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This study evaluated whether the African cyprinid Barbus neumayeri from Rwembaita Swamp (low‐oxygen) and Njuguta River (high‐oxygen) in the Kibale National Park, Uganda differed in traits related to aerobic and anaerobic metabolic potential. Haematocrit was measured as an index of blood oxygen‐carrying capacity, and tissue activities and isozyme composition of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured as indices of tissue anaerobic capacity. To address whether site‐dependent differences were acute responses v . longer‐term adjustments to environmental conditions, these variables were measured in fish sampled shortly after collection and after laboratory maintenance under well‐aerated conditions. In fish sampled in the field, those from the low‐oxygen site had significantly higher haematocrit, but this difference disappeared after long‐term laboratory maintenance. In contrast, fish from the low‐oxygen site had higher liver LDH activities than fish from the high‐oxygen site, and this difference persisted during laboratory maintenance. Polymorphism was detected at both the LDH‐A and LDH‐B loci, and genotype frequencies for LDH‐B differed significantly between collection sites. These results demonstrate physiological, biochemical and genetic differences in B. neumayeri from habitats differing in dissolved oxygen availability and suggest both acute and long‐term responses to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In oxygen‐deficient waters, the difficulties of oxygen uptake in gill parasites and their fish hosts may influence host and parasite densities, site selection by the parasite, and effects of the parasite on host condition. This study quantified the prevalence and intensity of the gill monogenean Neodiplozoon polycotyleus in the African cyprinid fish Barbus neumayeri from an intermittent forest stream in western Uganda. Oxygen levels were low in the stream over the 12‐month study, averaging only 2.5 mg litre?1 (monthly range = 1.2–4.3 mg litre?1). However, parasite prevalence was high (47.2%), suggesting high tolerance to low oxygen in N. polycotyleus. The prevalence of parasites varied with host body size, with the highest frequency of occurrence in the middle size classes. Prevalence also varied over the year; seasonal peaks of rainfall coincided with a lower frequency of N. polycotyleus. The significantly nonrandom frequency distribution of parasites among hosts suggests regulation of parasite numbers. Of the hosts infected, 37.1% harboured one N. polycotyleus parasite, and 62.9% harboured two parasites. No fish were infected with more than two diplozoons. There was evidence for strong site specificity by N. polycotyleus within hosts; 77.7% of the parasites were located on the filaments of the second gill arch, which may relate to increased oxygen availability. In addition, only one of the 178 infected fish had more than one parasite on one side of the branchial basket. Although N. polycotyleus is undoubtedly parasitic, we found no evidence of a negative parasitic effect on the condition or reproductive status of B. neumayeri.  相似文献   

Synopsis Barbus radiatus is a widely distributed, polytypic species with three recognized subspecies: radiatus Peters (1853), aurantiacus Boulenger (1910), and profundus Greenwood (1970). A phenetic analysis of relative similarity was conducted for specimens of B. radiatus from throughout its known range. The study focuses on several large population samples taken recently along the presumed central Zambian interface between the subspecies aurantiacus and radiatus. New data on meristic and morphometric variation in B. radiatus and recent rediscovery of typical radiatus in Lake Victoria demonstrate that profundus is a species distinct from radiatus. With respect to the remaining two subspecies, results indicate a populational mosaic of highly variable morphs rather than two discrete, allopatric morphs. Thus, aurantiacus is placed in synonymy of radiatus. It is hypothesized that the populational mosaic of morphology in radiatus reflects adaptive ecotypic responses to water temperature and current velocity. The characters which accounted for most of the geographic variation of radiatus were body depth, caudal peduncle length, longitudinal meristic counts, dorsal fin height, and orbit diameter.  相似文献   

To test whether patches of papyrus swamp contribute to diversification of populations of non-air-breathing fishes, the gill morphology of Barbus neumayeri was compared between a papyrus swamp and several tributaries which differed in oxygen regime. Total gill filament length differed among sites and was negatively related to dissolved oxygen availability, supporting strong selection pressure for low-oxygen tolerance in the swamp interior. Among recaptures of marked B. neumayeri over a 4·5-year period among the focal swamp and connected stream and river sites, 93% of fish were recovered at the site of capture. Some of the individuals that moved crossed physicochemical gradients and traversed long distances within the swamp/stream system. This movement rate would theoretically be sufficient to homogenize gene frequencies among populations. However, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers indicated significant genetic differentiation among sites and no relationship between genetic differences and geographical distances among sites suggesting habitat-specific selection pressures on dispersers, rather than insufficient dispersal.  相似文献   

Population level response to hypoxia has become an issue of global significance because of increased frequency and intensity of hypoxic events worldwide, and the potential for global warming to exacerbate hypoxic stress. In this study, we sequenced two nuclear intronic regions and a single mitochondrial region across seven populations of the African cyprinid, Barbus neumayeri from two river drainages in Uganda: the Rwembaita Swamp‐Njuguta River System and the Dura River. We then examined two indices of population structure, GST and Jost's D, to detect links between oxygen availability and genetic variation and to determine if population genetic structure was associated with (i) dissolved oxygen regime (hypoxia or normoxia), (ii) geographical distance, or (iii) a combination of dissolved oxygen regime and geographical distance. Our results indicate that over a large scale (between drainages), geographical distance significantly affects the genetic structure of populations. However, within a single drainage, dissolved oxygen regime plays a key role in determining the genetic structure of populations. Within the Rwembaita‐Njuguta system, gene flow was high between locations of similar oxygen regimes, but low between areas characterized by divergent oxygen regimes. Interestingly, GST analyses appear to yield less realistic measures of population structure than Jost's D, suggesting that caution must be taken when interpreting and comparing the results from different studies. These results support the idea that aquatic dissolved oxygen can act as a selective force limiting gene flow among populations of aquatic species and therefore should be considered when implementing conservation plans and assessing environmental impact of human activities.  相似文献   

Patterns of food resource utilization by Barbus bocagei in a lowland river in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula are presented and discussed. Focal points include feeding activity, diet composition and seasonal and ontogenetic diet shifts. Striking features of overall feeding pattern of barbel are its continuous feeding activity, bottom habits, high consumption of detritus and dipteran larvae and narrow diet breadth. Seasonal changes in food resource availability elicited changes in food utilization patterns, revealing a trend to more generalist feeding during spring. Barbel increase consumption of plant material and large prey during ontogeny, but overlap in prey resource utilization between size classes is high. The versatility of barbel foraging behaviour may be an important feature in its exploitation of Iberian lotic systems.  相似文献   

Synopsis In seasonally flooding fresh waters, dissolved oxygen and fluctating water levels combine to create strong seasonal changes in habitat availability and dispersal pathways for fishes. In this study we demonstrate how respiratory mode can affect the use of and dispersal through hypoxic papyrus swamps for a small cyprinid fish, Barbus neumayeri, a species which uses aquatic surface respiration (ASR) in response to severe hypoxia. Monthly records of the distribution and relative abundance of B. neumayeri across 28 stations in a papyrus swamp in Uganda were used to examine seasonal patterns of habitat use and movement. The distribution of B. neumayeri was very restricted during the drier months. Most fish were captured in open pools and channels with large areas of open water surface and higher oxygen. Movement of B. neumayeri was limited to short periods during the wet season when peak water levels produced high levels of oxygen and pathways for movement. Three lines of evidence suggest that these patterns relate to its respiratory mode. These include: the positive :relationship between dissolved oxygen and the number of stations used per month, the positive relationship between fish density at dry season stations and dissolved oxygen, and the absence of fish from stations with. little open water surface area during the dry season. Significant differences in the gill morphology between B. neumayeri from the papyrus swamp and those from the main river suggest that papyrus swamps may contribute to the diversification of B. neumayeri by limiting movement and demanding specialization for extremely hypoxic waters.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Cannibalism was investigated in the wolf spider Pardosa monticola (Clerck) using spiders collected from four populations with varying densities, inhabiting two different coastal dune habitat types. Sampled individuals were paired randomly and tested immediately for their cannibalism propensity.
2. The occurrence of cannibalism was found to be influenced by the size (cephalothorax width) of both the smaller and the larger spider of a pair. Larger size differences enhanced cannibalism.
3. Cannibalism rates were not significantly different in spiders from high-density compared with low-density populations. Cannibalism rates showed, however, large variability between habitat types, with higher rates in spiders from dune grasslands than from dune slacks. This is suggested to result from differences in prey availability throughout the growing season between both habitat types.
4. Different size classes of spiders did not use different microhabitats, indicating that microhabitat segregation as a cannibalism-avoidance behaviour is absent in this species.  相似文献   

Environmental factors influence phenotypes directly, as well as indirectly via trait correlations and interactions with other environmental variables. Using nine populations of the African cyprinid Barbus neumayeri, we employed path analysis to examine direct, indirect and total effects of two environmental variables, water flow (WF) and dissolved oxygen (DO), on several morphological traits. WF and DO directly influenced relative gill size, body shape and caudal fin shape in manners consistent with a priori predictions. Indirect effects also played an important role in the system: (1) strong, oppositely signed direct and indirect effects of WF on body shape resulted in a nonsignificant total effect; (2) DO had no direct effect on body shape, but a strong total effect via indirect effects on gill size; (3) WF indirectly influenced gill size via effects on DO. Only through examination of multiple environmental parameters and multiple traits can we hope to understand complex relationships between environment and phenotype.  相似文献   

This study investigated morphological characters and electrophoretic polymorphism at 25 protein loci in nine wild populations of the African clariid catfish Clarias gariepinus and seven wild populations of C. anguillaris. Two other clariid species, Clarias albopunctatus and Heterobranchus longifilis , were used as outgroups in the allozyme study. Morphometric and allozyme data are congruent for the Nilo-Sudanian populations of C. gariepinus and C. anguillaris. Both approaches also distinguished two groups amongst the C. gariepinus populations, one containing Nilo-Sudanian populations and the other including Lake Victoria and southern African populations. However, allozyme data suggest that C. gariepinus is not a monophyletic group and show that C. albopunctatus is more divergent from C. gariepinus and C. anguillaris than it is from H. longifilis , stressing the need for a revision of clariid systematics. The variation observed in C. gariepinus is discussed in terms of palaeogeographical events and its use in aquaculture.  相似文献   

It has been shown that differences in resource density and nutrient supply affect variation in ranging patterns, habitat use, and sociality. Among nonhuman primates, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (P. paniscus) have often been used as models for the link between social system and habitat ecology. Field reports suggest that resource density is higher in habitats occupied by bonobos (compared to chimpanzee habitats), and in the West (compared to the East) of the range of chimpanzees. In this study we compared diet quality at the level of species and populations using information from nutritional analyses of fruit and leaves consumed by chimpanzees (three) and bonobos (one population). Quality of plant foods was assessed on the basis of a) the concentration of macronutrients, fiber, and anti‐feedants, and b) associations of different nutrient components. Overall plant samples collected at each site differed in terms of macronutrient content. However, nutritious quality and gross energy content of food samples were similar suggesting that dietary quality reflects selectivity rather than habitat ecology. The quality of plant foods consumed by bonobos was within the range of chimpanzees and the quality of plant foods consumed by western chimpanzees was not higher than that of eastern chimpanzees. While the results showed significant variation across forests inhabited by Pan, they did not match with geographical patterns between and within Pan species as proposed in previous studies. This suggests that the nutritional quality of the habitat is not always a reliable predictor of the quality of the diet. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-population variability was studied in three species of tropical African estrildid finches comprising the genus Pyrenestes. Eleven characters were measured on P. ostrinus captured on a study area in Cameroon. Most of these same characters were also measured on museum specimens of this species and P. saguineus and P. minor. Data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods in order to characterize variation within and between populations and species.
Variation in all three species of Pyrenestes is greatest in bill size, resulting from an exceptional non-sex-linked polymorphism. Bill size differences between morphs are as high as between congeneric species, with extremely large coefficients of variation, while other body characters show comparatively little variation. Sexual dimorphisms and differences in size due to age occur, but contribute little to overall size variation. Distributions of bill characters in each age and sex class are bimodal or greatly skewed, and in some geographical regions tend to be trimodal. Distributions of other body characters tend not to be significantly different from normal. Bill morphs differ in both shape and size and may be separated using principal component analysis. Static allometries of bill morphs differ significantly: relative to body size, bill size increases more rapidly in the large morph. Bill size and shape also vary geographically. The three species differ in mean size but show much overlap. Bill size is negatively correlated with total annual rainfall. In regions characterized by ecotonal transition zones between forest and savanna, tentative evidence suggests that a third, yet larger bill mode occurs. This third mode apparently results from the presence of a distinct larger species of hard-seeded sedge found only in these regions. The taxonomic implications of the polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Rainbow lizards (Agama agama) are common in suburban areas throughout Africa, and have an opportunistic foraging strategy, with arthropods being the main prey source. In a coastal resort in southern Togo, West Africa, several individuals in a population were observed while feeding regularly upon non-natural human-made food (pizza) and showing a clear preference for a given type of food versus others that were offered (‘four cheeses’ being the preferred one). The fact that all monitored individuals fed upon a same type of pizza suggests that they may have some chemical cues attracting them.  相似文献   

西双版纳尚勇亚洲象的食物组成与取食生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈进  邓晓保  张玲  白智林 《生态学报》2006,26(2):309-316
于1998—2000在西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区的自然生境中,通过对亚洲象取食植物调查和粪便分析,了解亚洲象的食物组成与取食习性。结果显示,野外跟踪调查共记录有106种植物被亚洲象所取食。其中有83种出现在象的粪便中,这些种类分别属于:禾本科8种(10.0%)、桑科7种(9.9%)、蝶形花科4种(8.4%)、五加科3种(6.6%)、葡萄科3种(5.7%)、夹竹桃科3种(4.6%)、芭蕉科1种(4.2%)、姜科3种(3.7%)、紫金牛科3种(3.6%)、蔷薇科3种(3.6%)、大戟科5种(3.3%)、榆科2种(3.O%)、含羞草科4种(2.9%)13个植物科。根据食物中所占的比率,桑科的榕属(Ficus)、禾本科的竹类(Bambusoideae)、小果野芭蕉(Musa acuminate)和莠竹(Microstegium ciliatum)是亚洲象的主要食物资源。在觅食过程中,亚洲象取食包括乔木、藤本灌木和草本等各种生活型的植物,其中先锋种所占比率(59%)高于后续种;选择性啃食枝条的植物种类(77种)高于牧草式取食的种类(6种)。亚洲象取食植物种类的月变化与月平均温度和月降雨量成负相关,旱季取食植物种类高于雨季。本研究对制定保护区野生动物管理策略,以及解决保护区周边日趋恶化的人象矛盾,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The diet of Scutisorex somereni (Soricomorpha: Soricidae) from forests in the Democratic Republic of Congo was investigated to elucidate its feeding ecology in the context of its unique spinal modifications. It ate a wide range of small and large invertebrates, including representatives of Coleoptera, Formicidae, Lepidoptera and Diptera larvae, Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Araneae, but the principal prey was Oligochaeta. All diet samples contained Oligochaeta and these contributed 38–45% of prey volume. While 64% of prey occurrences were <10 mm in length, 56% of prey volume comprised invertebrates >26 mm, mostly large Oligochaeta (some of >50 mm). Soil-dwelling prey comprised 46% by composition (59% by volume) of the diet. Besides its peculiar skeletal modifications, it has an exceptionally long intestine relative to its body size. It was concluded that S. somereni is primarily an earthworm-eating shrew and partially subterranean rather than truly fossorial in foraging mode. Its diet and foraging mode cannot explain the unique vertebral modifications of this zoological curiosity.  相似文献   

Chen J  Deng X B  Zhang L  Bai Z L 《农业工程》2006,26(2):309-316
The composition of the diet and the foraging ecology of the Asian elephant in its natural habitat were studied from 1998 to 2000 in the Shangyong National Natural Reserve located at Xishuangbanna, China, using field observation and dung analysis. A total of 106 plant species were recorded as being eaten by Asian elephants, 83 of which were identified in the elephants' dung. The plant families that contributed to a major proportion of the elephants' diet in the study area were: Gramineae (8 spp., 10.0%), Moraceae (7 spp., 9.9%), Papilionaceae (4 spp., 8.4%), Araliaceae (3 spp., 6.6%), Vitaceae (3 spp., 5.7%), Apocynaceae (3 spp., 4.6%), Musaceae (1 spp., 4.2%), Zingiberaceae (3 spp., 3.7%), Myrsinaceae (3 spp., 3.6%), Rosaceae (3 spp., 3.6%), Euphorbiaceae (5 spp., 3.3%), Ulmaceae (2 spp., 3.0%) and Mimosaceae (4 spp., 2.9%). The most important plants in the elephants' diet were Ficus spp. (Moraceae, 9.0%), Dendrocalamus spp. (Gramineae, 4.5%), Musa acuminata (Musaceae, 4.2%), Microstegium ciliatum (Gramineae, 3.5%) and Amalocalyx yunnanensis (Apocynaceae, 3.1%). Asian elephants consumed a variety of plants in terms of life forms, including trees, vines, shrubs and herbs. Early successional plant species constitute a higher proportion of the diet than late successional plants (42 spp. taking 59% vs. 32 spp. taking 37%). Browsing species accounted for a larger proportion of the diet compared to grazing species (77 spp. taking 91% vs. 6 spp. taking 9%). The number of plant taxa (species, genus, family) in elephants' diet each month negatively correlated with monthly rainfall and mean temperature. The study may help to develop proper strategies for wildlife management especially with regard to the human-elephant conflict, which is now a serious issue in the conservation of Asian elephants in this area.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) were studied in Lake Koka, Ethiopia, in May 2011 (dry month) and September 2011 (wet month). Three hundred and thirty eight nonempty stomach samples were analysed using frequency of occurrence and volumetric methods of analysis. Detritus, insects, macrophytes, zooplankton and fish were the dominant food categories by occurrence, and they occurred in 79.6%, 63.6%, 63.0%, 56.2% and 15.4% of the stomachs, respectively. Volumetrically, the above food items comprised 24.3%, 14.1%, 14.5%, 19.3% and 21.8% of the total volume of food categories. Phytoplankton and gastropods were of low importance, and they occurred in 28.7% and 8.6% of the stomachs, respectively. Their volumetric contributions were 3.2% and 2.8% of the total volume of food categories. During the dry month, fish, zooplankton, insects and detritus were important food categories, while during the wet month detritus, macrophytes, insects and gastropods were important. Smaller catfish diets were dominated by detritus, macrophytes and insects, whereas larger catfish shifted to fish and zooplankton. Based on the results, C. gariepinus was found to be omnivorous in its feeding habits in Lake Koka.  相似文献   

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