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The steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR) is a broad-specificity nuclear hormone receptor that is highly expressed in the liver and intestine, where its primary function is to regulate drug and xenobiotic metabolism. SXR is expressed at lower levels in other tissues, where little is known about its physiological functions. We previously linked SXR with immunity and inflammation by showing that SXR antagonizes the activity of nuclear factor (NF)-κB in vitro and in vivo. SXR(-/-) mice demonstrate aberrantly high NF-κB activity and overexpression of NF-κB target genes. Here we show that SXR(-/-) mice develop B cell lymphoma in an age-dependent manner. SXR(-/-) mice develop multiple hyperplastic lymphoid foci composed of B-1a cells in the intestine, spleen, lymph nodes, peritoneal cavity, and blood. In all circumstances, these lymphocytes possess cell surface and molecular characteristics of either chronic lymphocytic leukemia or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma originating from B-1 lymphocytes. These results demonstrate a novel and unsuspected role for SXR signaling in the B-1 cell compartment, establish SXR as a tumor suppressor in B-1 cells, and may provide a link between metabolism of xenobiotic compounds and lymphomagenesis.  相似文献   

DNA-binding mechanism of the monomeric orphan nuclear receptor NGFI-B.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 2.7 A X-ray crystal structure of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the orphan nuclear receptor, nerve growth factor-induced-B (NGFI-B), complexed to its high-affinity DNA target, represents the first structure analysis of a nuclear receptor DBD bound as a monomer to DNA. The structure of the core DBD and its interactions with the major groove of the DNA are similar to previously crystallographically solved DBD-DNA complexes in this superfamily; however, residues C-terminal to this core form a separate and unique substructure that interacts extensively and in a sequence-specific way with the minor groove of its DNA target, in particular with the characteristic 3 A-T base-pair identity element that extends 5' to the usual nuclear receptor half-site (AGGTCA).  相似文献   

The induction of CYP2B gene expression by phenobarbital (PB) is mediated by the translocation of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The CAR/RXR heterodimer binds to two DR-4 sites in a complex phenobarbital responsive unit (PBRU) in the CYP2B gene. The short heterodimer partner (SHP), an orphan nuclear receptor that lacks a conventional DNA binding domain, was initially identified by its interaction with CAR. We have examined the role of SHP in CAR-mediated transactivation of the CYP2B gene. Coexpression of SHP inhibited the transactivation of the CYP2B gene by CAR in cultured hepatoma cells and the p160 coactivator GRIP1 reversed the inhibition. The interaction of CAR with SHP was confirmed by GST pulldown experiments. SHP did not block the binding of either CAR/RXR to the PBRU or binding of GRIP1 to the CAR/RXR complex in gel mobility shift assays, but slightly increased CAR/RXR binding and slightly altered the mobility of the CAR/RXR/GRIP1 complex, suggesting an interaction of SHP with these complexes. The presence of SHP in the complexes, however, could not be detected in an antibody supershift assay. Recombinant corepressors mSin3A, SMRT, and HDAC1, but not NCoR1, interacted with GST-SHP but each of these corepressors in liver nuclear extracts bound to GST-SHP. SMRT and NCoR1 inhibited CAR-mediated activation independent of SHP, but mSin3A and HDAC1 had little effect alone, and were additive with SHP. These studies demonstrate that SHP does not inhibit CAR-mediated trans-activation by interfering with DNA binding or by competition with GRIP1. Instead, SHP may either inhibit recruitment of other coactivators by GRIP1 or actively recruit corepressors directly to the CAR/RXR/PBRU complex.  相似文献   

CYP3A4 has unusual kinetic characteristics because it has a large active site. CYP3A4 produced more 4-hydroxytriazolam than alpha-hydroxytriazolam at concentrations of more than 60 muM triazolam, and different steroids had different inhibitory effects on the system. To clarify these interesting observations, the interactions between substrate and substrate/steroid were investigated by theoretical calculations. When two triazolam molecules were docked into the active site, the distance between the O-atom and the 4-hydroxylated site was less than the distance to the alpha-hydroxylated site because of interaction between the two triazolam molecules. Estradiol inhibited both alpha- and 4-hydroxytriazolam formation by 50%. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) inhibited alpha-hydroxylation more than 4-hydroxytriazolam formation, whereas aldosterone had no effect. When one triazolam molecule and one steroid molecule were simultaneously docked, estradiol increased the distance between the O-atom and the two hydroxylated sites, DHEA only increased the distance between the O-atom and alpha-hydroxylated site, and aldosterone did not change the distances. The relevant angles of Fe-O-C in the hydroxylated site of triazolam also widened, together with increased distance. These findings indicate that formation of a substrate and substrate/effector complex in the active site may be a factor for determining the enzyme kinetic parameters of CYP3A4.  相似文献   

Induction of the major drug metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4 by xenobiotics contributes to the pronounced interindividual variability of its expression and often results in clinically relevant drug-drug interactions. It is mainly mediated by PXR, which regulates CYP3A4 expression by binding to several specific elements in the 5′ upstream regulatory region of the gene. Induction itself shows a marked interindividual variability, whose underlying determinants are only partly understood. In this study, we investigated the role of nuclear receptor binding to PXR response elements in CYP3A4, as a potential non-genetic mechanism contributing to interindividual variability of induction. By in vitro DNA binding experiments, we showed that several nuclear receptors bind efficiently to the proximal promoter ER6 and distal xenobiotic-responsive enhancer module DR3 motifs. TRα1, TRβ1, COUP-TFI, and COUP-TFII further demonstrated dose-dependent repression of PXR-mediated CYP3A4 enhancer/promoter reporter activity in transient transfection in the presence and absence of the PXR inducer rifampin, while VDR showed this effect only in the absence of treatment. By combining functional in vitro characterization with hepatic expression analysis, we predict that TRα1, TRβ1, COUP-TFI, and COUP-TFII show a strong potential for the repression of PXR-mediated activation of CYP3A4 in vivo. In summary, our results demonstrate that nuclear receptor binding to PXR response elements interferes with PXR-mediated expression and induction of CYP3A4 and thereby contributes to the interindividual variability of induction.  相似文献   

Human CYP3A4 catalyzes the 10,11-epoxidation of carbamazepine (CBZ). However, the epoxide is less stable in terms of potential energy than hydroxides of the six-membered aromatic ring. To clarify the reason why CYP3A4 produces such an energetically unfavorable compound, the mechanism of epoxidation of CBZ by CYP3A4 was investigated by theoretical calculations. The reaction consisted of two elementary processes in which two C–O bonds were generated stepwise. The rate-determining step was the first one and the activation energy was 21.3 kcal/mol at the DFT (B3LYP/6-31G**) level. The activation energy level of the first step of the 10,11-epoxidation was lower than that of the hydroxylation of the aromatic ring. For this reason, 10,11-epoxidation is more probable than hydroxylation of the aromatic ring, and only 10,11-epoxide is formed.  相似文献   

Racemic ketoconazole (KTZ) was the first orally active azole antifungal agent used in clinical practice and has become widely used in the treatment of mucosal fungal infections associated with AIDS immunosuppression and cancer chemotherapy. However, the use of KTZ has been limited because of adverse drug-drug interactions. KTZ blocks ergosterol biosynthesis by inhibiting the fungal cytochrome P450 (CYP51). KTZ is also a potent inhibitor of human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) enzyme, the major drug-metabolizing CYP isozyme in the human liver. We examined the enantioselective differences of KTZ in the inhibition of human CYP3A4 and in antifungal action. Dextro- and levo-KTZ exhibited modest enantioselective differences with respect to CYP3A4 inhibition of testosterone and methadone metabolism. For both substrates levo-KTZ was approximately a 2-fold more potent inhibitor. We examined the enantioselective differences in the in vitro activity of KTZ against medically relevant species of Candida and Aspergillus, as well as Cryptococcus neoformans. Overall, levo-KTZ was 2-4-fold more active than dextro-KTZ. Therefore, levo-KTZ is a more potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 and has stronger in vitro antifungal activity. Chirality 16:79-85, 2004.  相似文献   

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