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The vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) belong to the same transporter family that packages acetylcholine into synaptic vesicles (SVs) and biogenic amines into large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) and/or SVs, respectively. These transporters share similarities in sequence and structure with their N- and C-terminal domains located in the cytoplasm. When expressed in PC12 cells, VMAT2 localizes to LDCV, whereas VAChT is found mainly on synaptic-like microvesicles. Previous studies have shown that the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of VAChT contains signals targeting this transporter to SVs. However, the targeting signals for VMAT have not been completely elucidated. To identify signals targeting VMAT2 to LDCV, the subcellular localization of VMAT2-VAChT chimeras was analyzed in PC12 cells. Chimeras having either the N-terminal region through transmembrane domain 2 of VMAT2 or the C-terminal domain of VMAT2 do not traffic to LDCV efficiently. In contrast, chimeras having both of these regions, or the luminal glycosylated loop in conjunction with transmembrane domains 1 and 2 and the C-terminal domain of VMAT2, traffic to LDCV. Treatment of PC12 cells with 1-deoxymannojirimycin, a specific alpha-mannosidase I inhibitor, causes VMAT2 to localize to synaptic-like microvesicles. The results indicate that both mature N-linked glycosylation and the C-terminus are important for proper trafficking of VMAT2 and that the locations of trafficking signals in VMAT2 and VAChT are surprisingly different.  相似文献   

Unlike other monoamine neurotransmitters, the mechanism by which the brain's histamine content is regulated remains unclear. In mammals, vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) are expressed exclusively in neurons and mediate the storage of histamine and other monoamines. We have studied the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster in which histamine is the primary neurotransmitter released from photoreceptor cells. We report here that a novel mRNA splice variant of Drosophila VMAT (DVMAT-B) is expressed not in neurons but rather in a small subset of glia in the lamina of the fly's optic lobe. Histamine contents are reduced by mutation of dVMAT, but can be partially restored by specifically expressing DVMAT-B in glia. Our results suggest a novel role for a monoamine transporter in glia that may be relevant to histamine homeostasis in other systems.  相似文献   

S M Efange 《FASEB journal》2000,14(15):2401-2413
Validation of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and the neuronal vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) as important molecular targets in the cholinergic and dopamine neurons, respectively, has sparked interest in the development of radiotracers for studying these markers in vitro and in vivo. Currently, a number of selective high-affinity radiotracers are available for studying these targets in vivo with positron emission tomography (PET) or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). PET studies of VMAT2 in neuropathology reveal changes in the density of this marker that can be verified independently. Similarly, in vivo studies with VAChT ligands suggest that the latter are potentially useful in detecting cholinergic lesions in vivo; however, additional development is required to fully realize the potential of these radioligands.  相似文献   

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is characterized by mental impairment and autism in humans, and it often features hyperactivity and repetitive behaviors. The mechanisms for the disease, however, remain poorly understood. Here we report that the dfmr1 mutant in the Drosophila model of FXS grooms excessively, which may be regulated differentially by two signaling pathways. Blocking metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling enhances grooming in dfmr1 mutant flies, whereas blocking the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT) suppresses excessive grooming. dfmr1 mutant flies also exhibit elevated levels of VMAT mRNA and protein. These results suggest that enhanced monoamine signaling correlates with repetitive behaviors and hyperactivity associated with FXS.  相似文献   

Three distinct subtypes of vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) have been identified to date that are expressed basically in a cell type-specific manner. We have found a splice variant of VGLUT1 mRNA that is expressed almost exclusively in photosensitive tissues, i.e. the retina and the pineal gland. The variant mRNA, termed VGLUT1v, contains an additional 75 base pair sequence derived from part of a second intron (designated as exon IIa) between exons 2 and 3. The variant accounted for approximately 70% and 25%of VGLUT1 mRNA in the adult retina and pineal gland, respectively. The expression of VGLUT1v was developmentally regulated in both tissues. Organ culture showed that expression of the variant in the retina increased in association with the development of rod cells, suggesting that VGLUT1v is expressed in rod cells. In situ hybridization with variant-specific probes showed expression of VGLUT1v in the inner segment layer of photoreceptor cells. On the other hand, variant expression did not parallel the development of rhodopsin-positive cells in the pineal gland. As rod cells and pinealocytes are known to release glutamate continuously at ribbon synapses, it is possible that the variant has some functional advantage over the wild-type transporter in such a specialized manner of glutamate release.  相似文献   

The vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) are essential proteins, involved in the storage of monoamines in the central nervous system and in endocrine cells, in a process that involves exchange of 2H+ with one substrate molecule. The VMATs interact with various native substrates and clinically relevant drugs and display the pharmacological profile of multidrug transporters. Vesicular transporters suffer from a lack of biochemical and structural data due to the difficulties in their expression. In this work we present the high-level expression of rat VMAT2 (rVMAT2) in a stable a human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293), generated using the resistance to the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) conferred by the protein. In addition, we describe novel procedures for the solubilization and purification of active protein, and its reconstitution into proteoliposomes. The partially purified protein in detergent binds the inhibitor tetrabenazine and, after reconstitution, displays high levels of µH+-driven electrogenic transport of serotonin. The reconstituted purified rVMAT2 has wild-type affinity for serotonin, and its turnover rate is 0.4 substrate molecule/s. membrane protein; ion-coupled transporters; neurotransmitter storage; monoamines  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) is localized to both large dense core vesicles and synaptic vesicles in vivo. However, when exogenously expressed in PC12 cells, VMAT2 localizes only to large dense core vesicles. This distribution is similar to that of the endogenous vesicular monoamine transporter 1 (VMAT1) in PC12 cells. When VMAT2 was expressed in a protein kinase A (PKA)-deficient PC12 cell line it localized to synaptic-like microvesicles. Expression of recombinant VMAT1 in the same cell line showed a heterogeneous distribution to both large dense core vesicles and synaptic-like microvesicles. Coexpression of the PKA catalytic subunit partially restored trafficking of both VMAT2 and VMAT1 to large dense core vesicles; treatment of wild-type PC12 cells with the PKA inhibitor H89 increased VMAT2 on synaptic-like microvesicles. The VMAT1 and VMAT2 in large dense core vesicles exhibit a larger molecular size than those located on synaptic-like microvesicles. This difference is due to differential N-linked glycosylation. In vitro phosphorylation experiments show that PKA does not phosphorylate VMAT2. A chimera containing the VMAT2 cytoplasmic C-terminus fused to vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) shows mislocalization to synaptic-like microvesicles and VAChT-like glycosylation in the PKA-deficient cell line. However, coexpression with PKA changes the chimera's trafficking to large dense core vesicles and increases the molecular size. These results suggest that protein kinase A affects the formation and/or composition of VMAT trafficking complexes.  相似文献   

The human Golgi Cytidine-5′-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-Sia) transporter SLC35A1, a member of the nucleotide sugar transporter family, translocates CMP-Sia from the cytosol into the Golgi lumen where sialyltransferases use it as donor substrate for the synthesis of sialoglycoconjugates. In 2005, we reported a novel Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG) termed CDG-IIf or SLC35A1-CDG, characterized by macrothrombocytopenia, neutropenia and complete lack of the sialyl-Lex antigen (NeuAcα2-3Galβ1-4(Fucα1-3)GlcNAc-R) on polymorphonuclear cells. This disease was caused by the presence of inactive SLC35A1 alleles. It was also found that the SLC35A1 generates additional isoforms through alternative splicing. In this work, we demonstrate that one of the reported isoforms, the del177 with exon 6 skipping, is able to maintain sialylation in HepG2 cells submitted to wt knockdown and restore sialylation to normal levels in the Chinese Hamester Ovary (CHO) cell line Lec2 mutant deficient in CMP-Sia transport. The characteristics of the alternatively spliced protein are discussed as well as therapeutic implications of this finding in CDGs caused by mutations in nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs).  相似文献   

The neuronal isoform of vesicular monoamine transporter, VMAT2, is responsible for packaging dopamine and other monoamines into synaptic vesicles and thereby plays an essential role in dopamine neurotransmission. Dopamine neurons in mice lacking VMAT2 are unable to store or release dopamine from their synaptic vesicles. To determine how VMAT2-mediated filling influences synaptic vesicle morphology and function, we examined dopamine terminals from VMAT2 knockout mice. In contrast to the abnormalities reported in glutamatergic terminals of mice lacking VGLUT1, the corresponding vesicular transporter for glutamate, we found that the ultrastructure of dopamine terminals and synaptic vesicles in VMAT2 knockout mice were indistinguishable from wild type. Using the activity-dependent dyes FM1-43 and FM2-10, we also found that synaptic vesicles in dopamine neurons lacking VMAT2 undergo endocytosis and exocytosis with kinetics identical to those seen in wild-type neurons. Together, these results demonstrate that dopamine synaptic vesicle biogenesis and cycling are independent of vesicle filling with transmitter. By demonstrating that such empty synaptic vesicles can cycle at the nerve terminal, our study suggests that physiological changes in VMAT2 levels or trafficking at the synapse may regulate dopamine release by altering the ratio of fillable-to-empty synaptic vesicles, as both continue to cycle in response to neural activity.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) produces long-term decreases in markers of dopamine (DA) terminals in animals and humans. A decrease in the function of the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) has been associated with damage to striatal DA terminals caused by METH; however, a possible mechanism for this decrease in VMAT2 function has not been defined. The current study showed that METH caused a rapid decrease to 68% of controls in VMAT2 protein immunoreactivity of the vesicular fraction from striatal synaptosomes within 1 h after a repeated high-dose administration regimen of METH. This decrease was associated with a 75% increase in nitrosylation of VMAT2 protein in the synaptosomal fraction as measured by nitrosocysteine immunoreactivity of VMAT2 protein. The rapid decreases in VMAT2 persisted when evaluated 7 days later and were illustrated by decreases in VMAT2 immunoreactivity and DA content of the vesicular fraction to 34% and 51% of control values, respectively. The decreases were blocked or attenuated by prior injections of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, S-methyl-l-thiocitrulline. These studies demonstrate that METH causes a rapid neuronal nitric oxide synthase-dependent oxidation of VMAT2 and long-term decreases in VMAT2 protein and function. The results also suggest that surviving DA terminals after METH exposure may have a compromised capacity to buffer cytosolic DA concentrations and DA-derived oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The present experiments investigated the trafficking of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) tagged with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in living cholinergic cells (SN56). The EGFP-VAChT chimera was located in endosomal-like compartments in the soma of SN56 cells, and it was also targeted to varicosities of neurites. In contrast, EGFP alone in cells was soluble in the cytoplasm. The C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of VAChT has been implicated in targeting of VAChT to synaptic vesicles; thus, we have examined the role of the C-terminal region in the trafficking to varicosities. A C-terminal fragment tagged with EGFP appeared to be selectively accumulated in varicosities when expressed in SN56 cells. Interestingly, the protein was not freely soluble in the cytosol, and it presented a punctate pattern of expression. However, EGFP-C terminus did not present this peculiar pattern of expression in a nonneuronal cell line (HEK 293). Moreover, the C-terminal region of VAChT did not seem to be essential for VAChT trafficking, as a construct that lacks the C-terminal tail was, similar to EGFP-VAChT, partially targeted to endocytic organelles in the soma and sorted to varicosities. These experiments visualize VAChT for the first time in living cells and suggest that there might be multiple signals that participate in trafficking of VAChT to sites of synaptic vesicle accumulation.  相似文献   

The vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) plays a pivotal role in regulating the size of vesicular and cytosolic dopamine (DA) storage pools within the CNS, and can thus influence extracellular DA neurotransmission. Transgenic mice have been generated with a dramatically reduced (by approximately 95%) expression of the VMAT2 gene which, unlike complete knockout lines, survive into adulthood. We compared the pre-synaptic regulation of both impulse-dependent (exocytotic) and carrier-mediated (via reversal of the DA transporter, DAT) DA release in the dorsolateral caudate putamen (CPu) of striatal slices derived from adult homozygous VMAT2 mutant and wild-type mice using fast cyclic voltammetry. Impulse-dependent DA release, evoked by a single electrical pulse, was lower in homozygous (116 nm) than wild-type mice (351 nm) indicating smaller vesicular DA stores, an observation supported by the evanescent effect of amfonelic acid (300 nm) in homozygous mice. Amphetamine (2 microm) increased extracellular DA via DAT reversal in both wild-type (by 459 nm) and VMAT2 mutant (by 168 nm, p < 0.01 vs. wild-type) mice. In both cases, the effect was blocked by the DAT inhibitor GBR12935 (1 microm). Simultaneously, amphetamine decreased impulse-dependent DA release, albeit less in homozygous (by 55%) than in wild-type (by 78%) mice. In wild-types, this decrement was largely reversed by GBR12935 but not by the D2/D3 autoreceptor antagonist (-)sulpiride (1 microm). Conversely, in homozygous VMAT2 mutant mice, it was attenuated by (-)sulpiride but not GBR12935. The D2/D3 receptor agonist quinpirole inhibited impulse-dependent DA release with a lower EC50 value in homozygous mice (12 nm) compared with wild-types (34 nm), indicating the compensatory presence of functionally supersensitive release-regulating autoreceptors. However, analysis of DA reuptake kinetics obtained in the absence and presence of DAT blockade (by cocaine and amfonelic acid) revealed only minor differences in DAT functionality. These results demonstrate that impaired vesicular DA storage constrains extracellular DA levels in the dorsolateral CPu whether induced by either impulse-dependent or carrier-mediated mechanisms and that the relative importance of the DAT and terminal autoreceptors as control mechanisms in the actions of amphetamine are reversed in VMAT2 mutant mice.  相似文献   

We report the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone of the Drosophila melanogaster homologue of c-myb, a member of the class of vertebrate transforming genes encoding nuclear proteins. We predict the mol. wt of the Drosophila myb (D-myb) protein to be 74,000. The D-myb protein contains two clusters of sequences homologous to vertebrate myb proteins, surrounded by sequences lacking homology. These results extend previous evidence for the existence of a D. melanogaster homologue of c-myb and identify two highly conserved and therefore presumably functionally important domains of c-myb proteins. DNA-binding experiments indicate that the NH2-proximal of the two homology regions functions as a DNA-binding domain. Based on the absence of the COOH-proximal homology region in truncated oncogenic derivatives of c-myb it is likely that this homology region encodes a function whose loss is involved in activating the oncogenic potential of c-myb.  相似文献   

Radioligands for DAT and VMAT2 are widely used presynaptic markers for assessing dopamine (DA) nerve terminals in Parkinson disease (PD). Previous in vivo imaging and postmortem studies suggest that these transporter sites may be regulated as the numbers of nigrostriatal neurons change in pathologic conditions. To investigate this issue, we used in vitro quantitative autoradioradiography to measure striatal DAT and VMAT2 specific binding in postmortem brain from 14 monkeys after unilateral internal carotid artery infusion of 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) with doses varying from 0 to 0.31 mg/kg. Quantitative estimates of the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in substantia nigra (SN) were determined with unbiased stereology, and quantitative autoradiography was used to measure DAT and VMAT2 striatal specific binding. Striatal VMAT2 and DAT binding correlated with striatal DA (rs = 0.83, rs = 0.80, respectively, both with n = 14, p<0.001) but only with nigra TH-ir cells when nigral cell loss was 50% or less (r = 0.93, n = 8, p = 0.001 and r = 0.91, n = 8, p = 0.002 respectively). Reduction of VMAT2 and DAT striatal specific binding sites strongly correlated with each other (r = 0.93, n = 14, p<0.0005). These similar changes in DAT and VMAT2 binding sites in the striatal terminal fields of the surviving nigrostriatal neurons demonstrate that there is no differential regulation of these two sites at 2 months after MPTP infusion.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is driven by a mechanism which is characterized by an orderly congregation of a large number of proteins which effectuate, first, formation of a coated vesicles, second, pinching off the vesicle and, third, regulated transport. True to the nature of many other proteins involved in multimolecular complexes, also endocytosis-associated proteins, such as Eps15, clathrin and AP-2, are characterized by distinct domains which mediate the protein-protein interactions. We now report that a group of well-established endocytosis and/or vesicular trafficking proteins possess a VHS domain, a recently described domain with an unknown function. We suggest that in these proteins VHS serves as a membrane targeting domain which by its specific features together with FYVE, SH3 and/or TAM domains, which are also present in some VHS-containing proteins, is involved in the stage-specific assembly of the endocytic machinery.  相似文献   

Silnoon (Sln) is a monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) that mediates active transport of metabolic monocarboxylates such as butyrate and lactate. Here, we identify Sln as a novel LKB1-interacting protein using Drosophila melanogaster genetic modifier screening. Sln expression does not affect cell cycle progression or cell size but specifically enhances LKB1-dependent apoptosis and tissue size reduction. Conversely, down-regulation of Sln suppresses LKB1-dependent apoptosis, implicating Sln as a downstream mediator of LKB1. The kinase activity of LKB1 induces apical trafficking of Sln in polarized cells, and LKB1-dependent Sln trafficking is crucial for triggering apoptosis induced by extracellular butyrate. Given that LKB1 functions to control both epithelial polarity and cell death, we propose Sln is an important downstream target of LKB1.  相似文献   

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