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Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channels are expressed in the plasma membrane of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. We found reduced osmotic water permeability in freshly isolated DRG neurons from AQP1−/− versus AQP1+/+ mice. Behavioral studies showed greatly reduced thermal inflammatory pain perception in AQP1−/− mice evoked by bradykinin, prostaglandin E2, and capsaicin as well as reduced cold pain perception. Patch clamp of freshly isolated DRG neurons showed reduced action potential firing in response to current injections. Single action potentials after pulse current injections showed reduced maximum inward current, suggesting impaired Nav1.8 Na+ function. Whole-cell Nav1.8 Na+ currents in Nav1.8-expressing ND7-23 cells showed slowed frequency-dependent inactivation after AQP1 transfection. Immunoprecipitation studies showed AQP1- Nav1.8 Na+ interaction, which was verified in live cells by single-particle tracking of quantum dot-labeled AQP1. Our results implicate the involvement of AQP1 in DRG neurons for the perception of inflammatory thermal pain and cold pain, whose molecular basis is accounted for, in part, by reduced Nav1.8-dependent membrane Na+ current. AQP1 is, thus, a novel target for pain management.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ion channels are transmembrane proteins that undergo complex conformational changes during their gating transitions. Both functional and structural data from K(+) channels suggest that extracellular and intracellular parts of the pore communicate with each other via a trajectory of interacting amino acids. No crystal structures are available for voltage-gated Na(+) channels, but functional data suggest a similar intramolecular communication involving the inner and outer vestibules. However, the mechanism of such communication is unknown. Here, we report that amino acid Ile-1575 in the middle of transmembrane segment 6 of domain IV (DIV-S6) in the adult rat skeletal muscle isoform of the voltage-gated sodium channel (rNa(V)1.4) may act as molecular switch allowing for interaction between outer and inner vestibules. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis of the internal part of DIV-S6 revealed that only mutations at site 1575 rescued the channel from a unique kinetic state ("ultra-slow inactivation," I(US)) produced by the mutation K1237E in the selectivity filter. A similar effect was seen with I1575A. Previously, we reported that conformational changes of both the internal and the external vestibule are involved in the generation of I(US). The fact that mutations at site 1575 modulate I(US) produced by K1237E strongly suggests an interaction between these sites. Our data confirm a previously published molecular model in which Ile-1575 of DIV-S6 is in close proximity to Lys-1237 of the selectivity filter. Furthermore, these functional data define the position of the selectivity filter relative to the adjacent DIV-S6 segment within the ionic permeation pathway.  相似文献   

The Kv2.1 channel generates a delayed-rectifier current in neurons and is responsible for modulation of neuronal spike frequency and membrane repolarization in pancreatic β-cells and cardiomyocytes. As with other tetrameric voltage-activated K(+)-channels, it has been proposed that each of the four Kv2.1 voltage-sensing domains activates independently upon depolarization, leading to a final concerted transition that causes channel opening. The mechanism by which voltage-sensor activation is coupled to the gating of the pore is still not understood. Here we show that the carbon-monoxide releasing molecule 2 (CORM-2) is an allosteric inhibitor of the Kv2.1 channel and that its inhibitory properties derive from the CORM-2 ability to largely reduce the voltage dependence of the opening transition, uncoupling voltage-sensor activation from the concerted opening transition. We additionally demonstrate that CORM-2 modulates Shaker K(+)-channels in a similar manner. Our data suggest that the mechanism of inhibition by CORM-2 may be common to voltage-activated channels and that this compound should be a useful tool for understanding the mechanisms of electromechanical coupling.  相似文献   

Protein S-palmitoylation, the reversible thioester linkage of a 16-carbon palmitate lipid to an intracellular cysteine residue, is rapidly emerging as a fundamental, dynamic, and widespread post-translational mechanism to control the properties and function of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels. Palmitoylation controls multiple stages in the ion channel life cycle, from maturation to trafficking and regulation. An emerging concept is that palmitoylation is an important determinant of channel regulation by other signaling pathways. The elucidation of enzymes controlling palmitoylation and developments in proteomics tools now promise to revolutionize our understanding of this fundamental post-translational mechanism in regulating ion channel physiology.  相似文献   

S-Palmitoylation is rapidly emerging as an important post-translational mechanism to regulate ion channels. We have previously demonstrated that large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels are palmitoylated within an alternatively spliced (STREX) insert. However, these studies also revealed that additional site(s) for palmitoylation must exist outside of the STREX insert, although the identity or the functional significance of these palmitoylated cysteine residues are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that BK channels are palmitoylated at a cluster of evolutionary conserved cysteine residues (Cys-53, Cys-54, and Cys-56) within the intracellular linker between the S0 and S1 transmembrane domains. Mutation of Cys-53, Cys-54, and Cys-56 completely abolished palmitoylation of BK channels lacking the STREX insert (ZERO variant). Palmitoylation allows the S0-S1 linker to associate with the plasma membrane but has no effect on single channel conductance or the calcium/voltage sensitivity. Rather, S0-S1 linker palmitoylation is a critical determinant of cell surface expression of BK channels, as steady state surface expression levels are reduced by ∼55% in the C53:54:56A mutant. STREX variant channels that could not be palmitoylated in the S0-S1 linker also displayed significantly reduced cell surface expression even though STREX insert palmitoylation was unaffected. Thus our work reveals the functional independence of two distinct palmitoylation-dependent membrane interaction domains within the same channel protein and demonstrates the critical role of S0-S1 linker palmitoylation in the control of BK channel cell surface expression.  相似文献   

The epithelial Ca(2+) channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 5 (TRPV5) constitutes the apical entry site for active Ca(2+) reabsorption in the kidney. The TRPV5 channel is a member of the TRP family of cation channels, which are composed of four subunits together forming a central pore. Regulation of channel activity is tightly controlled by the intracellular N and C termini. The TRPV5 C terminus regulates channel activity by various mechanisms, but knowledge regarding the role of the N terminus remains scarce. To study the role of the N terminus in TRPV5 regulation, we generated different N-terminal deletion constructs. We found that deletion of the first 32 residues did not affect TRPV5-mediated (45)Ca(2+) uptake, whereas deletion up to residue 34 and 75 abolished channel function. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that these mutant channels were retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and in contrast to wild-type TRPV5 did not reach the Golgi apparatus, explaining the lack of complex glycosylation of the mutants. A limited amount of mutant channels escaped the endoplasmic reticulum and reached the plasma membrane, as shown by cell surface biotinylation. These channels did not internalize, explaining the reduced but significant amount of these mutant channels at the plasma membrane. Wild-type TRPV5 channels, despite significant plasma membrane internalization, showed higher plasma membrane levels compared with the mutant channels. The assembly into tetramers was not affected by the N-terminal deletions. Thus, the N-terminal residues 34-75 are critical in the formation of a functional TRPV5 channel because the deletion mutants were present at the plasma membrane as tetramers, but lacked channel activity.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(V)s) form homotetramers with each subunit contributing six transmembrane α-helices (S1-S6). Helices S5 and S6 form the ion-conducting pore, and helices S1-S4 function as the voltage sensor with helix S4 thought to be the essential element for voltage-dependent activation. Although the crystal structures have provided insight into voltage-gated K channels (K(V)s), revealing a characteristic domain arrangement in which the voltage sensor domain of one subunit is close to the pore domain of an adjacent subunit in the tetramer, the structural and functional information on Na(V)s remains limited. Here, we show that the domain arrangement in NaChBac, a firstly cloned prokaryotic Na(V), is similar to that in K(V)s. Cysteine substitutions of three residues in helix S4, Q107C, T110C, and R113C, effectively induced intersubunit disulfide bond formation with a cysteine introduced in helix S5, M164C, of the adjacent subunit. In addition, substituting two acidic residues with lysine, E43K and D60K, shifted the activation of the channel to more positive membrane potentials and consistently shifted the preferentially formed disulfide bond from T110C/M164C to Q107C/M164C. Because Gln-107 is located closer to the extracellular side of helix S4 than Thr-110, this finding suggests that the functional shift in the voltage dependence of activation is related to a restriction of the position of helix S4 in the lipid bilayer. The domain arrangement and vertical mobility of helix S4 in NaChBac indicate that the structure and the mechanism of voltage-dependent activation in prokaryotic Na(V)s are similar to those in canonical K(V)s.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels underlie the upstroke of action potentials and are fundamental to neuronal excitability. Small changes in the behavior of these channels are sufficient to change neuronal firing and trigger seizures. These channels are subject to highly conserved alternative splicing, affecting the short linker between the third transmembrane segment (S3) and the voltage sensor (S4) in their first domain. The biophysical consequences of this alternative splicing are incompletely understood. Here we focus on type 1 sodium channels (Nav1.1) that are implicated in human epilepsy. We show that the functional consequences of alternative splicing are highly sensitive to recording conditions, including the identity of the major intracellular anion and the recording temperature. In particular, the inactivation kinetics of channels containing the alternate exon 5N are more sensitive to intracellular fluoride ions and to changing temperature than channels containing exon 5A. Moreover, Nav1.1 channels containing exon 5N recover from inactivation more rapidly at physiological temperatures. Three amino acids differ between exons 5A and 5N. However, the changes in sensitivity and stability of inactivation were reproduced by a single conserved change from aspartate to asparagine in channels containing exon 5A, which was sufficient to make them behave like channels containing the complete exon 5N sequence. These data suggest that splicing at this site can modify the inactivation of sodium channels and reveal a possible interaction between splicing and anti-epileptic drugs that stabilize sodium channel inactivation.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium channels are proteins composed of four subunits consisting of six membrane-spanning segments S1-S6, with S4 as the voltage sensor. The region between S5 and S6 forms the potassium-selective ion-conducting central α-pore. Recent studies showed that mutations in the voltage sensor of the Shaker channel could disclose another ion permeation pathway through the voltage-sensing domain (S1-S4) of the channel, the ω-pore. In our studies we used the voltage-gated hKv1.3 channel, and the insertion of a cysteine at position V388C (Shaker position 438) generated a current through the α-pore in high potassium outside and an inward current at hyperpolarizing potentials carried by different cations like Na(+), Li(+), Cs(+), and NH(4)(+). The observed inward current looked similar to the ω-current described for the R1C/S Shaker mutant channel and was not affected by some pore blockers like charybdotoxin and tetraethylammonium but was inhibited by a phenylalkylamine blocker (verapamil) that acts from the intracellular side. Therefore, we hypothesize that the hKv1.3_V388C mutation in the P-region generated a channel with two ion-conducting pathways. One, the α-pore allowing K(+) flux in the presence of K(+), and the second pathway, the σ-pore, functionally similar but physically distinct from the ω-pathway. The entry of this new pathway (σ-pore) is presumably located at the backside of Y395 (Shaker position 445), proceeds parallel to the α-pore in the S6-S6 interface gap, ending between S5 and S6 at the intracellular side of one α-subunit, and is blocked by verapamil.  相似文献   

Mutations in SCN1A, encoding the voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.1, are the most common cause of severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) or Dravet syndrome. SMEI is most often associated with premature truncations of NaV1.1 that cause loss of function, but nontruncating mutations also occur. We hypothesized that some nontruncating mutations might impair trafficking of NaV1.1 to the plasma membrane. Here we demonstrated that seven nontruncating missense or in-frame deletion mutations (L986F, delF1289, R1648C, F1661S, G1674R, and G1979E) exhibited reduced cell surface expression relative to wild type (WT) NaV1.1 consistent with impaired trafficking. We tested whether two commonly prescribed antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, lamotrigine), as well as the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) trafficking corrector VRT-325, could rescue cell surface and functional expression of two representative NaV1.1 mutants (R1648C, G1674R). Treatment of cells with phenytoin increased cell surface expression of WT-NaV1.1 and both mutant channels, whereas lamotrigine only increased surface expression of R1648C. VRT-325 did not alter surface expression of WT-NaV1.1 or mutant channels. Although phenytoin increased surface expression of G1674R, channel function was not restored, suggesting that this mutation also causes an intrinsic loss of function. Both phenytoin and lamotrigine increased functional expression of R1648C, but lamotrigine also increased persistent sodium current evoked by this mutation. Our findings indicate that certain nontruncating SCN1A mutations associated with SMEI have impaired cell surface expression and that some alleles may be amenable to pharmacological rescue of this defect. However, rescue of dysfunctional NaV1.1 channels to the plasma membrane could contribute to exacerbating rather than ameliorating the disease.  相似文献   

Trafficking of the pore-forming α-subunits of large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels to the cell surface represents an important regulatory step in controlling BK channel function. Here, we identify multiple trafficking signals within the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker of the cytosolic C terminus of the channel that are required for efficient cell surface expression of the channel. In particular, an acidic cluster-like motif was essential for channel exit from the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent cell surface expression. This motif could be transplanted onto a heterologous nonchannel protein to enhance cell surface expression by accelerating endoplasmic reticulum export. Importantly, we identified a human alternatively spliced BK channel variant, hSloΔ579–664, in which these trafficking signals are excluded because of in-frame exon skipping. The hSloΔ579–664 variant is expressed in multiple human tissues and cannot form functional channels at the cell surface even though it retains the putative RCK domains and downstream trafficking signals. Functionally, the hSloΔ579–664 variant acts as a dominant negative subunit to suppress cell surface expression of BK channels. Thus alternative splicing of the intracellular RCK1-RCK2 linker plays a critical role in determining cell surface expression of BK channels by controlling the inclusion/exclusion of multiple trafficking motifs.  相似文献   

Sodium channel Nav1.6 is essential for neuronal excitability in central and peripheral nervous systems. Loss-of-function mutations in Nav1.6 underlie motor disorders, with homozygous-null mutations causing juvenile lethality. Phosphorylation of Nav1.6 by the stress-induced p38 MAPK at a Pro-Gly-Ser553-Pro motif in its intracellular loop L1 reduces Nav1.6 current density in a dorsal root ganglion-derived cell line, without changing its gating properties. Phosphorylated Pro-Gly-Ser553-Pro motif is a putative binding site to Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases, and we hypothesized that Nedd4-like ubiquitin ligases may contribute to channel ubiquitination and internalization. We report here that p38 activation in hippocampal neurons from wild-type mice, but not from Scn8amedtg mice that lack Nav1.6, reduces tetrodotoxin-S sodium currents, suggesting isoform-specific modulation of Nav1.6 by p38 in these neurons. Pharmacological block of endocytosis completely abolishes p38-mediated Nav1.6 current reduction, supporting our hypothesis that channel internalization underlies current reduction. We also report that the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 interacts with Nav1.6 via a Pro-Ser-Tyr1945 motif in the C terminus of the channel and reduces Nav1.6 current density, and we show that this regulation requires both the Pro-Gly-Ser-Pro motif in L1 and the Pro-Ser-Tyr motif in the C terminus. Similarly, both motifs are necessary for p38-mediated reduction of Nav1.6 current, whereas abrogating binding of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 to the Pro-Ser-Tyr motif results in stress-mediated increase in Nav1.6 current density. Thus, phosphorylation of the Pro-Gly-Ser-Pro motif within L1 of Nav1.6 is necessary for stress-induced current modulation, with positive or negative regulation depending upon the availability of the C-terminal Pro-Ser-Tyr motif to bind Nedd4-2.  相似文献   

The voltage sensors of domains II and IV of sodium channels are important determinants of activation and inactivation, respectively. Animal toxins that alter electrophysiological excitability of muscles and neurons often modify sodium channel activation by selectively interacting with domain II and inactivation by selectively interacting with domain IV. This suggests that there may be substantial differences between the toxin-binding sites in these two important domains. Here we explore the ability of the tarantula huwentoxin-IV (HWTX-IV) to inhibit the activity of the domain II and IV voltage sensors. HWTX-IV is specific for domain II, and we identify five residues in the S1-S2 (Glu-753) and S3-S4 (Glu-811, Leu-814, Asp-816, and Glu-818) regions of domain II that are crucial for inhibition of activation by HWTX-IV. These data indicate that a single residue in the S3-S4 linker (Glu-818 in hNav1.7) is crucial for allowing HWTX-IV to interact with the other key residues and trap the voltage sensor in the closed configuration. Mutagenesis analysis indicates that the five corresponding residues in domain IV are all critical for endowing HWTX-IV with the ability to inhibit fast inactivation. Our data suggest that the toxin-binding motif in domain II is conserved in domain IV. Increasing our understanding of the molecular determinants of toxin interactions with voltage-gated sodium channels may permit development of enhanced isoform-specific voltage-gating modifiers.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channel is the molecular determinant of action potential in neurons. Protein-protein interactions (PPI) between the intracellular Nav1.6 C-tail and its regulatory protein fibroblast growth factor 14 (FGF14) provide an ideal and largely untapped opportunity for development of neurochemical probes. Based on a previously identified peptide FLPK, mapped to the FGF14:FGF14 PPI interface, we have designed and synthesized a series of peptidomimetics with the intent of increasing clogP values and improving cell permeability relative to the parental lead peptide. In-cell screening using the split-luciferase complementation (LCA) assay identified ZL0177 (13) as the most potent inhibitor of the FGF14:Nav1.6 channel complex assembly with an apparent IC50 of 11?μM. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that ZL0177 significantly reduced Nav1.6-mediated transient current density and induced a depolarizing shift of the channel voltage-dependence of activation. Docking studies revealed strong interactions between ZL0177 and Nav1.6, mediated by hydrogen bonds, cation-π interactions and hydrophobic contacts. All together these results suggest that ZL0177 retains some key features of FGF14-dependent modulation of Nav1.6 currents. Overall, ZL0177 provides a chemical scaffold for developing Nav channel modulators as pharmacological probes with therapeutic potential of interest for a broad range of CNS and PNS disorders.  相似文献   

Cardiac repolarization is controlled by the rapidly (I(Kr)) and slowly (I(Ks)) activating delayed rectifier potassium channels. The human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) encodes I(Kr), whereas KCNQ1 and KCNE1 together encode I(Ks). Decreases in I(Kr) or I(Ks) cause long QT syndrome (LQTS), a cardiac disorder with a high risk of sudden death. A reduction in extracellular K(+) concentration ([K(+)](o)) induces LQTS and selectively causes endocytic degradation of mature hERG channels from the plasma membrane. In the present study, we investigated whether I(Ks) compensates for the reduced I(Kr) under low K(+) conditions. Our data show that when hERG and KCNQ1 were expressed separately in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, exposure to 0 mM K(+) for 6 h completely eliminated the mature hERG channel expression but had no effect on KCNQ1. When hERG and KCNQ1 were co-expressed, KCNQ1 significantly delayed 0 mM K(+)-induced hERG reduction. Also, hERG degradation led to a significant reduction in KCNQ1 in 0 mM K(+) conditions. An interaction between hERG and KCNQ1 was identified in hERG+KCNQ1-expressing HEK cells. Furthermore, KCNQ1 preferentially co-immunoprecipitated with mature hERG channels that are localized in the plasma membrane. Biophysical and pharmacological analyses indicate that although hERG and KCNQ1 closely interact with each other, they form distinct hERG and KCNQ1 channels. These data extend our understanding of delayed rectifier potassium channel trafficking and regulation, as well as the pathology of LQTS.  相似文献   

The Scn8a gene encodes the α-subunit of Nav1.6, a neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel. Mice homozygous for mutations in the Scn8a gene exhibit motor impairments. Recently, we described a human family with a heterozygous protein truncation mutation in SCN8A . Rather than motor impairment, neuropsychological abnormalities were more common, suggesting a role for Scn8a in a more diverse range of behaviors. Here, we characterize mice heterozygous for a null mutation of Scn8a ( Scn8a+/− mice) in a number of behavioral paradigms. We show that Scn8a+/− mice exhibit greater conditioned freezing in the Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigm but no apparent abnormalities in other learning and memory paradigms including the Morris water maze and conditioned taste avoidance paradigm. Furthermore, we find that Scn8a+/− mice exhibit more pronounced avoidance of well-lit, open environments as well as more stress-induced coping behavior. Together, these data suggest that Scn8a plays a critical role in emotional behavior in mice. Although the behavioral phenotype observed in the Scn8a+/− mice only partially models the abnormalities in the human family, we anticipate that the Scn8a+/− mice will serve as a valuable tool for understanding the biological basis of emotion and the human diseases in which abnormal emotional behavior is a primary component.  相似文献   

The sodium channel gene Scn8a encodes the channel NaV1.6, which is widely distributed in the central and peripheral nervous system. NaV1.6 is the major channel at the nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons. Mutant alleles of mouse Scn8a result in neurological disorders including ataxia, tremor, paralysis, and dystonia. We generated a floxed allele of Scn8a by inserting loxP sites around the first coding exon. The initial targeted allele containing the neo-cassette was a severe hypomorph. In vivo deletion of the neo-cassette by Flp recombinase produced a floxed allele that generates normal expression of NaV1.6 protein. Ubiquitous deletion of the floxed exon by Cre recombinase in ZP3-Cre transgenic mice produced the Scn8a(del) allele. The null phenotype of Scn8a(del) homozygotes confirms the in vivo inactivation of Scn8a. Conditional inactivation of the floxed allele will make it possible to circumvent the lethality that results from complete loss of Scn8a in order to investigate the physiologic role of NaV1.6 in subpopulations of neurons.  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea receptor 1 (Sur1)-NCCa-ATP channel plays a central role in necrotic cell death in central nervous system (CNS) injury, including ischemic stroke, and traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. Here, we show that Sur1-NCCa-ATP channels are formed by co-assembly of Sur1 and transient receptor potential melastatin 4 (Trpm4). Co-expression of Sur1 and Trpm4 yielded Sur1-Trpm4 heteromers, as shown in experiments with Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and co-immunoprecipitation. Co-expression of Sur1 and Trpm4 also yielded functional Sur1-Trpm4 channels with biophysical properties of Trpm4 and pharmacological properties of Sur1. Co-assembly with Sur1 doubled the affinity of Trpm4 for calmodulin and doubled its sensitivity to intracellular calcium. Experiments with FRET and co-immunoprecipitation showed de novo appearance of Sur1-Trpm4 heteromers after spinal cord injury in rats. Our findings depart from the long-held view of an exclusive association between Sur1 and KATP channels and reveal an unexpected molecular partnership with far-ranging implications for CNS injury.  相似文献   

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