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Anatomical screening using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of short lengths of smooth coalified axes (mesofossils) from a Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) locality in the Welsh Borderland, Shropshire has revealed extensive diversity in the architecture of centrally aggregated, elongate cells. At least 14 types have been discovered, each distinguished by variation in wall architecture and combination of the cells in the central strand. End walls have not been seen. These elongate cells may have smooth, uniformly thick or thin walls, walls with smooth projections either traversing or lining the lumen, or bilayered walls, the innermost perforated by pores of plasmodesmata dimensions. The latter type may be further divided on presence or absence of projections which may line the lumen, but usually cross it and are highly disorganized. Indeed, none of the cells shows the regularity associated with the secondary thickenings of tracheids, but the imperforate/pitted forms with projections superficially resemble the S‐type tracheids of the Rhyniopsida in basic construction. Simply pitted types show greater similarity with the water‐conducting cells (WCCs) of liverworts and Takakia. To facilitate direct comparison with bryophyte conducting elements, SEM studies were undertaken on the WCCs of a number of mosses and liverworts and on the leptoids of mosses, in conjunction with a range of degradation experiments designed to assess the fossilization potential of these cells. With the exception of polytrichaceous hydroids, the latter demonstrated the resilience of hydroids and leptoids to the chemical treatments. In addition, dehydration of the leptoids produced globular residues similar to those seen in some of the fossils. This combination of techniques raises the possibility that food‐conducting cells might well be preserved in coalified fossils, and hence extends the interpretation of the functions of the elongate cells. Broadly speaking, imperforate bilayered examples may have been involved in water conduction, cells with globular residues with or without pitting involved in metabolite movement, and smooth walled examples with or without projections involved in support. The wider affinities of the plants which produced the axes remain equivocal and in the absence of sporangia it is impossible to assign them to a genus. However, this anatomical diversity in vegetative remains of extreme simplicity demonstrates far greater diversity in early land vegetation than is apparent from perusal of species lists. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 141 , 297–347.  相似文献   

Recently discovered Silurian and Devonian coalified mesofossils provide an additional source of data on early embryophytes. Those reviewed in this paper are considered of some relevance to understanding the early history of bryophytes while highlighting the difficulties of recognizing bryophytes in often very fragmentary fossils. The first group comprises sporophytes in which terminal sporangia contain permanent dyads and tetrads. Such spores (cryptospores) are similar to those found dispersed in older Ordovician and Silurian strata, when they are considered evidence for a land vegetation of embryophytes at a bryophyte grade. The phylogenetic significance of plants, where the axes associated with both dyad- and tetrad-containing sporangia are branching, a character state not found in extant bryophytes, is discussed. The second group comprises axial fossils, many with occasional stomata, in which central conducting strands include G-type tracheids and a number of novel types of elongate elements not readily compared with those of any tracheophyte. They include smooth-walled, evenly thickened elongate elements as well as those with numerous branching +/- anastomosing projections into the lumen. Some of the latter bear an additional microporate layer, but the homogenized lateral walls between adjacent cells are never perforate. Such cells, which occur in various combinations in central strands, are compared with the leptoids and hydroids of mosses, hydroids of liverworts and presumed water-conducting cells in coeval Lower Devonian plants such as Aglaophyton. It is concluded that lack of information on the chemistry of their walls hampers sensible assessment of their functions and the affinities of the plants. Finally, a minute fossil, comprising an elongate sporangium in which a central cylindrical cavity containing spores and possible elaters terminates in a complex poral dehiscence apparatus, is used to exemplify problems of identifying early bryophytes. It is concluded that further progress necessitates the discovery of pre-Upper Silurian fossils with well-preserved anatomy, as well as a re-evaluation of criteria used to assess existing and new Devonian fossils for bryophyte affinity.  相似文献   

The early‐successional status of lichens in modern terrestrial ecosystems, together with the role lichen‐mediated weathering plays in the carbon cycle, have contributed to the long and widely held assumption that lichens occupied early terrestrial ecosystems prior to the evolution of vascular plants and drove global change during this time. Their poor preservation potential and the classification of ambiguous fossils as lichens or other fungal–algal associations have further reinforced this view. As unambiguous fossil data are lacking to demonstrate the presence of lichens prior to vascular plants, we utilize an alternate approach to assess their historic presence in early terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we analyze new time‐calibrated phylogenies of ascomycete fungi and chlorophytan algae, that intensively sample lineages with lichen symbionts. Age estimates for several interacting clades show broad congruence and demonstrate that fungal origins of lichenization postdate the earliest tracheophytes. Coupled with the absence of unambiguous fossil data, our work finds no support for lichens having mediated global change during the Neoproterozoic‐early Paleozoic prior to vascular plants. We conclude by discussing our findings in the context of Neoproterozoic‐Paleozoic terrestrial ecosystem evolution and the paleoecological context in which vascular plants evolved.  相似文献   

Abstract Embryophytes (land plants) are distinguished from their green algal ancestors by diplobiontic life cycles, that is, alternation of multicellular gametophytic and sporophytic generations. The bryophyte sporophyte is small and matrotrophic on the dominant gametophyte; extant vascular plants have an independent, dominant sporophyte and a reduced gametophyte. The elaboration of the diplobiontic life cycle in embryophytes has been thoroughly discussed within the context of the Antithetic and the Homologous Theories. The Antithetic Theory proposes a green algal ancestor with a gametophyte‐dominant haplobiontic life cycle. The Homologous Theory suggests a green algal ancestor with alternation of isomorphic generations. The shifts that led from haplobiontic to diplobiontic life cycles and from gametophytic to sporophytic dominance are most probably related with terrestrial habitats. Cladistic studies strongly support the Antithetic Theory in repeatedly identifying charophycean green algae as the closest relatives of land plants. In recent years, exceptionally well‐preserved axial gametophytes have been described from the Rhynie chert (Lower Devonian, 410 Ma), and the complete life cycle of several Rhynie chert plants has been reconstructed. All show an alternation of more or less isomorphic generations, which is currently accepted as the plesiomorphic condition among all early polysporangiophytes, including basal tracheophytes. Here we review the existing evidence for early embryophyte gametophytes. We also discuss some recently discovered plants preserved as compression fossils and interpreted as gametophytes. All the fossil evidence supports the Antithetic Theory and indicates that the gametophytic generation/sporophytic generation size and complexity ratios show a gradual decrease along the land plant phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Two ‘stromatolites’ from Carboniferous and Triassic carbonates previously regarded as microbial bioconstructions are analysed and reinterpreted as sponge‐microbial build‐ups. The automicritic aggregations in these build‐ups are similar to the previously reported fossils of keratose demosponges in showing moulded anastomosing filamentous structures. All the studied columnar or domal constructions were formed in turbulent water with high sedimentation rate. The Carboniferous build‐ups were constructed in the shallow subtidal zone of an open shelf or a ramp. The laminations within the stromatolite‐like columns are composed of alternating dark micritic laminae of sponge fossils and pale laminae of neomorphic microspars. The accretion of these columns is probably related to the repeated cycles of sponge growth, rapid lithification after burial, re‐exposure and erosion, and settlement of new generations. The Triassic rocks are presumed to have been precipitated in a slightly evaporitic environment based on lithological features. They show a transition from planar laminae, which were formed under the influence of microbial mats, to stromatolitic columnar or domal build‐ups, which are dominated by stacked micritic clumps of probable sponge fossils. The sponge–microbe alternation may have been controlled by variation of salinity. Comparable with a recent study, this work shows that sponge‐related bioconstructions can be morphologically similar to microbialites in the level of mega‐ and mesostructures.  相似文献   

Compression fossils from the Silurian and Devonian of southern Britain, composed of cuticles and tubes, were described by W. H. Lang as the genus Nematothallus and placed, with Prototaxites, in Nematophytales, related neither to algae nor tracheophytes. Dispersed cuticles of Nematothallus and perforated forms assigned to Cosmochlaina were frequently recovered in macerates, their affinities being unresolved. New collections from a Lochkovian locality in the Welsh Borderland permitted the reconstruction of the stratified thalli of these nematophytes; they comprise a superficial cortex (which produced the cuticles) overlying a palisade zone composed of septate, parallel tubes, presumed to be hyphae, and a basal zone comprising wefts of randomly interwoven hyphae. Excellent three dimensional preservation allows the erection of a new species of Nematothallus, N. williamii. A similar anatomy is seen in a new group of fossils with either circular incisions in the cortex or complete separation of thickened cortical cells, presumably comprising a developmental sequence. By their stratified organization the nematophytes differ from extant and extinct algae and bryophytes and the enigmatic Spongiophyton. A complex anatomy and septate tubes suggest affinity with lichenized fungi. Limited data support a fungal rather than embryophyte chemistry, but a photobiont is missing. Nematophytes, globally widespread in cryptogamic covers from mid‐Ordovician times, added to the biodiversity in early terrestrial ecosystems and enhanced chemical weathering. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 505–534.  相似文献   

Xylans are known to be major cellulose-linking polysaccharides in secondary cell walls in higher plants. We used two monoclonal antibodies (LM10 and LM11) for a comparative immunocytochemical analysis of tissue and cell distribution of xylans in a number of taxa representative of all major tracheophyte and bryophyte lineages. The results show that xylans containing the epitopes recognized by LM10 and LM11 are ubiquitous components of secondary cell walls in vascular and mechanical tissues in all present-living tracheophytes. In contrast, among the three bryophyte lineages, LM11 binding was detected in specific cell-wall layers in pseudoelaters and spores in the sporophyte of hornworts, while no binding was observed with either antibody in the gametophyte or sporophyte of liverworts and mosses. The ubiquitous occurrence of xylans containing LM10 and LM11 epitopes in tracheophytes suggests that the appearance of these polysaccharides has been a pivotal event for the evolution of highly efficient vascular and mechanical tissues. LM11 binding in the sporophyte of hornworts, indicating the presence of relatively highly substituted xylans (possibly arabinoxylans), separates these from the other bryophytes and is consistent with recent molecular data indicating a sister relationship of the hornworts with tracheophytes.  相似文献   

SHUTE, C. H. & EDWARDS, D., 1989. A new rhyniopsid with novel sporangium organization from the Lower Devonian of South Wales. Re-investigation of permineralized plants originally called Cooksonia sp. from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Siegenian) of Gwent, S. Wales shows them to be rhyniopsids with simple isotomous branching in smooth axes and ellipsoidal terminal sporangia that are longer than wide and that possess a complex wall organization. They are thus placed in a new genus. The sporangial wall is several cells thick, the outermost comprising a layer with pronounced thickening of the anticlinal and outer periclinal walls, which is interrupted by a zone of thinner-walled cells parallel to the longest dimension of the ellipsoidal organ and considered to be involved in its dehiscence into two equal halves. The alete isospores have a bilayered wall, the outer interpreted as an ornamented perispore. Similar granular ornament seen on sheets and globules in the vicinity of the spores and on the innermost surface of the sporangium wall possibly demonstrates the activity of a periplasmodial tapetum. The permineralized sporangia are considered conspecific with those in compression fossils with elliptical outlines and pronounced borders. Comparison of presumed dehiscence mechanisms in a number of Silurian and early Devonian fossils suggests that splitting into two equal valves along the longest dimension, so that a maximum area of spores was exposed to the atmosphere, arose independently in a number of unrelated plants.  相似文献   

Lignins are complex phenolic heteropolymers present in xylem and sclerenchyma cell walls in tracheophytes. The occurrence of lignin-like polymers in bryophytes is controversial. In this study two polyclonal antibodies against homoguaiacyl (G) and guaiacyl/syringyl (GS) synthetic lignin-like polymers that selectively labelled lignified cell walls in tracheophytes also bound to cell walls in bryophytes, the GS antibody usually giving a stronger labelling than the G antibody. In contrast to tracheophytes, the antibody binding in liverworts and mosses was not tissue-specific. In the hornworts Megaceros flagellaris and M. fuegiensis the pseudoelaters and spores were labelled more intensely than the other cell types with the GS antibody. The cell walls in Nitella were labelled with both antibodies but no binding was observed in Coleochaete. The results suggest that the ability to incorporate G or GS moieties in cell walls is a plesiomorphy (primitive character) of the land plant clade.  相似文献   

Land plants comprise the bryophytes and the polysporangiophytes. All extant polysporangiophytes are vascular plants (tracheophytes), but to date, some basalmost polysporangiophytes (also called protracheophytes) are considered non‐vascular. Protracheophytes include the Horneophytopsida and Aglaophyton/Teruelia. They are most generally considered phylogenetically intermediate between bryophytes and vascular plants and are therefore essential to elucidate the origins of current vascular floras. Here, we propose an alternative evolutionary framework for the earliest tracheophytes. The supporting evidence comes from the study of the Rhynie chert historical slides from the Natural History Museum of Lille (France). From this, we emphasize that Horneophyton has a particular type of tracheid characterized by narrow, irregular, annular and/or, possibly spiral wall thickenings of putative secondary origin, and hence that it cannot be considered non‐vascular anymore. Accordingly, our phylogenetic analysis resolves Horneophyton and allies (i.e. Horneophytopsida) within tracheophytes, but as sister to eutracheophytes (i.e. extant vascular plants). Together, horneophytes and eutracheophytes form a new clade called herein supereutracheophytes. The thin, irregular, annular to helical thickenings of Horneophyton clearly point to a sequential acquisition of the characters of water‐conducting cells. Because of their simple conducting cells and morphology, the horneophytophytes may be seen as the precursors of all extant vascular plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Embryophytes (land plants) are distinguished from their green algal ancestors by diplobiontic life cycles,that is,alternation of multicellular gametophytic and sporophytic generations.The bryophyte sporophyte is small and matrotrophic on the dominant gametophyte; extant vascular plants have an independent,dominant sporophyte and a reduced gametophyte.The elaboration of the diplobiontic life cycle in embryophytes has been thoroughly discussed within the context of the Antithetic and the Homologous Theories.The Antithetic Theory proposes a green algal ancestor with a gametophyte-dominant haplobiontic life cycle.The Homologous Theory suggests a green algal ancestor with alternation of isomorphic generations.The shifts that led from haplobiontic to diplobiontic life cycles and from gametophytic to sporophytic dominance are most probably related with terrestrial habitats.Cladistic studies strongly support the Antithetic Theory in repeatedly identifying charophycean green algae as the closest relatives of land plants.In recent years,exceptionally well-preserved axial gametophytes have been described from the Rhynie chert (Lower Devonian,410 Ma),and the complete life cycle of several Rhynie chert plants has been reconstructed.All show an alternation of more or less isomorphic generations,which is currently accepted as the plesiomorphic condition among all early polysporangiophytes,including basal tracheophytes.Here we review the existing evidence for early embryophyte gametophytes.We also discuss some recently discovered plants preserved as compression fossils and interpreted as gametophytes.All the fossil evidence supports the Antithetic Theory and indicates that the gametophytic generation/sporophytic generation size and complexity ratios show a gradual decrease along the land plant phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Background Molecular phylogeny has resolved the liverworts as the earliest-divergent clade of land plants and mosses as the sister group to hornworts plus tracheophytes, with alternative topologies resolving the hornworts as sister to mosses plus tracheophytes less well supported. The tracheophytes plus fossil plants putatively lacking lignified vascular tissue form the polysporangiophyte clade. Scope This paper reviews phylogenetic, developmental, anatomical, genetic and paleontological data with the aim of reconstructing the succession of events that shaped major land plant lineages. Conclusions Fundamental land plant characters primarily evolved in the bryophyte grade, and hence the key to a better understanding of the early evolution of land plants is in bryophytes. The last common ancestor of land plants was probably a leafless axial gametophyte bearing simple unisporangiate sporophytes. Water-conducting tissue, if present, was restricted to the gametophyte and presumably consisted of perforate cells similar to those in the early-divergent bryophytes Haplomitrium and Takakia. Stomata were a sporophyte innovation with the possible ancestral functions of producing a transpiration-driven flow of water and solutes from the parental gametophyte and facilitating spore separation before release. Stomata in mosses, hornworts and polysporangiophytes are viewed as homologous, and hence these three lineages are collectively referred to as the 'stomatophytes'. An indeterminate sporophyte body (the sporophyte shoot) developing from an apical meristem was the key innovation in polysporangiophytes. Poikilohydry is the ancestral condition in land plants; homoiohydry evolved in the sporophyte of polysporangiophytes. Fungal symbiotic associations ancestral to modern arbuscular mycorrhizas evolved in the gametophytic generation before the separation of major present-living lineages. Hydroids are imperforate water-conducting cells specific to advanced mosses. Xylem vascular cells in polysporangiophytes arose either from perforate cells or de novo. Food-conducting cells were a very early innovation in land plant evolution. The inferences presented here await testing by molecular genetics.  相似文献   

Liverworts form endophytic associations with fungi that mirror mycorrhizal associations in tracheophytes. Here we report a worldwide survey of liverwort associations with glomeromycotean fungi (GAs), together with a comparative molecular and cellular analysis in representative species. Liverwort GAs are circumscribed by a basal assemblage embracing the Haplomitriopsida, the Marchantiopsida (except a few mostly derived clades), and part of the Metzgeriidae. Fungal endophytes from Haplomitrium, Conocephalum, Fossombronia, and Pellia were related to Glomus Group A, while the endophyte from Monoclea was related to Acaulospora. An isolate of G. mosseae colonized axenic thalli of Conocephalum, producing an association similar to that in the wild. Fungal colonization in marchantialean liverworts suppressed cell wall autofluorescence and elicited the deposition of a new wall layer that specifically bound the monoclonal antibody CCRC-M1 against fucosylated side groups associated with xyloglucan and rhamnogalacturonan I. The interfacial material covering the intracellular fungus contained the same epitopes present in host cell walls. The taxonomic distribution and cytology of liverwort GAs suggest an ancient origin and multiple more recent losses, but the occurence in widely separated liverwort taxa of fungi related to glomeromycotean lineages that form arbuscular mycorrhizas in tracheophytes, notably the Glomus Group A, is better explained by host shifting from tracheophytes to liverworts.  相似文献   

Compared with the fossil record of vascular plants, bryophyte fossils are rare; this circumstance is probably related to a lower preservation potential compared with that of vascular plants. We searched for bryophyte remains in extensive collections of plant‐fossil assemblages from the Triassic of Antarctica and identified three assemblages with surprisingly well‐preserved bryophyte fossils. Although most bryophyte remains are too fragmented to conclusively place them in a detailed systematic context, they exhibit features sufficient to suggest the presence of at least four types of leafy bryophytes and two orders of thallose liverworts (Pallaviciniales and Metzgeriales) in the high‐latitude Triassic ecosystems of Antarctica. The leafy bryophytes exhibit combinations of morphological features (e.g. keeled and entire‐margined, ecostate leaves with elongated cells) that today occur in only a few small, systematically isolated groups, but were common among Palaeozoic and especially Mesozoic bryophytes. The diverse morphologies of the bryophyte fossils add further support to previous hypotheses that during warmer periods in the Earth's history, bryophyte vegetation may have been particularly rich and diverse in high‐latitude regions. Through analysis of the sedimentology and taphonomy of these assemblages, we identify a combination of key factors that may explain the preservation of bryophyte fossils in these deposits: (1) punctuated, high‐energetic sedimentary events causing traumatic removal and incorporation of bryophytes into sediment‐laden flood waters; (2) limited transport distance, and short period of suspension, followed by rapid settling and burial as a result of a rapidly decelerating flow discharging into a floodplain environment; and (3) early‐diagenetic cementation with iron hydroxides in locally anoxic zones of the organic‐rich, muddy substrate.  相似文献   

The Early Devonian of Podolia, Ukraine, has yielded phosphatized colonies of the boring ctenostome bryozoan Podoliapora doroshivi with 3‐D preservation of soft tissues. However, the feeding zooids are not anatomically complete, their preserved soft tissues comprising decay‐resistant structures such as the protective cuticular polypide sacs with presumed parietal muscles inside the wall of the sacs, the setigerous collars, the membranous orificial walls and remains of the muscle tissues. Early diagenetic apatite mineralization occured in numerous feeding zooids of Podoliapora at different stages of decay and may be important for the interpretation of decay processes in these colonial soft‐bodied fossil organisms. A setigerous collar, which is a characteristic of extant ctenostomes, occurs in P. doroshivi in several stages of decay showing progressive collapse and eventual complete loss. This study indicates that the morphological changes of collars induced by decay often resulted in connection with the membranous orificial wall, producing false anatomical structures, unrelated to structures observed in the earlier stages of decay or to the anatomical structures of extant ctenostomes. The most decay‐resistant cuticular polypide sacs mineralized as cryptocrystalline apatite in early stage of decay became degraded in later stages of decay. These data provide evidence that the anatomical interpretation of soft‐bodied fossils preserved only in the later stages of decay may have led to imprecise morphological interpretations.  相似文献   

This article reports a detailed taphonomic study of the reference Miocene vertebrate site of Cerro de la Garita, (Concud, Teruel, Spain). The sedimentary record of the site indicates that it was a palaeo‐lakeshore, and this conclusion is supported by aquatic environment‐related taphonomic modifications of its fossils (both on their surfaces and internally). The site provided a water source that appears to have been regularly visited by herbivores. It was, therefore, also likely to have been a good feeding ground for predators and scavengers. Hyaena coprolites have been found at the site, and tooth marks were identified on some fossil bone surfaces. Bone fragments 2–5 cm in length showed clear evidence of heavy digestion and probable regurgitation. Abundant trampling marks were seen on the surface of many of the fossil bones, traits that are congruent with a damp lakeshore environment. Most of the remains were broken, and only a few anatomical elements belonging to the same individual were found close together, although never articulated (i.e. in a manner reflecting their anatomical connections). The fossils showed no signs of selection (either by shape or size) or abrasion, although a certain re‐orientation suggests the influence of wave or strand line activity. Despite being an open‐air site, none of the fossils appeared to be weathered, further suggesting that the surrounding environment was a damp lakeshore probably shaded by vegetation. Indeed, abundant signs of root activity were observed. No evidence of reworking, that is, post‐burial disturbance or diachronic mixing of fossils, was seen, confirming the international value of Cerro de la Garita as a reference site for continental Miocene mammal assemblages.  相似文献   

Ray‐finned fishes (Actinopterygii) dominate modern aquatic ecosystems and are represented by over 32000 extant species. The vast majority of living actinopterygians are teleosts; their success is often attributed to a genome duplication event or morphological novelties. The remainder are ‘living fossils’ belonging to a few depauperate lineages with long‐retained ecomorphologies: Polypteriformes (bichirs), Holostei (bowfin and gar) and Chondrostei (paddlefish and sturgeon). Despite over a century of systematic work, the circumstances surrounding the origins of these clades, as well as their basic interrelationships and diagnoses, have been largely mired in uncertainty. Here, I review the systematics and characteristics of these major ray‐finned fish clades, and the early fossil record of Actinopterygii, in order to gauge the sources of doubt. Recent relaxed molecular clock studies have pushed the origins of actinopterygian crown clades to the mid‐late Palaeozoic [Silurian–Carboniferous; 420 to 298 million years ago (Ma)], despite a diagnostic body fossil record extending only to the later Mesozoic (251 to 66 Ma). This disjunct, recently termed the ‘Teleost Gap’ (although it affects all crown lineages), is based partly on calibrations from potential Palaeozoic stem‐taxa and thus has been attributed to poor fossil sampling. Actinopterygian fossils of appropriate ages are usually abundant and well preserved, yet long‐term neglect of this record in both taxonomic and systematic studies has exacerbated the gaps and obscured potential synapomorphies. At the moment, it is possible that later Palaeozoic‐age teleost, holostean, chondrostean and/or polypteriform crown taxa sit unrecognized in museum drawers. However, it is equally likely that the ‘Teleost Gap’ is an artifact of incorrect attributions to extant lineages, overwriting both a post‐Palaeozoic crown actinopterygian radiation and the ecomorphological diversity of stem‐taxa.  相似文献   

A cladistic approach to the phylogeny of the “Bryophytes”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of a cladistic approach in reconstructing the phylogeny of bryophytes is discussed and illustrated by an analysis of the major groups of bryophytes with respect to the tracheophytes and the green algae. The cladistic analysis, using 51 characters taken from the literature, gives the following tentative results: (1) the embryophytes as a whole are monophyletic; (2) the bryophytes (sensu lato) are paraphyletic; (3) the mosses share a more recent common ancestor with the tracheophytes than do the liverworts or hornworts; (4) the hornworts appear to share a more recent common ancestor with the moss-tracheophyte lineage than with the liverworts; however, the existence of several homoplasies makes this placement more problematical; (5) the origin of alternation of generations in the embryophytes, based on out-group comparison with their oogamous, haplontic, algal sister groups, was by progressive elaboration of the primitively epiphytic sporophyte generation; and (6) the presence of vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) can best be interpreted as a synapomorphy of the moss-tracheophyte clade, and tracheids (xylem with ornamented walls) as a synapomorphy of the tracheophytes; therefore, the prevailing designation of “vascular plants” for the tracheophytes alone is inaccurate.  相似文献   

The Ordovician and Silurian periods were times of major geological activity as regards palaeogeography, volcanism and climate change, the last of these evidenced by a series of cooling episodes and glaciations that climaxed in the Hirnantian (Late Ordovician). The presence of cryptospores in the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) marked the advent of higher plants on land. A critical survey of direct (mega‐ and microfossils) and some indirect evidence in succeeding rocks indicates the presence of algae, Bacteria, Cyanobacteria, Fungi, probable lichens, cryptophytes and basal tracheophytes. Similar associations of photosynthesizers and decomposers occur today in cryptogamic covers (CCs), for example biological crusts, except that bryophytes replace cryptophytes (basal embryophytes) and tracheophytes are absent. Thus, extant CCs, which make significant contributions today to global carbon and nitrogen fixation and prevention of erosion, provide an excellent analogue for the impacts of early land vegetation on both lithosphere and atmosphere. As a prerequisite to assessing impacts in Ordovician–Silurian times, with particular consideration of parameters used by climate modellers, the effects of a number of abiotic factors on the growth and survival of extant cryptogamic ground covers and their environmental impacts are reviewed. Factors include photosynthetically active radiation, ultraviolet radiation, temperature, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, surface roughness and albedo. A survey of the nature and extent of weathering facilitated by such vegetation concludes that it was limited based on depth of weathering when compared with that from rooted tracheophytes today, with minor effects on carbon dioxide drawdown. As global net productivity from Ordovician–Silurian CCs was very probably lower than today, and while the small fraction of intractable material in their organic carbon would have resulted in a more rapid turnover of terrestrial biomass, we conclude that there was decreased possibility of long‐term organic carbon burial. Hence, there would have been very limited increase in atmospheric oxygen and decrease in carbon dioxide resulting from carbon burial.  相似文献   

Glucuronoxylans with a backbone of 1,4-linked β-D-xylosyl residues are ubiquitous in the secondary walls of gymnosperms and angiosperms. Xylans have been reported to be present in hornwort cell walls, but their structures have not been determined. In contrast, the presence of xylans in the cell walls of mosses and liverworts remains a subject of debate. Here we present data that unequivocally establishes that the cell walls of leafy tissue and axillary hair cells of the moss Physcomitrella patens contain a glucuronoxylan that is structurally similar to glucuronoxylans in the secondary cell walls of vascular plants. Some of the 1,4-linked β-D-xylopyranosyl residues in the backbone of this glucuronoxylan bear an α-D-glucosyluronic acid (GlcpA) sidechain at O-2. In contrast, the lycopodiophyte Selaginella kraussiana synthesizes a glucuronoxylan substituted with 4-O-Me-α-D-GlcpA sidechains, as do many hardwood species. The monilophyte Equisetum hyemale produces a glucuronoxylan with both 4-O-Me-α-D-GlcpA and α-D-GlcpA sidechains, as does Arabidopsis. The seedless plant glucuronoxylans contain no discernible amounts of the reducing-end sequence that is characteristic of gymnosperm and eudicot xylans. Phylogenetic studies showed that the P. patens genome contains genes with high sequence similarity to Arabidopsis CAZy family GT8, GT43 and GT47 glycosyltransferases that are likely involved in xylan synthesis. We conclude that mosses synthesize glucuronoxylan that is structurally similar to the glucuronoxylans present in the secondary cell walls of lycopodiophytes, monilophytes, and many seed-bearing plants, and that several of the glycosyltransferases required for glucuronoxylan synthesis evolved before the evolution of tracheophytes.  相似文献   

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