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Ubiquitylation is used to target proteins into a large number of different biological processes including proteasomal degradation, endocytosis, virus budding, and vacuolar protein sorting (Vps). Ubiquitylated proteins are typically recognized using one of several different conserved ubiquitin binding modules. Here, we report the crystal structure and ubiquitin binding properties of one such module, the ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM). We found that UIM peptides from several proteins involved in endocytosis and vacuolar protein sorting including Hrs, Vps27p, Stam1, and Eps15 bound specifically, but with modest affinity (Kd = 0.1-1 mm), to free ubiquitin. Full affinity ubiquitin binding required the presence of conserved acidic patches at the N and C terminus of the UIM, as well as highly conserved central alanine and serine residues. NMR chemical shift perturbation mapping experiments demonstrated that all of these UIM peptides bind to the I44 surface of ubiquitin. The 1.45 A resolution crystal structure of the second yeast Vps27p UIM (Vps27p-2) revealed that the ubiquitin-interacting motif forms an amphipathic helix. Although Vps27p-2 is monomeric in solution, the motif unexpectedly crystallized as an antiparallel four-helix bundle, and the potential biological implications of UIM oligomerization are therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination, a modification in which single or multiple ubiquitin molecules are attached to a protein, serves signaling functions that control several cellular processes. The ubiquitination signal is recognized by downstream effectors, many of which carry a ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM). Such interactions can be modulated by regulators carrying a ubiquitin-like (UbL) domain, which binds UIM by mimicking ubiquitination. Of them, HR23B regulates the proteasomal targeting of ubiquitinated substrates, DNA repair factors, and other proteins. Here we report the structure of the UIM of the proteasome subunit S5a bound to the UbL domain of HR23B. The UbL domain presents one hydrophobic and two polar contact sites for interaction with UIM. The residues in these contact sites are well conserved in ubiquitin, but ubiquitin also presents a histidine at the interface. The pH-dependent protonation of this residue interferes with the access of ubiquitin to the UIM and the ubiquitin-associated domain (UBA), and its mutation to a smaller residue increases the affinity of ubiquitin for UIM.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) attachment to cell surface proteins causes their lysosomal degradation by incorporating them into lumenal membranes of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Two yeast endosomal protein complexes have been proposed as Ub-sorting "receptors," the Vps27-Hse1 complex and the ESCRT-I complex. We used NMR spectroscopy and mutagenesis studies to map the Ub-binding surface for Vps27 and Vps23. Mutations in Ub that ablate only Vps27 binding or Vps23 binding blocked the ability of Ub to serve as an MVB sorting signal, supporting the idea that both the Vps27-Hse1 and ESCRT-I complexes interact with ubiquitinated cargo. Vps27 also bound Vps23 directly via two PSDP motifs present within the Vps27 COOH terminus. Loss of Vps27-Vps23 association led to less efficient sorting into the endosomal lumen. However, sorting of vacuolar proteases or the overall biogenesis of the MVB were not grossly affected. In contrast, disrupting interaction between Vps27 and Hse1 caused severe defects in carboxy peptidase Y sorting and MVB formation. These results indicate that both Ub-sorting complexes are coupled for efficient recognition of ubiquitinated cargo.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) is a short, approximately 20 residue, structural element, which is present in, but not limited to, the proteins involved in endocytotic and proteasomal degradation. UIMs facilitate endocytotic vesicular sorting of the monoubiquitinated proteins and may be important for the targeting of the polyubiquitinated proteins to the proteasome. Using heteronuclear NMR backbone and side-chain chemical shift mapping of the ubiquitin interaction surface, the UIM from the hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, Hrs, specifically binds to the ubiquitin hydrophobic surface using UIM's well-conserved central helical LALAL motif. Molecular modeling of the ubiquitin:UIM_Hrs complex suggests that binding occurs through a specific interaction of Leu263 and Leu267 of the UIM_Hrs with two ubiquitin hydrophobic patches located in close proximity to the ubiquitin major polyubiquitination site, Lys48. Intramolecular binding of ubiquitin to a UIM in monoubiquitinated proteins would render Lys48 unavailable for further ubiquitination, thus, explaining the absolute requirement of UIMs for monoubiquitination. Two leucines, Leu265 and Leu269, located on the opposite face of UIM_Hrs can also interact, albeit less favorably than Leu263 and Leu267, with the ubiquitin hydrophobic patches, suggesting a possible mode for polyubiquitin:UIM binding and apparent preference of UIMs for polyubiquitins.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is driven by a mechanism which is characterized by an orderly congregation of a large number of proteins which effectuate, first, formation of a coated vesicles, second, pinching off the vesicle and, third, regulated transport. True to the nature of many other proteins involved in multimolecular complexes, also endocytosis-associated proteins, such as Eps15, clathrin and AP-2, are characterized by distinct domains which mediate the protein-protein interactions. We now report that a group of well-established endocytosis and/or vesicular trafficking proteins possess a VHS domain, a recently described domain with an unknown function. We suggest that in these proteins VHS serves as a membrane targeting domain which by its specific features together with FYVE, SH3 and/or TAM domains, which are also present in some VHS-containing proteins, is involved in the stage-specific assembly of the endocytic machinery.  相似文献   



The DM domain is a zinc finger-like DNA binding motif first identified in the sexual regulatory proteins Doublesex (DSX) and MAB-3, and is widely conserved among metazoans. DM domain proteins regulate sexual differentiation in at least three phyla and also control other aspects of development, including vertebrate segmentation. Most DM domain proteins share little similarity outside the DM domain. DSX and MAB-3 bind partially overlapping DNA sequences, and DSX has been shown to interact with DNA via the minor groove without inducing DNA bending. DSX and MAB-3 exhibit unusually high DNA sequence specificity relative to other minor groove binding proteins. No detailed analysis of DNA binding by the seven vertebrate DM domain proteins, DMRT1-DMRT7 has been reported, and thus it is unknown whether they recognize similar or diverse DNA sequences.  相似文献   

He X  Zhu G  Koelsch G  Rodgers KK  Zhang XC  Tang J 《Biochemistry》2003,42(42):12174-12180
Memapsin 2 (beta-secretase) is a membrane-associated aspartic protease that initiates the hydrolysis of beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) leading to the production of amyloid-beta and the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both memapsin 2 and APP are transported from the cell surface to endosomes where APP hydrolysis takes place. Thus, the intracellular transport mechanism of memapsin 2 is important for understanding the pathogenesis of AD. We have previously shown that the cytosolic domain of memapsin 2 contains an acid-cluster-dileucine (ACDL) motif that binds the VHS domain of GGA proteins (He et al. (2002) FEBS Lett. 524, 183-187). This mechanism is the presumed recognition step for the vesicular packaging of memapsin 2 for its transport to endosomes. The phosphorylation of a serine residue within the ACDL motif has been reported to regulate the recycling of memapsin 2 from early endosomes back to the cell surface. Here, we report a study on the memapsin 2/VHS domain interaction. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, the dissociation constant, K(d), values are 4.0 x 10(-4), 4.1 x 10(-4), and 3.1 x 10(-4) M for VHS domains from GGA1, GGA2, and GGA3, respectively. With the serine residue replaced by phosphoserine, the K(d) decreased about 10-, 4-, and 14-fold for the same three VHS domains. A crystal structure of the complex between memapsin 2 phosphoserine peptide and GGA1 VHS was solved at 2.6 A resolution. The side chain of the phosphoserine group does not interact with the VHS domain but forms an ionic interaction with the side chain of the C-terminal lysine of the ligand peptide. Energy calculation of the binding of native and phosphorylated peptides to VHS domains suggests that this intrapeptide ionic bond in solution may reduce the change in binding entropy and thus increase binding affinity.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination generally serves as a signal for targeting cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins to the proteasome for subsequent degradation. Recently, evidence has accumulated indicating that ubiquitination also plays an important role in targeting integral membrane proteins for degradation by the lytic vacuole or the lysosome. This article describes a conserved protein motif, based on a sequence of the proteasomal component Rpn10/S5a, that is known to recognize ubiquitin. The presence of this motif in Eps15, Epsin and HRS, proteins involved in ligand-activated receptor endocytosis and degradation, suggest a more general role in ubiquitin recognition.  相似文献   

The interaction of ribosomes with specific components of membranes is one of the central themes to the co-translational targeting and import of proteins. To examine ribosome binding to mammalian mitochondria, we used ribosome-nascent chain complexes (RNCs) to follow the in vitro binding of ribosomes that correspond to the initial targeting stage of proteins. Mitochondria were found to contain a limited number of RNC binding sites on the outer membrane. It required more than twice the amount of non-translating ribosomes to inhibit RNC binding by one-half, indicating that RNCs have a competitive binding advantage. In addition, we found that RNCs bind mainly through the ribosomal component and not the nascent chain. RNCs bind via protease-sensitive proteins on the outer membrane, as well as by protease-insensitive components suggesting that two classes of receptors exist. We also show that binding is sensitive to cation conditions. Nearly all of the binding was inhibited in 0.5 m KCl, indicating that they interact with the membrane primarily through electrostatic interactions. In addition, disruption of RNC structure by removing magnesium causes the complete inhibition of binding under normal binding conditions indicating that it is the intact ribosome that is crucial for binding and not the nascent chain. These findings support the hypothesis that the outer mitochondrial membrane contains receptors specific for ribosomes, which would support the conditions necessary for co-translational import.  相似文献   

Previously it was shown that Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes bound to thrombospondin by the interaction of the peptidic sequence, HPLQKTY, of the band 3 protein of infected erythrocytes, and the RGD motif of thrombospondin. Here, we show that falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes bind to immobilized fibronectin by the RGD sequence of fibronectin. Involvement of the HPLQKTY region of band 3 in binding was demonstrated by inhibition of adhesion of parasitized erythrocytes to fibronectin by an HPLQKTY-containing peptide and the binding of the HPLQKTY peptide to the RGD sequence of immobilized fibronectin. Since fibronectin occurs on endothelial cells and platelets, this interaction may contribute to the binding of falciparum-infected erythrocytes to such host cells.  相似文献   

Cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) is an allosteric activator and second messenger implicated in the regulation of a variety of biological processes in diverse bacteria. In Vibrio cholerae, c-di-GMP has been shown to inversely regulate biofilm-specific and virulence gene expression, suggesting that c-di-GMP signaling is important for the transition of V. cholerae from the environment to the host. However, the mechanism behind this regulation remains unknown. Recently, it was proposed that the PilZ protein domain represents a c-di-GMP-binding domain. Here we show that V. cholerae PilZ proteins bind c-di-GMP specifically and are involved in the regulation of biofilm formation, motility, and virulence. These findings confirm a role for PilZ proteins as c-di-GMP-sensing proteins within the c-di-GMP signaling network.  相似文献   

GGA (Golgi-localizing, gamma-adaptin ear homology domain, ARF-binding) proteins are potential effectors of ADP-ribosylation factors, are associated with the trans-Golgi network (TGN), and are involved in protein transport from this compartment. By yeast two-hybrid screening and subsequent two-hybrid and pull-down analyses, we have shown that GGA proteins, through their VHS (Vps27p/Hrs/STAM) domains, interact with acidic dileucine sequences found in the cytoplasmic domains of TGN-localized sorting receptors such as sortilin and mannose 6-phosphate receptor. A mutational analysis has revealed that a leucine pair and a cluster of acidic residues adjacent to the pair are mainly responsible for the interaction. A chimeric receptor with the sortilin cytoplasmic domain localizes to the TGN, whereas the chimeric receptor with a mutation at the leucine pair or the acidic cluster is mislocalized to punctate structures reminiscent of early endosomes. These results indicate that GGA proteins regulate the localization to or exit from the TGN of the sorting receptors.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of cell-surface receptors in mammals and facilitate a range of physiological responses triggered by a variety of ligands. GPCRs were thought to function as monomers, however it is now accepted that GPCR homo- and hetero-oligomers also exist and influence receptor properties. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe GPCR Mam2 is a pheromone-sensing receptor involved in mating and has previously been shown to form oligomers in vivo. The first transmembrane domain (TMD) of Mam2 contains a small-XXX-small motif, overrepresented in membrane proteins and well-known for promoting helix–helix interactions. An ortholog of Mam2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ste2, contains an analogous small-XXX-small motif which has been shown to contribute to receptor homo-oligomerization, localization and function. Here we have used experimental and computational techniques to characterize the role of the small-XXX-small motif in function and assembly of Mam2 for the first time. We find that disruption of the motif via mutagenesis leads to reduction of Mam2 TMD1 homo-oligomerization and pheromone-responsive cellular signaling of the full-length protein. It also impairs correct targeting to the plasma membrane. Mutation of the analogous motif in Ste2 yielded similar results, suggesting a conserved mechanism for assembly. Using co-expression of the two fungal receptors in conjunction with computational models, we demonstrate a functional change in G protein specificity and propose that this is brought about through hetero-dimeric interactions of Mam2 with Ste2 via the complementary small-XXX-small motifs. This highlights the potential of these motifs to affect a range of properties that can be investigated in other GPCRs.  相似文献   

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