacity to produce the A-protein.  相似文献   

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