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Site-directed modification of DNA duplexes by chemical ligation.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The efficiency of chemical ligation method have been demonstrated by assembling a number of DNA duplexes with modified sugar phosphate backbone. Condensation on a tetradecanucleotide template of hexa(penta)- and undecanucleotides differing only in the terminal nucleoside residue have been performed using water-soluble carbodiimide as a condensing agent. As was shown by comparing the efficiency of chemical ligation of single-strand breaks in those duplexes, the reaction rate rises 70 or 45 times if the 3'-OH group is substituted with an amino or phosphate group (the yield of products with a phosphoramidate or pyrophosphate bond is 96-100% in 6 d). Changes in the conformation of reacting groups caused by mismatched base pairs (A.A, A.C) as well as the hybrid rU.dA pair or an unpaired base make the template-directed condensation less effective. The thermal stability of DNA duplexes was assayed before and after the chemical ligation. Among all of the modified duplexes, only the duplex containing 3'-rU in the nick was found to be a substrate of T4 DNA ligase.  相似文献   

Various bacterial protein toxins and effectors target the actin cytoskeleton. At least three groups of toxins/effectors can be identified, which directly modify actin molecules. One group of toxins/effectors causes ADP-ribosylation of actin at arginine-177, thereby inhibiting actin polymerization. Members of this group are numerous binary actin-ADP-ribosylating exotoxins (e.g. Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin) as well as several bacterial ADP-ribosyltransferases (e.g. Salmonella enterica SpvB) which are not binary in structure. The second group includes toxins that modify actin to promote actin polymerization and the formation of actin aggregates. To this group belongs a toxin from the Photorhabdus luminescens Tc toxin complex that ADP-ribosylates actin at threonine-148. A third group of bacterial toxins/effectors (e.g. Vibrio cholerae multifunctional, autoprocessing RTX toxin) catalyses a chemical crosslinking reaction of actin thereby forming oligomers, while blocking the polymerization of actin to functional filaments. Novel findings about members of these toxin groups are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The effects of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) on the transfer of cholesterol esters mediated by lipid transfer protein (LTP) and its affinity for lipid and lipoprotein particles were investigated. When the single bilayer vesicle preparations (containing phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, cholesteryl ester, and apolipoprotein- (apo) A-I at the molar ratio of 90:30:1.2:0.18) or high density lipoprotein 3 (HDL3) were used as the cholesteryl ester donor and low density lipoproteins (LDL) as the acceptor, the transfer activity of LTP was enhanced by the addition of low concentrations of LCAT. In contrast, no enhancement of cholesteryl ester transfer was observed upon addition of LCAT to either the discoidal bilayer particle preparations (containing phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, cholesteryl ester, and apo-A-I at the molar ratio of 90:30:1.2:1.0) or high density lipoprotein 2 (HDL2). Although both apo-A-I and apo-A-II promoted the transfer of cholesteryl ester from vesicles to LDL, the additional enhancement of the transfer by LCAT was observed only with the vesicles containing apo-A-I. Gel permeation chromatography of LTP/vesicle and LTP/HDL3 mixtures in the presence and absence of LCAT showed that the affinity of LTP for both the vesicles and HDL3 increased upon addition of LCAT. In contrast, neither HDL2 nor discoidal bilayer particles showed any significant enhancement of LTP binding upon addition of LCAT. By using LCAT covalently bound to Sepharose 4B, a maximal interaction between LTP and bound LCAT was shown to occur at the ionic strength of 0.16. Deviation from this ionic strength reduced the extent of the interaction. At the ionic strength of 0.01 and 0.5, the elution volume of LTP was identical to that of bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

Structure of the IgG-binding regions of streptococcal protein G.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
The gene encoding the IgG-binding protein G from Streptococcus G148 was isolated by molecular cloning. A subclone containing a 1.5-kb insert gave a functional product in Escherichia coli. Protein analysis of affinity-purified polypeptides revealed two gene products, both smaller than protein G spontaneously released from streptococci, but with identical IgG-binding properties. The complete nucleotide sequence of the insert revealed a repeated structure probably evolved through duplications of fragments of different sizes. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed an open reading frame extending throughout the insert, terminating in a TAA stop codon. Analysis of the two gene products by N-terminal amino acid determination suggests that two different TTG codons are recognized in E. coli for initiation of translation to yield the two products. Based on these results several truncated gene constructions were expressed and analysed. The results suggest that the C-terminal part of streptococcal protein G consists of three IgG-binding domains followed by a region which anchors the protein to the cell surface. Structural and functional comparisons with streptococcal M protein and staphylococcal protein A have been made.  相似文献   

A model which describes the characteristics of the penetration of the cells by bacteria is presented. Since the process of invasion is preceded necessarily by the step in which the bacteria adhere to the cells, the proposed model is based on the expressions previously derived for the process of adhesion, which allow us to determine the number of attached bacteria under different conditions. Thus, the model considers that invasion occurs irreversibly from attached bacteria to specific receptors located on the cell surface with a rate coefficient=k i so that the invasive capacity in a given bacterium-host cell system is mainly determined by the value of this coefficient. Once internalized, the bacteria can follow three different time courses, namely: 1) intracellular growth is hindered so that the bacteria remain in stationary phase, 2) there is a lag phase during which the bacteria stay in stationary phase before they are able to grow exponentially with a rate coefficient=k c , and 3) the bacteria exhibit a growth exponertial phase as they enter the cells. In turn, the time course followed by extracellular bacteria also has a decisive influence on the process of invasion and, in this regard, unbound bacteria are considered either in stationary or in exponential phase. Expressions for these different situations have been derived, and from them, procedures to determine the levels of bacterial infection and for quantitative invasive data analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a pivotal process in early atherogenesis and can be brought about by myeloperoxidase (MPO), which is capable of reacting with nitrite, a NO metabolite. We studied MPO-mediated formation of conjugated dienes in isolated human LDL in dependence on the concentrations of nitrite and chloride. This reaction was strongly stimulated by low concentrations (5-50 microM) of nitrite which corresponds to the reported concentration in the arterial vessel wall. Under these conditions no protein tyrosine nitration occurred; this reaction required much higher nitrite concentrations (100 microM-1 mM). Chloride neither supported lipid peroxidation alone nor was its presence mandatory for the effect of nitrite. We propose a prominent role of lipid peroxidation for the proatherogenic action of the MPO/nitrite system, whereas peroxynitrite may be competent for protein tyrosine nitration of LDL. Monomeric and oligomeric flavan-3-ols present in cocoa products effectively counteracted, at micromolar concentrations, the MPO/nitrite-mediated lipid peroxidation of LDL. Flavan-3-ols also suppressed protein tyrosine nitration induced by MPO/nitrite or peroxynitrite as well as Cu2+-mediated lipid peroxidation of LDL. This multi-site protection by (-)-epicatechin or other flavan-3-ols against proatherogenic modification of LDL may contribute to the purported beneficial effects of dietary flavan-3-ols for the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

Treatment with FeSO(4)/EDTA (0.2 micromol Fe(II) per mg of protein) was used to study the effect of oxidative stress on lipid peroxidation and structural properties of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes isolated from rabbit brain. Oxidative stress resulted in conjugated diene formation and a decrease of 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) fluorescence in a time-dependent manner. In contrast, fluorescence anisotropy of 1, 6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene was increased early after the initiation of lipid peroxidation and no further increase was observed after 1, 2 and 3 h of peroxidation. FeSO(4)/EDTA treatment was accompanied by formation of conjugates of lipid peroxidation products with membrane proteins, as detected by the increase in fluorescence excitation (350-360 nm) and emission (440-450 nm) maximum. Oxidative stress also induced a marked decrease of the intrinsic fluorescence of aromatic amino acids, suggesting modification or changes in the environment of these amino acid residue(s). The lipid antioxidant, stobadine, completely prevented the changes of ANS fluorescence and production of peroxidized lipid-protein conjugates whereas tryptophan fluorescence was only partially protected. These results suggest that Fe(II) induces both lipid-mediated- and lipid peroxidation independent-modification of ER membrane proteins. The study also demonstrates that stobadine is a potent inhibitor of Fe(II)-induced protein modification.  相似文献   

Hijacking of eukaryotic functions by intracellular bacterial pathogens.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Intracellular bacterial pathogens have evolved as a group of microorganisms endowed with weapons to hijack many biological processes of eukaryotic cells. This review discusses how these pathogens perturb diverse host cell functions, such as cytoskeleton dynamics and organelle vesicular trafficking. Alteration of the cytoskeleton is discussed in the context of the bacterial entry process (invasion), which occurs either by activation of membrane-located host receptors ("zipper" mechanism) or by injection of bacterial proteins into the host cell cytosol ("trigger" mechanism). In addition, the two major types of intracellular lifestyles, cytosolic versus intravacuolar (phagosomal), which are the consequence of alterations in the phagosome-lysosome maturation route, are compared. Specific examples illustrating known mechanisms of mimicry or hijacking of the host target are provided. Finally, recent advances in phagosome proteomics and genome expression in intracellular bacteria are described. These new technologies are yielding valuable clues as to how these specialized bacterial pathogens manipulate the mammalian host cell.  相似文献   

Calpha-formylglycine is the catalytic residue of sulfatases. Formylglycine is generated by posttranslational modification of a cysteine (pro- and eukaryotes) or serine (prokaryotes) located in a conserved (C/S)XPXR motif. The modifying enzymes are unknown. AtsB, an iron-sulfur protein, is strictly required for modification of Ser(72) in the periplasmic sulfatase AtsA of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Here we show (i) that AtsB is a cytosolic protein acting on newly synthesized serine-type sulfatases, (ii) that AtsB-mediated FGly formation is dependent on AtsA's signal peptide, and (iii) that the cytosolic cysteine-type sulfatase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be converted into a substrate of AtsB if the cysteine is substituted by serine and a signal peptide is added. Thus, formylglycine formation in serine-type sulfatases depends both on AtsB and on the presence of a signal peptide, and AtsB can act on sulfatases of other species. AtsB physically interacts with AtsA in a Ser(72)-dependent manner, as shown in yeast two-hybrid and GST pull-down experiments. This strongly suggests that AtsB is the serine-modifying enzyme and that AtsB relies on a cytosolic function of the sulfatase's signal peptide.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified inositol 1,4,5-tris-phosphate(InsP3)-sensitive and -insensitive Ca2+ pools and a GTP-dependent mechanism that transfers Ca2+ between them. Here, the Ca2+ pump-inhibitory sesquiterpene lactone, thapsigargin, is shown to distinguish these two Ca2+ pools and identify a third Ca2+ pumping pool unresponsive to InsP3 or GTP. Using saponin-permeabilized DDT1MF-2 smooth muscle cells, approximately 75% of total intracellular ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation is blocked by thapsigargin with an IC50 of 30 nM. In contrast, 1 mM vanadate or 5 microM A23187 block 100% of Ca2+ accumulation. The thapsigargin-responsive Ca2+ pool corresponds exactly to that released by 10 microM InsP3 in the presence of 10 microM GTP. Indeed, addition of InsP3 with GTP has no effect on Ca2+ accumulated in the presence of 3 microM thapsigargin whereas A23187 releases all the remaining Ca2+. Added after maximal Ca2+ uptake, thapsigargin induces only slow Ca2+ release consistent with blockade of pumping activity. Unlike InsP3, the action of thapsigargin is entirely heparin insensitive. The large increment in Ca2+ uptake caused by 12 mM oxalate is completely reversed by thapsigargin, indicating that thapsigargin functions on an oxalate-permeable pool. Moreover, the still larger uptake induced by GTP in the presence of oxalate is also completely reversed by either thapsigargin or InsP3. The results indicate that thasigargin blocks Ca2+ uptake into two discrete pools: the InsP3-sensitive, oxalate-permeable Ca2+ pool and the InsP3-insensitive, oxalate-impermeable Ca2+ pool that can be "recruited" into the InsP3-sensitive pool by GTP-dependent Ca2+ translocation (Ghosh, T. K., Mullaney, J.M., Tarazi, F.I., and Gill, D.L. (1989) Nature 340, 236-239). Additionally, a third Ca2+ pool is defined, unreleasable by InsP3 or GTP, and containing a thapsigargin-insensitive Ca2+ pump.  相似文献   

C(alpha)-Formylglycine (FGly) is the catalytic residue of sulfatases. FGly is generated by post-translational modification of a cysteine (prokaryotes and eukaryotes) or serine (prokaryotes) located in a conserved (C/S)XPXR motif. AtsB of Klebsiella pneumoniae is directly involved in FGly generation from serine. AtsB is predicted to belong to the newly discovered radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) superfamily. By in vivo and in vitro studies we show that SAM is the critical co-factor for formation of a functional AtsB.SAM.sulfatase complex and for FGly formation by AtsB. The SAM-binding site of AtsB involves (83)GGE(85) and possibly also a juxtaposed FeS center coordinated by Cys(39) and Cys(42), as indicated by alanine scanning mutagenesis. Mutation of these and other conserved cysteines as well as treatment with metal chelators fully impaired FGly formation, indicating that all three predicted FeS centers are crucial for AtsB function. It is concluded that AtsB oxidizes serine to FGly by a radical mechanism that is initiated through reductive cleavage of SAM, thereby generating the highly oxidizing deoxyadenosyl radical, which abstracts a hydrogen from the serine-C(beta)H(2)-OH side chain.  相似文献   

The gene for protein H, a novel bacterial cell wall protein with specific affinity for human IgG Fc, was cloned from a group A Streptococcus and expressed in Escherichia coli. Recombinant E. coli cells produced two forms of a human IgG Fc-binding protein, one with an apparent Mr of 42 kDa in a periplasmic fraction and the other with an apparent Mr of 45 kDa in a mixed fraction of cytoplasms and membranes. Both 42-kDa and 45-kDa protein preparations similarly bound to human IgG1 to IgG4, human IgG Fc, and rabbit IgG, but not to IgG of mouse, rat, bovine, sheep, goat, and human IgA, IgD, IgE, and IgM. The complete nucleotide sequence of the cloned 1.8-kb DNA fragment was determined. An open reading frame encoded a hypothetical protein of 376 amino acid residues (Mr = 42,498). The N-terminal amino acid sequence, consisting of 41 residues, which was removed post-translationally had typical characteristics of Gram-positive bacterial signal peptides. Thus, the mature form of protein H was suggested to consist of 335 residues (Mr = 38,162). There were 3 repeated sequences consisting of 42 residues that were highly homologous to those of protein Arp, an IgA-binding streptococcal cell wall protein, and streptococcal M6 and M24 proteins. The C-terminal amino acid sequence consisting of 93 residues, directly following the repeated sequences, was also highly homologous to that of M6 and M24 proteins. No sequence homology was found between protein H and protein A or protein G, two other IgG-binding bacterial cell wall proteins.  相似文献   

No effective recombinant vaccines are currently available for any rickettsial diseases. In this regard the first non-ribosomal DNA sequences from the obligate intracellular pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis are presented. Genomic DNA isolated from Percoll density gradient purified P. salmonis, was used to construct an expression library in lambda ZAP II. In the absence of preexisting DNA sequence, rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against P. salmonis, with a bias toward P. salmonis surface antigens, was used to identify immunoreactive clones. Catabolite repression of the lac promoter was required to obtain a stable clone of a 4,983 bp insert in Escherichia coli due to insert toxicity exerted by the accompanying radA open reading frame (ORF). DNA sequence analysis of the insert revealed 1 partial and 4 intact predicted ORF's. A 486 bp ORF, ospA, encoded a 17 kDa antigenic outer surface protein (OspA) with 62% amino acid sequence homology to the genus common 17 kDa outer membrane lipoprotein of Rickettsia prowazekii, previously thought confined to members of the genus Rickettsia. Palmitate incorporation demonstrated that OspA is posttranslationally lipidated in E. coli, albeit poorly expressed as a lipoprotein even after replacement of the signal sequence with the signal sequence from lpp (Braun lipoprotein) or the rickettsial 17 kDa homologue. To enhance expression, ospA was optimized for codon usage in E. coli by PCR synthesis. Expression of ospA was ultimately improved (approximately 13% of total protein) with a truncated variant lacking a signal sequence. High level expression (approximately 42% tot. prot.) was attained as an N-terminal fusion protein with the fusion product recovered as inclusion bodies in E. coli BL21. Expression of OspA in P. salmonis was confirmed by immunoblot analysis using polyclonal antibodies generated against a synthetic peptide of OspA (110-129) and a strong antibody response against OspA was detected in convalescent sera from coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).  相似文献   

Manipulation of rab GTPase function by intracellular bacterial pathogens.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intracellular bacterial pathogens have evolved highly specialized mechanisms to enter and survive within their eukaryotic hosts. In order to do this, bacterial pathogens need to avoid host cell degradation and obtain nutrients and biosynthetic precursors, as well as evade detection by the host immune system. To create an intracellular niche that is favorable for replication, some intracellular pathogens inhibit the maturation of the phagosome or exit the endocytic pathway by modifying the identity of their phagosome through the exploitation of host cell trafficking pathways. In eukaryotic cells, organelle identity is determined, in part, by the composition of active Rab GTPases on the membranes of each organelle. This review describes our current understanding of how selected bacterial pathogens regulate host trafficking pathways by the selective inclusion or retention of Rab GTPases on membranes of the vacuoles that they occupy in host cells during infection.  相似文献   


Lipid peroxidation and subsequent oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) have been implicated as causal events in atherosclerosis. Cu2+ may play an important role in LDL oxidation by binding to histidine residues of apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B) and initiating and propagating lipid peroxidation. To investigate the role of histidine residues, we used diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), a lipid-soluble histidine-specific modifying reagent. When LDL (0.1 mg protein/ml, or 0.2 µM) was incubated with DEPC (1 mM), at least 76 ± 7% of the histidine residues in apo B were modified. Treatment of LDL with DEPC led to an increase in the rate of Cu2+-induced initiation of lipid peroxidation (Ri), but a significant decrease in the rate of propagation. These changes resulted in an overall increased resistance of LDL to oxidation, with a significantly increased lag phase preceding the propagation phase of lipid peroxidation. In contrast to DEPC, ascorbate completely prevented the initiation of LDL oxidation (Ri = 0). Our data indicate that there are two types of copper/histidine binding sites on apo B: those facing the lipid core of the LDL particle, which mediate the propagation of lipid peroxidation and are modified by DEPC; and those found on the surface of the LDL particle exposed to the aqueous environment, which are responsible for mediating the initiation of lipid peroxidation and are modifiable by ascorbate in the presence of Cu2+.  相似文献   

A novel protein able to bind with high affinity to the Fc fragment of IgG from a variety of animals has been produced by a gene synthesis approach. The IgG binding is accomplished by the presence of a single or two consecutive domains based upon domain B from protein A of Staphylococcus aureus. The IgG-binding moiety is fused to a peptide containing 21, 53 or 81 amino acids derived from the N-terminus of bovine DNase I. The latter is present to guide the expression of the protein in Escherichia coli into an inclusion body. This facilitates the high expression and recovery of the IgG-binding domains. The binding activity of this fusion protein is very close to that of the native protein A. Site-directed mutagenesis of the fusion protein and subsequent identification of changed binding interactions is reported.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the structure of the lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residue and to prove the presence of the adducts in vivo. The reaction of lipid hydroperoxide toward the lysine moiety was investigated employing N-benzoyl-glycyl-L-lysine (Bz-Gly-Lys) as a model compound of Lys residues in protein and 13-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HPODE) as a model of the lipid hydroperoxides. One of the products, compound X, was isolated from the reaction mixture of 13-HPODE and Bz-Gly-Lys and was then identified as N-benzoyl-glycyl-Nepsilon-(hexanonyl)lysine. To prove the formation of Nepsilon-(hexanonyl)lysine, named HEL, in protein exposed to the lipid hydroperoxide, the antibody to the synthetic hexanonyl protein was prepared and then characterized in detail. Using the anti-HEL antibody, the presence of HEL in the lipid hydroperoxide-modified proteins and oxidized LDL was confirmed. Furthermore, the positive staining by anti-HEL antibody was observed in human atherosclerotic lesions using an immunohistochemical technique. The amide-type adduct may be a useful marker for the lipid hydroperoxide-derived modification of biomolecules.  相似文献   

The bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay method for the determination of protein has been investigated for its utility in measuring the protein content of plasma lipoproteins. Although other methods, principally those based on the method of Lowry et al. (1951, J. Biol. Chem. 193, 265-275) have been extensively used for this purpose, the tolerance of the BCA method to many commonly encountered detergents and buffers offers a definite advantage over the Lowry-based methods. In this study, lipoprotein protein values obtained by the BCA method were compared to a standard modification of the Lowry et al. procedure since this assay forms the basis of much of the relevant literature. The standard BCA assay was found to overestimate the protein content of very low density lipoprotein by approximately 70% and low density lipoprotein by approximately 30%; high density lipoprotein values compared favorably. Overestimations by the BCA assay paralleled the relative phospholipid content of the lipoprotein fractions. This apparent lipid effect was eliminated by the addition of 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate to samples prior to the analysis. In the presence of this detergent, BCA assay measurements for these three lipoprotein fractions were 97, 90, and 98%, respectively, of the reference assay values.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase (MPO), a heme enzyme secreted by activated phagocytes, catalyzes the oxidation of halides to hypohalous acids. At plasma concentrations of halides, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is the major strong oxidant produced. In contrast, the related enzyme eosinophil peroxidase preferentially generates hypobromous acid (HOBr). Since reagent and MPO-derived HOCl converts low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to a potentially atherogenic form, we investigated the effects of HOBr on LDL modification. Compared to HOCl, HOBr caused 2-3-fold greater oxidation of tryptophan and cysteine residues of the protein moiety (apoB) of LDL and 4-fold greater formation of fatty acid halohydrins from the lipids in LDL. In contrast, HOBr was 2-fold less reactive than HOCl with lysine residues and caused little formation of N-bromamines. Nevertheless, HOBr caused an equivalent increase in the relative electrophoretic mobility of LDL as HOCl, which was not reversed upon subsequent incubation with ascorbate, in contrast to the shift in mobility caused by HOCl. Similar apoB modifications were observed with HOBr generated by MPO/H(2)O(2)/Br(-). In the presence of equivalent concentrations of Cl(-) and Br(-), modifications of LDL by MPO resembled those seen in the presence of Br(-) alone. Interestingly, even at physiological concentrations of the two halides (100 mM Cl(-), 100 microM Br(-)), MPO utilized a portion of the Br(-) to oxidize apoB cysteine residues. MPO also utilized the pseudohalide thiocyanate to oxidize apoB cysteine residues. Our data show that even though HOBr has different reactivities than HOCl with apoB, it is able to alter the charge of LDL, converting it into a potentially atherogenic particle.  相似文献   

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