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Access to data is something that every molecular biologist takes for granted nowadays, but data alone is of little use unless it is made available in a useable form through the development and global uptake of data standards. The challenge of standards development has been taken up by grass-roots movements working within several different branches of the biomedical research community. Many of these initiatives are proving extremely successful; for example, the Gene Ontology, which provides a controlled vocabulary for describing the properties of gene products, the Microarray Gene Expression Data Society's standards for describing microarray experiments, and the emerging standards developed by the Proteomics Standards Initiative are gaining broad acceptance. Standards development now faces its greatest ever challenge--the integration of diverse data types to fulfill the goals of systems biology. Now is the time for the communities that are developing these standards, the funding bodies that have invested so heavily in high-throughput data generation, and the publishers of biomedical research papers to cooperate fully to make the goals of integrated data analysis a reality.  相似文献   

Hirsch NJ 《Bioethics forum》2002,18(1-2):24-29
Nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals often complain that a loss of freedom or other obstacles hinder their ability to act in the best interest of the patient. These barriers cause professional burnout and moral outrage, and may contribute to a migration away from medicine or, more broadly, healthcare. Understanding the historical underpinnings of the phrase "in the patient's best interest," and realizing that healthcare, which is fundamentally a moral enterprise must be built on sound business principles can help healthcare professionals reframe the issue, and reclaim their original commitment to a difficult path.  相似文献   

Although the application of major biomedical advances has yielded spectacular results for individual health, there has been little improvement in the health of whole populations. There is a "back to the future" irony in the fact that at the inception of the 21st century, the eruption and spread of a multitude of "old" and "new" infectious diseases has become the most serious global threat to the health of humankind. At this historical juncture, the United States is the country with the most potential for favorably influencing global health and health care. Although there are historical, cultural, economic, and political factors that impede the United States from rising to this challenge, there is both a moral imperative and a rational long-term self-interest basis for the U.S. medical profession and government to exercise leadership in facing the health challenges of tragic and genocidal proportions that threaten everyone in an increasingly interdependent world.  相似文献   

Rabbani N  Thornalley PJ 《Amino acids》2012,42(4):1087-1096
This is an introduction to a collection of review articles by leading investigators in the field of protein glycation research, see following articles in this issue. With this we launch a section of this journal now established for presentation of research results, reviews and commentaries on protein glycation and related topics. Glycation is the spontaneous, non-enzymatic reaction of protein with saccharides and saccharide derivatives. Although studied in the modern scientific era for over 100 years, its importance in the biology, medicine, food and nutrition, pharmacology and toxicology, and technological processing remains intriguingly undisclosed. In this section of amino acids, research on glycation is a qualifier for publication. Glycation research now has a place to call home.  相似文献   

The hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach to wetland functional assessment has been in place for more than 20 years, yet most models developed to date have not been validated. Although HGM models are typically calibrated to a data set, we lack true validation efforts, especially as wetland scientists and managers continue to assert that measuring structure equates to an assessment of function. This paper is a call for a renewed effort at HGM validation in order to fully assure that we know when structure is measured we are also measuring function.  相似文献   

The National Research Council-sponsored report, BIO 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists, describes a number of significant changes that should be made to the undergraduate biology curriculum if we are to adequately train students to become the researchers of the 21st century. What should be of concern to the physiology community is the lack of identifiable physiology in the proposed revisions. This article describes the report and suggests some steps that physiologists can take to enhance our discipline in the undergraduate biology curriculum.  相似文献   

Advances in genetics, proteomics and cell biology over the past 20 years have unearthed a multitude of potential macromolecular targets for the selective treatment of disease. The challenge remains to find appropriate small molecule ligands for these proteins (or nucleic acids), and to use these ligands to validate novel disease targets. The advent of low-cost instrumentation has made industrial-style high-throughput screening possible in academic settings. Unfortunately for many, access to large collections of compounds is still limited and limiting. This article is aimed at the user who has an interest in compound screening but does not have ready access to large collections of small molecules. High-throughput screening need not be the exclusive domain of institutions and centers with vast resources and NIH Roadmap-funded compound repositories. As it turns out, many of the most interesting compounds are probably within arm's reach, in our laboratory freezers and in those of our colleagues.  相似文献   

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