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The extrinsic PsbO subunit of the water-oxidizing photosystem II (PSII) complex is represented by two isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana, namely PsbO1 and PsbO2. Recent analyses of psbo1 and psbo2 knockout mutants have brought insights into their roles in photosynthesis and light stress. Here we analyzed the two psbo mutants in terms of PsbOs expression pattern, organization of PSII complexes and GTPase activity. Both PsbOs are present in wild-type plants, and their expression is mutually controlled in the mutants. Almost all PSII complexes are in the monomeric form not only in the psbo1 but also in the psbo2 mutant grown under high-light conditions. This results either from an enhanced susceptibility of PSII to photoinactivation or from malfunction of the repair cycle. Notably, the psbo1 mutant displays such problems even under growth-light conditions. These results together with the finding that PsbO2 has a threefold higher GTPase activity than PsbO1 have significance for the turnover of the PSII D1 subunit in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Recent population expansion and increased migration linked to urbanization are assumed to be eroding the genetic structure of human populations. We investigated change in population structure over three generations by analysing both demographic and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data from a random sample of 2351 men from 22 Iranian populations. Potential changes in genetic diversity (theta) and genetic distance (F(ST)) over the last three generations were analysed by assigning mtDNA sequences to populations based on the individual's place of birth or that of their mother or grandmother. Despite the fact that several areas included cities of over one million inhabitants, we detected no change in genetic diversity, and only a small decrease in population structure, except in the capital city (Tehran), which was characterized by massive immigration, increased theta and a large decrease in F(ST) over time. Our results suggest that recent erosion of human population structure might not be as important as previously thought, except in some large conurbations, and this clearly has important implications for future sampling strategies.  相似文献   

Lateral root (LR) stimulation during early signal exchange between plant roots and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi has recently been shown to be achieved by modulation of auxin gradients. We suggested that this modulation could occur through altered polar auxin transport (PAT) and through activation of auxin signalling pathways in the root. However, it remains unclear, which fungal molecules alter auxin pathways inside the plant partner. It has been suggested in previous studies that auxin released by the fungus could trigger observed plant responses during early signal exchange and later on during root colonization. Here we focus on the early interaction and we provide evidence for an alternative mechanism. Indeed, LR stimulation by the fungus in Arabidopsis thaliana followed a totally different timing than with exogenously applied auxin. Furthermore, experimental conditions that excluded the exchange of soluble molecules while allowing exchange of volatile(s) between the plant and the fungus were sufficient for LR induction, therefore questioning the role of secreted fungal auxin. These data suggest that volatiles released by the fungus and sensed by the plant may act upstream of altered auxin signaling in the plant.Key words: mycorrhiza, ectomycorrhiza, lateral root, auxin, volatiles, ethylene, jasmonic acidInteractions of plant roots with symbiotic, ectomycorrhizal soil fungi lead to lateral root (LR) stimulation during the very early interaction phase.1 This LR stimulation has recently been shown to be independent of root colonization and to occur as well in non-mycorrhizal plants, such as Arabidopsis suggesting that fungal signals have a broad perception spectrum.1,2 However, little is known about the type of signals exchanged between fungi and their plant partners during this early interaction phase. Several studies have proposed a role for the phytohormone auxin produced and secreted by ECM fungi as the signalling molecule during ECM fungus/plant signaling.27 Recently we studied changes in auxin response and auxin transport in poplar and Arabidopsis thaliana roots during contact with the ECM fungus Laccaria bicolor.1 We demonstrated that the presence of the fungus enhances the auxin response and distribution at the root apex and that this, as well as LR stimulation, is reliant on polar auxin transport through AtPIN2 and probably through PtPIN9 in poplar. Here, using Arabidopsis thaliana, whose LR stimulation by Laccaria bicolor has been demonstrated, we propose that not yet identified fungal volatiles may regulate auxin homeostasis in the plant, questioning the contribution of the auxin released by the fungus on the induction of LR.  相似文献   

Slovenia has one of the most extensive Natura 2000 networks in Europe with 259 SAC’s covering 31.4% of the country. To determine how well does the current network cover the areas of high butterfly diversity and/or aggregation of the butterfly species of conservation concern, the data from the recent survey for a distribution atlas were used. Altogether 99,423 records of 173 species collated after 1979 were used. The data distribution is slightly biased towards SAC’s, with 44.8% of localities within them, most likely due to sparsely sampled urban areas and intensive farmland areas which are found only outside SAC’s. The diversity and distribution of red listed species was evaluated at a 5 × 5 km grid square level. Additionally the importance of the size of the SAC’s was compared to their butterfly species diversity. In general the high diversity areas also hold the largest aggregation of red listed species with core areas concentrated in SW Slovenia. The SAC’s cover majority of areas with high diversity and the distribution of all but one threatened butterfly species. That species is Colias myrmidone, which is now considered extinct in Slovenia with no records after 1993. The most prominent areas with high conservation value in Slovenia not included in the SAC’s network are the Koro?ka region, Gori?ka Brda region, lower Sava River valley and Slovenske Gorice region. The butterfly diversity in small SAC’s is relatively high with increases in size only gradually increasing the species numbers, thus emphasizing the importance and conservation value of small SAC’s for sustaining high butterfly diversity in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution of inaccurate mimicry. Here we investigated the novel hypothesis that inaccurate mimicry (in color and shape) is maintained by opposing selective pressures from a suite of different predators: model-aversive visually oriented predators and model- and mimic-specialized predators indifferent to mimetic cues. We hypothesize that spiders resembling ants in color and shape escape predators that typically avoid ants but fall prey to ant-eating predators. We tested whether inaccurate myrmecomorphic spiders are perceived as their models by two types of predators and whether they can escape from these predators. We found that model-specialized (ant-eating) predators captured mimics significantly less frequently than their ant models, because mimics changed their behavior by fleeing predatory attacks. The fastest escape was found in less accurate mimics, indicating a negative association between visual resemblance and effectiveness of defenses. In trials with spider-eating predators, mimics were not captured more frequently than their models. The quality of defensive mechanisms appears to result from opposing selection forces exerted by the predator complex: mimics are more accurate (in color and shape) in microhabitats dominated by model-aversive predators and less accurate in microhabitats with model- and mimic-specialized predators.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the mechanisms that maintain auxin homeostasis in plants, we have monitored the net uptake and metabolism of exogenously supplied indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) in seedlings of wild type and the IAA-overproducing mutant sur1 of Arabidopsis thaliana . Tritiated IAA and NAA entered the seedling tissues within minutes and were mostly accumulated as metabolites, probably amino acid and sugar conjugates. The mutant seedlings were marked by a strong increase of [3H]IAA metabolism and a reduction of the accumulation levels of both free [3H]IAA and [3H]NAA. The same characteristics were observed in wild-type seedlings grown on 5 μ M picloram. We measured [3H]NAA uptake in the presence of high concentrations of unlabeled NAA or the auxin efflux carrier inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). This abolished the difference in free [3H]NAA accumulation between the mutant or picloram-treated seedlings and wild-type seedlings. These data indicated that active auxin efflux carriers were present in Arabidopsis seedling tissues. Picloram-treated seedlings and seedlings of the IAA-overproducing mutant sur1 displayed increased auxin efflux carrier activity as well as elevated conjugation of IAA. There is previous evidence to suggest that conjugation is a means to remove excess IAA in plant cells. Here, we discuss the possibility of efflux constituting an additional mechanism for regulating free IAA levels in the face of an excess auxin supply.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of phylogeny requires homologous similarities across species. Characters that have been shown to evolve quickly or convergently in some species are often considered to be poor phylogenetic markers. Here I evaluate the phylogenetic utility of a set of morphological characters that are correlated with ecology and have been shown to evolve convergently in Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles. Results of randomization tests suggest that these “ecomorph” characters are adequate phylogenetic markers, both for Anolis in general and for the Greater Antillean species for which ecomorphological convergence was originally documented. Explanations for this result include the presence of ecomorphologically similar species within evolutionary radiations within islands, some monophyly of ecomorphs across islands, and the existence of several species that defy ecomorphological characterization but share phylogenetic similarity in some ecomorph characters.  相似文献   

The present investigation primarily focussed on evaluating the efficacy of exogenous proline on the flower longevity of Dianthus chinensis L. Floral buds were harvested at the paint brush stage (i.e., a day prior to anthesis) and divided into 6 sets, with one set of buds (i.e., control) held in distilled water and rest of the 5 sets were supplemented with various concentrations of proline, viz., 10 mM, 20 mM, 30 mM, 40 mM and 50 mM. The application of proline at 40 mM concentration proved out to be most effective in improving the longevity of the flowers by about 4 days as compared to the control. The ameliorated longevity coincided with enhanced floral diameter, fresh mass, dry mass and water content. The flowers with delayed senescence also maintained higher soluble proteins, sugars and phenols. The results suggest that exogenous proline effectively alleviates oxidative stress in the petal tissue, as evident by a relatively lower maloendialdehyde content, which is manifested in the form of reduced lipid peroxidation (LPO). Reduced LPO was commensurate with increased membrane stability, quantified by membrane stability index. Moreover, the flowers with improved longevity exhibited a decline in lipoxygenase activity and significant augmentation of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase.  相似文献   

In the present study, three Arabidopsis thaliana pop2 mutant lines with different T-DNA insertions in a gene coding γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase (GABA-TA) were screened for seed germination percentage, stress-induced oxidative damage, and GABA content and metabolism under various abiotic stresses including high temperature (42 °C), low temperature (4 °C), salinity (NaCl), and osmotic stress (mannitol). All mutant lines showed a decreased germination under all the stress treatments with a significant reduction in the pop2-1 and pop2-3 mutant lines. Content of GABA and MDA increased significantly in all pop2 mutants and wild type (WT) seedlings in response to all the treatments. However, content of GABA and MDA was lower in all pop2 mutants comparing to the WT under the same treatments. GABA increased already after 30 min and increased significantly after 2 h at 42 °C especially in the pop2-3 and WT seedlings. In response to the cold treatment, GABA content increased up to 4-fold compared to the control in all pop2 mutants and WT seedlings. In response to the NaCl treatment, GABA accumulated slightly in the WT and all pop2 mutants. On the contrary, GABA content increased significantly in the pop2, pop2-1, and pop2-3 mutants and WT under all mannitol treatments.  相似文献   

Metronidazole is an antibiotic that has been effective against many microaerophilic microorganisms with importance in medicine and animal husbandry. The development of increasing resistance against current treatments by many of these organisms has created an urgent need to establish the molecular bases of resistance, knowledge which will help to develop novel diagnostic methods and identify new therapeutic targets. Significant progress has been made in understanding resistance to this antibiotic in the human pathogens Helicobacter pylori and, to a lesser extent, Campylobacter spp. However, insufficient knowledge of the physiology and genetics of these and other related bacteria has led to investigations based on hypotheses that themselves must be established more thoroughly. This review presents the status of our current knowledge of metronidazole resistance and outlines reasons to explain some of the conflicting evidence and controversy in the interpretation of results in this area.  相似文献   

The existence of transgenic hybrids resulting from transgene escape from genetically modified (GM) crops to wild or weedy relatives is well documented but the fate of the transgene over time in recipient wild species populations is still relatively unknown. This is the first report of the persistence and apparent introgression, i.e. stable incorporation of genes from one differentiated gene pool into another, of an herbicide resistance transgene from Brassica napus into the gene pool of its weedy relative, Brassica rapa , monitored under natural commercial field conditions. Hybridization between glyphosate-resistant [herbicide resistance (HR)] B. napus and B. rapa was first observed at two Québec sites, Ste Agathe and St Henri, in 2001. B. rapa populations at these two locations were monitored in 2002, 2003 and 2005 for the presence of hybrids and transgene persistence. Hybrid numbers decreased over the 3-year period, from 85 out of ~200 plants surveyed in 2002 to only five out of 200 plants in 2005 (St Henri site). Most hybrids had the HR trait, reduced male fertility, intermediate genome structure, and presence of both species-specific amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Both F1 and backcross hybrid generations were detected. One introgressed individual, i.e. with the HR trait and diploid ploidy level of B. rapa, was observed in 2005. The latter had reduced pollen viability but produced ~480 seeds. Forty-eight of the 50 progeny grown from this plant were diploid with high pollen viability and 22 had the transgene (1:1 segregation). These observations confirm the persistence of the HR trait over time. Persistence occurred over a 6-year period, in the absence of herbicide selection pressure (with the exception of possible exposure to glyphosate in 2002), and in spite of the fitness cost associated with hybridization.  相似文献   

The study aims at evaluating how land-use modifies the link between the observed distribution of species and the climatic variability and at detecting species involved in that modification. The area studied covers the phytogeographical transition between the South-Sudanian sector and the North-Sudanian sector in western Burkina Faso. It lies along an aridity gradient, of which the aridity index (UNESCO-MAB) ranges from 0.363 to 0.533. The data studied were derived from observations performed on 192 woody species in 603 vegetation survey plots inside and outside protected areas. The species turn-over (β diversity) and the mutual information were assessed along the aridity gradient inside protected areas on one hand and outside protected areas on the other. Our study shows that the statistical links between the geographical distributions of species and the aridity gradient differ according to whether the observations are performed inside or outside the protected areas. Anthropogenic disturbances, mainly agricultural in the region of study, result in a decrease in the β diversity and in the average mutual information between the distribution of all the woody species and the climatic gradient. Moreover, the variation in mutual information differs according to the species: it diversely decreases with agricultural land-use for most of them, but increases for some. Thus, land-use leads to species-specific changes in the realised climatic niches.  相似文献   

Manipulative endoparasites with complex life cycles can alter their intermediate host immunity and behaviour in ways that increase survival probability within the host body cavity and enhance successful transmission to the definitive host. These parasitic manipulations are variable among and within parasite species and may result from co-evolutionary processes, in which the parasite is constrained for adaptation to the local intermediate host. Hence, arrival of a new host species in a local host population may promote local parasite maladaptation. This study tested the occurrence of local adaptation in two distantly located populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its effect on the immunity and behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host Gammarus roeseli. This was done in France (an area for which G. roeseli is a recent invader) and Hungary (an area from which G. roeseli was believed to be native). As expected, we found no alteration in G. roeseli's immune defence and behaviour associated with infection by P. laevis in localities, where the gammarid is invasive. Unexpectedly, we found similar results in Hungarian populations, where the parasite was even more exposed to the host immune response. Whilst these results suggest maladaptation of the parasite to the gammarid in both countries, they also suggest that the gammarid host might be locally adapted to the parasite. Genetic analyses were performed on both the parasite and the host and the results suggest that the two subsets of populations we studied harbour rather isolated host-parasite systems, both probably deriving from a common ancestral population. We propose that G. roeseli is also of recent acquisition in Hungary, and that a recent co-evolutionary history between P. laevis and G. roeseli in association with a long generation time in the parasite has constrained parasite adaptations in Europe or even favoured host adaptation to the parasite.  相似文献   

We studied how plants acclimated to growing conditions that included combinations of blue light (BL) and ultraviolet (UV)‐A radiation, and whether their growing environment affected their photosynthetic capacity during and after a brief period of acute high light (as might happen during an under‐canopy sunfleck). Arabidopsis thaliana Landsberg erecta wild‐type were compared with mutants lacking functional blue light and UV photoreceptors: phototropin 1, cryptochromes (CRY1 and CRY2) and UV RESISTANT LOCUS 8 (uvr8). This was achieved using light‐emitting‐diode (LED) lamps in a controlled environment to create treatments with or without BL, in a split‐plot design with or without UV‐A radiation. We compared the accumulation of phenolic compounds under growth conditions and after exposure to 30 min of high light at the end of the experiment (46 days), and likewise measured the operational efficiency of photosystem II (?PSII, a proxy for photosynthetic performance) and dark‐adapted maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm to assess PSII damage). Our results indicate that cryptochromes are the main photoreceptors regulating phenolic compound accumulation in response to BL and UV‐A radiation, and a lack of functional cryptochromes impairs photosynthetic performance under high light. Our findings also reveal a role for UVR8 in accumulating flavonoids in response to a low UV‐A dose. Interestingly, phototropin 1 partially mediated constitutive accumulation of phenolic compounds in the absence of BL. Low‐irradiance BL and UV‐A did not improve ?PSII and Fv/Fm upon our acute high‐light treatment; however, CRYs played an important role in ameliorating high‐light stress.  相似文献   

Parental care theory assumes that investment in current offspring will trade against future investment. A number of field studies on birds have used clutch size manipulations to demonstrate a survival cost to chick rearing. However, such studies do not account for costs accrued during earlier stages of reproduction because not all aspects of reproductive effort are manipulated by varying the number of nestlings. In this study, we investigate the effect of reproductive effort on female survival in the dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus. By experimentally manipulating mating status and dung availability, we demonstrate that virgin females survive longer than mated females and that the survival of mated females was negatively associated with the number of brood masses produced. Using a novel manipulation of the mating system, we separated the effects of egg production and maternal care on female survival. Previously, we have shown that females provisioning with the assistance of a major male provide relatively less care than unassisted females. However, paternal assistance did not alter the number of brood masses produced and hence the amount of reproductive effort that was allocated to egg production. Therefore, our finding that female survival was increased when receiving paternal assistance provides, to our knowledge, the first definitive evidence that maternal care reduces female lifespan. These results are of major importance to theoretical models on the evolution of parental care.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent and important topics in modern agricultural biotechnology is the manipulation of oilseed triacylglycerol composition. Towards this goal, we have sought to identify and characterize acyl-CoA synthetases (ACSs), which play an important role in both de novo synthesis and modification of existing lipids. We have identified and cloned 20 different genes that bear strong sequence homology to known ACSs from other organisms. Through sequence comparisons and functional characterization, we have identified several members of this group that encode ACSs, while the other genes fall into the broader category of genes for AMP-binding proteins (AMPBPs). Distinguishing ACSs from AMPBPs will simplify our efforts to understand the role of ACS in triacylglycerol metabolism.  相似文献   

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