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A 50 m-long radiocarbon dated core was studied through sediment and pollen analysis to reconstruct the Holocene mangrove and environmental changes at a coastal site Pakhiralaya in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in the western Ganga–Brahmaputra Delta, India. This biosphere reserve harbours a diverse mangrove ecosystem and supports a large number of people living in the area. Pollen and stratigraphic data indicate the existence of a brackish water estuarine mangrove swamp forest in this area during the last 9880 cal yr b.p. The development of the mangrove forest is not shown continuously in the Holocene record. Rapid transgression of the sea (9240 cal yr b.p.) halted the development of the mangrove. After about 8420 cal yr b.p. mangrove recolonised the area and persisted until 7560 cal yr b.p. as a result of a balance between the sedimentation and sea level fluctuation. The mangrove disappeared again from the site until 4800 cal yr b.p. because of a high sedimentation rate and possible delta progradation with loss of habitats. The reappearance of mangrove at the study site occurred with a return of a brackish water estuarine environment and the site then gradually became supra tidal during the mid-late Holocene. The continuity of the mangrove development and dynamics was interrupted by the fluctuating sea levels. Climatic fluctuations were viewed as an indirect factor influencing the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   



Measurement of malaria endemicity is typically based on vector or parasite measures. A complementary approach is the detection of parasite specific IgG antibodies. We determined the antibody levels and seroconversion rates to both P. vivax and P. falciparum merozoite antigens in individuals living in areas of varying P. vivax endemicity in Pará state, Brazilian Amazon region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The prevalence of antibodies to recombinant antigens from P. vivax and P. falciparum was determined in 1,330 individuals. Cross sectional surveys were conducted in the north of Brazil in Anajás, Belém, Goianésia do Pará, Jacareacanga, Itaituba, Trairão, all in the Pará state, and Sucuriju, a free-malaria site in the neighboring state Amapá. Seroprevalence to any P. vivax antigens (MSP1 or AMA-1) was 52.5%, whereas 24.7% of the individuals were seropositive to any P. falciparum antigens (MSP1 or AMA-1). For P. vivax antigens, the seroconversion rates (SCR) ranged from 0.005 (Sucuriju) to 0.201 (Goianésia do Pará), and are strongly correlated to the corresponding Annual Parasite Index (API). We detected two sites with distinct characteristics: Goianésia do Pará where seroprevalence curve does not change with age, and Sucuriju where seroprevalence curve is better described by a model with two SCRs compatible with a decrease in force of infection occurred 14 years ago (from 0.069 to 0.005). For P. falciparum antigens, current SCR estimates varied from 0.002 (Belém) to 0.018 (Goianésia do Pará). We also detected a putative decrease in disease transmission occurred ∼29 years ago in Anajás, Goianésia do Pará, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, and Trairão.


We observed heterogeneity of serological indices across study sites with different endemicity levels and temporal changes in the force of infection in some of the sites. Our study provides further evidence that serology can be used to measure and monitor transmission of both major species of malaria parasite.  相似文献   

Late-glacial and Holocene vegetational and climate dynamics and human impact of the eastern Amazon rain forest in the coastal region of eastern Pará State in northern Brazil have been studied in two sedimentary recores from Lagoa da Curu?a. Seven radiocarbon dates provide the chronology for two pollen and charcoal records starting from 11,700 and 9440 uncal B. P. to present. Dense and high diverse terra firme Amazon rain forest in the coastal area shows that there was no savanna during the Late-glacial period. The occurrence of Podocarpus trees in the coastal region during the Late-glacial indicate wet and markedly colder conditions at that time. A possible habitat for Pleistocene populations of Podocarpus trees which are now also evident from several other Amazon regions is discussed. There were no rain forest fires between 11,700 and 10,840 uncal B. P. The increase of charcoal particles in the lake deposits after this period suggest an early Amerindian occupation of the coastal region. Received March 26, 2001 / Accepted August 8, 2001  相似文献   

Although diversified forest management is promoted as a strategy aimed at slowing tropical deforestation, little is known about the viability of integrating timber and non-timber forest products in the same forest management plans. In this study we offer an initial characterization of multi-purpose tree species in the State of Pará, the principal Amazonian logging region. We identify the species used for both timber and non-timber extraction, and classify these according to their commercial value. We relate multi-purpose species to their ecological traits, the type of non-timber forest use and the fraction of the tree harvested. Although a high number of species present a potential conflict of use, this conflict is only relevant in four of them: D. odorata, T. serratifolia, T. impetiginosa and H. courbaril. Nevertheless, the nature and relevance of this conflict will ultimately depend on the importance that the non-timber use has for the livelihoods of forest-dependant people, the commercial value and the ecological resilience of these species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the seroprevalence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection in wild New World monkeys (Cebus sp. and Alouatta caraya). A total of 93 animals (Cebus sp., n = 68 and Alouatta caraya, n = 25) were captured in the Paraná River basin, Paraná State, Brazil and the serum samples were analyzed by ELISA and immunodiffusion using P. brasiliensis gp43 and exoantigen as antigens, respectively. The seropositivity observed by ELISA was 44.1% and 60% for Cebus sp. and A. caraya, respectively, while by immunodiffusion test Cebus sp. showed positivity of 2.9% only. No significant difference was observed in relation to age and sex. This is the first report of paracoccidioidomycosis in wild capuchin monkeys and in wild-black and golden-howler monkeys. The high positivity to P. brasiliensis infection in both species evaluated in our study and the positivity by immunodiffusion test in Cebus sp. suggest that natural disease may be occurring in wild monkeys living in paracoccidioidomycosis endemic areas.  相似文献   

With the purpose of analyzing the horizontal distribution of the zooplankton community of the Tucuruí Reservoir in the State of Pará, Brazil, collections were made at 16 stations during August 1988. The stations cover the regions called Caraipé (C), Ara?agi (B) and Arar?o (A), and represent the different compartments of this ecosystem in regard to the morphometry and the presence or absence of "flooded forest". Our findings showed the existence of three compartments with different limnological characteristics determined as a function of the system's morphometry, a factor that may have influenced the horizontal circulation of the reservoir's water and, consequently, led to physical, chemical and biological differences at each of the sampled stations. All the stations presented physical and chemical stratification and layers of total anoxia or reduced concentrations of oxygen dissolved at depths corresponding to the limit of the euphotic zone. With regard to the zooplankton, a differentiated distribution that was mainly quantitative was found among the compartments (density of organisms and proportion among the species) in the case of Cladocera and Copepoda, and basically qualitative in the case of Rotifera. On the other hand, the greatest densities of organisms for all the groups were recorded at the Caraipé stations. As for the spatial distribution, some species were more restricted or more abundant at given stations. Among the Cladocera, there was a greater abundance of Moina minuta, Bosmina hagmani and Bosminopsis deitersi at the Ara?agi stations, while C. cornuta intermedia, C. cornuta rigaudi and C. cornuta cornuta were more plentiful in the Caraipé and Diaphanosoma birgei in the Arar?o. Among the Rotifera, Trochosphaera aequatoriales and Lecane proiecta, Ascomorpha ecaudis, besides Polyartha cf vulgaris were restricted, respectively, to the Caraipé, Ara?agi and Arar?o stations, while the others, such as Keratella americana and Collotheca sp., were more broadly distributed. As regards Copepoda Calanoida, the dominating species was found to be Notodiaptomus maracaibenses, followed by Notodiaptomus henseni and Argyrodiaptomus azevedoi. The most abundant Cyclopoda species was Thermocyclops minutus, although Thermocyclops decipiens, Mesocyclops longisetus, Mesocyclops meridianus e Metacyclops sp. were also found.  相似文献   

BackgroundLeprosy remains a public health problem in Brazil. Although the overall number of new cases is declining, there are still areas with a high disease burden, such as Pará State in the north of the country. We aim to predict future trends in new case detection rate (NCDR) and explore the potential impact of contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis on NCDR in Pará State.MethodsWe used SIMCOLEP, an existing individual-based model for the transmission and control of M. leprae, in a population structured by households. The model was quantified to simulate the population and observed NCDR of leprosy in Pará State for the period 1990 to 2014. The baseline scenario was the current control program, consisting of multidrug therapy, passive case detection, and active case detection from 2003 onwards. Future projections of the NCDR were made until 2050 given the continuation of the current control program (i.e. baseline). We further investigated the potential impact of two scenarios for future control of leprosy: 1) discontinuation of contact tracing; and 2) continuation of current control in combination with chemoprophylaxis. Both scenarios started in 2015 and were projected until 2050.ResultsThe modelled NCDR in Pará State after 2014 shows a continuous downward trend, reaching the official elimination target of 10 cases per 100,000 population by 2030. The cessation of systematic contact tracing would not result in a higher NCDR in the long run. Systematic contact tracing in combination with chemoprophylaxis for contacts would reduce the NCDR by 40% and bring attainment of the elimination target two years forward to 2028.ConclusionThe NCDR of leprosy continues to decrease in Pará State. Elimination of leprosy as a public health problem could possibly be achieved around 2030, if the current control program is maintained. Providing chemoprophylaxis would decrease the NCDR further and would bring elimination forward by two years.  相似文献   

Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) belenensis n. sp. is described using light and scanning electron microcopy, based on specimens taken from Ageneiosus ucayalensis, Castelnau, 1855 (Pisces: Siluriforme), a freshwater fish commonly called mandubé, in Pard State, Brazil; Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rarus is recorded from the same host. To our knowledge there are no previous reports of nematodes from this fish species. Procamallanus (S.) belenensis is characterized by the presence of 8-13 cuticular spiral thickenings coating 2/3 of posterior region of the buccal capsule of males and females (the anterior third is smooth); small sub-equal spicules; 3 and 4-5 pairs of pre- and post-cloacal papillae, respectively; the proportion of muscular and glandular esophagus is 1:1.5-2; males present 2 spike-like projections at the tail tip, which are absent in females by light microscopy. The most closely related species are Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pintoi. The new species differs from the most closely related species by the presence of 8-10 cuticular spiral thickenings in the buccal capsule of males and 9-13 in the females, 8 pairs of male clocal papillae (3 pre- and 5 post-cloacal, respectively), and only males bearing 2 minute, spike-like projections at the posterior end.  相似文献   

As part of an integrated forest vegetation and soil survey, tree species composition (DBH 10 cm) was recorded in 95 plots of 0.1 ha, distributed over the principal physiographic units in the middle Caquetá area, Colombian Amazonia. A total of 1077 tree species was found, classified into 271 genera and 60 families. Leguminosae and Sapotaceae show high familial importance values in all physiographic units. Lauraceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Moraceae, and Lecythidaceae are more important on well drained (flood plain or upland) soils, while Palmae, Guttiferae, Bombacaceae, and Apocynaceae are more important in swamps and on podzolised (white sand'rs) soils. Plots on well drained soils show a lower degree of dominance than plots in swamps or on podzolised (white sand) soils. The composition of the most dominant species in the plots changes continuously. Most species (59%) are only recorded in one plot. Individual plot pairs generally show a low overlap of about 2–5 tree species, resulting in Jaccard coefficients below 20%.complementary to a previous forest classification based on TWINSPAN analyses, detrended and canonical correspondence analyses were carried out, using CANOCO 3.1. Despite of a low amount of tree species variance explained (only 6.2% by the first two canonical axes), meaningful patterns of tree species composition were recognised. These are most strongly related to drainage, flooding, humus forms, and soil nutrient status. Forest types are well separated in the CCA ordination diagram. The most frequently found tree species are listed according to their preference with respect to drainage, flooding, and soil nutrient status.Tree species composition in the well drained upland forests was analysed separately. In view of the model explaining high NW Amazonian tree species diversity on the basis of dense community packing and high beta diversity along soil gradients, the canonical analysis here focused on the effect of soils. By means of partial canonical ordination it was found that patterns of tree species composition depended significantly on soil properties, even though the edaphic component explains only a small fraction of the tree species variance. The results show that the well drained uplands of the middle Caquetá area are covered by a complex of two intergrading tree species assemblages. The first assemblage (community of Goupia glabra-Clathrotropis macrocarpa) is associated to some-what less poor, clayey soils developed in Andean origin deposits or Tertiary sediments from the Pebas formation. The second assemblage (community of Swartzia schomburgkii-Clathrotropis macrocarpa) shows affinities to very poor, loamy soils developed in parent materials derived from the Guiana shield. This simple dichotomous pattern of geology, soils, and forest types is incompatible with concepts of high soil heterogeneity and associated beta diversity controlling tree species diversity in well drained uplands of NW Amazonia. The gradient length of tree species in the detrended correspondence analysis was low (3.7 SD), also suggesting a low beta diversity.  相似文献   

Vegetation changes during the Holocene in the North Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina. Wetlands are very important sites for palynological studies, since they represent one of the most suitable environments for fossil pollen preservation. The aim of this work was to determine, by palynological analysis of lacustrine sediments, the vegetal communities and the predominant environment during the Holocene in NW of Iberá. Two lagoons were studied: San Sebastián and San Juan Poriahú. Sediment samples were obtained with witness using a "Levingstone square-rod sampler", processed with Faegri e Iversen techniques and dated with C14. The palynological graphs were divided in zones using the Tilia program. The palynological analysis allowed visualizing diverse changes in the vegetation: from 6 140 +/- 50 to 5 170 +/- 100 a. C., the NW of Iberá was characterized by marsh-herbaceous vegetation and arboreal vegetation typical of dry vegetation. From 5 170 +/- 100 to 3 460 +/- 60 a. C., a decrease in the species frequency, typical of wet environments, is produced, and the clogging of the waterbody, from 3460 +/- 60 a. C. onwards, while continuing the dominance of herbaceous vegetation typical of these environments, the arboreal pollen, indicates the beginning of a hygrophilous forest development.  相似文献   

In eleven sites on two small tributaries of the Paraná River (North-West Paraná State), 6.8 and 4.0 km in length, 1263 fish specimens of 28 taxons and 14 families were collected using electrofishing. Up to twelve years ago the catchments of the two rivers were covered by tropical jungle; this has now been replaced by pasture and arable fields. Mean diversity indices of Simpson and Shannon indices were close to 0.6, which would indicate that human impact affected fish populations although the river beds have retained their original shape, except cleared of riparian trees. Despite their close location (about 18 km), the two streams differed from each other in their fish faunal composition. The distinctive nature of the fish communities in the two streams was a result of: conductivity, pH, also hiding places, riparian vegetation, submerged macrophytes and depth and width of the rivers.  相似文献   

It is always a pleasant but not alwaysso easy task to write an introduction -ashort one- on the subject of Amazônia.The region is so rich in nature andculture, history and myths, that thedifficulty is to keep these aspectscompletely separated from each other, as inany interdisciplinary research.Fortunately, the layout of this edition hasleft a bit of extra space in thisintroduction for, besides the numbers andfacts, some etymology, discovery voyagesand old maps ¨.  相似文献   

A sediment core encompassing the last 2000 years was extracted from Lake Laja, Chile, (36°54′S, 71°05′W) using an Uwitec drilling platform. The sediment was subsampled for loss on ignition, nutrients, biogenic silica, and biological proxies (diatoms, chironomids, pollen). The sedimentary profile was characterized by several coarse volcanic layers. Loss on ignition, nutrients, and biogenic silica showed an increasing trend that suggests a recent shift to a higher trophic status. Diatom assemblages also suggested higher nutrient content with increased abundances of Aulacoseira granulata, A. distans, and Asterionella formosa. At the same time, a marked change in the benthic and facultative planktonic taxa may be associated with cooling. This period of change coincides with the European Little Ice Age (LIA). The chironomid profile showed four key zones distinguished largely by changes in the abundance of Tanytarsini, Parachironomus, and Macropelopia. Like diatoms, chironomids also seemed to reflect a shift to higher trophic conditions in the upper part reflected by increasing abundance of taxa such as Tribelos/Phaenopsectra, Cricotopus/Orthocladius, and Ablabesmyia. The most striking feature in the chironomid assemblage is the abundance of Podonominae, Parapsectrocladius, and Limnophyes/Compterosmittia, which could be associated with a cold-dry period between 1500 and 1900 AD in Lake Laja (the period of the European LIA). Pollen assemblages indicated fluctuations in humidity through changes in Nothofagus dombeyi-type, Poaceae, and Ephedra, and we inferred a strong human impact over the last 100 years from the appearance of Plantago and increased levels of Poaceae and Asteraceae subf. Cichorioidae. Finally, the three proxies showed the occurrence of a cold-dry event in Lake Laja (~1550–1900 AD), which roughly coincides with the European LIA. However the data from this research, does not prove neither rejects the existence of the occurrence of the MWP in the central Andes.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the last ca. 8,000 years in the Tres Lagunas region of the Quimsacocha volcanic basin (ca. 3,800 m a.s.l.) in the southwestern Ecuadorian Andes. By means of a pollen and charcoal record, we analysed vegetation, fire, and climate history of this area, which is sensitive to climatic changes of both the Pacific as well as of the eastern Andes and Amazon region. Sediment deposits, pronounced increases of pollen and charcoal concentrations, and pollen taxa reflect warmer and drier conditions in the early to mid-Holocene (~8000 to 3900 cal. b.p.). During the late Holocene (2250 to −57 cal. b.p.), five warm and cold phases occurred at Quimsacocha. The most prominent cold phase possibly corresponds to the globally recognized Little Ice Age (LIA; ~600 to 100 cal. b.p.). The cold phase signal at Quimsacocha was characterized by a higher abundance of Poaceae, Iso?tes and Gentianella, which are favoured by cold and moist conditions. Frequent charcoal particles can be recorded since the early to mid-Holocene (~7600 b.p.). The high Andean tree species Polylepis underwent several phases of degradation and re-establishment in the basin, which could indicate the use of fire by pre-Columbian settlers to enhance the growth of preferred herb species. The Tres Lagunas record suggests that human populations have been influencing the environment around Quimsacocha since the last ca. 8,000 years.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization was measured in the most abundant plant species of the Paraguaná Peninsula, northwestern Venezuela. These plant species included: Acacia tortuosa, Argusia gnaphalodes, Croton punctatus, Croton rhamnifolius, Egletes prostrata, Melochia tomentosa, Panicum vaginatum, Scaevola plumieri, Sporobolus virginicus, Suriana maritima, Leptothrium rigidum, and Fimbristylis cymosa. Mycorrhizal colonization was assessed using the Trouvelot et al. (1986) method that allows for simultaneous evaluation of frequency of colonization (%F), intensity of colonization (%M), and the proportion of arbuscules (%A) and vesicles (%V) present in the roots. Average frequency of colonization was 69%. The highest frequency of colonization was around 92% in C. rhamnifolius and A. tortuosa; in the other species, it varied from 49 to 86%. L. rigidum and F. cymosa were considered nonmycorrhizal because its colonization was very scarce and at all times appeared without arbuscules. Average intensity of colonization was 7%. The highest intensity of colonization was 18% in C. rhamnifolius. In the other species, it varied from 3 to 15%. Paspalum vaginatum, A. gnaphalodes, M. tomentosa, and S. maritima had their fungal structures tightly packed in modified little ovoid roots. In general, frequency of AM colonization was high and similar to those reported for other tropical ecosystems, whereas the intensity of AM colonization was low and similar to values obtained in analogous studies in disturbed ecosystems.  相似文献   

More than 1200 vascular plant species, distributed over 369 genera and 112 families were encountered in ten plots of 0.1 ha in the humid evergreen rain forests of the middle Caquetá area in eastern Colombia. The total number of vascular plant species in the two most diverse plots ranged from 310 to 313 species 0.1 ha-1. These values indicate that high levels of vascular plant species densities may be encountered all over NW Amazonia, including the Colombian Amazon. The floodplain plots contained fewer vascular plant species and families than the well-drained upland plots. The high species density in the well-drained upland plots was mostly due to comparatively large numbers of species found among the very slender trees of diameter at breast (DBH)2.5 cm. Small and slender treelets (DBH < 10 cm) are by far the most species rich habit group. About 50% of the total number of vascular plant species in the plots was exclusively collected with a diameter of less than 2.5 cm. Shrubs, (hemi)epiphytes, and climbers were present with relatively few species. Many of the most species-rich families were tree families. The highest species richness was principally found among tree genera, as well. In this respect the floristic sample from the ten species count plots combined shows much affinity to the local florula around Manaus.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary vegetation, fire and climate dynamics were studied by pollen and charcoal analysis on a sediment core from near the summit of the Serra do Araçatuba at 1500 m elevation, part of the Serra do Mar coastal mountains of Paraná State, southern Brazil. Three radiocarbon dates indicate that clay and peat were deposited in a shallow basin during the last 14,880 b.p. Accumulation was probably continuous, but sedimentary gaps during the dry mid Holocene cannot be excluded. During late-glacial times the upper coastal mountain were covered with grassland, reflecting relatively dry and cold climatic conditions. Large areas of natural grasslands remained in the upper mountain region during the Holocene. Only after 2000 b.p. did Araucaria forest trees, specially Ilex, some Atlantic forest trees as well as the pioneer Myrsine move to higher elevations, reflecting markedly wetter climatic conditions. This expansion stopped and the forest areas were reduced significantly by human activities during about the last 200–300 years. The modern grassland vegetation of the uppermost mountains may reflect the natural setting, but may also partly result from post-Columbian human activities. Fires were rare during the late Pleistocene and even less frequent during the early and mid Holocene. During the wettest recorded period of the late Holocene fires increased markedly and are therefore most probably of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Permian plant fossils have never been reported from the Shan Plateau in eastern Myanmar. Recently, a black to gray carbonaceous mudstone unit containing abundant plant fossils was discovered just below the lowest part of Thitspin Limestone Formation from the Linwe Area, eastern Myanmar. Although only five taxa were identified, the plant assemblage provides the first evidence of the occurrence of Cathaysian elements in eastern Myanmar and potentially indicates the presence of a highly diverse Permian flora. Among the five species, Cordaites principalis and Annularia mucronata were cosmopolitan species; while Callipteridum cf. koraiense, Taeniopteris crassinervis Mo and Rhipidopsis lobata were mostly recorded in the Cathaysia Flora. Therefore, the present assemblage generally indicates a palaeobiogeographical affinity to the Cathaysian Province. Stratigraphically, Callipteridum cf. koraiense was mainly reported from Cisuralian to Wordian; whereas Taeniopteris crasssnervis Mo and Rhipidopsis lobata were recorded from Capitanian to Changhsingian, which suggests a general Permian age based on the plant assemblage itself only. However, the carbonaceous mudstone at the outcrop is overlain by the Thitspin Limestone Formation containing middle Guadalupian fusulinids. Based on previous faunal analyses, the Sibumasu terrane contains typical Gondwanan cold-water faunas during the early Cisuralian, warm-water faunas occurred after Sakmarian. Thus, age of the fossil-plant-containing carbonaceous mudstone is very likely between late Cisuralian and early Guadalupian as constrained by its overlying fusulinids and its warm Cathaysian palaeobiogeographical affinity.  相似文献   

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