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Abstract. Sperm removal in Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) has been proposed as an adaptation to sperm competition and has been documented when the remating interval between successive copulations is short, but not when it is long (Gage, 1992). If sperm removal is adaptive, it follows that there should be different fertilization outcomes from double matings with different remating intervals.
Sperm precedence patterns were assessed using reciprocal double matings of normal and γ-irradiated (sterile) virgin males of controlled size and age with virgin females of controlled size and age.
Immediate last male sperm precedence was high whether the remating interval was short (<10 min) (P2,= 0.89) or long (24h) (P2= 0.92).
Sperm precedence in eggs laid in a 16-day period after the last copulation showed no difference in the pattern of change between females with short and long remating intervals.
By examining the aedeagus of males we show that sperm are removed at the end of copulation by the first and the second male to mate with a virgin female regardless of whether the remating interval is short or long.
We conclude that sperm removal is unlikely to be the primary mechanism by which males gain such high levels of last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that under high risk of sperm competition, males will increase the number of sperm that they allocate to a female. This prediction has been supported by some experimental studies but not by others. Here, I conducted a meta-analysis to determine whether the increase in sperm allocation under high risk of sperm competition is a generalized response across taxa. I collected data from 39 studies and 37 species. Across taxa, males under a high risk of sperm competition respond by increasing their sperm allocation (mean effect size=0.32). Number of offspring did not explain a significant portion of the variation in effect sizes. A traditional meta-analysis (i.e. without phylogenetic information) described the variation among effect sizes better than a meta-analysis that incorporates the phylogenetic relationships among species, suggesting that the increase in sperm allocation under high risk of sperm competition is similarly prevalent across taxa.  相似文献   

In most species, females mate multiply within a reproductive cycle, invoking post-copulatory selection on ejaculatory components. Much research has focused on disentangling the key traits important in deciding the outcomes of sperm competition and investigating patterns of covariance among these traits. Less attention has focused on the degree to which such patterns might be context-dependent. Here, we examine whether the expression of sperm viability—a widely used measure of sperm quality—and patterns of covariance between this trait and male reproductive morphologies, change across distinct age classes and across naturally occurring genotypes, when expressed in both heterozygotic (extreme outbred) and homozygotic (extreme inbred) states in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster. Older males, and heterozygous males, generally exhibited higher sperm viability. The male age effect seems at least partly explained by a positive association between sperm numbers and viability. First, old males possessed more stored sperm than young males, and second, sperm numbers and viability were also positively associated within each age class. Furthermore, we found a positive association between sperm viability and testis size, but only among heterozygous, old males. These results suggest that sperm quality is a labile trait, with expression levels that are context-dependent and shaped by multiple, potentially interacting, factors.  相似文献   

Deleterious mutations can accumulate in the germline with age, decreasing the genetic quality of sperm and imposing a cost on female fitness. If these mutations also affect sperm competition ability or sperm production, then females will benefit from polyandry as it incites sperm competition and, consequently, minimizes the mutational load in the offspring. We tested this hypothesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species characterized by polyandry and intense sperm competition, by investigating whether age affects post‐copulatory male traits and sperm competition success. Females did not discriminate between old and young males in a mate choice experiment. While old males produced longer and slower sperm with larger reserves of strippable sperm, compared to young males, artificial insemination did not reveal any effect of age on sperm competition success. Altogether, these results do not support the hypothesis that polyandry evolved in response to costs associated with mating with old males in the guppy.  相似文献   

1 Resistance to insecticides is a model system for studying adaptation. Although selection for resistance is always strong in areas and seasons where populations are exposed to insecticides, costs of resistance, which may only be expressed in the absence of insecticide use, will shape how quickly resistance will evolve.
2 We used sperm precedence to measure the shifts in resistance to imidacloprid in a natural population during winter diapause in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Because adult beetles overwinter with viable autumn sperm, but sperm from spring matings take precedence over stored sperm, we used the difference in resistance of springmated and autumn-mated overwintered females to estimate the shift in resistance during the winter. Offspring of autumn-mated females were 2.7- or 2.5-fold more resistant compared with offspring from spring-mated females in two replicate trials.
3 We also measured the resistance of late summer and spring emergent adults in fields treated and untreated with imidacloprid in the first year. Adults from the treated field were 13.7-fold more resistant and adults from the untreated field were 2.6-fold more resistant compared with the next spring's emergers.
4 These large costs of resistance observed in the field and inferred from resistance declines during diapause help to explain the observation that imidacloprid resistance has increased only slowly over the decade of widespread use against this species, and how insecticide resistance in general can cycle annually.  相似文献   

The influence of male age on reproductive success after a singlemating has been explored widely; however, few studies have investigatedwhether quantitative or qualitative differences in male spermare responsible for the observed patterns. Moreover, the roleof male age on sperm competitive ability has been largely ignored.We examined the importance of male age on the probability andamount of sperm transferred during a single mating and exploredwhether sperm competitive ability varies with male age in thehide beetle Dermestes maculatus, a species where sperm viabilitydoes not vary with male age. We also investigated whether spermtransfer rates varied with female age. We found that the probabilityof sperm transfer and the amount of sperm transferred variedwith male, but not female, age. All males performed behaviorallysuccessful copulations, but intermediate-age and old males weremore likely to transfer sperm successfully and also transferreda greater quantity of sperm than young males. Old males wereless likely to transfer sperm than intermediate-age males, butif they did transfer sperm successfully, they transferred comparableamounts. Sperm competitive ability varied with male age andreflected the quantity of sperm transferred. On average, intermediate-agemales achieved greater fertilization success when competingagainst young or old males than when competing against otherintermediate-age males. Old males were poor competitors againstintermediate-age males, but they achieved significantly higherrates of fertilization when competing against young males. Ourfindings suggest that quantitative differences in the amountof sperm transferred determine male success in sperm competitionin the hide beetle.  相似文献   

Both gamete competition and gamete limitation can generate anisogamy from ancestral isogamy, and both sperm competition (SC) and sperm limitation (SL) can increase sperm numbers. Here, we compare the marginal benefits due to these two components at any given population level of sperm production using the risk and intensity models in sperm economics. We show quite generally for the intensity model (where N males compete for each set of eggs) that however severe the degree of SL, if there is at least one competitor for fertilization (N − 1 ≥ 1), the marginal gains through SC exceed those for SL, provided that the relationship between the probability of fertilization (F) and increasing sperm numbers (x) is a concave function. In the risk model, as fertility F increases from 0 to 1.0, the threshold SC risk (the probability q that two males compete for fertilization) for SC to be the dominant force drops from 1.0 to 0. The gamete competition and gamete limitation theories for the evolution of anisogamy rely on very similar considerations: our results imply that gamete limitation could dominate only if ancestral reproduction took place in highly isolated, small spawning groups.  相似文献   

As females of many species mate with more than one male, ejaculates often face competition from the sperm of other males. In recent years, numerous papers have been published on theoretical predictions of evolutionary, behavioural and physiological responses to variation in the strength of sperm competition (SC). These theoretical predictions have also been extensively tested. However, although predictions from SC theory are relatively straightforward, extra caution has to be paid in the design of experiments testing them. One difficulty is for example to disentangle immediate and mean SC risk and intensity. Without carefully designed experiments, it is also very easy to simultaneously increase SC risk and the probability of intense SC--a situation for which we currently have no clear predictions, as the theoretical models to date only assume variation in either SC risk or intensity. In this paper, we discuss these and some other pitfalls related to manipulations of SC risk and intensity and suggest how to avoid them.  相似文献   

Allometric growth and sperm competition in fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The allometric relationship between body mass and gonad mass in males of 23 fish species from 11 families was examined. There was no evidence of a single allometry for all fishes. A cross species analysis suggested a scaling coefficient of 1·04, which was significantly different from a previous study that reported a scaling coefficient of 0·904. A within species analysis generated scaling coefficients from 0·68 to 3·90. Furthermore, for those species characterized by alternative mating tactics, there was no correlation between the scaling coefficients of bourgeois‐type males and parasitic‐type males. These results are discussed in the context of the gonado‐somatic index and its use in testing sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

The prevailing viewpoint in the study of sperm competition is that male sperm-allocation strategies evolve in response to the degree of sperm competition an ejaculate can expect to experience within a given mating. If males cannot assess the degree of sperm competition their ejaculate will face and/or they are unable to facultatively adjust sperm investment in response to perceived levels of competition, high sperm allocation (per mating) is predicted to evolve in the context of high sperm competition. An implicit assumption of the framework used to derive this result is that the degree of sperm competition is unaffected by changes in sperm-allocation strategies. We present theory based on an alternative perspective, in which the degree of sperm competition and the sperm-allocation strategy are coupled traits that coevolve together. Our rationale is that the pattern of sperm allocation in the population will, in part, determine the level of sperm competition by affecting the number of ejaculates per female in the population. In this setting, evolution in sperm-allocation strategies is driven by changes in underlying environmental parameters that influence both the degree of sperm competition and sperm allocation. This change in perspective leads to predictions that are qualitatively different from those of previous theory.  相似文献   

Most discussions of ‘sperm competition’ have ignored the potential for competition among the different sperm genotypes present in the ejaculate of a single male. Rivalry within ejaculates may limit cooperation among the members of an ejaculate when they compete with sperm produced by other males. A gene that gains an advantage in competition within an ejaculate (a segregation distorter) may increase in frequency even if it is associated with significant costs to organismal fitness. Therefore, selection will favor genes expressed in males that suppress competition within ejaculates. This may explain why sperm function is largely controlled by the diploid genotype of the male progenitor, rather than by the genotypes of individual haploid sperm. Females who mate with multiple males reduce the relative advantage of a segregation distorter whenever the distorter impairs the competitive effectiveness of the ejaculates in which it occurs. If the distorter is associated with costs to organismal fitness, selection will favor female mating behavior that reduces the distorter's equilibrium frequency. Competition within ejaculates may thus be one reason why females choose to mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

Sperm competition occurs when the gametes of or more males compete for opportunities to fertilize a given set of ova. Previous studies have demonstrated that certain morphological characteristics are affected by sperm competition intensity (e.g. relative testes size and sperm midpiece volume). This study examined whether aspects of sperm energetics may also be affected by sexual selection. We compared the membrane potential of mitochondria in live sperm between H. sapiens (single partner mating system) and P. troglodytes (multiple partner mating system). Flow cytometry of sperm stained with the carbocyanine fluorescent dye JC-1 (an assay for mitochondrial membrane potential) revealed marked differences in red fluorescence intensity. P. troglodytes sperm showed significantly higher mitochondrial membrane potential. Mitochondria provide a substantial part of the energy required for sperm motility. A higher mitochondrial loading may therefore be associated with enhanced sperm motility and/or longevity. Additionally, examination of JC-1 red fluorescence levels before and after in vitro capacitation revealed further differences. Whereas chimpanzee sperm showed maintenance of membrane potential after capacitation (in some cases even an increase), sperm from humans consistently showed reduction in membrane potential. These results indicate that the sperm of human beings and chimpanzees exhibit marked differences in mitochondrial function, which are affected by selection pressures relating to sperm competition and that these pressures differ significantly between humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition that male-male competition can take many forms, but as yet the form is not predictable a priori. Many recent studies have focused attention on how males in disadvantaged mating roles compensate through sperm competition. However, mating systems in which subordinate males are reproductively suppressed, particularly through the stress of social interactions, may limit the ability of males to respond by increasing investment in sperm quality. We examined the interaction between social status and ejaculate tactics in Nauphoeta cinerea, a cockroach that has a mating system with well-characterized dominance hierarchies. Both social experience with other males and social status influenced aspects of ejaculates. The stress of social interactions reduced the size of the ejaculate and number of sperm inseminated. In ejaculates formed prior to social experience, however, males that go on to become dominant inseminated more sperm than males that go on to become subordinate, suggesting innate differences among males. Our results show that though selection for increased success in sperm competition for subordinate males in a hierarchy can occur, both the traits and the way in which the balance between pre- and post-copulatory strategies is negotiated will depend on specific details of the mating system. These details will include how the physiological effects of social interactions may limit selection through male-male competition.  相似文献   

  • 1 By examining potential sources of intraspecific variation in sperm precedence, the underlying mechanisms of sperm competition in Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) were investigated.
  • 2 The extent of sperm precedence was not related to either copulatory behaviour or body size (male and female).
  • 3 The extent of sperm precedence increased during the egg-laying period, suggesting that the stratification of sperm within the spermatheca is not the mechanism of sperm precedence.
  • 4 Direct removal of sperm from the female's reproductive tract was not observed.
  • 5 Four other mechanisms (not mutually exclusive) are proposed to account for last-male sperm precedence in this species.

In the frog Crinia georgiana, reproductive behavior comprisesa "guarding tactic," in which males defend spawn sites and attractfemales by calling, and a "sneak tactic," in which males joinspawning pairs. The aims of the present study were to (1) relateejaculate expenditure by "guarding" and "sneak" males to theirprobability of mating with other males present (sperm-competitionrisk), and (2) determine if males adjust their ejaculate expenditureaccording to the number of males involved in a spawning (sperm-competitionintensity). Theory predicts that because sneak males alwaysmate with other males present, they will experience a highersperm-competition risk and should release larger ejaculatesrelative to that of guarding males. However, as the proportionof sneaks in a population increases so does the risk of spermcompetition to guarders, so expenditure by each tactic shouldmove toward equality. Given that the incidence of sneak behavioris high in C. georgiana, guarders and sneaks were expected toexperience similar risks of sperm competition and show similarinvestment in spermatogenesis. Comparison of testes size andejaculate size showed no difference between tactics. Modelsof sperm-competition intensity predict that males should increasetheir ejaculate size when spawning in the presence of one othermale but decrease their ejaculate size when spawning in thepresence of multiple males. Here, males maintained a constantsperm number irrespective of whether a mating involved one,two, or three males. This result suggests that male C. georgianado not facultatively adjust ejaculate investment in responseto fluctuating intensities of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are among the most diversified cells in the animal kingdom, but the underlying evolutionary forces affecting intraspecific variation in sperm morphology are poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that sperm competition is a potent selection pressure on sperm variation within species. Here, we examine intraspecific variation in total sperm length of 22 wild passerine bird species (21 genera, 11 families) in relation to the risk of sperm competition, as expressed by the frequency of extrapair paternity and relative testis size. We demonstrate, by using phylogenetic comparative methods, that between-male variation in sperm length within species is closely and negatively linked to the risk of sperm competition. This relationship was even stronger when only considering species in which data on sperm length and extrapair paternity originated from the same populations. Intramale variation in sperm length within species was also negatively, although nonsignificantly, related to sperm competition risk. Our findings suggest that postcopulatory sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force reducing the intraspecific phenotypic variation in sperm-size traits, potentially driving the diversification of sperm morphology across populations and species.  相似文献   

Social group size may affect the potential for sperm competition, and this in turn may favour ontogenetic adjustments in testicular mass according to the likely requirements for sperm and spermatophore production. In a number of comparative analyses of testis mass among vertebrate species that differ in mating system or social organization, increasing potential for sperm competition is associated with larger testis size. Intraspecific phenotypic plasticity should be able to produce the same pattern if social group size is heterogenous and reflects differing degrees of average sperm competition, but this intraspecific effect is less well studied. We tested the effect of social groups on both male and female investment in the simultaneously hermaphroditic leech, Helobdella papillornata. Leeches were placed in groups of one, two, four or eight. Sexual investment at the onset of reproductive maturity was quantified as the total testisac volume for male function and total egg volume for female function. We found that testisac volume (statistically adjusted for body size) showed a significant increase with increasing group size. Total egg volume (also adjusted for body size) was unaffected by group size. Our findings indicate adaptive developmental plasticity in male gonad investment in response to the potential for sperm competition.  相似文献   

We examine the risk model in sperm competition games for cases where female fertility increases significantly with sperm numbers (sperm limitation). Without sperm competition, sperm allocation increases with sperm limitation. We define 'average risk' as the probability q that females in the population mate twice, and 'perceived risk' as the information males gain about the sperm competition probability with individual females. If males obtain no information from individual females, sperm numbers increase with q unless sperm limitation is high and one of the two competing ejaculates is strongly disfavoured. If males can distinguish between virgin and mated females, greater sperm allocation to virgins is favoured by high sperm limitation, high q, and by the second male's ejaculate being disfavoured. With high sperm limitation, sperm allocation to virgins increases and to mated females decreases with q at high q levels. With perfect information about female mating pattern, sperm allocation (i) to virgins that will mate again exceeds that to mated females and to virgins that will mate only once, (ii) to virgins that mate only once exceeds that for mated females if q is high and there is high second male disadvantage and (iii) to each type of female can decrease with q if sperm limitation is high, although the average allocation increases at least across low q levels. In general, higher sperm allocation to virgins is favoured by: strong disadvantage to the second ejaculate, high sperm limitation, high average risk and increased information (perceived risk). These conditions may apply in a few species, especially spiders.  相似文献   

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