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  • 1 The effect of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Doug]. ex Laws) water stress, measured by xylem water potential, on oviposition preference and egg development of Neodiprion fulviceps was determined by two laboratory experiments in 1987 and 1988.
  • 2 In the first experiment, adult females were allowed to choose between foliage from water-stressed, watered, and untreated control trees.
  • 3 Significant differences were found between treatments in xylem water potential in 1987 but not in 1988.
  • 4 Females chose water-stressed trees and a positive correlation was found between female preference and xylem water potential in 1987 but not in 1988.
  • 5 In the second experiment, females were placed in globe cages with a single branch from each treatment and allowed to oviposit.
  • 6 Significant differences were found among treatments in egg survival in 1987 but not in 1988.
  • 7 These results indicate that sawflies can distinguish between stressed and non-stressed trees and that this behaviour is adaptive in that egg survival was greatest on the preferred treatment.

Summary Neodiprion autumnalis (Smith) larvae were caged for two successive years on root-trenched, watered, and untreated ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Doug. ex Laws.) to determine effects of host moisture stress on larval feeding. Levels of moisture stress (as measured by the Scholander pressure chamber) differed significantly among treatment levels during 1984 and 1985 larval feeding periods. Differences in larval feeding success were not detected in 1984. In 1985, however, larvae on trenched (stressed) trees clipped and rejected more foliage, consumed more needles, had lower pupal weights, lower survival, and a longer feeding period than larvae on watered or untreated trees. Frass production did not differ among treatment levels. The length of the feeding period was shorter for larvae on watered trees than for larvae on untreated trees, but other measures of feeding success did not significantly differ between watered and untreated trees.  相似文献   

The bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi is a specific pest of maritime pine, but the damage inflicted by the insect on the host trees is variable, ranging from no apparent effect to severe decline of the maritime pine stands. Rangewide variation of mitochondrial DNA among M. feytaudi populations was analysed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-RFLP-SSCP) analysis and the results compared with the genetic information already available for its host. Three main nonoverlapping lineages can be distinguished in M. feytaudi. The phylogeography of the pest population is clearly related to the history of its host. Most local associations could result from common evolution while others must be interpreted as intraspecific host shifts. Because the distribution of cultivated tree species is greatly influenced by humans, much may be learned concerning their genetic structure from the indirect study of their specific pests.  相似文献   

Summary I used a factorial experiment repeated in two years to assess the relative effects of natural enemy attack, interspecific competition, and water availability to the host plant, and of interactions among these factors, on the population dynamics of the aphid Aphis varians feeding on fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium). The impact of a suite of coccinellid and syrphid predators emerged as the predominant factor affecting the success of aphid colonies: colonies protected from natural enemies grew in size at a rate of ten percent per day, were only one tenth as likely to go extinct, and produced over ten times more dispersing alates. In contrast, I found only minor effects of removing flea beetles, the most abundant herbivore with which A. varians colonies cohabit fireweed stems, and of supplementing water availability to fireweed host plants, in spite of a significant effect of watering frequency on aphid growth in the green-house. There was no evidence of significant two- or three-way interactions among factors. Hence, despite the potential complexity of the food web in which it is embedded, the dynamics of A. varians appears to be driven predominantly by a single factor, i.e. interactions with natural enemies.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific competition between the 3 principal larval parasitoids of the pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, is of common occurrence when total larval parasitism, and hence multiple attack rates, are high. At the intrinsic level, the ectoparasitoid Exenterus abruptorius is superior to the 2 endoparasitoids, Lophyroplectus luteator and Lamachus eques, respectively, whereas L. luteator is superior to L. eques only. During mass outbreaks of the host competition between Exenterus and Lophyroplectus is most intense, whilst Lamachus fails to build up in the presence of its 2 competitors (Fig. 1). However, due to its superior host finding ability, Lamachus dominates in areas of low host densities where the 2 other species are less efficient (Table 1). L. luteator frequently sustains heavy losses in direct competition with E. abruptorius, but these can be largely compensated in the next generation because its fertility is about 5-times higher than that of Exenterus.  相似文献   

We analyzed the pattern of correlations among fitness components, herbivory, and resin characteristics in a natural all-aged stand of ponderosa pine, to infer the strength and mechanism of natural selection on plant chemistry. Male and female cone production were monitored yearly for 15 years, and levels of herbivory for 9 years in 165 trees. Resin flow rate and monoterpene composition were determined for these same trees. Multiple regression of fitness components on resin characteristics showed significant associations consistent with directional selection for increased resin flow rates and increased proportions of α- and β-pinene, myrcene and terpinolene. However, negative correlations among monoterpene fractions of the resin constrained the overall selection. Selective herbivory by aphids approached statistical significance and monoterpenes showed some (non-significant) effect as deterrents against deer browse. Resin characteristics were not correlated with attack by cone insects or porcupines. However, the association between resin characteristics and fitness is significantly different from that predicted by the path coefficients involving herbivores. Therefore the hypothesis that these herbivores mediate selection on the resin is not supported by the observed pattern of correlations among resin characteristics, herbivory, growth and fecundity. In this population, most of the association between resin characteristics and fitness appears to be mediated by some other factor independent of attack by herbivore species present. Received: 18 March 1996/Accepted: 18 July 1996  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Several studies have shown that above‐ and belowground insects can interact by influencing each others growth, development, and survival when they feed on the same host‐plant. In natural systems, however, insects can make choices on which plants to oviposit and feed. A field experiment was carried out to determine if root‐feeding insects can influence feeding and oviposition preferences and decisions of naturally colonising foliar‐feeding insects. 2. Using the wild cruciferous plant Brassica nigra and larvae of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum as the belowground root‐feeding insect, naturally colonising populations of foliar‐feeding insects were monitored over the course of a summer season. 3. Groups of root‐infested and root‐uninfested B. nigra plants were placed in a meadow during June, July, and August of 2006 for periods of 3 days. The root‐infested and the root‐uninfested plants were either dispersed evenly or placed in clusters. Once daily, all leaves of each plant were carefully inspected and insects were removed and collected for identification. 4. The flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. and the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae were significantly more abundant on root‐uninfested (control) than on root‐infested plants. However, for B. brassicae this was only apparent when the plants were placed in clusters. Host‐plant selection by the generalist aphid M. persicae and oviposition preference by the specialist butterfly P. rapae, however, were not significantly influenced by root herbivory. 5. The results of this study show that the presence of root‐feeding insects can affect feeding and oviposition preferences of foliar‐feeding insects, even under natural conditions where many other interactions occur simultaneously. The results suggest that root‐feeding insects play a role in the structuring of aboveground communities of insects, but these effects depend on the insect species as well as on the spatial distribution of the root‐feeding insects.  相似文献   

The pine cone weevil, Pissodes validirostris Gyll. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), attacks seed cones of most Eurasian pine species, except these of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.). Behavioural responses of adult weevils to cone volatile emissions of Swiss stone pine and to those of a common host, mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.), were compared in an olfactometer. Weevils were significantly attracted by the volatile blend emitted by mountain pine, but Swiss stone pine volatiles elicited an inverse response, with most weevils moving in the opposite direction to the odour source. However, the majority of second instar weevil larvae that were extracted from mountain pine cones and transferred into Swiss stone pine cones were capable of developing to the adult stage. This suggests that Swiss stone pine cones do not contain strong feeding deterrents that could prevent larval development. The possible factors involved in the absence of colonization of Swiss stone pine cones by cone weevils are discussed.  相似文献   

1. It is widely accepted that density-dependent processes play an important role in most natural populations. However, persistent challenges in our understanding of density-dependent population dynamics include evaluating the shape of the relationship between density and demographic rates (linear, concave, convex), and identifying extrinsic factors that can mediate this relationship. 2. I studied the population dynamics of the cactus bug Narnia pallidicornis on host plants (Opuntia imbricata) that varied naturally in relative reproductive effort (RRE, the proportion of meristems allocated to reproduction), an important plant quality trait. I manipulated per-plant cactus bug densities, quantified subsequent dynamics, and fit stage-structured models to the experimental data to ask if and how density influences demographic parameters. 3. In the field experiment, I found that populations with variable starting densities quickly converged upon similar growth trajectories. In the model-fitting analyses, the data strongly supported a model that defined the juvenile cactus bug retention parameter (joint probability of surviving and not dispersing) as a nonlinear decreasing function of density. The estimated shape of this relationship shifted from concave to convex with increasing host-plant RRE. 4. The results demonstrate that host-plant traits are critical sources of variation in the strength and shape of density dependence in insects, and highlight the utility of integrated experimental-theoretical approaches for identifying processes underlying patterns of change in natural populations.  相似文献   

  • 1 Plant patch shape may affect the abundance of herbivorous insects. Patches of the same size but longer or irregular have a higher perimeter/area relationship (P/A) than square or regular ones, which may determine the immigration, emigration and abundance of individuals in the patch.
  • 2 Only specialist species should be affected by plant patch shape. Those species that are more abundant in smaller patches should be more abundant in patches with higher P/A, whereas those that are more abundant in larger patches should be more abundant in patches with lower P/A.
  • 3 We studied the density of eggs, larvae and pupae of Pieris brassicae, Plutella xylostella and Trichoplusia ni in square (low P/A) and I‐shaped (high P/A) patches of 144 plants of Brassica oleracea. We also estimated their immigration to these patches, and the final plant weight.
  • 4 Plant patch shape affected the abundance, but not the distribution, of the two specialist species. Whereas P. brassicae was denser in I‐shaped patches, P. xylostella was more abundant in square patches. The generalist T. ni was not affected by patch shape. Immigration of P. brassicae was higher in I‐shaped patches, but immigration of P. xylostella and T. ni was not affected by patch shape. Plants were heavier in the centre of square patches.
  • 5 Our results suggest that plant patch shape affects the density of herbivorous insects and should be considered independently from other plant patch variables when studying the population dynamics of these organisms.

Abstract.  1. Previous studies have demonstrated that phenotypic traits of plants have the potential to affect interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies. Consequently, the impact of natural enemies on herbivore vital rates and population dynamics may vary among plant species. This study was designed to investigate the potential for density-dependent parasitism of an aphid herbivore feeding on six different host plant species.
2. Population densities of the aphid Aphis nerii B de F (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were recorded within a single growing season on six different species of milkweed in the genus Asclepias L. (Asclepiadaceae). Asclepias species are known to vary in their quality as food for herbivores. Although data on plant quality were not available in this study, population data were analysed to determine the effects of different Asclepias species on rates of parasitism and aphid population growth.
3. Parasitism rates of A. nerii varied among Asclepias species but were temporally density dependent over at least some range of aphid density on all plant species. Aphid population growth rates also varied among Asclepias species, and declined with an increase in the maximum parasitism rates among plant species; however, in no case was density-dependent parasitism sufficient to prevent exponential population growth of aphids within the growing season. The results serve to emphasise that, if natural enemies are to regulate herbivore populations, density-dependent mortality is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for regulation.  相似文献   

The successful development of parasitoids of herbivores depends on the quality of their host, which is often affected by the host plant. Therefore, a parasitoid’s oviposition decisions will directly depend on the host, but also on plant quality. Here, we investigated the direct effects of host species and the indirect effects of the host’s food plant on the oviposition decisions and performance of the gregarious ectoparasitoid Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). With a series of no‐choice experiments, we determined the oviposition and performance of the parasitoid on: (1) two caterpillar species, fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and velvet armyworm, Spodoptera latifascia Walker, reared on maize (Zea mays L., Poaceae), (2) the same caterpillars reared on maize, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabaceae), or squash (Cucurbita pepo L., Cucurbitaceae) leaves, and (3) S. latifascia caterpillars reared on leaves of wild and cultivated lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus L. All these insects and plants originate from Mesoamerica where they have coexisted for thousands of years in the traditional agricultural system known as Milpa in which maize, beans, and squash are planted together. We found that the preferred and best combination of host and host plant for parasitoid performance was S. frugiperda on maize. Parasitoids laid larger clutches, had higher survival, and more females and larger adults emerged from S. frugiperda reared on maize. However, when both caterpillar species were reared on squash, S. latifascia was the better host. Contrary to the literature, S. frugiperda was not able to develop on bean plants. Results from the lima bean experiment showed that parasitoid performance was best when S. latifascia was reared on leaves of cultivated compared to wild lima bean. These findings are discussed in the context of mixed cropping in which the ability of generalist parasitoids to switch among hosts and host plant species could be advantageous for pest management.  相似文献   

Toju H  Sota T 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4161-4173
Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica) and its seed predator, the camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), provide a notable example of a geographic mosaic of coevolution. In the species interaction, the offensive trait of the weevil (rostrum length) and the defensive trait of the plant (pericarp thickness) are involved in a geographically-structured arms race, and these traits and selective pressures acting on the plant defence vary greatly across a geographical landscape. To further explore the geographical structure of this interspecific interaction, we tested whether the geographical variation in the weevil rostrum over an 800-km range along latitude is attributed to local natural selection or constrained by historical (phylogeographical) events of local populations. Phylogeographical analyses of the mitochondrial DNA sequences of the camellia weevil revealed that this species has experienced differentiation into two regions, with a population bottleneck and subsequent range and/or population expansion within each region. Although these phylogeographical factors have affected the variation in rostrum length, analyses of competing factors for the geographical variation revealed that this pattern is primarily determined by the defensive trait of the host plant rather than by the effects of historical events of populations and a climatic factor (annual mean temperature). Thus, our study suggests the overwhelming strength of coevolutionary selection against the effect of historical events, which may have limited local adaptation.  相似文献   

Parasitoid fitness is closely associated with the condition of the host insect, and the condition of the host is partly dependent on the quality and quantity of plant food available. The relationship between host diet and parasitoid fitness therefore has the potential to indirectly mediate complex multitrophic interactions. This relationship may be influenced both by the presence of mycotoxins from endophytic fungi, which share symbiotic relationships with plants and cause reductions in host-plant quality for herbivores, and by the availability of beneficial nutrient-rich plant foods such as pollen. This study used a multitrophic system involving ryegrass, a fungal endophyte, pollen, and an insect herbivore and its parasitoid to study the effect of host diet on parasitoid fitness. Previous studies showed that the larval stage of the parasitoid was negatively influenced by the presence of fungal-derived alkaloids in the diet of its host, but no assessment of effects on the adult stage of the parasitoid had been made. Similarly, the effect of pollen in the diet of the host on the fitness of the parasitoid had not previously been examined. In this study, the fitness of parasitoids reared from hosts fed endophyte-free ryegrass, endophyte-free ryegrass plus pollen, or endophyte-infected ryegrass was assessed in two laboratory experiments. Host insects exhibited significant responses to treatment, but remarkably, there were no significant treatment effects on parasitoid development times, the number of successful parasitoid emergences, tibia length, or preoviposition egg complement. The absence of a strong relationship between host diet and parasitoid fitness in this study differs markedly from studies of other parasitoid–host systems in that the adult stage of this parasitoid appears remarkably unresponsive to variation in host condition. This work contributes to a better understanding of multitrophic interactions and to the refinement of integrated pest management tactics in a temperate pastoral agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Influence of host plant heterogeneity on the distribution of a birch aphid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The spatial and temporal abundance of the aphid Euceraphis betulae was investigated in relation to heterogeneity in host plant ( Betula pendula ) vigour and pathogenic stress. The performance of aphids feeding on vigorous and stressed foliage was also examined.
2. The plant stress and plant vigour hypotheses have been suggested as opposing ways in which foliage quality influences herbivore abundance. In many plants, however, vigorous growing foliage co-exists with stressed or damaged foliage.
3. There was a negative correlation between branch growth (vigour) and branch stress (leaf chlorosis), with the most vigorous branches displaying little or no stress, and the most stressed branches achieving poor growth. There was a similar negative correlation between vigour and stress at the level of individual trees, which themselves represented a continuum in quality.
4. At the beginning of the season, E. betulae were intermittently more abundant on vigorous branches than on branches destined to become stressed, but aphids became significantly more abundant on stressed branches later in the season, when symptoms of stress became apparent. Similar patterns of aphid abundance were seen on vigorous and stressed trees in the following year.
5. Euceraphis betulae performance was generally enhanced when feeding on naturally stressed B. pendula leaves, but there was some evidence for elevated potential reproduction when feeding on vigorous leaves too.
6. Overall, plant stress probably influences E. betulae distribution more than plant vigour, but the temporal and spatial variability in plant quality suggests that plant vigour could play a role in aphid distribution early in the season.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 affect plant growth and phytochemistry, which in turn can alter physiological performance of associated herbivores. Little is known, however, about how generalist insect herbivores respond behaviorally to CO2‐ and O3‐mediated changes in their host plants. This research examined the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 levels on host plant preferences and consumption of forest tent caterpillar (FTC, Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) larvae. Dual choice feeding assays were performed with foliage from birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., genotypes 216 and 259). Trees were grown at the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility near Rhinelander, WI, USA, and had been exposed to ambient or elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3. Levels of nutritional and secondary compounds were quantified through phytochemical analyses. The results showed that elevated O3 levels increased FTC larval preferences for birch compared with aspen, whereas elevated CO2 levels had the opposite effect. In assays with the two aspen genotypes, addition of both CO2 and O3 caused a shift in feeding preferences from genotype 259 to genotype 216. Consumption was unaffected by experimental treatments in assays comparing aspen and birch, but were increased for larvae given high O3 foliage in the aspen genotype assays. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 altered tree phytochemistry, but did not explain shifts in feeding preferences. The results demonstrate that increased levels of CO2 and O3 can alter insect host plant preferences both between and within tree species. Also, consequences of altered host quality (e.g., compensatory consumption) may be buffered by partial host shifts in situations when alternative plant species are available. Environmentally induced changes in host plant preferences may have the potential to alter the distribution of herbivory across plant genotypes and species, as well as competitive interactions among them.  相似文献   

1. The effects of two factors, leaf size and group size, on the performance of the Tupelo leafminer, Antispila nysaefoliella (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae), were examined by fitting growth models to mine expansion data using nonlinear mixed-effects models. 2. The rate of mine expansion served as a proxy for larval performance because of its correlation with both feeding activity and growth rate and is also the means by which a larva achieves its final mine size (or total consumption). 3. Leaf size was used as a measure of resource availability, and was expected to reduce the impact of resource competition and enhance larval performance. 4. In contrast to the unidirectional effects expected for leaf size (i.e. more resources should enhance performance), the direction for the effects of group size was expected to depend on the mechanism(s) driving the effect. For example, if there is resource competition among larvae in a group, then this could increase the feeding rates of some larvae or reduce the total consumption of others. However, if leaf mining induces host plant chemical defences, then larger groups might elicit a greater defensive response by the host plant (at the leaf), and hence, be characterized by reduced feeding and growth rates. 5. To investigate these interactions, two growth models, the Gompertz model and a modified version of the von Bertalanffy growth equation, were fitted to time series of the sizes of individual leaf mines using nonlinear mixed-effects models. Linear and nonlinear associations of each factor (group size or leaf size) with model parameters were then evaluated using a hierarchical testing procedure by determining: (i) whether inclusion of the factor produced a better-fit model, and (ii) if it did, the form of that relationship (i.e. linear or nonlinear). 6. Three patterns were detected with these analyses. (i) Leaf size had a significant positive, linear relationship with mine expansion rate. (ii) Group size had a significant quadratic relationship with mine expansion rate. (iii) The effects of leaf and group size on the maximum mine size were opposite to those found with growth rate.  相似文献   

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