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Formation of mesoderm from the pluripotent epiblast depends upon canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, although a precise molecular basis for this requirement has not been established. To develop a robust model of this developmental transition, we examined the role of Wnt signaling during the analogous stage of embryonic stem cell differentiation. We show that the kinetics of Wnt ligand expression and pathway activity in vitro mirror those found in vivo. Furthermore, inhibition of this endogenous Wnt signaling abrogates the functional competence of differentiating ES cells, reflected by their failure to generate Flk1(+) mesodermal precursors and subsequent mature mesodermal lineages. Microarray analysis at various times during early differentiation reveal that mesoderm- and endoderm-associated genes fail to be induced in the absence of Wnt signaling, indicating a lack of germ layer induction that normally occurs during gastrulation in vivo. The earliest genes displaying Wnt-dependent expression, however, were those expressed in vivo in the primitive streak. Using an inducible form of stabilized beta-catenin, we find that Wnt activity, although required, does not autonomously promote primitive streak-associated gene expression in vitro. Our results suggest that Wnt signaling functions in this model system to regulate the thresholds or stability of responses to other effector pathways and demonstrate that differentiating ES cells represent a useful model system for defining complex regulatory interactions underlying primary germ layer induction.  相似文献   

Cranial placodes are ectodermal regions that contribute extensively to the vertebrate peripheral sensory nervous system. The development of the ophthalmic trigeminal (opV) placode, which gives rise only to sensory neurons of the ophthalmic lobe of the trigeminal ganglion, is a useful model of sensory neuron development. While key differentiation processes have been characterized at the tissue and cellular levels, the signaling pathways governing opV placode development have not. Here we tested in chick whether the canonical Wnt signaling pathway regulates opV placode development. By introducing a Wnt reporter into embryonic chick head ectoderm, we show that the canonical pathway is active in Pax3+ opV placode cells as, or shortly after, they are induced to express Pax3. Blocking the canonical Wnt pathway resulted in the failure of targeted cells to adopt or maintain an opV fate, as assayed by the expression of various markers including Pax3, FGFR4, Eya2, and the neuronal differentiation markers Islet1, neurofilament, and NeuN, although, surprisingly, it led to upregulation of Neurogenin2, both in the opV placode and elsewhere in the ectoderm. Activating the canonical Wnt signaling pathway, however, was not sufficient to induce Pax3, the earliest specific marker of the opV placode. We conclude that canonical Wnt signaling is necessary for normal opV placode development, and propose that other molecular cues are required in addition to Wnt signaling to promote cells toward an opV placode fate.  相似文献   

Morphogens have been identified as guidance cues for postcrossing commissural axons in the spinal cord. Shh has a dual effect on postcrossing commissural axons: a direct repellent effect mediated by Hhip as a receptor, and an indirect effect by shaping a Wnt activity gradient. Wnts were shown to be attractants for postcrossing commissural axons in both chicken and mouse embryos. In mouse, the effects of Wnts on axon guidance were concluded to depend on the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Canonical Wnt signaling was excluded based on the absence of axon guidance defects in mice lacking Lrp6 which is an obligatory coreceptor for Fzd in canonical Wnt signaling. In the loss‐of‐function studies reported here, we confirmed a role for the PCP pathway in postcrossing commissural axon guidance also in the chicken embryo. However, taking advantage of the precise temporal control of gene silencing provided by in ovo RNAi, we demonstrate that canonical Wnt signaling is also required for proper guidance of postcrossing commissural axons in the developing spinal cord. Thus, axon guidance does not seem to depend on any one of the classical Wnt signaling pathways but rather involve a network of Wnt receptors and downstream components. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 190–208, 2016  相似文献   

Many animals develop left-right (LR) asymmetry in their internal organs. The mechanisms of LR asymmetric development are evolutionarily divergent, and are poorly understood in invertebrates. Therefore, we studied the genetic pathway of LR asymmetric development in Drosophila. Drosophila has several organs that show directional and stereotypic LR asymmetry, including the embryonic gut, which is the first organ to develop LR asymmetry during Drosophila development. In this study, we found that genes encoding components of the Wnt-signaling pathway are required for LR asymmetric development of the anterior part of the embryonic midgut (AMG). frizzled 2 (fz2) and Wnt4, which encode a receptor and ligand of Wnt signaling, respectively, were required for the LR asymmetric development of the AMG. arrow (arr), an ortholog of the mammalian gene encoding low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5/6, which is a co-receptor of the Wnt-signaling pathway, was also essential for LR asymmetric development of the AMG. These results are the first demonstration that Wnt signaling contributes to LR asymmetric development in invertebrates, as it does in vertebrates. The AMG consists of visceral muscle and an epithelial tube. Our genetic analyses revealed that Wnt signaling in the visceral muscle but not the epithelium of the midgut is required for the AMG to develop its normal laterality. Furthermore, fz2 and Wnt4 were expressed in the visceral muscles of the midgut. Consistent with these results, we observed that the LR asymmetric rearrangement of the visceral muscle cells, the first visible asymmetry of the developing AMG, did not occur in embryos lacking Wnt4 expression. Our results also suggest that canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling, but not non-canonical Wnt signaling, is responsible for the LR asymmetric development of the AMG. Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling is reported to have important roles in LR asymmetric development in zebrafish. Thus, the contribution of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling to LR asymmetric development may be an evolutionarily conserved feature between vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt signaling is critical to estrogen-mediated uterine growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Major biological effects of estrogen in the uterus are thought to be primarily mediated by nuclear estrogen receptors, ERalpha and ERbeta. We show here that estrogen in an ER-independent manner rapidly up-regulates the expression of Wnt4 and Wnt5a of the Wnt family and frizzled-2 of the Wnt receptor family in the mouse uterus. One of the mechanisms by which Wnts mediate canonical signaling involves stabilization of intracellular beta-catenin. We observed that estrogen treatment prompts nuclear localization of active beta-catenin in the uterine epithelium. We also found that adenovirus mediated in vivo delivery of SFRP-2, a Wnt antagonist, down-regulates estrogen-dependent beta-catenin activity without affecting some of the early effects (water imbibition and angiogenic markers) and inhibits uterine epithelial cell growth, suggesting that canonical Wnt signaling is critical to estrogen-induced uterine growth. Our present results provide evidence for a novel role of estrogen that targets early Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in an ER-independent manner to regulate the late uterine growth response that is ER dependent.  相似文献   

WNT/beta-catenin signaling has an established role in nephron formation during kidney development. Yet, the role of beta-catenin during ureteric morphogenesis in vivo is undefined. We generated a murine genetic model of beta-catenin deficiency targeted to the ureteric bud cell lineage. Newborn mutant mice demonstrated bilateral renal aplasia or renal dysplasia. Analysis of the embryologic events leading to this phenotype revealed that abnormal ureteric branching at E12.5 precedes histologic abnormalities at E13.5. Microarray analysis of E12.5 kidney tissue identified decreased Emx2 and Lim1 expression among a small subset of renal patterning genes disrupted at the stage of abnormal branching. These alterations are followed by decreased expression of genes downstream of Emx2, including Lim1, Pax2, and the ureteric tip markers, c-ret and Wnt 11. Together, these data demonstrate that beta-catenin performs essential functions during renal branching morphogenesis via control of a hierarchy of genes that control ureteric branching.  相似文献   

Yin A  Korzh S  Winata CL  Korzh V  Gong Z 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18431
BACKGROUND: Wnt signaling plays critical roles in mammalian lung development. However, Wnt signaling in the development of the zebrafish swimbladder, which is considered as a counterpart of mammalian lungs, have not been explored. To investigate the potential conservation of signaling events in early development of the lung and swimbladder, we wish to address the question whether Wnt signaling plays a role in swimbladder development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: For analysis of zebrafish swimbladder development, we first identified, by whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH), has2 as a mesenchymal marker, sox2 as the earliest epithelial marker, as well as hprt1l and elovl1a as the earliest mesothelial markers. We also demonstrated that genes encoding Wnt signaling members Wnt5b, Fz2, Fz7b, Lef1, Tcf3 were expressed in different layers of swimbladder. Then we utilized the heat-shock inducible transgenic lines hs:Dkk1-GFP and hs:ΔTcf-GFP to temporarily block canonical Wnt signaling. Inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling at various time points disturbed precursor cells specification, organization, anterioposterior patterning, and smooth muscle differentiation in all three tissue layers of swimbladder. These observations were also confirmed by using a chemical inhibitor (IWR-1) of Wnt signaling. In addition, we found that Hedgehog (Hh) signaling was activated by canonical Wnt signaling and imposed a negative feedback on the latter. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSION: We first provided a new set of gene markers for the three tissue layers of swimbladder in zebrafish and demonstrated the expression of several key genes of Wnt signaling pathway in developing swimbladder. Our functional analysis data indicated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for swimbladder early development and we also provided evidence for the crosstalk between Wnt and Hh signaling in early swimbladder development.  相似文献   

Non-canonical Wnt signaling plays important roles during vertebrate embryogenesis and is required for cell motility during gastrulation. However, the molecular mechanisms of how Wnt signaling regulates modification of the actin cytoskeleton remain incompletely understood. We had previously identified the Formin homology protein Daam1 as an important link between Dishevelled and the Rho GTPase for cytoskeletal modulation. Here, we report that Profilin1 is an effector downstream of Daam1 required for cytoskeletal changes. Profilin1 interacted with the FH1 domain of Daam1 and was localized with Daam1 to actin stress fibers in response to Wnt signaling in mammalian cells. In addition, depletion of Profilin1 inhibited stress fiber formation induced by non-canonical Wnt signaling. Inhibition or depletion of Profilin1 in vivo specifically inhibited blastopore closure in Xenopus but did not affect convergent extension movements, tissue separation or neural fold closure. Our studies define a molecular pathway downstream of Daam1 that controls Wnt-mediated cytoskeletal reorganization for a specific morphogenetic process during vertebrate gastrulation.  相似文献   

FGF signaling through FGFR1 is required for olfactory bulb morphogenesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
During development, the embryonic telencephalon is patterned into different areas that give rise to distinct adult brain structures. Several secreted signaling molecules are expressed at putative signaling centers in the early telencephalon. In particular, Fgf8 is expressed at the anterior end of the telencephalon and is hypothesized to pattern it along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Using a CRE/loxP genetic approach to disrupt genes in the telencephalon, we address the role of FGF signaling directly in vivo by abolishing expression of the FGF receptor Fgfr1. In the Fgfr1-deficient telencephalon, AP patterning is largely normal. However, morphological defects are observed at the anterior end of the telencephalon. Most notably, the olfactory bulbs do not form normally. Examination of the proliferation state of anterior telencephalic cells supports a model for olfactory bulb formation in which an FGF-dependent decrease in proliferation is required for initial bulb evagination. Together the results demonstrate an essential role for Fgfr1 in patterning and morphogenesis of the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling functions in axis formation and morphogenesis in various animals and organs. Here we report that Wnt signaling is required for proper brain patterning during planarian brain regeneration. We showed here that one of the Wnt homologues in the planarian Dugesia japonica, DjwntA, was expressed in the posterior region of the brain. When DjwntA-knockdown planarians were produced by RNAi, they could regenerate their heads at the anterior ends of the fragments, but formed ectopic eyes with irregular posterior lateral branches and brain expansion. This suggests that the Wnt signal may be involved in antero-posterior (A-P) patterning of the planarian brain, as in vertebrates. We also investigated the relationship between the DjwntA and nou-darake/FGFR signal systems, as knockdown planarians of these genes showed similar phenotypes. Double-knockdown planarians of these genes did not show any synergistic effects, suggesting that the two signal systems function independently in the process of brain regeneration, which accords with the fact that nou-darake was expressed earlier than DjwntA during brain regeneration. These observations suggest that the nou-darake/FGFR signal may be involved in brain rudiment formation during the early stage of head regeneration, and subsequently the DjwntA signal may function in A-P patterning of the brain rudiment.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt signaling has emerged as a critical regulatory pathway for stem cells. The association between ectopic activation of Wnt signaling and many different types of human cancer suggests that Wnt ligands can initiate tumor formation through altered regulation of stem cell populations. Here we have shown that mice deficient for the Wnt co-receptor Lrp5 are resistant to Wnt1-induced mammary tumors, which have been shown to be derived from the mammary stem/progenitor cell population. These mice exhibit a profound delay in tumorigenesis that is associated with reduced Wnt1-induced accumulation of mammary progenitor cells. In addition to the tumor resistance phenotype, loss of Lrp5 delays normal mammary development. The ductal trees of 5-week-old Lrp5-/- females have fewer terminal end buds, which are structures critical for juvenile ductal extension presumed to be rich in stem/progenitor cells. Consequently, the mature ductal tree is hypomorphic and does not completely fill the fat pad. Furthermore, Lrp5-/- ductal cells from mature females exhibit little to no stem cell activity in limiting dilution transplants. Finally, we have shown that Lrp5-/- embryos exhibit substantially impaired canonical Wnt signaling in the primitive stem cell compartment of the mammary placodes. These findings suggest that Lrp5-mediated canonical signaling is required for mammary ductal stem cell activity and for tumor development in response to oncogenic Wnt effectors.  相似文献   

The Notch family genes encode single-pass transmembrane proteins which function in a variety of cell fate specifications in invertebrates and vertebrates. In Xenopus primary neurogenesis, the Notch ligands, X-Delta-1 and X-Serrate-1, mediate Notch signaling and regulate cell differentiation. In the present study, we examined the role of the Serrate-specific cysteine-rich (CR) region in the primary neurogenesis of Xenopus embryos. The ligand constructs containing the DSL (Delta/Serrate/Lag-2) domain in the extracellular region caused a reduction in primary neurons, whereas the DSL-deleted form of X-Delta-1 resulted in the overproduction of primary neurons. However, the DSL-deleted form of X-Serrate-1 or the construct containing only the CR region in the extracellular domain (SerCR) reduced the number of primary neurons. In contrast, the CR-deleted form of X-Serrate-1 (SerACR) lost activity as a Notch ligand, regardless of the presence of the DSL domain within the extracellular domain. Overexpression of X-Delta-1 and X-Serrate-1 strongly induced the expression of Xenopus ESR-1 (XESR-1), a gene related to Drosophila Enhancer of split. SerCR alone also moderately induced the expression of XESR-1, but the SerACR form did not induce this expression. Co-injection of X-Notch-1deltaICD, which deletes the intracellular domain (ICD), with SerCR suppressed a neurogenic phenotype, although co-injection of X-Su(H)1DBM with SerCR did not, indicating that SerCR affects primary neurogenesis through the Notch/Su(H) pathway. These results suggestthatthe CR region of Xenopus Serrate is required for the activation of Notch signaling and cell fate specification in primary neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Although Wnt signaling is considered a key regulatory pathway for bone formation, inactivation of β-catenin in osteoblasts does not affect their activity but rather causes increased osteoclastogenesis due to insufficient production of osteoprotegerin (Opg). By monitoring the expression pattern of all known genes encoding Wnt receptors in mouse tissues and bone cells we identified Frizzled 8 (Fzd8) as a candidate regulator of bone remodeling. Fzd8-deficient mice displayed osteopenia with normal bone formation and increased osteoclastogenesis, but this phenotype was not associated with impaired Wnt signaling or Opg production by osteoblasts. The deduced direct negative influence of canonical Wnt signaling on osteoclastogenesis was confirmed in vitro and through the generation of mice lacking β-catenin in the osteoclast lineage. Here, we observed increased bone resorption despite normal Opg production and a resistance to the anti-osteoclastogenic effect of Wnt3a. These results demonstrate that Fzd8 and β-catenin negatively regulate osteoclast differentiation independent of osteoblasts and that canonical Wnt signaling controls bone resorption by two different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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