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第1期、,产、.夕、、产、.产、.声、.产、夕、.了、少、少、诊了、.了、.产、刃了、、了18巧20 26 32 37 42 50 55 60 6773力79了t、了吸、了口飞、了‘、、了‘、了‘、、了.、、了‘、了妞、了J、、了几、了‘、了‘.了.、了‘、棉铃虫对氮的消耗和利用··························……吴坤君龚佩瑜蓖麻蚕个体发育中蜕皮幽类滴度的变化·····················……蒋容静意蜂和中蜂四种同工酶的研究···,·····……李绍文孟玉萍张宗炳某些杀虫剂对数种寄生蜂的触杀活性·······…  相似文献   

(1):(2):3):1呼):2矛亡、了t、产‘、 5 9131518 峪 8l1l斗 ..............……、,/、.2、.jr‘、./、J产‘、/‘、/‘、2、..1、、l,几,人,几,二,‘,几弓‘,自,‘,山了.、了厄、了‘、矛了电、产r、了占、尹侄、Z‘、/吸、r.、d.n,‘.、Jl舀 ,‘..‘,L口山 .……,:、、了、.了、色了、.产、、‘J‘月,魂j月,,,门、︶产.、了.、Z卫.、了‘、了.L、(3):274):3护0 0 36 ,玉.二“.二 ..……、、J了、、2‘、、产、几.2斗通月月,人,紧跟毛主席的伟大战略部署把批林批孔的斗争进行到底···,·、···、·················…  相似文献   

主要农作物转基因研究现状和展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
近15年来,大豆、水稻、玉米、小麦等主要农作物转基因研究取得了较大进展,几乎各种遗传转化方法在这些作物上都取得了成功,尤其是农杆菌介导法,不仅在难转化的双子叶作物大豆上取得了成功,而且在单子叶作物水稻、玉米、小麦上先后取得了突破。同时,将一些与重要性状改良有关的外源基因转入了主要农作物,包括抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂、抗逆、品质改良、发育调控、营养吸收等。转基因大豆、玉米、棉花、油菜在生产上得到了大面积种植,产生了极大的经济效益,2004年全球转基因作物的种植面积达到了8100万公顷。本文对大豆、玉米、水稻和小麦等主要农作物转基因研究历史和产业化现状进行了综述,并对主要农作物转基因研究中存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

我国蓝藻水华的发生机理、危害及防控利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年蓝藻水华的大规模爆发不仅危害了水产养殖业,而且严重影响了人类日常生活、供水、旅游业等。主要介绍了蓝藻水华爆发的内在因素(假空泡、类胡萝卜素、厚壁孢子、细胞壁等)及外在因素(营养物质、温度、微量元素、滤食性鱼类等)。阐述了蓝藻水华对生产、生态和生活造成的危害,归纳总结了蓝藻水华防控的化学、物理、生物等方法。最后描述了蓝藻水华的有效利用并提出其研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

本文研究了测定乳与乳制品、婴幼儿配方食品中EC、ECG、EGC、EGCG、C、GA以及咖啡因的方法。本文探讨了样品提取的方法、色谱条件的选择,考察了该方法的专属性、稳定性、线性关系、检出限与定量限、回收率与精密度。该方法操作简便、灵敏、准确,扩大了检测范围。  相似文献   

景观可视化及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了景观可视化的概念,回顾了景观可视化的发展历程,然后介绍了景观要素,包括地形、植被、水、人工构件(建筑物、基础设施等)、动物(包括人)、大气和光的可视化表达方法,阐述了景观可视化在景观规划、景观变化、气候变化、城市景观、景观视觉影响评价和森林管理等方面的应用,最后提出了景观可视化的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

第1期(1989年2月)、.尹、.产、,户、.了、.产、,苦、.产、,尹、.产tl 5 13 21 27 29 39 4955了、z‘、了.、矛.、矛‘、.f、沙r、了、J了、、.夕、,了、少、,J、.1、.1、j9 51了77丹O5 6 71‘8 98了‘了、户‘、尹‘、声‘、了、‘r、水稻小抱子发育过程第工、五收缩期的探讨···················································……何国藩林月禅小麦的穗领在系统演化和个体发育中形成过程的初步探讨······································…  相似文献   

研究报告鹅))))页 1 6 1(H 了之、护砚、矛‘、了.、作者姓名孙志敏等周崇莲等马秀贞等李宪臻等卷期9卷1期9卷l期9卷1期9卷1期、刃产‘、产、、了、Z‘、‘工、1产‘、尹、.产只︺通‘,人L}月脸004引公段19卜州公了‘,了r‘、r、2.‘、尹r.、产‘产﹄产‘、了、,尹、J产、、产‘、了、、声、.声,30 35 1 3 7 1215矛‘Z‘、了‘、了‘、︸了、了‘、尹r、高东等向世华等谷安筑等黄海华等孙志敏等唐欣均等周东坡等解思泌等赵福林等戴祥鹏等张忠泽等鲁志新等张道海等9卷工期9卷1期9卷1期9卷2期9卷2期9卷2期9卷2期9卷2期9卷2期9卷2期g卷3期9卷…  相似文献   

1982年7月,广东省人大常委会办公厅与省水电厅、林业厅、气象局等有关部门组成联合调查组,对我省当年5月12日的洪水灾害的成因、经验教训进行了调查研究。调查组到了清远、英德、阳山、怀集、广宁、四会等6个县,听了当地政府和有关部门的介绍。访问了一些受灾的社队,同各级干部进行了座谈,使我们对这次洪水灾害有了进一步的了解。  相似文献   

去年十一月下旬至十二月上旬,我随中国中小学教材考察团访问了日本。我们先后到了大阪、冈山、新神户和歌山、奈良、京都、东京等府、市、县,参观、访问了大中小学校,访问了府县教育委员会和文部省,还访问了教科书出版社等单位。通过参观、座谈,对日本中学生物课的教学和教材情况,有了比较具体的了解。现在,将我们所知道的情况作一个简要的介绍。  相似文献   

In order to make researches on the effect of exploitation upon fish populations, six populations of guppy were maintained during a period of 331 weeks under conditions of space, light, temperature, pH, and food controlled as much as possible. The six populations were divided into three groups two by two: a control group without exploitation, a 10% rate of exploitation group and a 20 and 33% rate of exploitation group. All the populations repeated an increase and a decrease in number and in biomass about once a year. The exploitation affected the age composition in the populations: in the non-exploited population adults occupied the largest part, and the more intensive the exploitation the larger the part fry occupied. The exploitation decreased the biomass of exploited populations, but productivity increased with increasing of of rate of exploitation. The relationship between adult and fry could be represented byRicker's reproduction curve. The form of the curve was changed by an intensity of exploitation. It was thought that exploitation acts as a preventer of aging of populations by removing old fish and results increasing number of fry and productivity.  相似文献   

Snyder J 《Bioethics》2012,26(5):251-258
Human subject trials of pharmaceuticals in low and middle income countries (LMICs) have been associated with the moral wrong of exploitation on two grounds. First, these trials may include a placebo control arm even when proven treatments for a condition are in use in other (usually wealthier) parts of the world. Second, the trial researchers or sponsors may fail to make a successful treatment developed through the trial available to either the trial participants or the host community following the trial. Many commentators have argued that a single form of exploitation takes place during human subject research in LMICs. These commentators do not, however, agree as to what kind of moral wrong exploitation is or when exploitation is morally impermissible. In this paper, I have two primary goals. First, I will argue for a taxonomy of exploitation that identifies three distinct forms of exploitation. While each of these forms of exploitation has its critics, I will argue that they can each be developed into plausible accounts of exploitation tied to different vulnerabilities and different forms of wrongdoing. Second, I will argue that each of these forms of exploitation can coexist in single situations, including human subject trials of pharmaceuticals. This lesson is important, since different forms of exploitation in a single relationship can influence, among other things, whether the relationship is morally permissible.  相似文献   

Parasitic exploitation occurs within and between a wide variety of taxa in a plethora of diverse contexts. Theoretical and empirical analyses indicate that parasitic exploitation can generate substantial genetic and phenotypic polymorphism within species. Under some circumstances, parasitic exploitation may also be an important factor causing reproductive isolation and promoting speciation. Here we review research relevant to the relationship between parasitic exploitation, within species-polymorphism, and speciation in some of the major arenas in which such exploitation has been studied. This includes research on the vertebrate major histocompatibility loci, plant-pathogen interactions, the evolution of sexual reproduction, intragenomic conflict, sexual conflict, kin mimicry and social parasitism, tropical forest diversity and the evolution of language. We conclude by discussing some of the issues raised by comparing the effect of parasitic exploitation on polymorphism and speciation in different contexts.  相似文献   

长白山野生有毒植物种质资源调查研究及开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文重点介绍了长白山有毒植物种质资源的种类、特点,开发利用的现状,存在的问题,开发前景,采取措施等方面的内容,为国内外开发利用这一宝贵资源提供一些原始资料.  相似文献   

Dahiya RC  Saha S  Lakkis H 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):409-413
Government agencies are usually interested in estimating the annual exploitation rate of a fish population for recreational and commercial fisheries. In this paper, we propose a model-based approach for the estimation of the exploitation rate. Our approach combines mark-recapture procedures with a creel survey (which is a type of angler survey). We consider moment estimation of the exploitation rate. We also consider estimation of the exploitation rate by stratifying the space-time units of the fisheries.  相似文献   

We are very frequently told that peasants are exploited without being told what exactly this means, whether peasant exploitation is confined to peasants, or whether the word exploitation is meant to convey different meanings for different societies. This paper discusses two meanings of exploitation, neither of which relates uniquely to peasantry, and poses specific questions about "exploitation" and "surplus," the answers to which would tell us a good deal about what is meant by the exploitation of peasantry.  相似文献   

广西紫金牛属野生观赏植物的综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用层次分析法,综合观赏价值、资源开发潜力、生物学特性三大约束因素共14个指标,对分布于广西的29种紫金牛属野生观赏植物进行综合评价。结果表明:按照开发利用价值的高低,可将29个种(变种)根据轻重缓急划分为4个等级,其中:Ⅰ级:开发利用价值高的种类,5个;Ⅱ级:开发利用价值较高的种类,9个;Ⅲ级:开发利用价值一般的种类,9个;Ⅳ级:开发利用价值较低的种类,6个。研究结果将为科学、合理地开发利用广西紫金牛属野生观赏植物资源提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Gbadegesin S  Wendler D 《Bioethics》2006,20(5):248-253
Guidelines for health research focus on protecting individual research subjects. Yet several commentators have argued that protecting individual subjects, while undoubtedly important, is not sufficient to ensure ethical research. It is also vital to protect the communities involved in health research. In particular, a number of studies have been criticized on the grounds that they exploited host communities. Although these criticisms have received a good deal of attention, there has been no systematic analysis of what constitutes community exploitation in health research, nor an assessment of what safeguards are needed to protect against it. This is a serious deficiency. The absence of an analysis of community exploitation makes it impossible to ensure that host communities are protected against exploitation. The absence of an analysis also raises the possibility that charges of exploitation may block important research, without any way of assessing whether the charges are warranted. The present paper attempts to address these concerns by providing an analysis of community exploitation and, based on this analysis, determining what safeguards are needed to protect communities in health research against exploitation.  相似文献   

In weekly exploited populations of the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriae Humes, effects of exploitation rate on population density, age distribution, growth, as well as numerical and biomass yields were studied under conditions of surplus food supply at 22° C and 30 ‰ S. Increase of exploitation rate lowered the adult plus copepodid density and raised the density of nauplii, thus shifting the age distribution in favour of the nauplii. Total population density was almost equal at exploitation rates of 0.10, 0.50 and 0.70, but lower at rates of 0.30 and 0.90. Experiments, which have not yet been completed, have shown a higher resistance against the toxic effect of cadmium in populations exploited at rates of 0.30 or 0.90; populations exploited at the lower rate displayed a lesser degree of resistance than populations exploited at the rate of 0.90. Variability of densities was least at intermediate exploitation rates, whereas the variability of the age structure and the intrinsic rate of natural increase was less at higher rates, indicating smaller fluctuations in the ratio of the regulating variables mortality and fecundity with increasing exploitation. The assumption is made that an appropriate exploitation rate contributes to the achievement of favourable culture conditions for copepods, which are subjected to intense predation in natural populations. Within the range of the exploitation rates selected, biomass yields of nauplii and adults plus copepodids were approximately proportional to exploitation rate; therefore, the maximum rate sustainable by aTisbe holothuriae population cannot be established. From data on adult numerical yield, however, it may be concluded that exploitation rates exceeding 0.90 will not result in increased productivity.  相似文献   

本研究采取辽河油田曙光采油厂、欢喜岭采油厂和锦州采油厂井场周边土壤,并以未污染稻田土壤作为对照,分析了各采样点的土壤理化性质、石油烃浓度组成及土壤微生物群落结构。结果表明: 1) 3个采油厂井场周边土壤均受到严重的石油烃污染,但其石油烃浓度及组成存在一定的差异,曙光和欢喜岭采油厂土壤石油烃平均浓度是锦州采油厂的2倍以上;曙光采油厂土壤中胶质沥青质含量最高,而欢喜岭和锦州采油厂土壤中烷烃含量最高,比例均在40%以上。2)与稻田土壤相比,锦州采油厂土壤微生物操作分类单元(OTU)、Chao1指数和Shannon指数升高,而其在曙光和欢喜岭采油厂土壤中降低;各采油厂土壤样品中存在相同的优势菌门及菌属,但丰度存在较大差异。锦州采油厂土壤中分枝杆菌属、假单胞菌属的丰度高,曙光采油厂土壤中鞘氨醇单胞菌属、类诺卡氏菌属、马赛菌属的丰度高,而欢喜岭采油厂土壤中溶杆菌属、硫杆菌属、假节杆菌属的丰度高。3)相关分析表明,鞘氨醇单胞菌属、类诺卡氏菌属、硫杆菌属、马赛菌属、假节杆菌属与总石油烃、总有机碳和胶质沥青质含量呈显著正相关,分枝杆菌属、溶杆菌属、假单胞菌属与总氮和总磷呈显著正相关。本研究系统分析了不同采油厂土壤中石油烃、土壤理化性质和微生物群落特征,揭示了辽河油田污染土壤中特定的优势菌属和群落结构,为辽河油田石油烃污染土壤修复功能微生物筛选及修复过程菌群构建提供理论依据,也为其他油田高效降解菌筛选提供了方法借鉴。  相似文献   

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