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1. The 28Mg-measured net flux of magnesium from lumen-side to haemolymph-side of the isolated and short-circuited midgut was 1.97 +/- 0.28 mu-equiv cm(-2) /(-1) in 8 mM-Mg2+. 2. The magnesium-influx shows a delay before the tracer steady-state is attained, indicating the existence of a magnesium-transport pool equivalent to 6.7 mu-equiv/g wet weight of midgut tissue. 3. Magnesium depresses the short-circuit current produced the midgut but not the potassium transport, the depression being equal to the rate of magnesium transport. 4. Magnesium transport yields a linear Lineweaver-Burk plot with an apparent Km of 34 mM-Mg2+ and an apparent Vmax of 14.9 mu-equiv cm(-1) /(-1). 5. Magnesium is actively transported across the midgut and contributes to the regulation of the haemolymph magnesium concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

Exchange between potassium of the isolated midgut of the American silkworm Hyalophora cecropia and the bathing solutions has been determined by different authors, but with contradictory results. Therefore the experiments were repeated with another technique and the exchange determined for varying time intervals. It was found that the exchange was fast-half of the midgut K was exchanged in 2-3 minutes, which confirms the earlier findings by Harvey & Zerahn (1969).  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(8):803-808
Insect cuticles catalyze the formation of N-acetylnorepinephrine (NANE) and N-β-alanylnorepinephrine (NBANE) from N-acetyldopamine (NADA) and N-β-alanyldopamine (NBAD), respectively. An enzyme, involved in the reaction, has now been isolated from fifth stage larval cuticle of Hyalophora cecropia and partially characterized. The enzyme alone has hardly any activity towards NADA, but together with diphenoloxidases [catechol oxidases (EC or laccases (EC] it will produce NANE as the main product from NADA, indicating that NADA-quinone is the actual substrate for the enzyme. The enzyme is presumably an ortho-quinone para-quinone methide isomerase, and formation of NANE is due to non-enzymatic addition of water to the quinone methide. The enzyme combination mushroom tyrosinase-cuticular isomerase has pH optimum at 5.5, and the optimal substrate concentration is about 10 mM NADA.Together with the endogenous cuticular diphenoloxidases the isomerase can account for the formation of NANE observed when pieces of intact cuticle are incubated with NADA, and for the presence of NANE and NBANE in sclerotized cuticle.The possible roles of the enzyme in sclerotization and defense reactions in insects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A highly repetitive DNA element, homologous to the mariner transposon of Drosophila mauritiana was found in the intron of the gene for cecropin A, an antibacterial peptide from the Cecropia moth. The mariner-like elements (MLE) represent a homogeneous population with a copy number of about 1000/genome. Sequencing analysis showed it to be 1255 base pairs long, including 38-base pair terminal inverted repeats. The MLE contains a defective reading frame. Nevertheless, the putative product is clearly homologous to the predicted translation product encoded by mariner. In consonance is also the fact that the inverted repeats are highly conserved between the two elements and that the overall DNA homology is 48%. Since the mariner element is present in several Drosophila species closely related to Drosophila melanogaster and since MLE is present in the lepidopteran Cecropia, a route of horizontal transfer is indicated rather than vertical transmission from a common ancestor. This suggests the possible use of mariner for the construction of an interspecies vector.  相似文献   

In two of eight Hofmannophila pseudospretella specimens studied by microscopy, the larval midgut contained an unidentified micro-organism. Although not seen microscopically in midgut sections, bacteria were isolated from dissected midgut. Microscopy, carbohydrate utilization and ribosomal sequence data all separated the isolates into the same three classes. These were identified as Lactococcus lactis, Carnobacterium piscicola and, tentatively, Bacillus subtilis, the first two being facultative anaerobes and the latter, an aerobe. The bacteria were therefore not specifically adapted to the reducing conditions of the midgut.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the attacin genes in Hyalophora cecropia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To study the regulation of the immune genes in insects, we have cloned and sequenced the attacin gene locus of the giant silk moth Hyalophora cecropia. The locus contains one acidic and one basic attacin gene as well as two pseudogenes, which are remnants of basic attacin genes. A small insertion element was found within the locus. The two functional attacin genes are transcribed in opposite directions and have two introns inserted at homologous positions. A common sequence, GGGGATTCCT, is found at nucleotide position -48 in the acidic gene and at nucleotide position -58 in the basic gene. Interestingly, this decanucleotide is similar to the consensus of the NF-k B-binding site. Expression studies revealed that both attacins are strongly induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, lipopolysaccharide and bacteria. However, only the acidic attacin gene showed a clear response to injury.  相似文献   

The features of the paracellular pathway, an important route for the transfer of ions and molecules in epithelia, are in insects still poorly investigated and it has not yet been elucidated how the septate junction (SJ) acts as a transepithelial barrier. In this study, some properties of the paracellular pathway of Bombyx mori larval midgut, isolated in Ussing chambers, were determined and the modulation of SJ permeability by intracellular events disclosed. Diffusion potentials evoked by transepithelial gradients of different salts indicated that the junction bore weak negative charges and that the paracellular pathway was selective with respect to ion charge and size. In standard conditions, the transepithelial resistance was 28.2+/-2.1 Omega cm(2), a value indicating that the midgut is a low resistance epithelium. The modulation of midgut SJ by typical enhancers of mammalian tight junction permeability known to act on the cytoskeleton was studied by measuring the shunt resistance and the lumen-to-haemolymph flux of sucrose. An increase of the intracellular level of cAMP and Ca(2+) caused a significant decrease of the shunt resistance and an increase of SJ permeability. The attenuation of Ca(2+) effect in the presence of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine indicated that the influx of external Ca(2+) into the cytoplasm was important for the opening of the SJ, as well as the release of Ca(2+) from the intracellular stores.  相似文献   

Developing ovarian follicles of the silkmoth Hyalophora cecropia accumulate large amounts of ecdysteroids during oogenesis. As measured by an ecdysteroid radioimmunoassay (RIA), this accumulation begins near the end of vitellogenesis, just prior to nurse cell collapse, and continues through the beginning of chorion formation. Analysis of ovarian ecdysteroids by a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and RIA demonstrates that the major proportion of these are present in a highly polar form, most likely as conjugates; ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone were present as well, in much lower proportions. Light microscopic autoradiographs of photoactivated follicles after in vivo incubation with [3H]ecdysone indicate that within the oocyte ecdysteroids are associated with the yolk sphere membranes.  相似文献   

A number of methyl and ethyl esters of naturally occurring amino acids exert a potent stimulatory effect on the cotransport system responsible for the absorption of most essential amino acids along the midgut of the silkworm Bombyx mori. L-Leucine methyl ester (Leu-OMe), one of the most effective activators, induces a large increase of the initial rate of leucine uptake in midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from the anterior-middle (AM) region, and a small effect in BBMV from the posterior (P) region. Nonetheless, the methyl ester causes in both regions a relevant K(+)-, Deltapsi- and pH-independent increase of the intravesicular accumulation of the amino acid. The activation by Leu-OMe proves that amino acid absorption can be modulated all along the B. mori larval midgut and that the AM region, where the ability to transport and concentrate the substrate is very low, is more susceptible than the P region. Leucine uptake in AM-BMMV can be activated by amino acid methyl esters with definite structural requisites, with the following order of potency: L-leucine>L-phenylglycine>L-methionine>L-phenylalanine>L-norleucinez.Gt;L-isoleucine. The activation is stereospecific and occurs also with some ethyl esters (e.g. leucine and phenylalanine). No activation was observed with esters of amino acids with short hydrophobic or polar side-chains. The activation mechanism here described plays a fundamental role in larval growth since silkworms reared on artificial diets supplemented with leucine or methionine methyl esters reach maximum body weight 12-18 h before control larvae and spin cocoons with a larger shell weight. This novel regulatory mechanism of an amino acid transport protein appears to be widespread among lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   

Two soluble forms of 3':5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase (o':5'-cyclic-nucleotide 5'-nucleotidohydrolase, EC were found in the larval fat body of the silkmoth Hyalophora cecropia. These differ in elution profile on Sephadex G-200, solubility in ammonium sulfate, metal ion requirements and kinetic properties. Phosphodiesterase I has Km values of 11 muM and 1.8 muM for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, respectively, has 5-fold greater maximal activity with cyclic AMP than with cyclic GMP, and is activated by Mg2+ and Co2+, and inhibited by EDTA. phosphodiesterase II has Km values of 625 muM and 125 muM for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, respectively, has similar maximal activity with both substrates, and is not activated by divalent metal ions or inhibited by EDTA. Cyclic nucleotides and methylxanthines competitively inhibit both enzymes. Phosphodiesterase is found in both soluble and particulate fractions of homogenates. Total activity is highest during the larval stage of the insect, drops markedly following pupation, and rises again during pharate adult development.  相似文献   

Fat body cells of silkmoth pupae (Hyalophora cecropia ) contain granules, showing a less dense outer zone and a denser, often crystalline, inner portion appear after cocoon spinning and increase until the larval-pupal ecdysis; more granules are formed in females than in males. Urate granules, appearing fibrous in internal structure, first form about the same time, but their accumulation is more gradual, and continues in the pupa. Both types have been isolated by centrifugation. Protein granules dissolve in buffers to yield proteins 1 and 2, with distinct electrophoretic and antigenic properties. These proteins have been isolated individually from pupal fat body extracts by using their different thermal stabilities in phosphate buffer containing MgCl2 and (NH4)2SO4, respectively, and purification was completed by gel chromatography. Protein 1 has a molecular weight of 480,000 and a subunit of 85,000 daltons, while protein 2 gives values of 530,000 and 89,000, respectively. Their amino acid compositions are similar but distinct. Proteins 1 and 2 accumulate in the hemolymph, beginning 3 days before spinning, reach maximal levels at spinning, and then decline in the hemolymph while granules are formed in the fat body, although the total hemolymph protein concentration does not decline at this time. It is concluded that the fat body of the late, feeding larva synthesizes two related "storage proteins" and secretes them in partially crystalline granules as protein reserves for metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Intracellular activities of K+, H+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Cl?, measured with ion selective microelectrodes in the oocyte and the nurse cells in ovarian follicles of Hyalophora cecropia, indicated that a Ca2+ current is a key component of the electrical potential that is maintained across the intercellular bridges connecting these two cells. In vitellogenic follicles, Ca2+ activity averaged 650 nM in the oocyte and 190 nM in the nurse cells, whereas activities of the other ions studied differed between these cells by no more than 6%. Incubation in 200 μM ammonium vanadate caused a reversal of electrical potential from 8.3 mV, nurse cell negative, to 3.0 mV, oocyte negative, and at the same time the Ca2+ gradient was reversed: activities rose to an average 3.0 μM in the nurse cells and 1.6 μM in the oocyte, whereas transbridge ratios of the other cations remained at 0–3%. In immature follicles that had not yet initiated their transbridge potentials, Ca2+ activities averaged ~? 2 μM in both oocyte and nurse cells. The results suggest that vitellogenic follicles possess a vanadatesensitive Ca2+ extrusion mechanism that is more powerful in the nurse cells than in the oocyte. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Six closely related antibacterial proteins, attacins A-F, were isolated from the hemolymph of immunized pupae of the Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia. Chromatofocusing separated attacins A-F, with isoelectric points between 5.7 and 8.3. Immunological experiments show that the attacins constitute antibacterially active forms of the previously isolated inducible immune protein P5. Their mol. wts., 20-23 K, are similar to that of protein P5, but significantly lower than 28 K found for preP5 synthesized in vitro (see accompanying paper). The six attacins can be divided into two groups according to their amino acid composition and amino-terminal sequences, attacins A-D constitute a basic group and attacins E and F an acidic one. Within each group the forms are very similar. The attacins efficiently killed Escherichia coli and two other Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the gut of a silk worm but they did not act on other Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria tested. Only growing cells of E. coli were attacked; cells suspended in phosphate buffer were inert. Besides the cecropins and lysozyme, the attacins represent a third class of antibacterial proteins in the humoral immune system of H. cecropia.  相似文献   

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