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Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) soloboense n. sp., is described in the Brazilian opossum Monodelphis emiliae (Thomas, 1912) from primary forest in the Salobo area of the Serra dos Carajás (6 degrees S, 50 degrees 18' W) Pará State, North Brazil. Two morphologically different trypomastigotes were noted. Slender forms, regarded as immature parasites, have a poorly developed undulating membrane adhering closely to the body: large, broad forms with a well developed membrane are considered to be the mature trypomastigotes and have a mean total length of 71.2 microm (62.4-76.2) and a width of 6.1 (5.0-8.0). Infections studied in two opossums were of very low parasitaemia. The large size of T. (M.) saloboense readily distinguishes it from the two previously described members of the subgenus Megatrypanum of neotropical marsupials, T. (M.) freitasi Régo et al., 1957 of Didelphis ozarae and D. marsupialis, and T. (M.) samueli Mello, 1977 of Monodelphis domesticus, which measure only 49.0-51.5 microm and 42.4 microm respectively. No infections were obtained in hamsters inoculated with triturated liver and spleen from one infected M. emiliae, or in laboratory mice inoculated with epimastigotes from a blood-agar culture. No division stages could be detected in the internal organs or the peripheral blood.  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,熊蜂作为温室作物的理想授粉者在国外已被广泛利用,并且获得很好的经济效益和生态效益,所以国外熊蜂经常被进口用于设施农业。熊蜂短膜虫Crithidia bombi是熊蜂的一种重要寄生虫病,一旦随进口熊蜂传入,将给国内熊蜂蜂群带来严重危害,因此迫切需要建立一种熊蜂短膜虫检测方法。【方法】基于熊蜂短膜虫基因内转录间隔区(internal transcribed space,ITS)基因序列设计了一对引物(Cri-F/R),建立了熊蜂短膜虫的PCR检测方法,并对退火温度、引物浓度和循环个数等反应条件进行了优化,同时验证了该PCR方法的灵敏性、特异性和稳定性。【结果】以熊蜂短膜虫ITS基因保守区设计特异性引物建立的熊蜂短膜虫PCR检测方法是可行的。优化的PCR反应条件为:退火温度59℃,引物浓度0.5μmol/L,扩增循环数35次。对感染熊蜂短膜虫的熊蜂总DNA的灵敏度达到13.24×10-5ng/μL,并具有良好的特异性和稳定性。将该方法应用于熊蜂短膜虫的检测,整个检测过程不超过4 h,具有良好的适用性。【结论】研究建立了熊蜂短膜虫检测方法,能用于疫情监测和进境熊蜂的检验检疫。  相似文献   

White rats were inoculated with 10(6) trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma lewisi, simultaneously or two days before and after inoculation with 10(5) oocysts of T. gondii. A greater number of cysts was found in the brain of the animals having concomitant inoculations, as compared with rats inoculated with either one of the two parasites. An apparent immunosuppressive effect is likely. Since both organisms can be found in rats, it is possible that infections with T. lewisi, could make this rodent another intermediate host for Toxoplasma infections.  相似文献   

From August 1997 to August 1998, 334 specimens of Triatoma longipennis and 62 of T. picturata were collected in four groups of localities placed in the zone from Guadalajara, Jalisco to Tepic, Nayarit, in the West Coast of Mexico. Most T. longipennis were collected outdoors (69.2%) while most T. picturata (58.1%) were collected indoors. All collected specimens were examined for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, which was detected on 98 (29.3%) T. longipennis and 17 (27.4%) T. picturata. This study confirms the role of T. longipennis and T. picturata as some of the main T. cruzi vectors to humans in Mexico. Habitation Infestation Rate with T. longipennis was of 0.09 and with T. picturata was of 0.03 and the predominating ecotopes were pile of blocks, chicken coops, pigsties, wall crawls and beds.  相似文献   

Peritoneal macrophages from Wistar rats, inoculated and non-inoculated with 10(6) T. lewisi trypomastigotes, were cultured and infected with 10(6) T. gondii tachyzoites. Multiplication rates of this parasite were studied after 1, 24 and 48 h of infection but there were not significant differences between the number of parasites found inside of macrophages coming, either from T. lewisi infected or non infected rats. On the other hand, in vivo studies of Toxoplasma multiplication inside peritoneal macrophages, showed that there is an increase of parasite number in cells from T. lewisi infected rats, as compared with those macrophages from non infected rats. This effect was statistically significant and was more evident after four days of infection. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that in vivo, but not in vitro T. lewisi infections, causes an important decrease of the natural resistance to T. gondii of the white rats, which is manifested by the major invasion and multiplication of the parasite inside of peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

The collection of Panstrongylus geniculatus bugs by inhabitants of dwellings in Caracas city (Metropolitan District) and in the neighboring Miranda and Vargas Sates, Venezuela, allowed for the gathering of data on the potential role of this sylvatic triatomine bug as a vector of Chagas disease in this area. The natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was recorded by examining fresh and stained faeces of the bugs. Additionally, a random amplification of polymorphic DNA technique for parasite identification and group typing was employed. A dot-ELISA test was used to identify the gut content of the triatomine bugs with the aim of assessing and quantifying the vector-human contact. Sixty-seven specimens (76.1%) were positive to T. cruzi (identified as T. cruzi I) and 60.2% (53/88) gave a positive reaction to the human antiserum. The human blood-positive samples included mixed blood meals with domestic animals (dog, pig and cow) (9.4%) and with mouse (3.8%). The overall Human Blood Index, measured as the percentage of bugs whose gut contents reacted with human antiserum on the total numbers of bugs that reacted with all the antisera tested, was 98.1%. Almost 41% of the bugs that had fed on humans were also positive for T. cruzi. These data show that the feeding of P. geniculatus on humans does not seem to be accidental and that its rate of infection by T. cruzi is high in this area which is not regarded as endemic for Chagas disease by the National Control Programme. This situation is particularly striking because it occurs in and around Caracas, the capital city, where 20% of the whole population of Venezuela live, human migrations from endemic areas are continuous, people in the crowded shantytown as well as people living in high-quality country houses are equally at risk and the epidemiological cycle Didelphis marsupialis/Rattus rattus-P. geniculatus-human does appear to occur successfully.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA sequences from the families Trypanosomatidae and Bodonidae (Eugelenozoa: Kinetoplastida) was conducted using a variety of methods. Unlike previous analyses using unrooted trees and/or smaller numbers of sequences, the analysis did not support monophyly of the genus Trypanosoma, which includes the major human parasites T. cruzi (cause of Chagas' disease) and T. brucei (cause of African sleeping sickness). The section Salivaria of the genus Trypanosoma fell outside a cluster that includes the section Stercoraria of the genus Trypanosoma, along with members of the genera Leishmania, Endotrypanum, Leptomonas, Herpetomonas, Phytomonas, Crithidia, and Blastocrithidia. The phylogenetic analysis also indicated that the genera Bodo, Cryptobia, Leptomonas, Herpetomonas, Crithidia, and Blastocrithidia are polyphyletic. The results suggested that parasitism of vertebrates has probably arisen independently a number of times within the Trypanosomatidae.  相似文献   

The host-seeking behavior of hematophagous arthropods can be altered by symbiotes, thereby biasing sampling techniques and inaccurately reflecting symbiote or vector prevalence. Knowledge of any altered vector behavior is essential in vector control and monitoring. Species of Chrysops are vectors of human and animal pathogens. Six species of Chrysops were collected at two locations in South Carolina to determine if diurnal host-seeking behavior was influenced by trypanosomatid infection. Fifty-five percent of the host-seeking Chrysops were infected with trypanosomatid parasites. Prevalence of infection in host-seeking Chrysops were statistically indistinguishable during both the morning and evening at both sites. The results indicate that the prevalence of parasites among wild host-seeking Chrysops might not be influenced by infection status.  相似文献   

In vitro growth kinetics of two Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) clones in myocardial cells from rodents of different susceptibility. Two Trypanosoma cruzi isolates, TCR-4 from Costa Rica and UES-1 from El Salvador, were studied in vitro to compare their infectivity or resistance and intracellular replication in myocardial cells in three strains of mice and rats: NGP white mice, C3 H mice and Sprague Dowley rats. Myocardial cells were cultured on coverslips at 37 degrees C in a humid 10% CO2 atmosphere and then infected at a ratio of one tripomastigote per cell. Samples were studied after 24, 72, 96 and 120 h of infection to determine parasite infection capacity and intracellular multiplication. Both parasites had the highest infection capacity in C3 H mice, followed by NGP mice cells with a very low infection rate. Lastly, almost no Trypanosoma cruzi multiplication was observed in Sprague Dowley rats, suggesting a strong natural resistance in this animal to both strains of the parasite. The UES-1 isolate presented higher multiplication and greater invasion than the TCR-4 strain, showing greater virulence of UES-1 in heart cells, at least in vitro.  相似文献   

An active Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycle maintained by wild rodents in the Andean valleys of Cochabamba Bolivia is described. Wild and domestic Triatoma infestans with 60% infection with T. cruzi were found and was evidenced in 47.5% (rodents) and 26.7% (marsupial) by parasitological and/or serologycal methods. Phyllotis ocilae and the marsupial species Thylamys elegans, are the most important reservoirs followed by Bolomys lactens and Akodon boliviensis. In spite of both genotypes (TCI and TCII) being prevalent in Bolivia, in our study area only T. cruzi I is being transmitted. Our data suggest that wild T. infestans and wild small mammals play an important role in the maintenance of the transmission cycle of T. cruzi. Furthermore, the finding of high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in wild T. infestans point to the risk of the dispersion of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma fallisi, a hemoflagellate infecting Bufo americanus from Ontario, was grown in vitro, and metatrypanosomes from the primary culture were inoculated into 4 uninfected test groups from 3 anuran families: Bufonidae, Hylidae, and Ranidae. In vitro-cultured T. fallisi was found to infect B. americanus and to induce transient infections in Bufo valliceps and Hyla versicolor. The flagellate was not infective to Rana clamitans. Trypanosoma ranarum was uninfective to the bufonids and hylids tested. These data suggest that the potential for host-switching decreases with increased evolutionary distance of the potential anuran host.  相似文献   

A five-year domiciliary collection in the 22 departments of Guatemala showed that out of 4,128 triatomines collected, 1,675 were Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811), 2,344 were Rhodnius prolixus Stal 1859, and only 109 were T. nitida Usinger 1939. The Chagas disease parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, was found in all three species. Their natural infection rates were similar in the first two species (20.6%; 19.1%) and slightly lower in T. nitida(13.8%). However there was no significant difference in the infection rates in the three species (p = 0.131). T. dimidiata males have higher infection rates than females (p = 0.030), whereas for R. prolixus there is no difference in infection rates between males and females (p = 0.114). The sex ratios for all three species were significantly skewed. More males than females were found inside houses for T. dimidiata (p < 0.0001) and T. nitida (p = 0.011); a different pattern was seen for R. prolixus (p = 0.037) where more females were found. Sex ratio is proposed as an index to show the mobility of T. dimidiata in different populations. T. dimidiata is widely distributed in the country, and is also the main vector in at least ten departments, but R. prolixus with higher vectorial capacity is an important vector in at least two departments.  相似文献   

Poinar G  Poinar R 《Protist》2004,155(3):305-310
A trypanosomatid (Trypanosomatidae: Kinetoplastida) associated with a blood-filled female sand fly in Cretaceous Burmese amber, is described in the new genus and species, Paleoleishmania proterus. The genus Paleoleishmania is established as a collective genus for digenetic fossil trypanosomes associated with sand flies. Amastigotes, promastigotes and paramastigotes are described. Paleoleishmania proterus is the first fossil kinetoplastid and provides a minimum age for the digenetic Trypanosomatidae. Its discovery indicates that vector-borne pathogens had been established by the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Female sand flies can acquire protozoan parasites in the genus Leishmania when feeding on an infected vertebrate host. The parasites complete a complex growth cycle in the sand fly gut until they are transmitted by bite to another host. Recently, a myoinhibitory peptide was isolated from Leishmania major promastigotes. This peptide caused significant gut distension and reversible, dose-dependent inhibition of spontaneous hindgut contractions in the enzootic sand fly vector, Phlebotomus papatasi. The current study further characterizes myoinhibitory activity in L. major and other kinetoplastid parasites, using the P. papatasi hindgut and other insect organ preparations. Myoinhibitory activity was greatest in cultured promastigotes and in culture medium in late log-phase and early stationary-phase, coinciding with development of infective Leishmania morphotypes in the sand fly midgut. L. major promastigote lysates inhibited spontaneous contractions of visceral muscle preparations from hemimetabolous (Blattaria and Hemiptera) and holometabolous (Diptera) insects. Inhibition of visceral muscle contractions in three insect orders indicates a conserved mode of action. Myoinhibitory activity was detected also in Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis, a Sudanese strain of Leishmania donovani, and the kinetoplastid parasite Leptomonas seymouri. Protozoan-induced myoinhibition mimics the effect of insect myotropins. Inhibiting host gut contractions protects Leishmania parasites from being excreted after blood meal and peritrophic matrix digestion, allowing development and transmission of infective forms.  相似文献   

A study was conducted of the biological, morphological and molecular characters of 3 strains of Trypanosoma cruzi (SI(5), SI(8) and SIGR(3)) isolated from specimens of Triatoma sordida collected in Santo Inácio and a domestic cat. In order to carry out the study, the following parameters were evaluated: pre-patent period, parasitaemia curves, morphology of the parasites, mortality rates, histopathological lesions and molecular typing. The strains presented variable pre-patent periods, low parasitaemia and no animal mortality. The morphological study of trypomastigotes showed a predominance of intermediate-width and short-length forms, as well as low nuclear index. Epimastigotes presented a low nuclear index, intermediate-width forms in strains SI(5) and SI(8), and large-width forms in SIGR(3). A shorter length could be noted in strains SI(8) and SIGR3, whereas SI(5) displayed an intermediate length. The histopathological study did not detect amastigote nests in tissues. The amplification of the divergent domain of 24Sα rRNA, HSP60 and GPI genes of strains SI(5), SI(8) and SIGR(3) classified the 3 strains into Group II. Biological parameters made it possible to classify the strains isolated in Santo Inácio (BA) into Biodeme III, Zymodeme 1 and Group II of T. cruzi.  相似文献   

Morphologic and biometric data on bloodstream stages of Trypanosoma melophagium are presented. An increasing parasitemia with 111 trypomastigote stages of T. melophagium were found in Giemsa-stained thin blood smears taken from a splenectomized, cortisone-treated sheep recently infested with Melophagus ovinus infected with T. melophagium. The arithmetic mean and standard deviation in μm of the distances between posterior end and kinetoplast were 14.7 and 2.9, from the kinetoplast to the center of the nucleus 5.1 and 1.1, and from there to the anterior end 19.5 and 1.9. The free flagellum measured 6.0 μm ± 1.6 μm. The median and the range of the central 70% of values (median ± 35%) of the nuclear index were 1.1 and 0.9–1.2 and of the kinetoplastic index 3.8 and 3.3–4.9. The same data in μm for the maximal width were 3.1 and 2.1–4.6, and for the width at the level of the nucleus 2.9 and 2.2–4.6. The larger and smaller diameters of the nucleus measured 2.6 (2.2–3.7) μm and 1.7 (1.3–1.7) μm, respectively. The corresponding kinetoplast diameters were 1.1 (0.9–1.3) μm and 0.9 (0.6–0.9) μm, respectively.  相似文献   

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