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The influence of ageing on the capacity to increase muscle oxygen delivery during exercise is unclear. This was investigated by comparing the evolution of Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS) in 10 old (67 +/- 5 years, Old group) and 13 young subjects (27 +/- 4 years, Young group), during a progressive maximal exercise. The NIRS probe was placed on the vastus lateralis; muscle oxygen saturation - IR-SmO(2) - values were expressed on a scale using an arterial occlusion as the lower reference point and the subsequent reactive hyperaemia as the upper reference point. Resting IR-SmO( 2) was found to be significantly lower in the Old as co mpared to the Young group. During exercise, VO(2) increased similarly as a function of the workload whereas IR-SmO(2) decreased faster in old subjects than in young ones. Conversely, when expressed at the same percentage of VO( 2max), IR-SmO(2) followed a similar evolution in both groups from rest to maximal exercise (27.3 +/- 16.7 vs 24.3 +/- 12.9% decrease, in Old and Young group, respectively, NS). Thus, the initial difference remained constant between the two groups. During recovery, the time to recover the signal variation was not different between the two groups. We concluded that Old subjects demonstrate a systematic lower muscle oxygen saturation than Young ones. This difference could be explained by an age related decrease in muscle blood flow limiting O(2) supply.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between muscle oxygenation level at exhaustion and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in an incremental cycling exercise. Nine male subjects took part in an incremental exhaustive cycling exercise, and then cuff occlusion was performed. Changes in oxy-(deltaHbO2) and deoxy-(deltaHb) hemoglobin concentrations in the vastus lateralis muscle were measured with a near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Muscle oxygenation during incremental exercise was expressed as a percentage (%Moxy) of the maximal range observed during an arterial occlusion as the lower reference point. A systematic decrease was observed in %Moxy with increasing intensity. A significant relationship was observed between %Moxy at exhaustion and VO2max (p < 0.01). We concluded that the one of the limiting factor of VO2max is the muscle oxygen diffusion capacity, and %Moxy during exercise could be one of the indexes of muscle oxygen diffusion capacity.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle oxygenation monitoring by near infrared spectroscopy.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The oxygenation of human forearm muscle tissue was studied using an optic fiber fast scanning spectrophotometer. We investigated near infrared (700-1100 nm) hemoglobin (Hb) and myoglobin (Mb) spectral changes in flow and/or oxygen-limited conditions. The superimposition of deoxy Hb and deoxy Mb spectra was confirmed "in vivo" on perfluorocarbon-blood exchanged transfused rats. Oxygenation changes were evaluated in 15 volunteers during 10 min forearm arterial occlusion. Rapid desaturation occurred until a plateau was reached after about 4 min, suggesting rapid anaerobic glycolytic activation.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as important players in the regulation of gene expression, being involved in most biological processes examined to date. The proposal that miRNAs are primarily involved in the stress response of the cell makes miRNAs ideally suited to mediate the response of skeletal muscle to changes in contractile activity. Although the field is still in its infancy, the studies presented in this review highlight the promise that miRNAs will have an important role in mediating the response and adaptation of skeletal muscle to various modes of exercise. The roles of miRNAs in satellite cell biology, muscle regeneration, and various myopathies are also discussed.  相似文献   

To determine if decreased systemic oxygen (O2) extraction contributes to the exercise limit in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 40 consecutive incremental cycle ergometer exercise tests performed by such patients, from which a “log-log” lactate threshold (LT) was identified, were compared to those of 8 patients with left ventricular failure (LVF) and 10 normal controls. Pulmonary gas exchange and minute ventilation were measured continuously and arterial blood gas tensions, pH, and lactate concentrations were sampled each minute. Cardiac output ( c) was measured by first-pass radionuclide ventriculography. The systemic O2 extraction ratio (O2ER) was calculated as arterial − mixed venous O2 content difference (C aO2 − C vO2)/C aO2. Peak exercise O2 uptake (O2peak) was markedly reduced in both COPD and LVF [41 (3) and 42 (3)% predicted, respectively], compared to controls [89 (2)% predicted, P < 0.0001 for each]. Similarly, the LT occurred at a low percentage of predicted maximal oxygen consumption in both COPD and LVF [25 (2) and 27 (3)%] compared to normals [46 (3)%, P < 0.0001 for each]. The systemic O2ER at peak exercise was severely reduced in COPD [0.36 (0.02)] compared to the other groups [P < 0.0001 for each], for whom it was nearly identical [0.58 (0.03) vs 0.63 (0.04), LVF vs control, P > 0.05]. In the COPD group, an early LT correlated with reduced systemic O2ER at peak exercise (r = 0.64, P < 0.0001), but not with any index of systemic O2 delivery. These data suggest that lactic acidemia during exercise in patients with severe COPD is better related to abnormal systemic O2 extraction than to its delivery and contributes to the exercise limit. Accepted: 10 March 1998  相似文献   

The quantitative analysis of haemoglobin oxygenation of contracting human muscle during weight-lifting exercise was studied noninvasively and directly using near-infrared spectroscopy. This method was developed as a three-wavelength method which confirmed the volume changes in oxygenated haemoglobin (oxy-Hb), deoxygenated haemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) and blood volume (total-Hb; Oxy-Hb + deoxy-Hb). Nine healthy adult men with various levels of training experience took part in the study. Ten repetition maximum (10 RM) one-arm curl exercise was performed by all the subjects. Results showed that at the beginning of the 10-RM exercise, rapid increases of deoxy-Hb and decreases of oxy-Hb were observed. In addition, total-Hb gradually increased during exercise. These results corresponded to the condition of arm blood flow experimentally restricted using a tourniquet in contact with the shoulder joint, and they showed the restriction of venous blood flow and an anoxic state occurring in the dynamically contracted muscle. In three sets of lifting exercise with short rest periods, these tendencies were accelerated in each set, while total-Hb volume did not return to the resting state after the third set for more than 90 s. These results would suggest that a training regimen emphasizing a moderately high load and a high number of repetitions, and a serial set with short rest periods such as usually performed by bodybuilders, caused a relatively long-term anoxic state in the muscle.  相似文献   

The most important function of mitochondria is the production of energy in the form of ATP. The socio-economic impact of human diseases that affect skeletal muscle mitochondrial function is growing, and improving their clinical management critically depends on the development of non-invasive assays to assess mitochondrial function and monitor the effects of interventions. 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides two approaches that have been used to assess in vivo ATP synthesis in skeletal muscle: measuring Pi  ATP exchange flux using saturation transfer in resting muscle, and measuring phosphocreatine recovery kinetics after exercise. However, Pi  ATP exchange does not represent net mitochondrial ATP synthesis flux and has no simple relationship with mitochondrial function. Post-exercise phosphocreatine recovery kinetics, on the other hand, yield reliable measures of muscle mitochondrial capacity in vivo, whose ability to define the site of functional defects is enhanced by combination with other non-invasive techniques.  相似文献   

Cellular heterogeneity during vertebrate skeletal muscle development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although skeletal muscles appear superficially alike at different anatomical locations, in reality there is considerably more diversity than previously anticipated. Heterogeneity is not only restricted to completely developed fibers, but is clearly apparent during development at the molecular, cellular and anatomical level. Multiple waves of muscle precursors with different features appear before birth and contribute to muscular diversification. Recent cell lineage and gene expression studies have expanded our knowledge on how skeletal muscle is formed and how its heterogeneity is generated. This review will present a comprehensive view of relevant findings in this field.  相似文献   

To determine the alterations in optical characteristics and cerebral blood oxygenation (CBO) during activation and deactivation, we evaluated the changes in mean optical pathlength (MOP) and CBO induced by a verbal fluency task (VFT) and driving simulation in the right and left prefrontal cortex (PFC), employing a newly developed time-resolved near infrared spectroscopy, which allows quantitative measurements of the evoked-CBO changes by determining the MOP with a sampling time of 1 s. The results demonstrated differences in MOP in the foreheads with the subjects and wavelength; however, there was no significant difference between the right and left foreheads (p > 0.05). Also, both the VFT and driving simulation task did not affect the MOP significantly as compared to that before the tasks (p > 0.05). In the bilateral PFCs, the VFT caused increases of oxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin associated with a decrease of deoxyhemoglobin, while the driving simulation task caused decreases of oxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin associated with an increase of deoxyhemoglobin; there were no significant differences in evoked-CBO changes between the right and left PFC. The present results will be useful for quantitative measurement of hemodynamic changes during activation and deactivation in the adults by near infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   



Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to assess muscle oxygenation (MO) within skeletal muscle at rest and during aerobic exercise. Previous investigations have used a single probe placement to measure MO during various forms of exercise. However, regional MO differences have been shown to exist within the same muscle which suggests that different areas of the same muscle may have divergent MO. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine whether regional differences in MO exist within the same muscle during different types of incremental (rest, 25, 50, 75, 100 % of maximum) exercise (1 leg knee extension (KE), 2 leg KE, or cycling).


Nineteen healthy active males (Mean ± SD: Age 27 ± 4 yrs; VO2max: 55 ± 11 mL/kg/min) performed incremental exercise to fatigue using each mode of exercise. NIRS probes were placed on the distal and proximal portion of right leg vastus lateralis (VL). Results were analyzed with a 3-way mixed model ANOVA (probe × intensity × mode).


Differences in MO exist within the VL for each mode of exercise, however these differences were not consistent for each level of intensity. Comparison of MO revealed that the distal region of VL was significantly lower throughout KE exercise (1 leg KE proximal MO – distal MO = 9.9 %; 2 leg KE proximal MO – distal MO = 13 %). In contrast, the difference in MO between proximal and distal regions of VL was smaller in cycling and was not significantly different at heavy workloads (75 and 100 % of maximum).


MO is different within the same muscle and the pattern of the difference will change depending on the mode and intensity of exercise. Future investigations should limit conclusions on MO to the area under assessment as well as the type and intensity of exercise employed.

Alanine production by skeletal muscle in tissue culture was studied using an established myogenic line (L6) of rat skeletal muscle cells. Correlation analyses were performed on rates of metabolism of alanine, glucose, lactate and pyruvate over incubation periods up to 96 h. Alanine production did not correlate significantly with glucose utilization (r = 0.24, P < 0.20). Alanine production, however, did correlate with lactate production (r = 0.72, P < 0.0005) as well as medium (r = 0.50, P < 0.025) and intracellular (r = 0.85, P < 0.0005) pyruvate concentrations. The intercepts of the latter two correlation analyses indicated that when medium or cell pyruvate fell below 0.28 mM or 1 nmol/mg protein, respectively, net alanine consumption occurred. Alanine synthesis also correlated (r = 0.71, P < 0.0005) with the percent change in the cell mass action ratio for the sum of the alanine and aspartate aminotransferase reactions, i.e., [alanine] [malate]/[aspartate] [lactate]. These results suggest that alanine production is not necessarily linked to the rate of glucose utilization but rather to pyruvate overflow above a critical intracellular level; under conditions of pyruvate overflow, alanine synthesis is driven by the tendency to establish equilibrium between metabolites of the linked amino acid transaminases in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue oxygenation of forearm muscles were measured by near infrared (NIR) spectrophotometry in 10 healthy adults during tourniquet ischemia and venous outflow restriction. Muscle O2 stores were depleted rapidly by forearm ischemia manifest by a progressive decrease in tissue oxyhemoglobin and oxymyoglobin over 4-5 min. Muscle ischemia significantly decreased the oxidation level of cytochrome aa3, to below resting base line after only 1.5 min, and the enzyme became fully reduced after 6.5 min. After 8 min of ischemia, tourniquet release was accompanied by a transient increase in muscle blood volume due to influx of oxyhemoglobin. The cytochrome aa3 oxidation level increased above resting base line within 1 min after tourniquet release. Transcutaneous PO2 measurements recorded simultaneously from the same forearm correlated poorly with the kinetics of O2 availability and cytochrome oxidation in the underlying muscle tissue; this was not unexpected because overlying skin did not contribute significantly to NIR muscle signals. Venous outflow restriction without inflow obstruction increased muscle deoxyhemoglobin and tissue blood volume but did not change muscle O2 stores or cytochrome aa3 oxidation level. The ability of the NIR technique to detect dynamic trends in tissue oxygenation reveals that muscle O2 is rapidly consumed during tourniquet ischemia and rapidly restored by hyperemic responses after brief ischemia.  相似文献   

When observed under a microscope, skeletal muscle exhibits striations due to the highly organized arrangement of muscle proteins that interact with one another to induce muscle contraction. Muscle contraction requires transient increases in intracellular ‘Ca2+’ concentration. In this review, Ca2+ channels contributing to the functional integrity of intracellular Ca2+-release and extracellular Ca2+-entry during skeletal muscle contraction are reviewed in terms of their properties, newly emerging ancillary proteins to them, and their abnormalities related to human skeletal muscle diseases. Finally, the aim of this review is to show the big picture of the correlation among Ca2+ channels that participate in the Ca2+ homeostasis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Six groups of 5 male rats (starting body weight 109 g) were allowed free access to a conventional rat diet. At 4 hourly intervals, starting at 10.00 h muscle protein synthesis was measured. By relating the weights of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the initial body weights of the animals (i.e., at 09.30, day 1), a linear increase in muscle weight throughout the day was demonstrated. The fractional rate of muscle protein synthesis varied from 16.8% per day to 20.3% per day in gastrocnemius muscle and from 17.9% per day and 22.1% per day in the soleus. It was calculated that the maximum error incurred in estimating daily muscle protein synthesis by extrapolation of the value at any one time was 6% in gastrocnemius and 9% in soleus. It is concluded that calculations of the average rate of muscle protein degradation based on the difference between the rates of synthesis and deposition are generally valid in rats allowed free access to an adequate diet.  相似文献   

Summary The time-course of changes in skeletal muscle pH during arousal from hibernation in the Columbian ground squirrel was studied using31P NMR spectroscopy. In hibernation (T re 7–9°C), shoulder/neck muscle pH was 7.45±0.03 and Im was 0.60. In euthermia (T re 37°C), muscle pH was 7.24±0.05 and Im was 0.75. Thus the overall pH-temperature coefficient was-0.009 pH units/°C, indicating acidification of the muscle in hibernation. During the transition from hibernation to euthermia, however, the muscle shows a nonlinear pattern of pH change. In early arousal (T sh<20–25°C,T re<15°C) muscle pH does not change and muscle Im increases to 0.72. In later arousal (T sh>20–25°C,T re>15°C) muscle pH decreases gradually toward the euthermic value and muscle Im increases only slightly from 0.72 to 0.75. These results support the hypothesis that intracellular acidification of the muscle, present during hibernation, is reversed in early arousal. This may facilitate an increase in muscle metabolism and the contribution of maximal shivering thermogenesis to rewarming of the animal.Abbreviations Im dissociation ratio of protein imidazole buffergroups - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - BAT brown adipose tissue - dp H/dT temperature coefficient of pH - pH i intracellular pH - 31 P NMR 31Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance - P i chemical shift of inorganic phosphate relative to PCr - PCr phosphocreatine - T b body temperature - T re rectal temperature - T sh subcutaneous shoulder temperature - T a ambient temperature  相似文献   

To determine if fatigue at maximal aerobic power output was associated with a critical decrease in cerebral oxygenation, 13 male cyclists performed incremental maximal exercise tests (25 W/min ramp) under normoxic (Norm: 21% Fi(O2)) and acute hypoxic (Hypox: 12% Fi(O2)) conditions. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to monitor concentration (microM) changes of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin (Delta[O2Hb], Delta[HHb]) in the left vastus lateralis muscle and frontal cerebral cortex. Changes in total Hb were calculated (Delta[THb] = Delta[O2Hb] + Delta[HHb]) and used as an index of change in regional blood volume. Repeated-measures ANOVA were performed across treatments and work rates (alpha = 0.05). During Norm, cerebral oxygenation rose between 25 and 75% peak power output {Power(peak); increased (inc) Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb], inc. Delta[THb]}, but fell from 75 to 100% Power(peak) {decreased (dec) Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb], no change Delta[THb]}. In contrast, during Hypox, cerebral oxygenation dropped progressively across all work rates (dec. Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb]), whereas Delta[THb] again rose up to 75% Power(peak) and remained constant thereafter. Changes in cerebral oxygenation during Hypox were larger than Norm. In muscle, oxygenation decreased progressively throughout exercise in both Norm and Hypox (dec. Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta [HHb], inc. Delta[THb]), although Delta[O2Hb] was unchanged between 75 and 100% Power peak. Changes in muscle oxygenation were also greater in Hypox compared with Norm. On the basis of these findings, it is unlikely that changes in cerebral oxygenation limit incremental exercise performance in normoxia, yet it is possible that such changes play a more pivotal role in hypoxia.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is a soluble carbohydrate-binding protein with a particularly high expression in skeletal muscle. Galectin-1 has been implicated in skeletal muscle development and in adult muscle regeneration, but also in the degeneration of neuronal processes and/or in peripheral nerve regeneration. Exogenously supplied oxidized galectin-1, which lacks carbohydrate-binding properties, has been shown to promote neurite outgrowth after sciatic nerve sectioning. In this study, we compared the expression of galectin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in innervated and denervated mouse and rat hind-limb and hemidiaphragm muscles. The results show that galectin-1 mRNA expression and immunoreactivity are up-regulated following denervation. The galectin-1 mRNA is expressed in the extrasynaptic and perisynaptic regions of the muscle, and its immunoreactivity can be detected in both regions by Western blot analysis. The results are compatible with a role for galectin-1 in facilitating reinnervation of denervated skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The latency relaxation is a small drop of tension before skeletal muscle begins to develop active tension. This phenomenon was found nearly one century ago but its origin has not been clarified. In this review, the hypotheses for its mechanism are discussed in terms of the recent experimental results using X-ray diffraction. The latency relaxation takes place almost simultaneously as the structural change of the regulatory protein troponin, an unspecified structural change of the thick filament, and increase in stiffness. It seems difficult to associate all of these with the latency relaxation by assuming a simple mechanism.  相似文献   

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