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This paper examines the feasibility of manifesting compositionality by a system of synfire chains. Compositionality is the ability to construct mental representations, hierarchically, in terms of parts and their relations. We show that synfire chains may synchronize their waves when a few orderly cross links are available. We propose that synchronization among synfire chains can be used for binding component into a whole. Such synchronization is shown both for detailed simulations, and by numerical analysis of the propagation of a wave along a synfire chain. We show that global inhibition may prevent spurious synchronization among synfire chains. We further show that selecting which synfire chains may synchronize to which others may be improved by including inhibitory neurons in the synfire pools. Finally we show that in a hierarchical system of synfire chains, a part-binding problem may be resolved, and that such a system readily demonstrates the property of priming. We compare the properties of our system with the general requirements for neural networks that demonstrate compositionality.  相似文献   

Competitive synchronization among synfire chains may model the dynamics of binding and compositionality. Typically, such models require simulations of hundreds of thousands of neurons. Here we show that the behavior of such large systems can be numerically analyzed by representing the neuronal activity in a synfire chain as a wave. The position and velocity of waves are the only parameters needed to represent the neural activity within a synfire chain. With this wave model we describe how waves are generated, decay, interact within a single chain and among chains. The behavior of the wave model is compared to the behavior of detailed simulations of synfire chains with no qualitative difference. We show that interacting waves tend to become locked to each other (wave synchronization). Finally we prove that: (1) Within a system of many synfire chains with symmetric interchain connections, as long as waves do not fade away or become fully synchronized, the total synchrony among waves can only increase (or stay constant), but never decrease. (2) A wave that increases its speed during the synchronization process becomes more stable.  相似文献   

The propagation of optical signals has been studied theoretically and computationally in fully retarded graded plasmonic chains. Asymmetric optical response due to retardation has been observed in various plasmonic chains with gradients in host permittivities, particle sizes, and/or interparticle distances. The range of wavelength-dependent optical response is broadened by the graded effects of host permittivity. Asymmetric propagation ratio is found in the presence of any kind of gradients, and the physical mechanism is analyzed through the gradon modes. These results have potential applications in designing nanostructured plasmonic devices.  相似文献   

Investigation of mechanisms of information handling in neural assemblies involved in computational and cognitive tasks is a challenging problem. Synergetic cooperation of neurons in time domain, through synchronization of firing of multiple spatially distant neurons, has been widely spread as the main paradigm. Complementary, the brain may also employ information coding and processing in spatial dimension. Then, the result of computation depends also on the spatial distribution of long-scale information. The latter bi-dimensional alternative is notably less explored in the literature. Here, we propose and theoretically illustrate a concept of spatiotemporal representation and processing of long-scale information in laminar neural structures. We argue that relevant information may be hidden in self-sustained traveling waves of neuronal activity and then their nonlinear interaction yields efficient wave-processing of spatiotemporal information. Using as a testbed a chain of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons, we show that the wave-processing can be achieved by incorporating into the single-neuron dynamics an additional voltage-gated membrane current. This local mechanism provides a chain of such neurons with new emergent network properties. In particular, nonlinear waves as a carrier of long-scale information exhibit a variety of functionally different regimes of interaction: from complete or asymmetric annihilation to transparent crossing. Thus neuronal chains can work as computational units performing different operations over spatiotemporal information. Exploiting complexity resonance these composite units can discard stimuli of too high or too low frequencies, while selectively compress those in the natural frequency range. We also show how neuronal chains can contextually interpret raw wave information. The same stimulus can be processed differently or identically according to the context set by a periodic wave train injected at the opposite end of the chain.  相似文献   

According to the complexity-specific hypothesis, the efficacy with which individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) process visual information varies according to the extensiveness of the neural network required to process stimuli. Specifically, adults with ASD are less sensitive to texture-defined (or second-order) information, which necessitates the implication of several cortical visual areas. Conversely, the sensitivity to simple, luminance-defined (or first-order) information, which mainly relies on primary visual cortex (V1) activity, has been found to be either superior (static material) or intact (dynamic material) in ASD. It is currently unknown if these autistic perceptual alterations are present in childhood. In the present study, behavioural (threshold) and electrophysiological measures were obtained for static luminance- and texture-defined gratings presented to school-aged children with ASD and compared to those of typically developing children. Our behavioural and electrophysiological (P140) results indicate that luminance processing is likely unremarkable in autistic children. With respect to texture processing, there was no significant threshold difference between groups. However, unlike typical children, autistic children did not show reliable enhancements of brain activity (N230 and P340) in response to texture-defined gratings relative to luminance-defined gratings. This suggests reduced efficiency of neuro-integrative mechanisms operating at a perceptual level in autism. These results are in line with the idea that visual atypicalities mediated by intermediate-scale neural networks emerge before or during the school-age period in autism.  相似文献   

Central Mechanisms of Pheromone Information Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mustaparta  Hanna 《Chemical senses》1996,21(2):269-275
An advantage of using pheromones in olfactory studies is thatthey are chemical signals for which receptor neurons are evolvedand thus elicite biologically relevant odour-information tobe processed in the brain. In many vertebrate and insect species,the olfactory system is separated into a ‘main’and an ‘accessory’ division, the latter mediatingpheromone information. In moths, the pheromone information isfirst processed in the brain in a large and sexually dimorphicstructure, the macroglomerular complex (MGC) of the antennallobe (AL). Also in vertebrates the pheromone information isprocessed in specific or modified glomerular complexes. Oneprinciple question is whether individual olfactory glomeruliare functional units, processing specific information concerningboth the chemical quality and spatiotemporal features of thestimulus, like the pheromone plume. Indeed it has been shownthat the axons of different pheromone-selective receptor neuronsproject into different MGC-glomeruli. Intracellular recordingsfrom the AL projection (output) neurons also show that informationabout single components of the pheromone blend is preservedin some output pathways, whereas other output neurons respondin a unique fashion to the blend. The information about interspecificsignals, which interrupts pheromone attraction, is processedin a specific MGC-glomerulus and is to a large extent kept separatedfrom the pheromone information throughout the AL. Many of theoutput neurons accurately encode changes in the temporal characteristicsof the stimulus. Chem. Senses 21: 269–275, 1996.  相似文献   



Monitoring cerebral saturation is increasingly seen as an aid to management of patients in the operating room and in neurocritical care. How best to manipulate cerebral saturation is not fully known. We examined cerebral saturation with graded changes in carbon dioxide tension while isoxic and with graded changes in oxygen tension while isocapnic.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The study was approved by the Research Ethics Board of the University Health Network at the University of Toronto. Thirteen studies were undertaken in healthy adults with cerebral oximetry by near infrared spectroscopy. End-tidal gas concentrations were manipulated using a model-based prospective end-tidal targeting device. End-tidal carbon dioxide was altered ±15 mmHg from baseline in 5 mmHg increments with isoxia (clamped at 110±4 mmHg). End-tidal oxygen was changed to 300, 400, 500, 80, 60 and 50 mmHg under isocapnia (37±2 mmHg). Twelve studies were completed. The end-tidal carbon dioxide versus cerebral saturation fit a linear relationship (R2 = 0.92±0.06). The end-tidal oxygen versus cerebral saturation followed log-linear behaviour and best fit a hyperbolic relationship (R2 = 0.85±0.10). Cerebral saturation was maximized in isoxia at end-tidal carbon dioxide of baseline +15 mmHg (77±3 percent). Cerebral saturation was minimal in isocapnia at an end-tidal oxygen tension of 50 mmHg (61±3 percent). The cerebral saturation during normoxic hypocapnia was equivalent to normocapnic hypoxia of 60 mmHg.


Hypocapnia reduces cerebral saturation to an extent equivalent to moderate hypoxia.  相似文献   

嗅球对嗅觉信息的处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哺乳动物的嗅觉系统拥有惊人的能力,它可以识别和分辨成千上万种分子结构各异的气味分子。这种识别能力是由基因决定的。近年来,分子生物学和神经生理学的研究使得我们对嗅觉识别的分子基础和嗅觉系统神经连接的认识有了质的飞跃。气味分子的识别是由一千多种气味受体完成的,鼻腔中的嗅觉感觉神经元表达这些气味受体基因。每个感觉神经元只表达一种气味受体基因。表达同种气味受体的感觉神经元投射到嗅球表面的一个或几个嗅小球中,从而在嗅球中形成一个精确的二维连接图谱。了解嗅球对气味信息的加工和处理方式是我们研究嗅觉系统信号编码的一个重要环节。文章概述并总结了有关嗅球信号处理的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

Modern automated production processes have made it necessary for engineering psychology to deal with the problem of the capacity of the operator. The task of solving this problem has given rise to a special field of psychological research, called variously psychological information theory by Berlyne (8) and Infor mationspsychologie by Frank. (11)  相似文献   

Information is encoded in neural circuits using both graded and action potentials, converting between them within single neurons and successive processing layers. This conversion is accompanied by information loss and a drop in energy efficiency. We investigate the biophysical causes of this loss of information and efficiency by comparing spiking neuron models, containing stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, with generator potential and graded potential models lacking voltage-gated Na+ channels. We identify three causes of information loss in the generator potential that are the by-product of action potential generation: (1) the voltage-gated Na+ channels necessary for action potential generation increase intrinsic noise and (2) introduce non-linearities, and (3) the finite duration of the action potential creates a ‘footprint’ in the generator potential that obscures incoming signals. These three processes reduce information rates by ∼50% in generator potentials, to ∼3 times that of spike trains. Both generator potentials and graded potentials consume almost an order of magnitude less energy per second than spike trains. Because of the lower information rates of generator potentials they are substantially less energy efficient than graded potentials. However, both are an order of magnitude more efficient than spike trains due to the higher energy costs and low information content of spikes, emphasizing that there is a two-fold cost of converting analogue to digital; information loss and cost inflation.  相似文献   

The ARF GTPase Activating Protein 1 (ARFGAP1) associates mainly with the cytosolic side of Golgi cisternal membranes where it participates in the formation of both COPI and clathrin-coated vesicles. In this study, we show that ARFGAP1 associates transiently with lipid droplets upon addition of oleate in cultured cells. Also, that addition of cyclic AMP shifts ARFGAP1 from lipid droplets to the Golgi apparatus and that overexpression and knockdown of ARFGAP1 affect lipid droplet formation. Examination of human liver tissue reveals that ARFGAP1 is found associated with lipid droplets at steady state in some but not all hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether age-related changes in the speed of information processing are the best predictors of the increase in sensitivity to time throughout childhood. Children aged 5 and 8 years old, as well adults, were given two temporal bisection tasks, one with short (0.5/1-s) and the other with longer (4/8-s) anchor durations. In addition, the participants'' scores on different neuropsychological tests assessing both information processing speed and other dimensions of cognitive control (short-term memory, working memory, selective attention) were calculated. The results showed that the best predictor of individual variances in sensitivity to time was information processing speed, although working memory also accounted for some of the individual differences in time sensitivity, albeit to a lesser extent. In sum, the faster the information processing speed of the participants, the higher their sensitivity to time was. These results are discussed in the light of the idea that the development of temporal capacities has its roots in the maturation of the dynamic functioning of the brain.  相似文献   

Trigeminal fibers terminate within the facial mucosa and skin and transmit tactile, proprioceptive, chemical, and nociceptive sensations. Trigeminal sensations can arise from the direct stimulation of intraepithelial free nerve endings or indirectly through information transmission from adjacent cells at the peripheral innervation area. For mechanical and thermal cues, communication processes between skin cells and somatosensory neurons have already been suggested. High concentrations of most odors typically provoke trigeminal sensations in vivo but surprisingly fail to activate trigeminal neuron monocultures. This fact favors the hypothesis that epithelial cells may participate in chemodetection and subsequently transmit signals to neighboring trigeminal fibers. Keratinocytes, the major cell type of the epidermis, express various receptors that enable reactions to multiple environmental stimuli. Here, using a co-culture approach, we show for the first time that exposure to the odorant chemicals induces a chemical communication between human HaCaT keratinocytes and mouse trigeminal neurons. Moreover, a supernatant analysis of stimulated keratinocytes and subsequent blocking experiments with pyrodoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2′,4′-disulfonate revealed that ATP serves as the mediating transmitter molecule released from skin cells after odor stimulation. We show that the ATP release resulting from Javanol® stimulation of keratinocytes was mediated by pannexins. Consequently, keratinocytes act as chemosensors linking the environment and the trigeminal system via ATP signaling.  相似文献   

Though polypyrrole (PPy) is widely used in flexible supercapacitors owing to its high electrochemical activity and intrinsic flexibility, limited capacitance and cycling stability of freestanding PPy films greatly reduce their practicality in real‐world applications. Herein, we report a new approach to enhance PPy's capacitance and cycling stability by forming a freestanding and conductive hybrid film through intercalating PPy into layered Ti3C2 (l‐Ti3C2, a MXene material). The capacitance increases from 150 (300) to 203 mF cm?2 (406 F cm?3). Moreover, almost 100% capacitance retention is achieved, even after 20 000 charging/discharging cycles. The analyses reveal that l‐Ti3C2 effectively prevents dense PPy stacking, benefiting the electrolyte infiltration. Furthermore, strong bonds, formed between the PPy backbones and surfaces of l‐Ti3C2, not only ensure good conductivity and provide precise pathways for charge‐carrier transport but also improve the structural stability of PPy backbones. The freestanding PPy/l‐Ti3C2 film is further used to fabricate an ultra‐thin all‐solid‐state supercapacitor, which shows an excellent capacitance (35 mF cm?2), stable performance at any bending state and during 10 000 charging/discharging cycles. This novel strategy provides a new way to design conductive polymer‐based freestanding flexible electrodes with greatly improved electrochemical performances.  相似文献   

Electronic systems are vulnerable in electromagnetic interference environment. Although many solutions are adopted to solve this problem, for example shielding, filtering and grounding, noise is still introduced into the circuit inevitably. What impresses us is the biological nervous system with a vital property of robustness in noisy environment. Some mechanisms, such as neuron population coding, degeneracy and parallel distributed processing, are believed to partly explain how the nervous system counters the noise and component failure. This paper proposes a novel concept of bio-inspired electromagnetic protec- tion making reference to the characteristic of neural information processing. A bionic model is presented here to mimic neuron populations to transform the input signal into neural pulse signal. In the proposed model, neuron provides a dynamic feedback to the adjacent one according to the concept of synaptic plasticity. A simple neural circuitry is designed to verify the rationality of the bio-inspired model for electromagnetic protection. The experiment results display that bio-inspired electromagnetic pro- tection model has more power to counter the interference and component failure.  相似文献   

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