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Five female workers were monitored for 5 consecutive days during re-entry into a greenhouse containing ornamental plants. Skin contamination (excluding hands) was evaluated with nine pads of filter paper placed on the skin. Hand contamination was assessed by washing with 95% ethanol. Respiratory exposure was evaluated by personal air sampling. The respiratory dose was based on a lung ventilation of 15 l/min. The doses absorbed were estimated assuming 10% skin absorption and 100% lung retention. Dislodgeable foliar residue was determined on days of re-entry to evaluate the decay of chlorothalonil. Chlorothalonil was analysed in the different matrices by GC-MS. Respiratory exposure was less than skin contamination, being 11.4+/-5.1% (mean+/-SD) of total exposure. The estimated total absorbed dose did not exceed the acceptable daily intake of 0.03 mg/kg body mass. The hands and unexposed skin of all workers were always found to be contaminated. Greater precautions are therefore needed to reduce skin exposure (clean gloves and suitable clean clothing every day).  相似文献   

To analyse working conditions and to provide information about the degree to which shoe workers are exposed to n-hexane, the urinary excretion of total 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) was determined in 81 employees in 12 shoe factories. Twenty-five individuals who had experienced no exposure to solvents were used as controls. 2,5-HD was measured in spot urine samples collected from workers at the end of shift. In the urine of shoe workers, the 2,5-HD presented a mean value of 2.33 mg g-1 creatinine, a median of 1.96 mg g-1 creatinine. The mean 2,5-HD concentration in the urine samples from non-exposed subjects was 0.28 mg g-1 creatinine, the median value was 0.18 mg g-1 creatinine. The mean time-weighted average (TWA) concentration of n-hexane in 12 shoe workshops was 126.1 ppm, ranging from 23 to 215 ppm. We found a significant, but low, correlation (r = 0.40; p < 0.001) between TWA intensity of environmental exposure to n-hexane and the concentration of 2,5-HD in urine. The probable effect of toluene on the concentration of 2,5-HD was also discussed in the present study.  相似文献   

The Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement Project for Utilities—the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Electric and Magnetic Field Digital Exposure (EMDEX) Project (the EPRI EMDEX Project)—was a multifaceted project that entailed technology transfer, measurement protocol design, data management, and exposure assessment analyses. This paper addresses one specific objective of the project: the collection, analysis, and documentation of power-frequency magnetic field exposures for a diverse population of utility workers. Field exposure data measured by an EMDEX system were collected by volunteer utility employees at 59 sites in four countries between September, 1988, and September, 1989. Specially designed sampling procedures and data collection protocols were used to ensure uniform implementation across sites. Volunteers within 13 job classifications recorded which of eight work or three nonwork environments they occupied while wearing an EMDEX meter. Approximately 50,000 hours of magnetic field exposure records taken at 10 s intervals were obtained, about 70% of which were from work environments. Exposures and time spent in environments were analyzed by primary work environment, by occupied environment, and by job classification. Generally, for utility-specific job classifications related to the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, the field and exposure measurements in terms of workday mean field were higher than in more general occupations. The job classifications with the highest (median workday mean) exposure were substation operators (0.7 μT) and electricians (0.5μT). Total variance also tended to be largest for utility-specific job classifications. For these workers, the contributions of between-worker and within-worker variances to total variance were about the same. Measurements in utility-specific environments were higher than in more general environments. Estimates of time-integrated exposure indicated that utility-specific job classifications received about one-half or more of their total exposure on the job. The nonwork field and exposure distributions for workers in all job categories were comparable with median nonworkday means of about 0.09 μT. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Occupational lead overexposure remains a major problem. To evaluate the settings in which physicians appropriately prescribe chelation therapy for lead exposure, 7 cases were identified from physician phone calls and mandatory laboratory reporting of elevated blood lead levels to the California Department of Health Services. In the 2 workers with the highest blood lead levels (both of whom had severe symptoms), treatment was indicated. Physicians inappropriately prescribed chelating agents to workers with ongoing lead exposure as prophylaxis against rising blood lead levels and to treat atherosclerotic heart disease. Workers'' personal physicians identified lead overexposure in 5 of the 7 cases. Workplace lead medical surveillance programs mandated by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration were inadequate in all 5 of the workplaces where information was available.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure safety remains a major issue during greenhouse spray applications in China. Herein, we tested the safety of 2 protective clothing types to be used in cucumber greenhouses: 100% cotton hooded coveralls and non-woven fabric hooded coveralls. A hand-operated knapsack sprayer was used for chlorothalonil application (75% WP). The whole-body dosimetry technique was used to collect dermal exposure samples, including gloves and socks. In the absence of any personal protective equipment (PPE), chlorothalonil application resulted in a total dermal exposure of 5759.5 μg/h. When 100% cotton hooded coveralls (including single-layer gloves) and non-woven fabric hooded coveralls (including rubber gloves) were used as protective measures, the total dermal exposures of the applicators were 5759.5 and 2511.3 μg/h, representing deflection rates of 88.7 and 95.1% of the total dermal exposure in the absence of PPE, respectively. Next, dermal exposure when using 2 cotton garment layers (100% cotton hooded coverall as the outer-layer garment and 85% cotton underwear as the inner-layer garment) was analyzed. The penetration rate of the outer-layer garment was first estimated; the penetration rate for the left lower leg section was 1.8% (the lowest), and that of the chest section was 12.1% (the highest), with a mean penetration rate of 6.3%. When a single-layer 100% cotton coverall (including 100% cotton gloves) and a non-woven fabric coverall (including rubber gloves) were used as protective measures, the main exposure site among the applicators was the face (including the neck). Thus, to reduce the exposure risk of farmers during chlorothalonil application, it is essential to strengthen protective clothing and improve protection for the face (including the neck), which is often exposed. Moreover, it is essential to improve knowledge on occupational safety and self-protection measures among farmers. These findings may provide useful information for risk mitigation and management and epidemiological studies in China.  相似文献   

The potential risks to humans resulting from the usage of a pesticide must be carefully assessed before the product is registered. One of the components in the risk assessment is the determination of the amount of pesticide to which the applicator is exposed. Traditional methods estimated dermal exposure by measuring the amount of pesticide deposited on absorbent patches worn on the applicator's body. A more recent approach consists of measuring urinary metabolite levels. A review of data obtained in humans and in rats suggests that the urinary concentration of dimethyl thiophosphate is a good indicator of dermal exposure to azinphos-methyl.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is an important industrial chemical used mainly in the production of polymers. It can be absorbed through the skin. AA was shown to be a germ cell clastogen that entails a genetic risk for exposed workers. The genetic risk calculation was based on mouse heritable translocation test data obtained after acute intraperitoneal (ip) exposure (Adler et al., 1994). To obtain a correction factor between ip and dermal exposure, dominant lethal and heritable translocation tests were carried out with dermal exposure of male mice to AA. In the dominant lethal test, male (102/El x C3H/El)F1 mice were exposed by dermal application to the shaved backs of 50 mg/kg AA per day on five consecutive days or to five daily ip injections of 50 mg/kg AA. One day after the end of exposure, the males were mated to untreated females of the same hybrid stock for four days and females were changed every four days for a total of five matings. Dominant lethal effects were found during matings 1-3. For ip exposure, these values were 81.7, 85.7 and 45.4%, respectively; for dermal exposure the corresponding values were 22.1, 30.6 and 16.5%, respectively. In the heritable translocation assay, male C3H/El mice were treated with five dermal exposures of 50 mg/kg AA and mated 1.5-8.5 days after the end of exposure to untreated female 102/El mice. Pregnant females were allowed to come to term and all offspring were raised to maturity. Translocation carriers among the F1 progeny were selected by a sequential fertility testing and cytogenetic analysis including G-band karyotyping and M-FISH. A total of 475 offspring were screened and 41 translocation carriers were identified. The observed translocation frequency after dermal exposure was 8.6% as compared to 21.9% after similar ip exposure (Adler, 1990). The calculated ratio of ip vs. dermal exposure of 0.39 can be applied to obtain a more realistic calculation of genetic risk for dermally exposed workers.  相似文献   

When microorganisms are used for pest control in vegetable production, the active organisms become part of the microbiota growers are exposed to. The aim of this study was to quantify vegetable growers' exposure to the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki strain HD1 (termed HD1) from the biocontrol agent Dipel®, and other airborne mesophilic bacteria. Personal (n=102) and stationary (n=43) measurements of exposure were performed in greenhouses and open fields. Air samples were analysed by plate counts, and total counts with a microscope. Isolates resembling HD1 were identified by PCR analysis. HD1-like bacteria were only detected in environments where Dipel® was used. In a greenhouse with Dipel® treated tomato plants, the growers' exposure to airborne HD1-like bacteria reached 5300 cfu/m3 and 1400 cfu/m3 during harvest and clearing of old plants, respectively. In untreated greenhouses, the highest concentration of total mesophilic bacteria, 1,100,000 cfu/m3, was detected in a cucumber greenhouse. The median concentrations of mesophilic bacteria in tomato greenhouses were significantly lower than the median concentrations in cucumber greenhouses. There was no significant difference in exposure to mesophilic bacteria in tomato greenhouses and in vegetable fields. We found that greenhouse workers, especially in cucumber production, were exposed to high concentrations of total bacteria. Thus, the already present airborne bacteria in greenhouses might have a greater influence on growers' health than applied biocontrol strains. However, further studies are needed to establish an occupational threshold limit for airborne bacteria and to secure a healthy working environment for vegetable growers.  相似文献   

Cadmium is a nephrotoxic metal widely used in industry and the main source of Cd in general population is smoking. Considering that the source of Cd in cigarettes is the tobacco leaf, the exposure to Cd was evaluated in workers employed at a tobacco leaf processing factory. Blood and urinary Cd levels were measured by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry in 87 workers and 35 controls. Urinary enzymes, total protein, albumin and uric acid were also determined to investigate the possible nephrotoxic effects of Cd. Blood Cd levels were significantly higher in workers (1.63 +/- 1.95 microg/L) than in controls (0.91 +/- 1.15 microg/L) (p = 0.044). The increase observed in urinary Cd levels of workers was non significant (0.56 +/- 0.5 microg/g creatinine in workers and 0.46 +/- 0.5 microg/g creatinine in controls). Both in workers and in controls, subjects smoking >10 cigarettes/day showed significantly increased blood Cd levels compared to non-smokers (p = 0.000 and p = 0.011, respectively). In workers, urinary alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), total protein, and uric acid were observed to be significantly increased (p = 0.013, p = 0.000, p = 0.000, p = 0.025, respectively), ALP, GGT and total protein being positively correlated with Cd in urine. In conclusion, the workers in the tobacco leaf processing factory were found to be exposed to Cd compared to the general population. The increase in the urinary enzymes and proteins suggests that an exposure to Cd affects kidney functions even below the toxic limits generally accepted.  相似文献   

Decreased melatonin production, due to acute suppression of pineal melatonin secretion by light exposure during night work, has been suggested to underlie higher cancer risks associated with prolonged experience of night work. However, the association between light exposure and melatonin production has never been measured in the field. In this study, 24-h melatonin production and ambulatory light exposure were assessed during both night-shift and day/evening-shift periods in 13 full-time rotating shiftworkers. Melatonin production was estimated with the excretion of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), and light exposure was measured with an ambulatory photometer. There was no difference in total 24-h aMT6s excretion between the two work periods. The night-shift period was characterized by a desynchrony between melatonin and sleep-wake rhythms, as shown by higher melatonin production during work and lower melatonin production during sleep when working night shifts than when working day/evening shifts. Light exposure during night work showed no correlation with aMT6s excreted during the night of work (p?>?.5), or with the difference in 24-h aMT6s excretion between the two work periods (p >?.1). However, light exposure during night work was negatively correlated with total 24-h aMT6s excretion over the entire night-shift period (p?相似文献   

本文从温室害虫防治实践角度,对近20年来温室害虫研究进行了综述,主要内容包括:温室害虫种类与鉴定、重要害虫基础生物学研究、温室害虫共生微生物研究等温室害虫基础研究成果;从农业、物理、化学、生物等防治途径综述了温室害虫防治技术的主要进展。从加强植物检疫、重视温室内外害虫辗转规律研究、新型生防产品研发与应用、组合技术方案研发与应用、智慧温室害虫防控技术研发与应用及诱集及天敌庇护植物应用等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken on environmental mycoflora of a maize processing industry in Ahmedabad. The airborne fungal communities were isolated and identified both qualitatively by Petri-plate exposure method and quantitatively by using Andersen-6-stage viable sampler, Midget impinger and high volume samples (cone and Hexhlet for total and respirable dusts, respectively). Of all the isolates genus Aspergillus was the dominant environmental mycoflora and among all the species of Aspergillus A. flavus was the common isolates irrespective of the method applied for sample collection. Maximum number of isolates were recovered from Elevator department. From total and respirable dusts, about 56.6% and 44.4% of recovery accounted for genus Aspergillus alone. Total percentages of aflatoxin positive strains of A. flavus were 5.65% and 9.73% from total and respirable dusts, respectively. These toxigenic strains were identified on various media like CZ with 0.05% anisaldehyde, APA and CAM. Surface morphology of toxigenic strains and dust samples were carried out using SEM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An altered frequency of specific dermal ridge patterns on fingertips, such as an increased number of arches, has been observed in children exposed in utero to anticonvulsants and other teratogens. Asymmetry of the distribution of dermal ridge patterns has been attributed to environmental exposures and genetic factors. METHODS: We evaluated all of the dermal ridge patterns of 66 children who had been exposed to either the anticonvulsant phenytoin alone or phenytoin and phenobarbital. We determined the frequency of each pattern, concordance between the fingers on the left and right hands, sex differences and total ridge counts in the drug-exposed children and compared them to the findings in 716 unexposed comparison children. The frequency of each pattern was established in comparison to the most common type of pattern (ulnar loop), which showed that there were alterations in the frequency of arches, radial loops and whorls on specific fingers. RESULTS: Eight (12.1%) of 66 children had three or more arch patterns, with all but one having been exposed to phenytoin and phenobarbital. Only one of these eight children was considered by the masked examiner to have fingernail hypoplasia. There was no evidence of asymmetry in the anticonvulsant-exposed children. There were minor differences in the distribution of total ridge count. CONCLUSIONS: Subtle differences in several dermal ridge patterns, not just arch patterns, were present in anticonvulsant-exposed children, primarily in those exposed to polytherapy: phenytoin and phenobarbital.  相似文献   

Lung cancer mortality among 5058 male workers of the Mayak Production Association has been analyzed with emphasis on the interaction of smoking and radiation exposure by using the two-step clonal expansion (TSCE) model of carcinogenesis. The cohort consists of all Mayak workers with known smoking status, who were employed in the period 1948–1972, and who either had the plutonium concentration in urine measured or who worked in the reactors, where plutonium exposure was negligible. Those who died during the first two years after the first urine sampling were excluded. The follow-up extended until the end of 1998. During this time, 2176 workers died, including 244 lung cancer cases. Mayak workers were exposed to external (gamma and neutron) radiation, and in the radiochemical and plutonium plants to plutonium. In the preferred TSCE model, internal radiation and smoking act on the clonal expansion of pre-carcinogenic clones. Assuming a plutonium radiation weighting factor of 20, the excess relative risk per lung dose was estimated to be 0.11 (95% CI: 0.08; 0.17) Sv−1. Most of the lung cancer deaths are found to be due to smoking. The second main factor is the interaction of smoking and internal radiation. The model is sub-multiplicative in relative risks due to smoking and radiation. In a multiplicative version of the TSCE model, internal radiation acts on initiation and transformation rates. This model version agrees with conventional epidemiological risk models, because it also suggests a higher risk estimate than the preferred TSCE model. However, it fits the data less well than the preferred model. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the personal exposure to benzene and its relationship with biomonitoring and quantitative risk assessment among the personnel working and living near oil pits. This study was conducted in one of oil subsidiary companies in Kharg in 2017. Airborne benzene exposure was evaluated over 8-h periods during work-shift by using personal active samplers. Urinary O-Cresol levels were determined using GC-FID for separation and detection. The highest mean concentration of airborne benzene was at monitoring location, A (0.53?ppm), monitoring location H (0.59?ppm) in the spring, monitoring location M (0.72?ppm) and monitoring location P (0.8?ppm) in the summer, which was more than suggested by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. No direct linear relationship was found between the concentration of airborne benzene, age, work experience, urinary creatinine, and O-Cresol in this study (p?>?.05). No significant difference was observed between urinary O-Cresol and benzene in occupational groups and different seasons (p?>?.05). The highest mean quantitative risk of cancers was observed in summer (1.21?±?0.47). According to the results of this study, urinary biomarker O-Cresol is not a suitable measure for evaluating exposure to environmental benzene.  相似文献   

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