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C K Lim  F Li    T J Peters 《The Biochemical journal》1987,247(1):229-232
A reversed-phase h.p.l.c. system is described for the separation of the four type-III heptacarboxylic porphyrinogen isomers. The effects of buffer concentration, pH and type and proportion of organic modifier in the mobile phase on retention and resolution of isomers were studied. Optimum separation on an ODS-Hypersil column was by elution with a ternary mobile phase of acetonitrile, methanol and 1 M-ammonium acetate, pH 5.16 (7:3:90, by vol.). Isomer identification was based on a comparison of their retention times with those of authentic standards, and was further confirmed by h.p.l.c. analysis of the characteristic mixture of three pentacarboxylic porphyrins formed after partial decarboxylation of individual isomers in 0.3 M-HCl at 160 degrees C.  相似文献   

C K Lim  F Li    T J Peters 《The Biochemical journal》1986,234(3):629-633
A reversed-phase h.p.l.c. system, with an ODS-Hypersil column with acetonitrile or methanol in ammonium acetate buffer as mobile phase, is described for the separation of uro-and copro-porphyrinogen isomers. The porphyrinogens are detected amperometrically with sensitivity comparable with that of the fluorescent detection of porphyrins. The effects of pH, buffer concentration and organic modifiers on retention and resolution were studied. The method is suitable for both analytical and preparative separation of porphyrinogens.  相似文献   

A highly selective and sensitive method has been developed for the detection of small amounts of the atypical isomers II and IV of coproporphyrin in human faeces. This method combines liquid—liquid extraction and solid-phase sampling techniques using talc and C18-modified silica gel as the sorbents. Simultaneous separation of the four coproporphyrin isomers I–IV was achieved by isocratic ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography. Stool samples of healthy subjects (n = 12) contained 1.1 ± 0.4% (mean ± S.D.) isomer II and 2.2 ± 0.9% isomer IV of total coproporphyrins. A somewhat higher content of isomer II (2.7%) and isomer IV (5.4%) was found in faeces of a patient suffering from porphyria variegata.  相似文献   

A sensitive method was developed for the separation and quantitation of four unsaturated disaccharides (delta Di-0S, delta Di-4S, delta Di-6S, and delta Di-diS) by high performance liquid chromatography. The unsaturated disaccharides were coupled with a fluorescent compound, 2-aminopyridine. Complete separation of the resulting pyridylamino derivatives was achieved on a column of muBondapak-C18 with 8 mM KH2PO4-Na2HPO4 (pH 6.0)/methanol (30/l, by volume) as a mobile phase. There was a linear relationship between the fluorescence emission (peak height), and the amount of each authentic disaccharide used for the coupling reaction. This method was applied to analyze commercially available chondroitin sulfates A and C, dermatan sulfate, and urinary glycosaminoglycans obtained from patients with mucopolysaccharidosis after digestion with chondroitinases. The data indicated that the present method is useful for the separation and quantitation of nmol-pmol levels of the unsaturated disaccharides produced from chondroitin sulfate isomers by chondroitinases and can be used for their structural characterization.  相似文献   

A rapid high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the separation of methylated phospholipids is described. The separation is accomplished on an amine column using acetonitrile—methanol—water as the eluting solvent and UV detection at 203 nm. The choice between gradient and isocratic elution for the separation depends upon the condition of column. The method is suitable for the isolation of phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine, phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine and lysophosphatidylethanolamine from tissues. It is applicable to the study of reaction products in phosphatide methyltransferase assay mixtures. Choline and ethanolamine plasmalogens can be determined indirectly by converting them into lysophosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylethanolamine with exposure to hydrochloric acid fumes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews existing high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods for the analysis of phosphatidic acid (PA) in various sample matrices. In addition to the introductory background discussion on important aspects of PA in lipid biochemistry, the review provides comprehensive coverage in the areas of derivatization techniques, detection methods, and HPLC separation techniques. Conversions of PA to suitable derivatives enhance the detection sensitivity and improve the chromatographic behavior of the analytes. Detection methods include the use of state-of-the-art detectors and are discussed in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and compatibility with analytical systems. Pertinent normal-phase and reversed-phase HPLC data for PA are compiled from published methods.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase gradient elution system is described for the simultaneous separation of the type I and type III isomers of 8-, 7-, 6-, 5- and 4-carboxylated porphyrins and isocoproporphyrins. The method, adaptable for isocratic and stepwise separation of individual groups of isomers, is also suitable for preparative isolation of pure porphyrins. The analyses of porphyrin isomers in the urine and faeces of porphyric patients are examples of applications.  相似文献   

The N-feruloylserotonin containing fraction was isolated from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC by solvent extraction followed by column chromatography on silica gel or on Sephadex LH-20. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of the isolated fraction showed the presence of four structurally related compounds. These compounds were identified as four isomers of N-feruloylserotonin: N-(Z)-feruloylserotonin, N-(Z)-isoferuloylserotonin, N-(E)-feruloylserotonin and N-(E)-isoferuloylserotonin. They were analyzed by HPLC on Separon SGX C18, Separon SGX and Separon SGX phenyl, using various mobile phases. Separon SGX phenyl phase was found the most efficient for a rapid analysis and for the final separation of the N-feruloylserotonin isomers.  相似文献   

The ability of two high-performance liquid chromatography gel permeation columns to separate proteins was evaluated. These columns gave satisfactory molecular weight separations for some, but not all, proteins tested. These results indicate that there are limitations in confidence of molecular weight determinations made by this technique.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography of water-soluble choline metabolites   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have developed a new method for the separation of [3H]choline metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography. Using this method it is possible to separate, in one step, all of the known major water-soluble choline metabolites present in crude acid extracts of cells that have been incubated with [3H]choline, with baseline or near-baseline resolution. We use a gradient HPLC system with a normal-phase silica column as the stationary phase, and a linear gradient of increasing polarity and ionic strength as the mobile phase. The mobile phase is composed of two buffers: Buffer A, containing acetonitrile/water/ethyl alcohol/acetic acid/0.83 M sodium acetate (800/127/68/2/3), and buffer B (400/400/68/53/79), pH 3.6. A linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B, with a slope of 5%/min, is started 15 min after injection. At a flow rate of 2.7 ml/min and column temperature of 45 degrees C, typical retention times for the following compounds are (in min): betaine, 10; acetylcholine, 18; choline, 22; glycerophosphocholine, 26; CDP-choline, 31; and phosphorylcholine, 40. This procedure has been applied in tracer studies of choline metabolism utilizing the neuronal NG108-15 cell line and rat hippocampal slices as model systems. While the compounds labeled in the NG108-15 cells were primarily phosphorylcholine and glycerophosphocholine, reflecting high rates of phospholipid turnover, in the hippocampal slices choline and acetylcholine were the major labeled species. Identification of individual peaks was confirmed by comparing the elution profiles of untreated cell extracts with extracts that had been treated with hydrolyzing enzymes of differing specificities. This HPLC method may be useful in studies of acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine metabolism, and of the possible interrelationships of these compounds in cholinergic cells.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography of siderophores from fungi   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary A reversed-phase HPLC separation of iron(III) chelates of 16 representative fungal siderophores including ferrichromes, coprogens and triacetylfusarinine C was established in order to investigate siderophore production of fungi. For comparison purposes, the widely used bacterial siderophore ferrioxamine B was included. Culture filtrates of the fungiPenicillium resticulosum, Fusarium dimerum, Aspergillus fumigatus andNeurospora crassa were quantitatively analyzed for the presence of known and unknown siderophores after growth in low-iron culture media and adsorption on XAD-2 columns using this HPLC separation system. Photodiode array detection allowed the distinction between siderophores and non-siderophores. According to their ultraviolet/visible spectra, a further classification of the siderophores into four types due to the number of anhydromevalonic acid residues per molecule (0–3) was possible.  相似文献   

The use of high-performance liquid chromatography with a cation-exchange column and effluent monitoring at 210 nm has been evaluated for the profiling of selected microbial metabolites including aliphatic, dicarboxylic, and phenolic acids, as an adjunct to the identification of selected bacteria, detection of bacterial metabolites in foods, and the monitoring of industrial microbial fermentations. Advantages of the technique include the simultaneous require only qualitative or semi-quantitative data. For others, data are given on the day-to-day reproducibility for several acids.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography of mono- and oligosaccharides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Gel filtration chromatography has been used to analyze the oligomerization of human erythrocyte spectrin. By applying an exponentially modified Gaussian function we have been able to resolve overlapping elution peaks. From these peaks it was possible to calculate the equilibrium composition of each spectrin concentration and thus also the dissociation constants describing the oligomeric process. The determined dissociation constants for tetramer formation (1.3 microM) and for hexamer formation (24 microM) agree well with other measurements.  相似文献   

Isomers of inositol phosphates from biological samples can be analysed by anion-exchange h.p.l.c., by using isocratic elution with phosphate buffers. The method involves the preliminary processing of the extracted samples with conventional soft-gel anion-exchange resins, including the commonly used Dowex resins, followed by direct analysis with h.p.l.c. of a portion of relevant fractions. Run times (up to 20 min) and collected fraction numbers (up to 24) are minimal, so that if the method is used in conjunction with automated h.p.l.c. injection a high throughput of samples is achieved.  相似文献   

Glycerolpropylsilane bonded phases have been found to adsorb peptides and proteins via ionic interactions. In this paper high-performance liquid chromatography separation of glucagon and related compounds, using a Diol-silica matrix, is described. Crystalline, commercial preparations of glucagon, when analyzed on LiChrosorb Diol columns eluted with low-ionic-strength acidic buffers, contained up to four contaminant peaks, in different numbers and ratios. Three of these contaminants, called A, C, and D, were recovered and characterized. Contaminant A, representing a few percent of the total, was a mixture of mono- and didesamidoglucagon, as shown by treatment with bis(I,I-trifluoroacetoxy)iodobenzene, with which it is possible to differentiate between carboxamide and carboxylic acid residues. Contaminant C, ranging from 0 to about 30% of the total, was N-terminal degraded glucagon. Contaminant D, ranging from a few percent to about 25% of the total, was (Met27 sulfoxide) glucagon.  相似文献   

Eighteen side-chain-protected amino acids, routinely employed in solid-phase peptide synthesis, were derivatized to their phenylthiohydantoins (PTH) by one cycle of the Edman degradation. All of these side-chain-protected PTH amino acids elute, with almost-baseline resolution, in less than 18 min by high-performance liquid chromatography, utilizing a biphasic gradient of acetonitrile in 0.01 n sodium acetate, pH 4.5, or a linear gradient of 0 to 100% acetonitrile with the exception of the coelution of a O-benzyl-threonine and carbobenzoxy-lysine phenylthiohydantoin amino acids. The derivatized amino acids were subjected to reverse-phase chromatography on a Zorbax ODS column and monitored at 254 nm. None of the PTH amino acids coelute with side-chain-protected PTH amino acid counterparts, although PTH-tosyl-histidine undergoes deprotection to PTH-histidine in the Edman degradation. A protected decapeptide attached to a chloromethylated polystyrene resin was degraded on a solid-phase sequencer in 16 h. The PTH amino acids resulting from the automated Edman degradation on the decapeptide were fully resolved and quantified in less than 3 h demonstrating that automated high-performance liquid chromatography can keep pace with both the automated sequencer and synthesizer which requires minimally 2–3 h for attachment of each residue to the growing peptide chain.  相似文献   

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