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Differential dissociation of histone tails from core chromatin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
I O Walker 《Biochemistry》1984,23(23):5622-5628
The dissociation of the trypsin-sensitive basic tails of the core histones in core chromatin has been followed as a function of [NaCl] using proton NMR spectroscopy. The tails dissociate in a highly cooperative all or none manner over the salt concentration range 0.2-0.6 M, that is, below the salt concentration required to dissociate the complete molecule. Assuming that each basic tail dissociates independently, the total number of salt linkages involved in binding the tails to DNA is 103. This equals the number of basic side chains in the tails of an octamer. The standard free energy of dissociation, delta G degree, in 1 M NaCl at 297 K is 3.6 kcal/mol. Temperature had no effect on the extent of dissociation up to 45 degrees C. However, between 45 and 65 degrees C, where the premelting transition in the core chromatin occurs, the tails dissociated completely. Dissociation of the tails was associated with a conformational transition in the DNA consistent with loss of supercoiling. From this, and the results of a previous study, it can be shown that the structured, trypsin-resistant domain of each core histone octamer makes 100 salt linkages to DNA. Thus, in 10 mM salt, each core octamer makes a total of 203 salt linkages to DNA.  相似文献   

Is linker DNA bent in the 30‐nm chromatin fiber at physiological conditions? We show here that electrostatic interactions between linker DNA and histone tails including salt condensation and release may bend linker DNA, thus affecting the higher order organization of chromatin. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 81: 20–28, 2006 This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Chromatin is a dynamic DNA scaffold structure that responds to a variety of external and internal stimuli to regulate the fundamental biological processes. Majority of the cases chromatin dynamicity is exhibited through chemical modifications and physical changes between DNA and histones. These modifications are reversible and complex signaling pathways involving chromatin-modifying enzymes regulate the fluidity of chromatin. Fluidity of chromatin can also be impacted through irreversible change, proteolytic processing of histones which is a poorly understood phenomenon. In recent studies, histone proteolysis has been implicated as a regulatory process involved in the permanent removal of epigenetic marks from histones. Activities responsible for clipping of histone tails and their significance in various biological processes have been observed in several organisms. Here, we have reviewed the properties of some of the known histone proteases, analyzed their significance in biological processes and have provided future directions.  相似文献   

We conducted molecular dynamics computer simulations of charged histone tail-DNA interactions in systems mimicking nucleosome core particles (NCP) . In a coarse-grained model, the NCP is modeled as a negatively charged spherical particle with flexible polycationic histone tails attached to it in a dielectric continuum with explicit mobile counterions and added salt. The size, charge, and distribution of the tails relative to the core were built to mimick real NCP. In this way, we incorporate attractive ion-ion correlation effects due to fluctuations in the ion cloud and the attractive entropic and energetic tail-bridging effects. In agreement with experimental data, increase of monovalent salt content from salt-free to physiological concentration leads to the formation of NCP aggregates; likewise, in the presence of MgCl2, the NCPs form condensed systems via histone-tail bridging and accumulation of counterions. More detailed mechanisms of the histone tail-DNA interactions and dynamics have been obtained from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations (including water), comprising three DNA 22-mers and 14 short fragments of the H4 histone tail (amino acids 5–12) carrying three positive charges on lysine+ interacting with DNA. We found correlation of the DNA-DNA distance with the presence and association of the histone tail between the DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Df31 is a small hydrophilic protein from Drosophila melanogaster that can act as a histone chaperone in vitro. The protein is also detected as an integral component of chromatin, present at approximately the same level as histone H1. We have developed a simple assay to measure protein binding to oligonucleosomes and used it to characterise the DF31-oligonucleosome interaction. DF31 bound to chromatin in vitro at a level comparable to that observed in vivo. The DF31-chromatin interaction required the presence of core histone tails but binding was independent of the presence of H1 in the chromatin. Multiple regions of DF31 contributed to the interaction. Df31-chromatin binding still occurred on chromatin containing only H3/4, and cross-linking experiments showed that Df31 made intimate contact with H3, suggesting that this might be the primary contact site. Finally, using immobilised chromatin templates, we showed that DF31 promoted interstrand bridging between two independent oligonucleosome chains. These results provide strong evidence for a structural role of DF31 in chromatin folding and give an indication of the mechanism involved.  相似文献   

The 13C NMR spectrum of isolated nucleosome core particles contains many sharp resonances, including resonances of alpha- and beta-carbons, indicating that certain terminal segments of histones rich in basic residues are highly mobile (Hilliard, R. R., Jr., Smith, R. M., and Rill, R. L. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 5992-5998). Specific histone termini can be removed sequentially from nucleosome core particles by mild treatment with alpha-chymotrypsin or chymotrypsin plus trypsin (Rosenberg, N. L., Smith. R. M., and Rill, R. L. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 12375-12383). Comparisons of the 13C NMR spectra of native and several partially proteolyzed core particles indicated that a minimum of residues 1-20 of H3 and 1-11 and 118-128 of H2a are contained in mobile segments of native cores. H4 did not appear to contribute to the resonances from mobile histone segments, but a possible contribution of H2b residues 1-16 could not be ruled out. The 13C NMR spectra of oligonucleosomes containing and lacking lysine-rich histones (H1, H5) were similar to each other and to that of native nucleosome cores both when the oligonucleosomes were in an extended conformation at low ionic strength and when they were in a more compact conformation at higher ionic strength. This similarity suggests that histones H1 and H5 must be largely immobilized upon chromatin binding and that the segments of core histones that are mobile in isolated nucleosome cores are not strongly bound to adjacent linker regions in intact chromatin, and are not immobilized by compaction to the degree achieved in 50 mM phosphate buffer.  相似文献   

Protein modules   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
As the database of protein sequences grows it is becoming apparent that many proteins are constructed from relatively few modular units that appear many times. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of such modules by NMR has been possible due to their production in relatively large quantities by recombinant DNA techniques. The knowledge gained about the structure of individual modules can then be used to predict their properties in a variety of intact proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast chromatin, isolated by a rapid procedure contains in addition to histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 a fifth major basic protein. This fifth polypeptide is not an intrinsic component of the nucleosome structure. It has properties of both histone and nonhistone proteins and might represent an early form of histone H1 and of high mobility group nonhistone proteins of higher eukaryotes.Electron microscopic visualization of isolated yeast nucleosomes substantiates further the similarity of the chromatin structure of this unicellular eukaryote to that of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Recently, we developed an in vitro system using human uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG), AP endonuclease (APE), DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) and rotationally positioned DNA containing a single uracil associated with a 'designed' nucleosome, to test short-patch base excision repair (BER) in chromatin. We found that UDG and APE carry out their catalytic activities with reduced efficiency on nucleosome substrates, showing a distinction between uracil facing 'out' or 'in' from the histone surface, while DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) is completely inhibited by nucleosome formation. In this report, we tested the inhibition of BER enzymes by the N-terminal 'tails' of core histones that take part in both inter- and intra-nucleosome interactions, and contain sites of post-translational modifications. Histone tails were removed by limited trypsin digestion of 'donor' nucleosome core particles and histone octamers were exchanged onto a nucleosome-positioning DNA sequence containing a single G:U mismatch. The data indicate that UDG and APE activities are not significantly enhanced with tailless nucleosomes, and the distinction between rotational settings of uracil on the histone surface is unaffected. More importantly, the inhibition of pol beta activity is not relieved by removal of the histone tails, even though these tails interact with DNA in the G:U mismatch region. Finally, inclusion of X-ray cross complement group protein 1 (XRCC1) or Werner syndrome protein (WRN) had no effect on the BER reactions. Thus, additional activities may be required in cells for efficient BER of at least some structural domains in chromatin.  相似文献   

Conserved protein sequence segments are commonly believed to correspond to functional sites in the protein sequence. A novel approach is proposed to profile the changing degree of conservation along the protein sequence, by evaluating the occurrence frequencies of all short oligopeptides of the given sequence in a large proteome database. Thus, a protein sequence conservation profile can be plotted for every protein. The profile indicates where along the sequences the potential functional (conserved) sites are located. The corresponding oligopeptides belonging to the sites are very frequent across many prokaryotic species. Analysis of a representative set of such profiles reveals a common feature of all examined proteins: they consist of sequence modules represented by the peaks of conservation. Typical size of the modules (peak-to-peak distance) is 25-30 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

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