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冬小麦单产的光谱数据估测模型研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
 本文在分析冬小麦群体经济产量与叶面积系数关系的基础上,以地面实测冬小麦反射光谱数据为依据,提出了一种新的动态VI-产量模型,即LAD-产量模型。该模型具有冬小麦生育后期(抽穗一灌浆末期)光合面积和光合时间等信息,其冬小麦单位面积产量(简称单产)估测精度为98%。另外,本文根据常用的某一特定生育期VI-产量模型,用冬小麦各生育期的VI值分别估测小麦单产,确定山东省禹城市冬小麦的灌浆中期为最佳估产时间。此时期.小麦单产估测精度为96%。  相似文献   

邱赛  邢艳秋  徐卫华  丁建华  田静 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7401-7411
以吉林省汪清林业局经营区为研究区,利用HJ-1A/HSI高光谱数据和ICESat-GLAS波形数据,估测区域森林地上生物量。从平滑后的GLAS波形数据中提取波形长度W和地形坡度参数TS,建立GLAS森林最大树高估测模型;从GLAS波形数据中提取能量参数I(植被回波能量Ev和回波总能量E之比),建立GLAS森林郁闭度估测模型;利用GLAS估测的森林最大树高和森林郁闭度联合建立森林地上生物量模型。由于GLAS呈离散条带状分布,无法实现区域估测,因此研究将GLAS波形数据与HJ-1A/HSI高光谱数据联合,基于支持向量回归机算法实现森林地上生物量区域估测,得到研究区森林地上生物量分布图。研究结果显示,基于W和TS建立的GLAS森林最大树高估测模型的adj.R~2=0.78,RMSE=2.51m,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.85,RMSE=1.67m。地形坡度参数TS能够有效的降低地形坡度的影响;当林下植被高度为2m时,得到的基于参数I建立的GLAS森林郁闭度估测模型效果最好,模型的adj.R~2=0.64,RMSE=0.13,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.65,RMSE=0.12。利用森林最大树高和森林郁闭度建立的森林地上生物量模型的adj.R~2=0.62,RMSE=10.88 t/hm~2,模型验证的adj.R~2=0.60,RMSE=11.52 t/hm~2。基于支持向量回归机算法,利用HJ-1A/HSI和GLAS数据建立的森林地上生物量SVR模型,生成了森林地上生物量分布图,利用野外数据对得到的分布图进行验证,验证结果显示森林地上生物量估测值与实测值存在很强的线性关系(adj.R~2=0.62,RMSE=11.11 t/hm~2),能够满足林业应用的需要。因此联合ICESat-GLAS波形数据与HJ-1A高光谱数据,能够提高区域森林地上生物量的估测精度。  相似文献   

基于冠层反射光谱的棉花叶片氮含量估测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过分析不同施氮水平下棉花叶片氮含量与冠层多光谱反射率及其衍生的比值、归一化及差值植被指数之间的关系,确立了棉花叶片氮含量的敏感波段及预测方程.结果表明:由红谷区域(610、660、680和710nm4个波段)和近红外区域(760、810、870、950、1100和1220nm6个波段)组成的植被指数与棉花叶片氮含量的相关性较好,比值植被指数RVI(950,710)对叶片氮含量的预测性最好.利用独立的棉花田间试验资料对基于RVI(950,710)的预测方程进行检验,该模型适用于不同棉花品种及不同生育期棉花叶片氮含量预测.  相似文献   

基于冠层反射光谱的棉花干物质积累量估测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过分析不同施氮水平下棉花地上部干物质积累量与冠层光谱反射率及其衍生的比值植被指数(RVI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)及差值植被指数(DVI)之间的关系,确立了棉花地上部干物质积累量的敏感波段及预测模型.结果表明:两个可见光波段(560和710 nm)和5个近红外波段(810、870、950、1 100和1 220 nm)组成的植被指数与棉花地上部干物质积累量的相关性较好,其中RVI(1 100, 560)的相关性最好.通过逐步回归分析确立的棉花地上部干物质积累量的预测模型为:地上部干物质积累量(g·m-2)=66.274×RVI(1 100, 560)-148.84.说明通过遥感手段估测棉花地上部干物质积累量是可行的.  相似文献   

利用冠层光谱估测烟草叶面积指数和地上生物量   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
综合多种烟草类型、品种及肥料处理因素,分析了17种光谱参数与烟草叶面积指数(LAI)、地上鲜生物重(AFW)、地上干生物重(ADW)的关系,建立逐步回归模型对烟草LAI、AFW、ADW进行估测并结合相关分析筛选出相应的特征变量。结果表明:5个回归方程的复确定系数R^2、回归系数相伴概率均达到显著水平。包含17个光谱参量的逐步回归方程筛选出的第一自变量均为Rg/Rr,相关分析及散点图分析亦得出Rg/Rr与LAI、AFW、ADW相关系数分别为0.759、0.611、0.647,R^2为0.576、0.3727、0.4184,均达到极显著水平,证明烟草LAI、AFW、ADW的特征变量为Rg/Rr。仅采用8种植被指数建立模型,证明利用比值植被指数(RVI)估测LAI、ADW亦是可行的。经过统计检验,建立的模型估测效果均较好,估测值与实测值的相关性均达到显著水平,其中包含特征变量Rg/Rr的回归模型估测效果优于RVI构建的模型。表明采用高分辨率光谱或宽波段光谱提取光谱变量可对烟草LAI、AFW、ADW进行监测,并可根据数据条件选择有效的估测模型,为烟草遥感数据分析提供方法。  相似文献   

基于多植被指数组合的冬小麦地上干生物量高光谱估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究多种植被指数组合与偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)结合对于提高冬小麦地上干生物量估测精度的影响,本研究以氮运筹试验为基础,比较分析了18种植被指数与冬小麦地上干生物量的相关性,筛选出相关性较好的植被指数,建立多种植被指数组合的PLSR模型,并对模型进行评价比较。结果表明:除叶绿素归一化植被指数(NPCI)外各植被指数均与冬小麦地上干生物量有良好的相关性,中分辨率陆地叶绿素成像指数(MTCI)、绿色归一化植被指数(GNDVI)、改进红边比值植被指数(MSR705)和特征色素简单比值指数c(PSSRc)4个植被指数相关系数绝对值均达到0.800以上;多植被指数组合构建的PLSR模型中,以PSSRc、MSR705和MTCI 3个植被指数建立的复合式模型建模集(R2=0.719,RMSE=0.316)和验证集(R2=0.696,RMSE=0.346)表现最佳。因此,多种植被指数组合与偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)结合能有效提高冬小麦地上干生物量的估测精度,为更好地实现冬小麦地上干生物量高光谱遥感估测提供有效技术途径。  相似文献   

测定生物生产力是分析草地生态系统结构、功能的必要手段,而传统的“直接收割法”因毁坏植被而不能进行追踪调查研究,无法满足草地研究中对定点、定株系统观测植物的增长动态的需要。作者以羊草地上生物量的构成因素为依据,通过测定2000多株不同物候、不同  相似文献   

草地植物群落地上生物量非破坏性估测方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 羊草群落的高度和盖度与地上生物量存在良好的复相关关系(R=0.9316),所获多元回归方程可用于该群落地上生物量的估测。通过对羊草群落、羊草+杂类草群落和贝加尔针茅群落植冠红光(0.63—0.69μm)和近红外辐射(0.76—0.90μm)反射率实测数据的分析,表明这些群落的光谱反射率比IR、IR/R和VI与地上生物量呈高度的指数相关关系,其中由VI和IR/R所获各群落不同生长时期地上生物量回归模型的估测效果较好。  相似文献   

海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法比较分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
李意德 《生态学报》1993,13(4):313-320
本文通过对海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法的比较分析,表明材积转换法不适宜估算海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量,其结果与皆伐法相比较一般偏高20%—40%;而用实测资料建立的生物量回归模型,对原始林林分有较好的估测结果,除树枝和树叶生物量外,树干、树皮及地上部分生物量的回归模型值,与皆伐法的结果比较,相对误差一般在±10%以内,为允许误差范围,而对热带山地雨林的更新林生物量的估测则效果较差,应建立相应的估测模型。平均木法有工作量小的优点,且误差也在16%以下,但要注意取样的树种多样性和取样强度,在实际中应当慎用。另外本文对测定热带山地雨林生物量(原始林)的所需面积大小问题作了研究,提出了生物量-面积曲线的概念,确定其最小调查面积为2500m~2以上。  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of Interests in the estimation of grassland biophysical parameters such as percentage of vegetation cover (PVC), aboveground biomass, and leaf-area index with remote sensing data at the canopy scale. In this paper, the percentage of vegetation cover was estimated from vegetation indices using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and red-edge parameters through the first derivative spectrum from in situ hypserspectral reflectance data. Hyperspectral reflectance measurements were made on grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China, using an Analytical Spectral Devices spectroradiometer. Vegetation indices such as the difference, simple ratio, normalized difference, renormalized difference, soil-adjusted and modified soil-adjusted vegetation indices (DVI, RVI, NDVI, RDVI, SAVI L=0.5 end MSAVI2) were calculated from the hyperspectral reflectance of various vegetation covers. The percentage of vegetation cover was estimated using an unsupervised spectral-contextual classifier automatically. Relationships between percentage of vegetation cover and various vegetation indices and red-edge parameters were compared using a linear and second-order polynomial regression. Our analysis indicated that MSAVI2 and RVI yielded more accurate estimations for a wide range of vegetation cover than other vegetation indices and red-edge parameters for the linear and second-order polynomial regression, respectively.  相似文献   

利用TM数据提取粤西地区的森林生物量   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
郭志华  彭少麟  王伯荪 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1832-1839
通过样方调查获取森林材积 ,借助于 GPS技术为调查样方准确定位。通过研究针叶林和阔叶林材积与 Landsat TM数据各波段及 NDVI和 RVI等指数的相关性 ,筛选出估算针叶林和阔叶林材积的光谱因子。根据 TM数据 7个波段信息及其线形与非线形组合 ,应用逐步回归技术分别建立估算针叶林和阔叶林材积的最优光谱模型。进而研究了粤西及附近地区的森林生物量和森林覆盖。结果表明 :若不计少量云层及地形影响 ,粤西及附近地区的森林覆盖率约为 47.8%。西江干流以北地区的森林覆盖率明显高于西江以南 ,阔叶林主要分布在西江以北 ,西江以南主要为针叶林。粤西及附近地区的森林生物量多介于 2 3~ 45 1 t· hm- 2之间 ;在约 1 90 5 0 km2范围内 ,森林生物量共计 9.2 2× 1 0 7t左右。西江以北地区的森林生物量较高 ,西江以南的森林生物量较低。生物量 >40 0 t· hm- 2的森林主要分布在黑石顶自然保护区及附近、鼎湖山及附近、德庆东北部和广宁东部。  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has been used extensively in the forage industry for rapid measurement of forage constituents and could be useful for determining quality of biomass feedstocks at the point of delivery. In previous work, we developed an assay that partitions feedstock carbohydrates based on their availability to be converted to fermentable sugars, including non-structural carbohydrates (C N), biochemically available carbohydrates (C B) with an associated first-order availability rate constant (k B), and unavailable carbohydrates (C U ). Additional quality parameters measured included neutral detergent lignin (NDL), total available carbohydrates (C A), and total carbohydrates (C T). We evaluated the variability of biomass quality parameters in a set of corn stover samples and developed calibration equations for determining parameter values using NIRS. Fifty-two corn stover samples harvested in Iowa and Wisconsin in 2005 and 2006 were analyzed using a high-throughput assay for determining feedstock quality for biochemical conversion. Non-structural carbohydrates ranged from 84 to 155?g?kg?1 dry matter (DM); C B ranged from 354 to 557?g?kg?1 DM; k B ranged from 0.199 to 0.330?h?1; C A ranged from 463 to 699?g?kg?1 DM, and NDL ranged from 32 to 74?g?kg?1 DM. Significant differences (P?<?0.0001) among samples were observed for all parameters, except k B. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy calibration equations were developed for C N, C B, C A, C U , C T, and NDL. It was not possible to generate a meaningful calibration equation for k B. There is significant variability within the corn stover population for several key quality-related carbohydrate and lignin constituents which can be predicted reliably using NIRS.  相似文献   

Estimates of HIV prevalence computed using data obtained from sampling a subgroup of the national population may lack the representativeness of all the relevant domains of the population. These estimates are often computed on the assumption that HIV prevalence is uniform across all domains of the population. Use of appropriate statistical methods together with population-based survey data can enhance better estimation of national and subgroup level HIV prevalence and can provide improved explanations of the variation in HIV prevalence across different domains of the population. In this study we computed design-consistent estimates of HIV prevalence, and their respective 95% confidence intervals at both the national and subgroup levels. In addition, we provided a multivariable survey logistic regression model from a generalized linear modelling perspective for explaining the variation in HIV prevalence using demographic, socio-economic, socio-cultural and behavioural factors. Essentially, this study borrows from the proximate determinants conceptual framework which provides guiding principles upon which socio-economic and socio-cultural variables affect HIV prevalence through biological behavioural factors. We utilize the 2010–11 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (2010–11 ZDHS) data (which are population based) to estimate HIV prevalence in different categories of the population and for constructing the logistic regression model. It was established that HIV prevalence varies greatly with age, gender, marital status, place of residence, literacy level, belief on whether condom use can reduce the risk of contracting HIV and level of recent sexual activity whereas there was no marked variation in HIV prevalence with social status (measured using a wealth index), method of contraceptive and an individual’s level of education.  相似文献   

Advances in GPS tracking technologies have allowed for rapid assessment of important oceanographic regions for seabirds. This allows us to understand seabird distributions, and the characteristics which determine the success of populations. In many cases, quality GPS tracking data may not be available; however, long term population monitoring data may exist. In this study, a method to infer important oceanographic regions for seabirds will be presented using breeding sooty shearwaters as a case study. This method combines a popular machine learning algorithm (generalized boosted regression modeling), geographic information systems, long-term ecological data and open access oceanographic datasets. Time series of chick size and harvest index data derived from a long term dataset of Maori ‘muttonbirder’ diaries were obtained and used as response variables in a gridded spatial model. It was found that areas of the sub-Antarctic water region best capture the variation in the chick size data. Oceanographic features including wind speed and charnock (a derived variable representing ocean surface roughness) came out as top predictor variables in these models. Previously collected GPS data demonstrates that these regions are used as “flyways” by sooty shearwaters during the breeding season. It is therefore likely that wind speeds in these flyways affect the ability of sooty shearwaters to provision for their chicks due to changes in flight dynamics. This approach was designed to utilize machine learning methodology but can also be implemented with other statistical algorithms. Furthermore, these methods can be applied to any long term time series of population data to identify important regions for a species of interest.  相似文献   

Developing accurate but inexpensive methods for estimating above-ground carbon biomass is an important technical challenge that must be overcome before a carbon offset market can be successfully implemented in the United States. Previous studies have shown that LiDAR (light detection and ranging) is well-suited for modeling above-ground biomass in mature forests; however, there has been little previous research on the ability of LiDAR to model above-ground biomass in areas with young, aggrading vegetation. This study compared the abilities of discrete-return LiDAR and high resolution optical imagery to model above-ground carbon biomass at a young restored forested wetland site in eastern North Carolina. We found that the optical imagery model explained more of the observed variation in carbon biomass than the LiDAR model (adj-R2 values of 0.34 and 0.18 respectively; root mean squared errors of 0.14 Mg C/ha and 0.17 Mg C/ha respectively). Optical imagery was also better able to predict high and low biomass extremes than the LiDAR model. Combining both the optical and LiDAR improved upon the optical model but only marginally (adj-R2 of 0.37). These results suggest that the ability of discrete-return LiDAR to model above-ground biomass may be rather limited in areas with young, small trees and that high spatial resolution optical imagery may be the better tool in such areas.  相似文献   

光谱分析在植物生理生态研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了光谱分析技术在植物生理生态研究中的应用。通过分析植物叶片和冠层的反射光谱特征,可以快速、无损伤地研究不同环境条件下植物的各种色素含量、叶黄素循环组分、营养状况、水分状况、光能利用效率、植被盖度以及冠层结构等生理生态特征,此外光谱分析还能用来监测湖泊、河流中水华的发生和分布、研究生态系统中CO_2和H_2O的通量以及各种逆境胁迫和放牧等对植物生长的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT DNA-based mark-recapture has become a methodological cornerstone of research focused on bear species. The objective of such studies is often to estimate population size; however, doing so is frequently complicated by movement of individual bears. Movement affects the probability of detection and the assumption of closure of the population required in most models. To mitigate the bias caused by movement of individuals, population size and density estimates are often adjusted using ad hoc methods, including buffering the minimum polygon of the trapping array. We used a hierarchical, spatial capture-recapture model that contains explicit components for the spatial-point process that governs the distribution of individuals and their exposure to (via movement), and detection by, traps. We modeled detection probability as a function of each individual's distance to the trap and an indicator variable for previous capture to account for possible behavioral responses. We applied our model to a 2006 hair-snare study of a black bear (Ursus americanus) population in northern New York, USA. Based on the microsatellite marker analysis of collected hair samples, 47 individuals were identified. We estimated mean density at 0.20 bears/km2. A positive estimate of the indicator variable suggests that bears are attracted to baited sites; therefore, including a trap-dependence covariate is important when using bait to attract individuals. Bayesian analysis of the model was implemented in WinBUGS, and we provide the model specification. The model can be applied to any spatially organized trapping array (hair snares, camera traps, mist nests, etc.) to estimate density and can also account for heterogeneity and covariate information at the trap or individual level.  相似文献   

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