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Circular dichroism spectra of alpha-lactalbumin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Circular dichroism spectra of bovine heart aa(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase have been studied with a major focus on the Soret band π → π* transitions, B(0(x,y)), in the two iron porphyrin groups of the enzyme. The spectra of the fully reduced and fully oxidized enzyme as well as of its carbon monoxide and cyanide complexes have been explored. In addition, CD spectra of the reduced and oxidized ba(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus were recorded for comparison. An attempt is made to interpret the CD spectra of cytochrome c oxidase with the aid of a classical model of dipole-dipole coupled oscillators taking advantage of the known 3D crystal structure of the enzyme. Simultaneous modeling of the CD and absorption spectra shows that in the bovine oxidase, the dipole-dipole interactions between the hemes a and a(3), although contributing significantly, cannot account either for the lineshape or the magnitude of the experimental spectra. However, adding the interactions of the hemes with 22 aromatic amino acid residues located within 12 ? from either of the two heme groups can be used to model the CD curves for the fully reduced and fully oxidized oxidase with reasonable accuracy. Interaction of the hemes with the peptide bond transition dipoles is found to be insignificant. The modeling indicates that the CD spectra of cytochrome oxidase in both the reduced and oxidized states are influenced significantly by interaction with Tyr244 in the oxygen-reducing center of the enzyme. Hence, CD spectroscopy may provide a useful tool for monitoring the redox/ionization state of this residue. The modeling confirms wide energy splitting of the orthogonal B(x) and B(y) transitions in the porphyrin ring of heme a.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism spectra of haemoglobin Bart's (γ4) in the region from 240 to 600 nm were different from those of human adult haemoglobin, but closely similar to those of the β-subunit of human adult haemoglobin. The amplitude of the positive circular dichroism maximum of deoxygenated haemoglobin Bart's in the Soret region was much less than that of human adult haemoglobin. The peak molar extinction coefficient of deoxygenated haemoglobin Bart's in the Soret region was found to be lower than that of deoxygenated human adult haemoglobin. These data indicate that haemoglobin Bart's, which is composed of four identical chains and lacks co-operativity, is structurally similar to haemoglobin H (β4).  相似文献   

The circular dichroism spectra of two protein proteinase inhibitors were studied. The CD spectrum of the kidney bean inhibitor is similar to those of other low molecular weight inhibitors from legume seeds. The potato inhibitor in its native state is characterized by a low content of alpha-helices, which is increased in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate.  相似文献   

Granum-containing chloroplasts from mesophyll cells of maize (Zea mays L. var. MV 861) leaves exhibited circular dichroism spectra with a large double signal; peaks at 696 nm (+) and 680 nm (−). In the circular dichroism spectra obtained with agranal chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells, this large double signal is absent. Separation of grana lamellae, in a medium of low salt concentration and in KSCN solution, resulted only in a slight decrease of the amplitude, while upon treatment with digitonin the large double signal disappeared. A negative signal of the chlorophyll b peak at 654 nm was observed in the case of both granal and agranal chloroplasts, and it was not affected either by low salt or by digitonin treatment. A positive peak at about 515 nm was higher in granal than in agranal chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Ted Mar  Gabriel Gingras 《BBA》1984,764(1):86-92
The circular dichroism spectra of oriented and unoriented photoreaction centers of Rhodospirillum rubrum are compared. Orientation is achieved by pressing photoreaction center suspended in polyacrylamide gel. The biphasic bands at 870 and 810 nm and at 630 and 600 nm undergo a rotatory strength decrease when measured in the direction of the pressure, but not when measured in the direction normal to the pressure. Such a decrease in oriented photoreaction center is consistent with the model according to which these bands are dimer exciton bands of the special pair bacteriochlorophyll.  相似文献   

Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b dissolved in nematic liquid crystal solvents. The spectra were measured with the dye molecules oriented uniaxially along the direction of. the magnetic field and measuring light beam. It is significant that under such conditions the MCD spectra recorded in the wavelength region of the Q and Soret bands of the chlorophyll are essentially unchanged with respect to rotation of the sample cell around this axis, even though there is almost complete orientation of the chlorophyll molecules by the liquid crystals. The MCD spectra of Chl a and b in the nematic liquid crystal solvents used in this study are surprisingly similar to the spectra obtained under isotropic conditions. These results illustrate an important technique with which to examine the optical spectra of dyes oriented in liquid crystal matrices in which the anisotropic effects can be reduced the negligible proportions by the application of a strong magnetic field parallel to the direction of the measuring light beam. The first deconvolution calculations are reported that describe the deconvolution of pairs of absorption and MCD spectra, in the Q and B band regions, for both Chl a and b. The spectral analysis to obtain quantitative estimates of transition energies was accomplished by carrying out detailed deconvolution calculations in which the both the absorption and MCD spectral envelopes were fitted with the same number of components; each pair of components had the same hand centres and bandwidth values. This procedure resulted in an assignment of each of the main transitions in the absorption spectra of both Chl a and b. Chl a is clearly monomeric, with Qy, Qx, By and Bx located at 671, 582, 439 and 431 nm, respectively. Analysis of the spectral data for Chl b located Qy, By and Bx, at 662, 476 and 464 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra are reported for various concentrations of glutamate dehydrogenase in order to determine any role of protein aggregation on NADH-binding spectra. These CD spectra do appear to be sensitive to enzyme aggregation. These spectra raise some doubt about previous interpretation of CD spectra as direct evidence for a second NADH binding-site.  相似文献   

Changes in CD spectra of 5-deoxybromouridine (brUdRib)-substituted chromatin depend on the extent of thymidine replacement by brUdRib. With 20 and 14 per cent replacement, a blue shift and a marked increase in positive ellipticity are reported in the CD spectra of brUdRib-substituted chromatin, while with 4.9 per cent replacement little effect is noticed. BrUdRib-substitution does not affect the number of ethidium bromide primary binding sites of chromatin.  相似文献   

C.d. spectra have been measured in aqueous solution to 168 nm for some model compounds related to D-glucopyranose and D-galactopyranose. C.d. difference-spectra reveal the contribution of certain functional groups and confirm contributions for other groups found in earlier work.  相似文献   

Dichroism spectra of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and bacteriochlorophyll a in various nematic liquid crystals are reported. The initial orientation of chlorophylls in such a sample is determined by the interaction of the aggregate formed from the pigment and the liquid crystal molecules with the electrode surface on the cell windows. Reorientation is carried out by either an electric or magnetic field. The analysis of the circular dichroism spectra obtained from these samples on the basis of the Mueller matrix shows that the intensity is predominantly related to the texture of the sample. Chlorophyll molecules can be aggregated with liquid crystals in two ways: (1) through the chlorin magnesium atom, which results in the liquid crystal chain being almost perpendicular to the porphyrin ring, or (2) attached parallel to the line connecting the first and third pyrrole rings of the chlorin, the chlorin now lying in the plane of the liquid crystal chains. By comparing the dichroism spectra of various chlorophylls in the same liquid crystal we can draw conclusions concerning the preferred type of aggregation, not only with liquid crystals, but also with biological molecules. These liquid crystal systems are models of the orientation effects found for chlorophyll in lamellae. The model studied in this work is much simpler than the lamellar system but it does exhibit several common properties with the latter. Both systems are anisotropic and show much more intense dichroism signals, often of opposite sign, compared with those observed for photosynthetic pigments in isotropic solutions. Dichroism signals of organism fragments are much more complex than those of our model, which can either be related to the occurrence in the organism of several types of pigments or, for a given type of pigment, could be the result of exciton splitting. On the basis of our model it is shown that small changes in the anisotropy of the pigment in the surroundings have a strong influence on the sign and amplitude of the observed circular dichroism signal. Such effects may be responsible for the structure of the dichroism spectra observed for biological samples. Such structures can be partially related to the superposition of the dichroism signal from various ‘domains’ of chromophore which are different in both pigment arrangement and in the anisotropy of the surroundings of the pigment molecules themselves.  相似文献   

The destruction of cytochrome P-450 by allylisopropylacetamide (2-isopropyl-4-pentenamide) in microsomes from phenobarbital-pretreated rats has been shown to require oxygen, to be inhibited by NADP through inhibition of cytochrome P-450 reductase, and to be slightly stimulated by NADH. Glutathione (1 mm) does not inhibit destruction, but methyl 4,5-epoxy-2-isopropylpentanoate (5 mm), an analog of the epoxide of allylisopropylacetamide, does. The inactivation of cytochrome P-450 is both time dependent and saturable, although no more than approximately 40% of the microsomal enzyme appears to be normally destructible. However, mechanical perturbation of the microsomal suspension by rehomogenization initiates renewed destruction. Kinetic analysis shows that the destructive process is pseudo-first-order, with an apparent inactivation rate constant of 1.4 × 10?3 s?1 and an apparent Km of 1.14 mm. Approximately 230 molecules of substrate are turned over for each destructive event. These results, in conjunction with previously reported data, clearly and unambiguously establish that inactivation of cytochrome P-450 by allylisopropylacetamide is a suicidal process.  相似文献   

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