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The photosynthetic rates and various components of photosynthesis including ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco; EC, chlorophyll (Chl), cytochrome (Cyt) f, and coupling factor 1 (CF1) contents, and sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS; EC activity were examined in young, fully expanded leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown hydroponically under two irradiances, namely, 1000 and 350 μmol quanta · m−2 · s−1, at three N concentrations. The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis measured at 1800 μmol · m−2 · s−1 was almost the same for a given leaf N content irrespective of growth irradiance. Similarly, Rubisco content and SPS activity were not different for the same leaf N content between irradiance treatments. In contrast, Chl content was significantly greater in the plants grown at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1, whereas Cyt f and CF1 contents tended to be slightly smaller. However, these changes were not substantial, as shown by the fact that the light-limited rate of photosynthesis measured at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1 was the same or only a little higher in the plants grown at 350 μmol · m−2 · s−1 and that CO2-saturated photosynthesis did not differ between irradiance treatments. These results indicate that growth-irradiance-dependent changes in N partitioning in a leaf were far from optimal with respect to N-use efficiency of photosynthesis. In spite of the difference in growth irradiance, the relative growth rate of the whole plant did not differ between the treatments because there was an increase in the leaf area ratio in the low-irradiance-grown plants. This increase was associated with the preferential N-investment in leaf blades and the extremely low accumulation of starch and sucrose in leaf blades and sheaths, allowing a more efficient use of the fixed carbon. Thus, morphogenic responses at the whole-plant level may be more important for plants as an adaptation strategy to light environments than a response of N partitioning at the level of a single leaf. Received: 23 February 1997 / Accepted: 8 May 1997  相似文献   

Uniculm wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown to maturity at four concentrations of nitrogen corresponding to 3 (N1), 6 (N2), 9 (N3) and 12 (N4) g m–2. Penultimate and flag leaves were examined throughout the ontogeny. Sub-optimal concentrations of N resulted in sharp decline in both area and dry mass of the leaves. Decline in leaf area was due to fewer mesophyll cells. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) increased up to full expansion, remained constant for about a week and then declined. PN, nitrogen, ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) amount and activity, chlorophyll and soluble protein contents were similar at all the N concentrations. Both amount and activity of RuBPCO in the flag leaf were about two fold higher as compared to penultimate leaf, but PN was similar. This indicates the presence of an excess amount of RuBPCO in the flag leaf.  相似文献   

Wild-type and antisense rbcS tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants were grown in a glasshouse in midsummer in Portugal with an irradiance of 1500–2000 μmol m−2s−1 and daytime temperatures of 30–35 °C. The Rubisco content of the transformants was lower by 35, 80 and over 90% than that of the wild-type. Gas exchange was measured over three separate days. There was a near-linear relation between Rubisco content and photosynthetic rate during the period of high irradiance, allowing a flux control coefficient of 0.83–0.89 to be estimated. The relation deviated slightly from linearity, because the internal CO2 concentration (c;) was higher in the transformants than in the wild-type (190 and 275 μmol mol−1 in plants with 35 and 80% less Rubisco, respectively, compared with 175 μmol mol−1 for wild-type), compensating to some extent for the decreased Rubisco content. This increase in ci occurred because the stomatal conductance (g) remained unaltered or was even higher in plants with decreased Rubisco, despite the lower rate of CO2 assimilation. As a consequence, water use efficiency declined. The decreased rate of photosynthesis was not accompanied by a stoichiometric decrease in apparent growth rate. These results are discussed in relation to earlier studies of the plant set in growth cabinets. It is concluded that tobacco can adjust over a wide range of growth conditions to avoid a onesided limitation by Rubisco, but that in extreme environmental conditions this capacity to adapt is exhausted.  相似文献   

提出一个用变色酸-硫酸显色浊同时测定核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸(RuBP)羧化酶/加氧酶活性的方法:RuBP羧化酶/加氧酶与底物作用后,用碱性磷酸酯酶将其产物水解生成乙醇酸和甘油酸,然后与变色酸试剂在1:5的体积比下,沸水浴中显色反应90min,乙醇酸与变色酸反应生成红紫色化合物,甘油酸生成淡棕色化合物,分别在573nm,745nm各有一特征吸收峰。根据A_(573),A_(745)与乙醇酸和甘油酸浓度间的函数关系式,求出RuBP羧化酶/加氧酶活性。  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen on ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco. EC content is poorly understood in macroalgae. N-deficient Gracilaria tenuistipitata Zhang et Xia var. liui was cultivated in the laboratory under constant light intensity and temperature. Biochemical and physiological variables were monitored after a high (1 m M ) or low (o. 1 m M ) nitrate pulse. Rubisco content in crude extracts was estimated by SDS-PAGE with the Coomassie Blue Staining procedure. Nitrate was consumed immediately in the low-N treatment, but there was always an external nitrate source in the high-N treatment. Total soluble proteins and phycobiliproteins decreased as internal nitrogen diminished in the low-N treatment, but kept fairly constant in N-sufficient conditions. However, Rubisco content increased until the 7th day and then started to decrease in both cases. Fresh weight increment showed a better correlation with Rubisco than with pigment content.  相似文献   

Here, the kinetic properties and immunolocalization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) in young stems of Fagus sylvatica were investigated. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that there is a C4-like photosynthesis system in the stems of this C3 tree species. The activity, optimal pH and L-malate sensitivity of PEPC, and the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), were measured in protein extracts from current-year stems and leaves. A gel blot experiment and immunolocalization studies were performed to examine the isozyme complexity of PEPC and the tissue distribution of PEPC and Rubisco in stems. Leaf and stem PEPCs exhibited similar, classical values characteristic of C3 PEPCs, with an optimal pH of c. 7.8, a Km for PEP of c. 0.3 mM and a IC50 for L-malate (the L-malate concentration that inhibits 50% of PEPC activity at the Km for PEP) of c. 0.1 mM. Western blot analysis showed the presence of two PEPC subunits (molecular mass c. 110 kDa) both in leaves and in stems. Immunogold labelling did not reveal any differential localization of PEPC and Rubisco, neither between nor inside cells. This study suggests that C4-type photosynthesis does not occur in stems of F. sylvatica and underlines the importance of PEPC in nonphotosynthetic carbon fixation by most stem tissues (fixation of respired CO2 and fixation via the anaplerotic pathway).  相似文献   

以杂交稻(汕优63)为试验材料,在木村B营养液中培养至三叶期,用草酸5mmol/L预处理水稻2d,再处以氧化胁迫(用0.1mmol/L浓度的活性氧诱发剂甲基紫精处理)。结果表明MV诱发的氧化胁迫下,Rubisco及其它可溶性蛋白快速降解。草酸预处理可明显缓解Rubisco及其它可溶性蛋白的降解,降解速率分别降低1/3和1/2左右。植株经草酸处理后其叶片中几种抗氧化酶如AsA-POD、SOD、CAT活性大大提高,这可能是草酸预处理可缓解氧化胁迫下Rubisco和其它可溶性蛋白降解的重要原因。既然草酸能有效地诱导植物的抗氧化防卫反应,它可能作为一种诱抗剂来提高植物的抗逆性。  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on crops was more studied in C (3) than in C (4) species. In C (3) plants, ozone is known to induce a photosynthesis impairment that can result in significant depressions in biomass and crop yields. To investigate the impact of O (3) on C (4) plant species, maize seedlings ( ZEA MAYS L. cv. Chambord) were exposed to 5 atmospheres in open-top chambers: non-filtered air (NF, 48 nL L (-1) O (3)) and NF supplied with 20 (+ 20), 40 (+ 40), 60 (+ 60), and 80 (+ 80) nL L (-1) ozone. An unchambered plot was also available. Leaf area, vegetative biomass, and leaf dry mass per unit leaf area (LMA) were evaluated 33 days after seedling emergence in OTCs. At the same time, photosynthetic pigments as well as carboxylase (PEPc and Rubisco) activities and amounts were also examined in the 5th leaf. Ozone enhanced visible symptoms characterizing foliar senescence. Across NF, + 20, + 40, and + 60 atmospheres, both chlorophylls and carotenoids were found to be linearly decreased against increasing AOT40 ( CA. - 50 % in + 60). No supplementary decrease was observed between + 60 and + 80. Total above-ground biomass was reduced by 26 % in + 80 atmosphere; leaf dry matter being more depressed by ozone than leaf area. In some cases, LMA index was consistent to reflect low negative effects caused by a moderate increase in ozone concentration. PEPc and Rubisco were less sensitive to ozone than pigments: only the two highest external ozone doses reduced their activities by about 20 - 30 %. These changes might be connected to losses in PEPc and Rubisco proteins that were decreased by about one-third. The underlying mechanisms for these results were discussed with special reference to C (3) species. To conclude, we showed that both light and dark reactions of C (4) photosynthesis can be impaired by realistic ozone doses.  相似文献   

Heterosis is a common phenomenon in which the hybrids exhibit superior agronomic performance than either inbred parental lines. Although hybrid rice is one of the most successful apotheoses in crops utilizing heterosis, the molecular mechanisms underlying rice heterosis remain elusive. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of rice heterosis, comparative leaf proteomic analysis between a superhybrid rice LYP9 and its parental cultivars 9311 and PA64s at tillering, flowering and grain-filling stages were carried out. A total of 384 differentially expressed proteins (DP) were detected and 297 DP were identified, corresponding to 222 unique proteins. As DP were divided into those between the parents (DPPP) and between the hybrid and its parents (DPHP), the comparative results demonstrate that proteins in the categories of photosynthesis, glycolysis, and disease/defense were mainly enriched in DP. Moreover, the number of identified DPHP involved in photosynthesis, glycolysis, and disease/defense increased at flowering and grain-filling stages as compared to that at the tillering stage. Most of the up-regulated DPHP involved in the three categories showed greater expression in LYP9 at flowering and grain-filling stages than at the tillering stage. In addition, CO2 assimilation rate and apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis also showed a greater increase in LYP9 at flowering and grain-filling stages than at the tillering stage. These results suggest that the proteins involved in photosynthesis, glycolysis, and disease/defense as well as their dynamic regulation at different developmental stages may be responsible for heterosis in rice.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE, photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf nitrogen) is one of the most important factors for the interspecific variation in photosynthetic capacity. PNUE was analysed in two evergreen and two deciduous species of the genus Quercus. PNUE was lower in evergreen than in deciduous species, which was primarily ascribed to a smaller fraction of nitrogen allocated to the photosynthetic apparatus in evergreen species. Leaf nitrogen was further analysed into proteins in the water‐soluble, the detergent‐soluble, and the detergent‐insoluble fractions. It was assumed that the detergent‐insoluble protein represented the cell wall proteins. The fraction of nitrogen allocated to the detergent‐insoluble protein was greater in evergreen than in deciduous leaves. Thus the smaller allocation of nitrogen to the photosynthetic apparatus in evergreen species was associated with the greater allocation to cell walls. Across species, the fraction of nitrogen in detergent‐insoluble proteins was positively correlated with leaf mass per area, whereas that in the photosynthetic proteins was negatively correlated. There may be a trade‐off in nitrogen partitioning between components pertaining to productivity (photosynthetic proteins) and those pertaining to persistence (structural proteins). This trade‐off may result in the convergence of leaf traits, where species with a longer leaf life‐span have a greater leaf mass per area, lower photosynthetic capacity, and lower PNUE regardless of life form, phyllogeny, and biome.  相似文献   

Differences in acclimation to elevated growth CO2 (700 μmol mol−1, EC) and elevated temperature (ambient +4 °C, ET) in successive leaves of wheat were investigated in field chambers. At a common measurement CO2, EC increased photosynthesis and the quantum yield of electron transport (Φ) early on in the growth of penultimate leaves, and later decreased them. In contrast, EC did not change photosynthesis, and increased Φ at later growth stages in the flag leaf. Contents of chlorophyll (Chl), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO), and total soluble protein were initially higher and subsequently lower in penultimate than flag leaves. EC decreased RuBPCO protein content relative to soluble protein and Chl contents throughout the development of penultimate leaves. On the other hand, EC initially increased the RuBPCO:Chl and Chl a/b ratios, but later decreased them in flag leaves. In the flag leaves but not in the penultimate leaves, ET initially decreased initial and specific RuBPCO activities at ambient CO2 (AC) and increased them at EC. Late in leaf growth, ET decreased Chl contents under AC in both kinds of leaves, and had no effect or a positive one under EC. Thus the differences between the two kinds of leaves were due to resource availability, and to EC-increased allocation of resources to photon harvesting in the penultimate leaves, but to increased allocation to carboxylation early on in growth, and to light harvesting subsequently, in the flag leaves.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rates under saturating CO2 conditions per unit of leaf‐N content were higher in wheat than in rice. This suggested that ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity is greater in wheat. Therefore, the biochemical factor(s) for this difference were examined between rice and wheat. Soluble protein‐N, insoluble‐N, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) soluble‐N contents were found not to differ between the two species. The activities of several Calvin cycle enzymes such as RuBP carboxylase, NADP‐glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase and chloroplastic fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase (cpFBPase) activities per unit of leaf‐N content were all higher in wheat than in rice. Among them, cpFBPase activity was most highly correlated with CO2‐saturated photosynthesis. The Vmax activity of sucrose‐phosphate synthase (SPS) for UDP‐glucose was almost the same between the two species and its Km value was a little lower in rice. Chlorophyll content and its a/b ratio did not differ. Cytochrome (Cyt) f content was greater in wheat, whereas coupling factor 1 content was greater in rice. Cyt f content was highly correlated with CO2‐saturated photosynthesis, irrespective of the two species. The results thus suggested that higher RuBP regeneration capacity in wheat leaves is most closely related to a greater Cyt f content and that another candidate is cpFBPase.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of decreased CO2 and O2 partial pressure on leaf‐level photosynthesis in alpine plants at high altitude, we compared the maximal carboxylation efficiency, CE, of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. var. japonica growing in a highland with one growing in a lowland. CE under the native atmospheric conditions (native CE) of the highland population was significantly lower than that of the lowland one. The O2 dependency of CE was significantly less in the highland population than in the lowland. Using theoretical analysis, we explained that O2 dependency of leaf‐level photosynthesis became less as internal conductance (gi) decreased. We also showed that gi and the content of active Rubisco (E) could be estimated from the O2 dependency of leaf‐level photosynthesis. By applying the analysis, a severe limitation of CO2 diffusion in the leaf was estimated in the highland population, whereas almost the same values of E were estimated in both populations. A reasonable explanation for the difference in the native CE is the smaller O2 dependency and photosynthetic capacity caused by a smaller gi in the highland population in addition to the differences in the partial pressures of CO2 and O2.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) is the most abundant protein on the planet and in addition to its central role in photosynthesis it is thought to function as a nitrogen (N)-storage protein and a potential source of N for defense biosynthesis in plants. In a recent study in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata, we showed that the decrease in absolute N invested in soluble proteins and RuBisCO elicited by simulated herbivory was much larger than the N-requirements of nicotine and phenolamide biosynthesis; 15N flux studies revealed that N for defensive phenolamide synthesis originates from recently assimilated N rather than from RuBisCO turnover. Here we show that a transgenic line of N. attenuata silenced in the expression of RuBisCO (asRUB) invests similar or even larger amounts of N into phenolamide biosynthesis compared with wild type plants, consistent with our previous conclusion that recently assimilated N is channeled into phenolamide synthesis after elicitation. We suggest that the decrease in leaf proteins after simulated herbivory is a tolerance mechanism, rather than a consequence of N-demand for defense biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Properties of C4 photosynthesis were examined in Amaranthus cruentus L. (NAD-malic enzyme (ME) subtype, dicot) grown under different light and nitrogen (N) conditions, from the viewpoint of N investment into their photosynthetic components. In low-light (LL) leaves, chlorophyll content per leaf area was greater and chlorophyll alb ratio was lower than in high-light (HL) leaves. These indicate that LL leaves invest more N into their light-harvesting systems. However, this N investment did not contribute to the increase in the quantum yield of photosynthesis on the incident photon flux density (PFD) basis (Qi) in LL leaves. N allocation to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylasel oxygenase (Rubisco) was significantly higher in HL-high N (HN) leaves than in other leaves. On the other hand, N allocation to C4 enzymes [phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and pyruvate Pi dikinase (PPDK)] was unaffected by the growth conditions. Maximum photosynthetic rates (Pmax) per Rubisco content were similar irrespective of the growth light treatments. Carbon isotope ratios (delta13 C) in the leaf dry matter were more negative in LL leaves than in HL leaves (LL = -19.3% per hundred, HL = -16.0% per hundred) and independent of leaf N. Vein density was highest in HL-HN leaves, and leaf thickness was unaffected by the growth light treatments. From these results, we conclude that A. cruentus leaves would not acclimate efficiently to low growth light.  相似文献   

The capacity for photosynthesis is often affected when plants are grown in air with elevated CO2 partial pressure. We grew Phaseolus vulgaris L. in 35 and 65 Pa CO2 and measured photosynthetic parameters. When assayed at the growth CO2 level, photosynthesis was equal in the two CO2 treatments. The maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) consumption was lower in plants grown at 65 Pa, but the CO2 partial pressure at which the maximum occurred was higher in the high-CO2-grown plants, indicating acclimation to high CO2. The acclimation of RuBP consumption to CO2 involved a reduction of the activity of RuBP carboxylase which resulted from reduced carbamylation, not a loss of protein. The rate of RuBP consumption declined with CO2 when the CO2 partial pressure was above 50Pa in plants grown under both CO2 levels. This was caused by feedback inhibition as judged by a lack of response to removing O2 from the air stream. The rate of photosynthesis at high CO2 was lower in the high-CO2-grown plants and this was correlated with reduced activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase. This is only the second report of O2-insensitive photosynthesis under growth conditions for plants grown in high CO2.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(Rubisco) located in the chloroplast is the most abundantprotein in the leaves of light-grown plants. This enzymecatalyzes the first step in net photosynthetic CO2 fixationand photorespiration. The native Rub…  相似文献   

The presence of ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase (EC, epimerase) in samples of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (EC, isomerase) obtained from spinach ( Spinacea aleracea L. cv. Bloomsdale Long Standing) was determined using (i) a sampling procedure which measured the quantity of xylulose-5-phosphate formed in the reaction mixture and (ii) a coupled enzyme assay in which the rate of oxidation of NADH was measured after establishing steady-state concentrations of xylulose-5-phosphate, dihydroxacetonephosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate by the action of epimerase, transketolase (EC, triosephosphate isomerase (EC and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC In preparations where the ratio of isomerase to epimerase activities was less than 100, both assay procedures yielded valid indications of epimerase activity. The steady-state assay system was found, however, to seriously underestimate epimerase activity in enzyme preparations which were enriched in isomerase. Cross plots of epimerase activity determined by the sampling and steady-state procedures demonstrated that an inhibitor of the coupling enzyme mixture was formed in the presence of high relative concentrations of the isomerase. The inhibited coupling enzyme mixture was fully active with glycer-aldehyde-3-phosphate. Inhibition of the coupling enzyme mixture was attributed to transketolase. Feedback inhibition of transketolase is proposed to be of physiological significance in the photosynthesis cycle, operating to restrict resynthesis of CO2-acceptor under conditions where high steady-state concentrations of the intermediates of the photosynthesis cycle are maintained.  相似文献   

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