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Recent development of gene expression profiling technologies has enabled the large-scale analysis of gene expression changes during disease progression. Frequently, cardiovascular diseases involve complex interactions of multiple cell types over prolonged periods of time. A better understanding of the pathology of cardiovascular diseases and the potential identification of underlying genetic defects are currently being explored by using profiling methodologies in a number of animal and tissue-culture models.  相似文献   

Gene chip technology was used to determine the gene expression profiles in apoptotic K562 cells induced by homoharringtonine. The expression of forty-four mRNAs was found to be changed significantly were identified after screening with a gene chip capable of detecting 14,218 different human mRNA species simultaneously. Of these genes, 17 were up-regulated and 27 were down-regulated. Most of them were found to be related to apoptosis, oncogenes, or tumor suppression. Several genes with altered gene expression, such as human transforming growth factor-beta inducible early protein gene (TIEG), vitamin D3 upregulated protein 1 gene (VDUP1), RNA binding motif protein 4 gene (RBM4) and v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (C-MFC), were confirmed by Northern blot analysis. According to the dynamic gene expression pattern in these apoptotic cells, the activated transforming growth factor-β and tumor necrosis factor signaling pathways play an important role in homoharringtonine-induced apoptosis. TIEG was significantly altered after apoptosis induction, it should be critical for apoptosis signal transmission.  相似文献   

Seminoma constitutes one subtype of human testicular germ cell tumors and is uniformly composed of cells that are morphologically similar to the primordial germ cells and/or the cells in the carcinoma in situ. We performed a genome-wide exploration of the genes that are specifically up-regulated in seminoma by oligonucleotide-based microarray analysis. This revealed 106 genes that are significantly and consistently up-regulated in the seminomas compared to the adjacent normal tissues of the testes. The microarray data were validated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Of the 106 genes, 42 mapped to a small number of specific chromosomal regions, namely, 1q21, 2p23, 6p21-22, 7p14-15, 12pll, 12p13, 12q13-14 and 22q12-13. This list of up-regulated genes may be useful in identifying the causative oncogene(s) and/or the origin of seminoma. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the seminoma cells specifically expressed the six gene products that were selected randomly from the list. These proteins include CCND2 and DNMT3A and may be useful as molecular pathological markers of seminoma.  相似文献   

Pathogens of the Aspergillus species are frequently seen in deep-seated mycoses. We previously demonstrated that the culture filtrate of Aspergillus fumigatus (CF) has immunosuppressive effects on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), which act as the main phagocytes to hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus). But little is known about the gene expression profiles involved in it. Therefore we investigated the changes in gene expression in human PMNs treated with CF or gliotoxin at two time points, using microarray analysis. CF and gliotoxin changed the expression of 548 and 381 genes, respectively. Only 51 genes showed the same expression patterns with the two stimulants, and CF-induced changes in gene expression occurred comparatively earlier than those induced by gliotoxin. Among 31 genes encoding apoptosis, which were up- or down-regulated in this assay, only 3 genes were similarly changed by both kinds of stimulation. Apoptosis was detected and quantified using two apoptosis assays. CF and gliotoxin changed the expessions of only 3 out of 19 regulated genes related to inflammatory mediators and receptors similarly. The up-regulation of the gene encoding annexin 1 (ANXA1), which is known to be involved in extravasation and apoptosis of neutrophils, may play a role in the immunosuppressive effect of A. fumigatus. The difference in expression changes between CF and gliotoxin is presumed to be caused by the interaction among the components of CF and therefore the interaction is an area of interest for further investigation.  相似文献   

The mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) DNA methyltransferase gene 1 (dnmt1) was highly expressed in the mesonephros, head kidney and gonad, whereas dnmt2 was expressed in most tissues. dnmt3a was highly expressed in the brain and spleen, but dnmt3b was mainly expressed in the brain and head kidney. The genes dnmt1 and dnmt2 were highly expressed in the early stages of embryonic development, and dnmt3a and dnmt3b were expressed later. These genes also showed certain changes after artificial diet acclimation, salinity adaptation and immune stress.  相似文献   

文章以8日龄矮小型黄羽肉雏鸡为材料,以28℃±1℃处理3 h为对照组,40℃±1℃热应激3 h为实验组,采集大脑、肝脏、腿肌3种组织,利用全基因组表达谱芯片检测实验组和对照组各组织的差异表达基因,并结合生物信息学方法分析其功能。研究结果表明:在热应激处理组与对照组中,大脑组织中共有183个显著变化的差异表达探针(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),129个有基因注释,39个生物学过程发生了改变,18个生物学通路发生显著改变;肝脏组织中有558个显著改变的探针(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),包含339个基因,涉及37个生物学过程,58个生物学通路发生改变;腿肌组织中显著改变的探针有301个(变化倍数≥2或≤0.5,q≤0.05),209个有基因注释,参与了31个生物学过程,51个生物学通路发生改变。3种组织中,获得差异表达探针935个,不同组织具有特异性的表达模式;多种热休克蛋白家族基因被诱导上调表达,抗凋亡过程、钙离子信号通路、MAPK信号通路和多种代谢途径发生改变。文章对鸡的热应激分子机制进行了初步探索,为筛选耐热性相关基因提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Simulated microgravity (SMG) bioreactors and DNA microarray technology are powerful tools to identify "space genes" that play key roles in cellular response to microgravity. We applied these biotechnology tools to investigate SMG and post-SMG recovery effects on human epidermal keratinocytes by exposing cells to SMG for 3, 4, 9, and 10 d using the high aspect ratio vessel bioreactor followed by recovery culturing for 15, 50, and 60 d in normal gravity. As a result, we identified 162 differentially expressed genes, 32 of which were "center genes" that were most consistently affected in the time course experiments. Eleven of the center genes were from the integrated stress response pathways and were coordinately downregulated. Another seven of the center genes, which are all metallothionein MT-Ⅰ and MT-Ⅱ isoforms, were coordinately up-regulated. In addition, HLA-G, a key gene in cellular immune response suppression, was found to be significantly upregulated during the recovery phase. Overall, more than 80% of the differentially expressed genes from the shorter exposures (≤4 d) recovered in 15 d; for longer (≥9 d) exposures, more than 50 d were needed to recover to the impact level of shorter exposures. The data indicated that shorter SMG exposure duration would lead to quicker and more complete recovery from the microgravity effect.  相似文献   

We performed mRNA expression profiling of mouse primary hippocampal neurones undergoing differentiation in vitro. We show that 2314 genes significantly changed expression during neuronal differentiation. The temporal resolution of our experiment (six time points) permits us to distinguish between gene expression patterns characteristic for the axonal and for the dendritic stages of neurite outgrowth. Cluster analysis reveals that, in the process of in vitro neuronal differentiation, a high level of expression of genes involved in the synthesis of DNA and proteins precedes the up regulation of genes involved in protein transport, energy generation and synaptic functions. We report in detail changes in gene expression for genes involved in the synaptic vesicle cycle. Data for other genes can be accessed at our website. We directly compare expression of 475 genes in the differentiating neurones and the developing mouse hippocampus. We demonstrate that the program of gene expression is accelerated in vitro as compared to the situation in vivo. When this factor is accounted for, the gene expression profiles in vitro and in vivo become very similar (median gene-wise correlation 0.787). Apparently once the cells have taken a neuronal fate, the further program of gene expression is largely independent of histological or anatomical context. Our results also demonstrate that a comparison across the two experimental platforms (cDNA microarrays and oligonucleotide chips) and across different biological paradigms is feasible.  相似文献   

基因芯片又称DNA微阵列,分为cDNA微阵列和寡聚核苷酸微阵列。DNA微阵列技术是探索基因组功能的一种强有力工具。扼要介绍基因芯片、表达谱芯片技术和原理,以及基因芯片技术在肿瘤基因组学中的应用。  相似文献   

Overexpression of wild-type p53 in ECV-304 tumor cells induced extensive apoptosis and the eventual death of nearly all of the cells. We generated ECV-304 cells resistant to p53-induced apoptosis as a strategy to identify novel genes that might be relevant to p53-mediated apoptosis. ECV-304 cells resistant to p53 were isolated by repeated infections with a recombinant p53 adenovirus and were designated as DECV. The expression of 5,730 genes in p53-resistant (DECV) and p53-sensitive ECV-304 cells were profiled by DNA microarray analysis. We report here the expression of 80 genes that differed by 2-fold or more between sensitive and resistant cells upregulated for p53. Many of these differentially expressed genes are regulated by p53 in ECV-304 and H1299 p53-null cells. Our analysis identifies many new potential targets for p53 that play roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, redox control, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and differentiation.  相似文献   

In this preliminary study, differentially expressed genes were investigated in cranial tissues from chickens with hereditary exencephaly using cDNA microarrays containing 1,152 genes and expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Genes showing twofold or greater differences at P < 0.05 between affected and normal cranial cells were considered to be candidates for hereditary exencephaly in chicken. Eighteen ESTs (11 known genes/homologues) were upregulated and 108 ESTs (51 known genes/homologues) were downregulated. The EST AL584231 (ROS006C9), orthologous to human MTHFD1, a known candidate gene for human neural tube defects (NTDs), was expressed at the same level both in normal and affected chicken cranial tissues. ESTs AL584253 (ROS006F7, thioredoxin reductase 1) and AL585511 (ROS024H9, thioredoxin), both involved in NTD pathogenic pathways in mice, were downregulated and had mean ratios of 0.41 and 0.04 for expression in affected vs. normal cells respectively. Expression differences of these two ESTs were confirmed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. These data indicate that ESTs AL584253 and AL585511 are candidates for hereditary exencephaly in chickens.  相似文献   

Ovarian/primary peritoneal carcinoma and breast carcinoma are the gynaecological cancers that most frequently involve the serosal cavities. With the objective of improving on the limited diagnostic panel currently available for the differential diagnosis of these two malignancies, as well as to define tumour‐specific biological targets, we compared their global gene expression patterns. Gene expression profiles of 10 serous ovarian/peritoneal and eight ductal breast carcinoma effusions were analysed using the HumanRef‐8 BeadChip from Illumina. Differentially expressed candidate genes were validated using quantitative real‐time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using all 54,675 genes in the array separated ovarian from breast carcinoma samples. We identified 288 unique probes that were significantly differentially expressed in the two cancers by greater than 3.5‐fold, of which 81 and 207 were overexpressed in breast and ovarian/peritoneal carcinoma, respectively. SAM analysis identified 1078 differentially expressed probes with false discovery rate less than 0.05. Genes overexpressed in breast carcinoma included TFF1, TFF3, FOXA1, CA12, GATA3, SDC1, PITX1, TH, EHFD1, EFEMP1, TOB1 and KLF2. Genes overexpressed in ovarian/peritoneal carcinoma included SPON1, RBP1, MFGE8, TM4SF12, MMP7, KLK5/6/7, FOLR1/3, PAX8, APOL2 and NRCAM. The differential expression of 14 genes was validated by quantitative real‐time PCR, and differences in 5 gene products were confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Expression profiling distinguishes ovarian/peritoneal carcinoma from breast carcinoma and identifies genes that are differentially expressed in these two tumour types. The molecular signatures unique to these cancers may facilitate their differential diagnosis and may provide a molecular basis for therapeutic target discovery.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is more common in European Americans (EAs) than in African Americans (AAs) but mortality from breast cancer is higher among AAs. While there are racial differences in DNA methylation and gene expression in breast tumors, little is known whether such racial differences exist in breast tissues of healthy women. Genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression profiling was performed in histologically normal breast tissues of healthy women. Linear regression models were used to identify differentially-methylated CpG sites (CpGs) between EAs (n = 61) and AAs (n = 22). Correlations for methylation and expression were assessed. Biological functions of the differentially-methylated genes were assigned using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Among 485 differentially-methylated CpGs by race, 203 were hypermethylated in EAs, and 282 were hypermethylated in AAs. Promoter-related differentially-methylated CpGs were more frequently hypermethylated in EAs (52%) than AAs (27%) while gene body and intergenic CpGs were more frequently hypermethylated in AAs. The differentially-methylated CpGs were enriched for cancer-associated genes with roles in cell death and survival, cellular development, and cell-to-cell signaling. In a separate analysis for correlation in EAs and AAs, different patterns of correlation were found between EAs and AAs. The correlated genes showed different biological networks between EAs and AAs; networks were connected by Ubiquitin C. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive genome-wide study to identify differences in methylation and gene expression between EAs and AAs in breast tissues from healthy women. These findings may provide further insights regarding the contribution of epigenetic differences to racial disparities in breast cancer.  相似文献   

We have performed a comprehensive analysis of the expression profiles in 25 adult and 4 fetal human tissues by means of a cDNA microarray consisting of 23,040 human genes. This study revealed a number of genes that were expressed specifically in each of those tissues. Among the 29 tissues examined, 4,080 genes were highly expressed (at least a five-fold expression ratio) in one or only a few tissues and 1,163 of those were expressed exclusively (more than a ten-fold higher expression ratio) in a particular tissue. Expression of some of the genes in the latter category was confirmed by northern analysis. A hierarchical clustering analysis of gene-expression profiles in nerve tissues (adult brain, fetal brain, and spinal cord), lymphoid tissues (bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph node), muscle tissues (heart and skeletal muscle), or adipose tissues (mesenteric adipose and mammary gland) identified a set of genes that were commonly expressed among related tissues. These data should provide useful information for medical research, especially for efforts to identify tissue-specific molecules as potential targets of novel drugs to treat human diseases.  相似文献   

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