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A new approach, basing on a resemblance between cytoskeleton structures associated with plasma membranes and interfacial layers of coexisting phases, is proposed. In particular, a lattice model, similar to those of the theory of surface properties of pure liquids and nonelectrolyte solutions (Ono, S., and S. Kondo. 1960. Handbuch der Physik.), has been developed to describe nerve fiber cytoskeleton. The preliminary consideration of the model shows the existence of submembrane cytoskeleton having increased peripheral densities of microtubules (compared with the bulk density) which is in qualitative agreement with the data in literature. Some additional possibilities of the approach proposed are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the calculation of single myelinated fiber action potentials in an unbounded homogeneous medium and in nerve cuff electrodes. The model consists of a fiber model, used to calculate the action currents at the nodes of Ranvier, and a cylindrically symmetrical volume conductor model in which the fiber's nodes are represented as point current sources. The extracellular action potentials were shown to remain unchanged if the fiber diameter and the volume conductor geometry are scaled by the same factor (principle of corresponding states), both in an unbounded homogeneous medium and in an inhomogeneous volume conductor. The influence of several cuff electrode parameters, among others, cuff length and cuff diameter, were studied, and the results were compared, where possible, with theoretical and experimental results as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Considered are the principles of realization of biophysical models of heart ventricle electrical activity in the form of a double electric layer on the surface of the electrically active myocardium (epicardium and endocardium) and the boundary surfaces dividing the model compartments with different electrophysiological characteristics. The model parameters are the electrophysiological and anatomical characteristics of the heart such as the geometry of the ventricles and the specialized His-Purkinje conduction system, the velocity of depolarization spread over myocardium, the ratio of the velocities of excitation transmission through the Myocardium / His / Purkinje elements of the model, the shape of transmembrane action potentials on the boundary surfaces, the orientation of the intrinsic anatomical axes of the heart relative to the initial set of coordinates, and some other biophysical characteristics of the myocardium. This model is the main unit of a computer simulation system, which includes databases of real and simulated electrocardiosignals.  相似文献   

Restrictions imposed by “Cole-Moore superposition” on a class of models for the potassium conductance of nerve fiber membranes are studied. The models studied assume that: (1) different potassium transfer sites on the membrane are not coupled; (2) each site is characterized by a set of states |α>, α = 0, …, N, each of energy Eα, and degeneracy, rα. (3) The time dependence is described by kinetic equations.It is rigorously shown that: (a) there is superposition if, and only if, in going from one equilibrium state to another, the system passes only through equilibrium states. (b) Condition (a) is satisfied only if: (i) the energy levels are equally spaced, (ii) the state |n> is [N!/n!(N-n)!]-fold degenerate, and (iii) only transitions between nearest neighbor levels are allowed.  相似文献   

Explants of the ganglion trigeminale from chick embryos and hippocampi from embryonal rats were incubated in maximowchambers with semisynthetic media. The different parts of nervous tissue were influenced experimentally by addition of biological extracts and by substances with known composition. The regeneration of nerve fibers was investigated by the index of growth. The growth index was calculated from the ratio of nerve fibre index of the test cultures to that of the influenced cultures. Under these conditions biological extracts enhanced the growth of nerve fibres. In the same way the growth of nerve fibres was statistically significantly stimulated by substances with known composition of aminoacids, orotic acid, sodium orotate and cyclic monophosphates. A stimulating effect of cyclic guanosinmonophosphate seems to exist only in CNS explants and only in young fetal rats and consists in an increased migration and proliferation of cells as well as in the formation of fibres from neuroblasts. The investigations gave strong evidence for the in vitro testing to be very useful in studies of nerve fibre regeneration. However the choice of suitable reference systems, suitable quantitative parameters, optimal concentration and periods of application of effective substances and the age of the animals are of fundamental importance for the evaluation of the results. Experiments regarding the stimulation of the differentiation of neurons and the growth of nerve fibres are of practical clinical and therapeutical interest.  相似文献   

Summary Van der Waals energies of interaction between model cell surfaces are calculated for various distances of separation, layer thicknesses and compositions of cell surfaces and intercellular media. In these calculations the cell peripheries are considered to consist of two layers: (1) A phospholipid-cholesterol-protein plasma membrane and (2) a surface coat, which consists of protein, sugar and water. The required Van der Waals parameters of sugars, phospholipids and cholesterol are derived from refractive indices of their solutions in the visible and ultraviolet regions. Polarizabilities and Van der Waals parameters of these substances are determined and shown to be almost independent of concentration of solutions. Resulting isotropic polarizabilities differ by less than five percent from values obtained by the addition of bond polarizabilities.The magnitude of Van der Waals interactions between cell surfaces has been found to vary with composition according to the following sequence: water–15 ergs and 6×10–14 ergs at 50 Å distance of separation, which corresponds to free energies per unit area of 210-1600kT/ 2  相似文献   

Predicting species responses to climate change is a central challenge in ecology. These predictions are often based on lab‐derived phenomenological relationships between temperature and fitness metrics. We tested one of these relationships using the embryonic stage of a Chinook salmon population. We parameterised the model with laboratory data, applied it to predict survival in the field, and found that it significantly underestimated field‐derived estimates of thermal mortality. We used a biophysical model based on mass transfer theory to show that the discrepancy was due to the differences in water flow velocities between the lab and the field. This mechanistic approach provides testable predictions for how the thermal tolerance of embryos depends on egg size and flow velocity of the surrounding water. We found support for these predictions across more than 180 fish species, suggesting that flow and temperature mediated oxygen limitation is a general mechanism underlying the thermal tolerance of embryos.  相似文献   

Summary The volumetric elastic modulus of the sheath and the osmotic swelling pressure of the axoplasmic polymer network of the giant axon ofLoligo vulgaris were measured. Evidence was obtained that (1) the elastic modulus of the sheath, (2) the swelling pressure of axoplasm, and (3) theeffective osmotic pressure difference due to mobile solutes determine axonal volume. The contributions of the sheath and the axoplasm were significant because theeffective osmotic pressure due to mobile solutes was a small fraction of thetheoretical bulk osmotic pressure due to these solutes. The giant axon was converted from an imperfect to a near perfect osmometer by minimizing the contribution of the sheath and the axoplasmic gel.The early experiments were undertaken in the Stazione Zoologica, Naples, and the Democritus Nuclear Research Center, Athens, Greece; the more recent experiments were undertaken in facilities provided by Prof. N. Nikolaou, Aegina, Greece.  相似文献   

The theory developed in this paper shows that the propagation of spike potential along a nerve fiber and the conduction of an electric wave along an inert inorganic conductor follow a common quantitative relationship. This result gives further support to the belief that propagation of excitation is an electrical process. The basic idea of the theory is derived from the consideration that velocity has, by its mathematical definition, a local meaning; conduction in a nerve is completely determined by the local characteristics of the latter, as well as those of the wave. The final formula derived does not make use of any other field of science beyond the fundamental principles of electricity. It gives the conduction velocity in terms of the electric characteristics of the fiber and of the duration of the spike potential. The formula is in agreement with the known dependence of the conduction velocity on various parameters characterizing the axon. The computed velocity agrees with the measured ones on the squid giant axon, crab nerve axon, frog muscle fiber and Nitella cell. The membrane inductance appears as a velocity controling agent which prevents also a possible distortion of the spike potential during conduction. The structural meaning of the electric characteristics of the axon membrane is discussed from the viewpoint of the diffusion theory. A formula for the velocity of spread of the electrotonus is also derived.  相似文献   

A major goal of biophysics is to understand the physical mechanisms of biological molecules and systems. Mechanistic models are evaluated based on their ability to explain carefully controlled experiments. By fitting models to data, biophysical parameters that cannot be measured directly can be estimated from experimentation. However, it might be the case that many different combinations of model parameters can explain the observations equally well. In these cases, the model parameters are not identifiable: the experimentation has not provided sufficient constraining power to enable unique estimation of their true values. We demonstrate that this pitfall is present even in simple biophysical models. We investigate the underlying causes of parameter non-identifiability and discuss straightforward methods for determining when parameters of simple models can be inferred accurately. However, for models of even modest complexity, more general tools are required to diagnose parameter non-identifiability. We present a method based in Bayesian inference that can be used to establish the reliability of parameter estimates, as well as yield accurate quantification of parameter confidence.  相似文献   

Experiments on frogs (Rana ridibunda) showed that, unlike in the whole nerve, prolonged after-depolarization and the associated phase of summation are absent in the single node of Ranvier of isolated nerve fibers. If, however, special measures are taken to prevent the stretching of the Ranvier node of single fibers, prolonged after-depolarization can be found in them. It is concluded that the absence of prolonged after-depolarization in single Ranvier nodes of nerve fibers isolated without additional precautions is the result of injury to the excitable membrane or to disturbance of the integrity of the ionic barrier surrounding it as a result of stretching of the fibers during dissection.  相似文献   


Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels form from existing vessels. During angiogenesis, tip cells migrate via diffusion and chemotaxis, new tip cells are introduced through branching, loops form via tip-to-tip and tip-to-sprout anastomosis, and a vessel network forms as endothelial cells, known as stalk cells, follow the paths of tip cells (a process known as the snail-trail). Using a mean-field approximation, we systematically derive one-dimensional non-linear continuum models from a lattice-based cellular automaton model of angiogenesis in the corneal assay, explicitly accounting for cell volume. We compare our continuum models and a well-known phenomenological snail-trail model that is linear in the diffusive, chemotactic and branching terms, with averaged cellular automaton simulation results to distinguish macroscale volume exclusion effects and determine whether linear models can capture them. We conclude that, in general, both linear and non-linear models can be used at low cell densities when single or multi-species exclusion effects are negligible at the macroscale. When cell densities increase, our non-linear model should be used to capture non-linear tip cell behavior that occurs when single-species exclusion effects are pronounced, and alternative models should be derived for non-negligible multi-species exclusion effects.


The peculiarities of the genesis of electrocardiosignal under myocardial ischemia in connection with an increase of its electrical inhomogeneity, as well as the electrophysiological mechanisms of morphological changes of the T wave of the electrocardiogram, including its “symmetrization” have been considered. A systemic approach to the problem has been used, which combines the mathematical, computer, and physiological modeling of the cardiac electrical activity with studies of the electric field of the human heart in terms of biophysical models. A database for the repolarization parameters of experimental electrocardiosignals (“Norm” and “Ischemia” samples) has been formed. The parameters of the ST-T interval and T wave, which could characterize the symmetry of the latter, and some additional properties of the repolarization process have been obtained. The methods of mathematical modeling were used also. Computer experiments were carried out on a system for 3D modeling of the cardiac electrical activity at different structural levels of the object. By the results of preliminary analysis, the β T index, which is calculated as the ratio of two maximum absolute values of the derivative of the cardiosignal at the left and right of the T wave apex, has been chosen as one of the main diagnostic markers of ischemia. There is reason to believe that the use of the β T index allows one to recognize those deviations from the norm that are usually hidden from a physician in traditional ECG analysis. The ratios of repolarization intervals inside of the generalized QT interval have also appeared potentially informative. With the purpose to test and correct the hypotheses for conducting further investigations, some preliminary experiments on a low-resolution model for several alternatives of the degree, localization, and extensiveness of ischemia have been carried out. The results obtained at the first stage of the team-work are essential to the understanding of mechanisms of the genesis of an electrocardiographic image for myocardial ischemia and of interest for the biophysically sound development of new algorithms for computer cardiodiagnostics.  相似文献   

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