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Utilizing phosphonacetyl- -aspartate (PALA), the transition state analog which specifically inhibits aspartate carbamyl transferase, we have shown that the preimplantation mouse embryo in culture has a functioning de novo pyridmidine biosynthetic pathway. This pathway accounts for some of the carbon dioxide fixation into nucleic acids previously described. Inhibition of de novo pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis during 2-cell to 8-cell development does not prevent morula development, but does prevent blastocyst development in nearly all embryos. Inhibition of the morula to blastocyst transition is most likely caused by a diminished pyrimidine nucleotide pool. Both de novo and salvage pathways appear active from the 2-cell embryo through blastocyst formation.  相似文献   

De novo sphingolipid synthesis is required for the exit of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum in yeast. Using a pharmacological approach, we test the generality of this phenomenon by analyzing the transport of GPI-anchored cargo in widely divergent eukaryotic systems represented by African trypanosomes and HeLa cells. Myriocin, which blocks the first step of sphingolipid synthesis (serine + palmitate --> 3-ketodihydrosphingosine), inhibited the growth of cultured bloodstream parasites, and growth was rescued with exogenous 3-ketodihydrosphingosine. Myriocin also blocked metabolic incorporation of [3H]serine into base-resistant sphingolipids. Biochemical analyses indicate that the radiolabeled lipids are not sphingomyelin or inositol phosphorylceramide, suggesting that bloodstream trypanosomes synthesize novel sphingolipids. Inhibition of de novo sphingolipid synthesis with myriocin had no adverse effect on either general secretory trafficking or GPI-dependent trafficking in trypanosomes, and similar results were obtained with HeLa cells. A mild effect on endocytosis was seen for bloodstream trypanosomes after prolonged incubation with myriocin. These results indicate that de novo synthesis of sphingolipids is not a general requirement for secretory trafficking in eukaryotic cells. However, in contrast to the closely related kinetoplastid Leishmania major, de novo sphingolipid synthesis is essential for the viability of bloodstream-stage African trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Teng C  Dong H  Shi L  Deng Y  Mu J  Zhang J  Yang X  Zuo J 《Plant physiology》2008,146(3):1322-1332
Sphingolipids are important signaling molecules involved in various cellular activities. De novo sphingolipid synthesis is initiated by a rate-limiting enzyme, serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), a heterodimer consisting of LONG-CHAIN BASE1 (LCB1) and LCB2 subunits. A mutation in the Arabidopsis thaliana LCB1 gene, lcb1-1, was found to cause embryo lethality. However, the underpinning molecular and cellular mechanisms remain largely unclear. Here, we report the identification of the fumonisin B(1) resistant11-2 (fbr11-2) mutant, an allele of lcb1-1. The fbr11-2 mutation, most likely an allele stronger than lcb1-1, was transmitted only through female gametophytes and caused the formation of abortive microspores. During the second pollen mitosis, fbr11-2 initiated apoptotic cell death in binucleated microspores characteristic of nuclear DNA fragmentation, followed by cytoplasm shrinkage and organelle degeneration at the trinucleated stage. In addition, a double mutant with T-DNA insertions in two homologous LCB2 genes showed a phenotype similar to fbr11-2. Consistent with these observations, the FBR11/LCB1 expression was confined in microspores during microgametogenesis. These results suggest that SPT-modulated programmed cell death plays an important role in the regulation of male gametophyte development.  相似文献   

Summary RNA synthesis was examined by radioautography in mouse doudenal epithelium using 3H-uridine as a tracer of the salvage pathway and 3H-orotic acid as a tracer of the de novo pathway. The incorporation of the two precursors was estimated by counting silver grains in light-microscopic and electron-microscopic radioautographs at successive levels of crypt and villus. With both precursors, silver grains were found over all epithelial nuclei, but in numbers varying by location. Thus, after 3H-uridine injection, the number of grains was high over nucleolus and nucleoplasm in the base of the crypt, declined gradually in the middle and top of the crypt, and was low along the villus. After 3H-orotic acid, the number of grains was fairly low throughout, but peaked over the nucleoplasm in lower villus cells. The 3H-uridine reaction over nucleolus and nucleoplasm in crypt cells was interpreted as synthesis by the salvage pathway of ribosomal RNA and heterogeneous RNA, respectively, whereas the 3H-orotic acid reaction over the nucleoplasm of some villus cells indicated that these cells synthesized heterogeneous RNA by the de novo pathway.  相似文献   

There is still a strong need for additional diversity and new chemical scaffolds to allow for the exploration of improved tissue selectivity and finding better selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Using a de novo design technology a diphenylnaphthyl propylene scaffold, exemplified by (E)-9b, with ER antagonist activity has been generated. It was prepared by alkylating 1-[4-methoxyphenyl)-2-(4-(2-chloroethoxy)phenyl]-1-propanone under metal halogen exchange conditions with 1-iodo-6-methoxy-naphthalene. Following dehydration and cleavage of the methoxy groups, (E)-9b was formed by displacement of the chloro group with pyrrolidine. (E)-9b binding to ER generated calculated K(i) values of 3.7 nM for hER(alpha) and 72 nM for hER(beta). The antagonism of (E)-9b was demonstrated in cell transfection assays using the ERE from the vitA2 promotor and the natural ER-responsive pS2 promotor. With increasing concentrations of (E)-9b, the E(2)-dependent response was efficiently inhibited demonstrating that (E)-9b could function as an anti-estrogen in these assays. Interestingly, ER(alpha) activity was inhibited even below basal levels suggesting that ligand-independent activity of ER(alpha) was also inhibited. Computational docking studies suggest that the placement of the hydroxyl group on the naphthalene group may not be optimal and we are currently exploring additional analogues.  相似文献   

The activity of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway has been measured in resistant and sensitive murine tumors in vivo following a single intraperitoneal dose of N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) (400 mg/kg). For these studies, we utilized a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometric technique which enabled measurement of 13C incorporation from 13CO2 into the uracil nucleotide pool (sigma uracil) of tumors in situ. Flux through the de novo pathway was 75-85% inhibited 1 h after PALA treatment in both sensitive (Lewis lung carcinoma) and the resistant (L1210) tumors, but there was a lag time before this inhibition was reflected in reduced sigma uracil pools. The activity of the pathway in the Lewis lung carcinoma tumors remained maximally depressed (5-15% of control activity) for up to 48 h after the dose of PALA. In contrast, flux through the pathway of L1210 tumors remained 80% inhibited for up to 4 h following PALA administration, but recovered to 70% of control activity between 4 and 12 h after PALA treatment. Recovery of the remaining 30% of control activity in the L1210 tumor was at a much slower rate requiring between 12 and 48 h after PALA treatment to regain full activity of the pathway. This recovery of flux through the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway did not correlate with the measurement of recovery of aspartate transcarbamylase activity in similarly treated tumors. These data argue strongly in favor of the importance of the de novo biosynthetic pathway, rather than salvage mechanisms, for determining in vivo sensitivity or resistance of these tumors to PALA treatment.  相似文献   

The large plasmid-encoded outer membrane protein VirG (IcsA) of Shigella flexneri is essential for bacterial spreading by eliciting polar deposition of filamentous actin (F-actin) in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Recent studies have indicated that VirG is located at one pole on the surface of the bacterium and secreted into the culture supernatant and that in host cells it is localized along the length of the F-actin tail. The roles of these VirG phenotypes in bacterial spreading still remain to be elucidated. In this study, we examined the surface-exposed portion of the VirG protein by limited trypsin digestion of S. flexneri YSH6000 and determined the sites for VirG processing during secretion into the culture supernatant. Our results indicated that the 85-kDa amino-terminal portion of VirG is located on the external side of the outer membrane, while the 37-kDa carboxy-terminal portion is embedded in it. The VirG cleavage required for release of the 85-kDa protein into the culture supernatant occurred at the Arg-Arg bond at positions 758 to 759. VirG-specific cleavage was observed in Shigella species and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, which requires an as yet unidentified protease activity governed by the virB gene on the large plasmid. To investigate whether the VirG-specific cleavage occurring in extracellular and intracellular bacteria is essential for VirG function in bacterial spreading, the Arg-Arg cleavage site was modified to an Arg-Asp or Asp-Asp bond. The virG mutants thus constructed were capable of unipolar deposition of VirG on the bacterial surface but were unable to cleave VirG under in vitro or in vivo conditions. However, these mutants were still capable of eliciting aggregation of F-actin at one pole, spreading into adjacent cells, and giving rise to a positive Sereny test. Therefore, the ability to cleave and secrete VirG in Shigella species is not a prerequisite for intracellular spreading.  相似文献   

Aza 165 and aza 238 Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants characterized by a 2.5 times higher sensitivity of the de novo purine synthesis to the inhibitory effect of exogenous guanine, as compared with the wild type strain, have been selected by their sensitivity to 8-azaguanine. The exogenous guanine somewhat inhibits the growth and synthesis of nucleis acids in mutants, this being due in vivo neither to permeability changes of the cell membrane, nor to concentration changes of guanilic derivatives in the acid-soluble pool of yeast cells. Using cell-free extract of the strain aza 165, it has been shown that the synthesis of the first product of metabolic pathway for de novo formation of purines, phosphoribosylamine, is inhibited by GMP by 81% and only by 35% in the 15V-P4 strain of the wild type. The inhibition by other end products, IMP and AMP, is the same in both wild and mutant strains. The enhanced sensitivity of the purine synthesis to guanine in vivo is thus due to changes in regulatory properties of the key enzyme of purine nucleotide formation, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amido-transferase (EC This change in the regulation of purine synthesis in yeast is likely to be a mechanism to compensate the genetically controlled defect in end steps of the biosynthesis pathway, i.e. the incapability of converting guanilic derivatives to adenilic ones. However, the information concerning the regulation of PRPP-amido-transferase activity responsible for differential sensitivity to adenilic and guanilic nucleotides in yeast is not lost but only strongly repressed.  相似文献   

Despite the recent discovery that trehalose synthesis is widespread in higher plants very little is known about its physiological significance. Here we report on an Arabidopsis mutant (tps1), disrupted in a gene encoding the first enzyme of trehalose biosynthesis (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase). The tps1 mutant is a recessive embryo lethal. Embryo morphogenesis is normal but development is retarded and stalls early in the phase of cell expansion and storage reserve accumulation. TPS1 is transiently up-regulated at this same developmental stage and is required for the full expression of seed maturation marker genes (2S2 and OLEOSN2). Sucrose levels also increase rapidly in seeds during the onset of cell expansion. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae trehalose-6-phosphate (T-6-P) is required to regulate sugar influx into glycolysis via the inhibition of hexokinase and a deficiency in TPS1 prevents growth on sugars (Thevelein and Hohmann, 1995). The growth of Arabidopsis tps1-1 embryos can be partially rescued in vitro by reducing the sucrose level. However, T-6-P is not an inhibitor of AtHXK1 or AtHXK2. Nor does reducing hexokinase activity rescue tps1-1 embryo growth. Our data establish for the first time that an enzyme of trehalose metabolism is essential in plants and is implicated in the regulation of sugar metabolism/embryo development via a different mechanism to that reported in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

O'Donnell AF  Tiong S  Nash D  Clark DV 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1239-1253
Steps 6 and 7 of de novo purine synthesis are performed by 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide carboxylase (AIRc) and 4-[(N-succinylamino)carbonyl]-5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (SAICARs), respectively. In vertebrates, a single gene encodes AIRc-SAICARs with domains homologous to Escherichia coli PurE and PurC. We have isolated an AIRc-SAICARs cDNA from Drosophila melanogaster via functional complementation with an E. coli purC purine auxotroph. This cDNA encodes AIRc yet is unable to complement an E. coli purE mutant, suggesting functional differences between Drosophila and E. coli AIRc. In vertebrates, the AIRc-SAICARs gene shares a promoter region with the gene encoding phosphoribosylamidotransferase, which performs the first step in de novo purine synthesis. In Drosophila, the AIRc-SAICARs gene maps to section 11B4-14 of the X chromosome, while the phosphoribosylamidotransferase gene (Prat) maps to chromosome 3; thus, the close linkage of these two genes is not conserved in flies. Three EMS-induced X-linked adenine auxotrophic mutations, ade4(1), ade5(1), and ade5(2), were isolated. Two gamma-radiation-induced (ade5(3) and ade5(4)) and three hybrid dysgenesis-induced (ade5(5), ade5(6), and ade5(8)) alleles were also isolated. Characterization of the auxotrophy and the finding that the hybrid dysgenesis-induced mutations all harbor P transposon sequences within the AIRc-SAICARs gene show that ade5 encodes AIRc-SAICARs.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the pyrimidine moiety of thiamine (vitamin B1) shares five reactions with the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway. Aminoimidazole ribotide (AIR) is the last common intermediate before the two pathways diverge. Evidence for the existence of a new pathway to the pyrimidine which bypasses the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway is reported here. This pathway is only expressed under anaerobic growth conditions and is denoted alternative pyrimidine biosynthesis or APB. Labeling studies are consistent with pantothenate being a precursor to the pyrimidine moiety of thiamine that is synthesized by the APB pathway. The APB pathway is independent of the alternative purF function which was proposed previously (D. M. Downs and J. R. Roth, J. Bacteriol. 173:6597-6604, 1991). The alternative purF function is shown here to be affected by temperature and exogenous pantothenate. Although the evidence suggests that the APB pathway is separate from the alternative purF function, the relationship between this function and the APB pathway is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Novel cyclic and acyclic analogues of dTMP and AZTMP were synthesized from the corresponding cycloSal-phosphotriesters. This method yielded the nucleotides in good yields with a simple work-up. Investigation of the substrate properties of the modified nucleotides towards TmpK showed, that they are very poor substrates for this key enzyme in the bioactivation of AZT.  相似文献   

Stacey MG  Koh S  Becker J  Stacey G 《The Plant cell》2002,14(11):2799-2811
A T-DNA-tagged population of Arabidopsis was screened for mutations in AtOPT3, which encodes a member of the oligopeptide (OPT) family of peptide transporters, and a recessive mutant allele, opt3, was identified. Phenotypic analysis of opt3 showed that most homozygous embryos were arrested at or before the octant stage of embryo development and that none showed the usual periclinal division leading to the formation of the protoderm. This defective phenotype could be reversed by complementation with the full-length, wild-type AtOPT3 gene. A beta-glucuronidase (GUS) fusion to DNA sequences upstream of the putative AtOPT3 ATG start codon was constructed, and the expression pattern was assayed in transgenic plants. AtOPT3 was expressed in the vascular tissues of seedlings and mature plants as well as in pollen. Consistent with the function of AtOPT3 in embryogenesis, AtOPT3::GUS expression also was detected in developing embryos and in the maternal tissues of seeds. These data suggest a critical role for peptide transport in early embryo development.  相似文献   

We have cultivated the cel mutant of Neurospora crassa defective in cytosolic fatty acid synthesis with [2-14C]malonate and found radioactivity covalently attached to the mitochondrial acyl-carrier protein (ACP), a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase. We purified the ACP by reverse-phase HPLC: the bound acyl groups were trans-esterified to methylesters and analyzed by gas chromatography. The saturated C6 to C18 fatty acids and oleic acid were detected. De novo synthesis and desaturation of fatty acids at the ACP subunit of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase and use of the products of this mitochondrial synthetic pathway for cardiolipin synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present work, we have studied the kinetic properties of the catalytic domain of CtBP1, a co-repressor belonging to the d-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family and known to reduce pyruvate in the presence of NADH. CtBP1 acted on a variety of alpha-keto acids, for which it displayed biphasic curves with inhibition at elevated concentrations, as observed with other dehydrogenases of the same family. Based on catalytic efficiencies, the best substrate was 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate, an intermediate of the methionine salvage pathway. It was about 20-fold better than 2-ketoisocaproate and glyoxylate, and 80-fold better than pyruvate. From these data we conclude that 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate may be an important regulator of CtBP activity, possibly linking gene repression to the activity of the methionine salvage and spermine synthesis pathways.  相似文献   

Engineering of oilseed plants to accumulate unusual fatty acids (FAs) in seed triacylglycerol (TAG) requires not only the biosynthetic enzymes for unusual FAs but also efficient utilization of the unusual FAs by the host-plant TAG biosynthetic pathways. Competing pathways of diacylglycerol (DAG) and subsequent TAG synthesis ultimately affect TAG FA composition. The membrane lipid phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the substrate for many FA-modifying enzymes (desaturases, hydroxylases, etc.) and DAG can be derived from PC for TAG synthesis. The relative proportion of PC-derived DAG versus de novo synthesized DAG utilized for TAG synthesis, and the ability of each pathway to utilize unusual FA substrates, are unknown for most oilseed plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Through metabolic labeling experiments we demonstrate that the relative flux of de novo DAG into the PC-derived DAG pathway versus direct conversion to TAG is ~14/1 in wild-type Arabidopsis. Expression of the Ricinus communis FA hydroxylase reduced the flux of de novo DAG into PC by ~70%. Synthesis of TAG directly from de novo DAG did not increase, resulting in lower total synthesis of labeled lipids. Hydroxy-FA containing de novo DAG was rapidly synthesized, but it was not efficiently accumulated or converted to PC and TAG, and appeared to be in a futile cycle of synthesis and degradation. However, FA hydroxylation on PC and conversion to DAG allowed some hydroxy-FA to accumulate in sn-2 TAG. Therefore, the flux of DAG through PC represents a major bottleneck for the accumulation of unusual FAs in TAG of transgenic Arabidopsis seeds.  相似文献   

PCR-based detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms is a powerful tool for the plant geneticist. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis is the most widely used approach for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. However, this technique is limited to mutations which create or disrupt a restriction enzyme recognition site. This paper presents a modification of this technique where mismatches in a PCR primer are used to create a polymorphism based on the target mutation. This technique is useful for following known mutations in segregating populations and genetic mapping of isolated DNAs used for positional based cloning of new genes. In addition, a computer program has been developed that facilitates the design of these PCR primers.  相似文献   

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