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We have predicted the three-dimensional structures of the serine protease subunits (gamma-NGF, alpha-NGF, and EGF-BP) of the high molecular weight complexes of nerve growth factor (7S NGF) and epidermal growth factor (HMW-EGF) from the mouse submandibular gland (from the X-ray crystal structures of two related glandular kallikreins). The conformations of three of the six loops surrounding the active site are relatively well defined in the models of gamma-NGF and EGF-BP, but three other loops are likely to have flexible conformations. Although the amino acid sequence of alpha-NGF is closely related to those of gamma-NGF and EGF-BP, it is catalytically inactive. Model-building studies on alpha-NGF suggested that mutations (in alpha-NGF) just prior to the active site serine (195) and an unusual N-terminal sequence are consistent with alpha-NGF having a zymogen-like conformation (similar to that in chymotrypsinogen). An hypothetical model of the quaternary structure of HMW-EGF has been constructed using this model of EGF-BP and the NMR structure of murine EGF. The C-terminal arm of EGF was modeled into the active site of EGF-BP based on data indicating that the C-terminal arginine of EGF occupies the S1 subsite of EGF-BP. Data suggesting one of the surface loops of EGF-BP is buried in the HMW-EGF complex and symmetry constraints were important in deriving a schematic model. A molecular docking program was used to fit EGF to EGF-BP.  相似文献   

The principles of enzyme kinetic analysis were applied to quantitate the relationships among serum-derived growth factors, nutrients, and the rate of survival and multiplication of human fibroblasts in culture. The survival or multiplication rate of a population of cells plotted against an increasing concentration of a growth factor or nutrient in the medium exhibited a hyperbolic pattern that is characteristic of a dissociable, saturable interaction between cells and the ligands. Parameters equivalent to the Km and Vmax of enzyme kinetics were assigned to nutrients and growth factors. When all nutrient concentrations were optimized and in steady state, serum factors accelerated the rate of multiplication of a normal cell population. The same set of nutrients that supported a maximal rate of multiplication in the presence of serum factors supported the maintenance of non-proliferating cells in the absence of serum factors. Therefore, under this condition, serum factors are required for cell division and play a purely regulatory iole in multiplication of the cell population. The quantitative requirement for 18 nutrients of 29 that were examined was significantly higher (P < 0.001) for cell multiplication in the presence of serum factors than for cell maintenance in the absence of serum factors. This indicated specific nutrients that may be quantitatively important in cell division processes as well as in cell maintenance. The quantitative requirement for Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Pi, and 2-oxocarboxylic acid for cell multiplication was modified by serum factors and other purified growth factors. The requirement for over 30 other nutrients could not clearly be related to the level of serum factors in the medium. Serum factors also determined the Ca2+, K+, and 2-oxocarboxylic acid requirement for maintenance of non-proliferating cells. Therefore, when either Ca2+, K+, or 2-oxocarboxylic acid concentration was limiting, factors in serum played a role as cell “survival or maintenance” factors in addition to their role in cell division as “growth regulatory” factors. However, with equivalent levels of serum factors in the medium, the requirement for Ca2+, K+, and 2-oxocarboxylic acids was still much higher for multiplication than for maintenance. Kinetic analysis revealed that the concentrations of individual nutrients modify the quantitative requirement for others for cell multiplication in a specific pattern. Thus, specific quantitative relationships among different nutrients in the medium are important in the control of the multiplication rate of the cell population. When all nutrient concentrations were optimal for multiplication of normal cells, the multiplication response of SV40-virus-transformed cells to serum factors was similar to that of normal cells. When serum factors were held constant, transformed cells required significantly less (P < 0.001) of 12 of the 26 nutrients examined. Therefore, the transformed cells only have a growth advantage when the external concentration of specific nutrients limits the multiplication rate of normal cells. Taken together, the results suggest that the control of cell multiplication is intimately related to external concentrations of nutrients. Specific growth regulatory factors may stimulate cell proliferation by modification of the response of normal cells to nutrients. Transforming agents may confer a selective growth advantage on cells by a constitutive alteration of their response to extracellular nutrients.  相似文献   

Betacellulin (BTC) is one of the members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) ligand family of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases. It is a differentiation factor as well as a potent mitogen. BTC promotes the differentiation of pancreatic acinar-derived AR42J cells into insulin-producing cells. It independently and preferentially binds to two type I tyrosine kinase receptors, the EGF receptor (ErbB1) and ErbB4. However, the physiochemical characteristics of BTC that are responsible for its preferential binding to these two receptors have not been fully defined. In this study, to investigate the essential amino acid residues of BTC for binding to the two receptors, we introduced point mutations into the EGF domain of BTC employing error-prone PCR. The receptor binding abilities of 190 mutants expressed in Escherichia coli were assessed by enzyme immunoassay. Replacement of the glutamic acid residue at position 88 with a lysine residue in BTC was found to produce a significant loss of affinity for binding to ErbB1, while the affinity of binding to ErbB4 was unchanged. In addition, the mutant of BTC-E/88/K showed less growth-promoting activity on BALB/c 3T3 cells compared with that of the wild-type BTC protein. Interestingly, the BTC mutant protein promoted differentiation of pancreatic acinar AR42J cells at a high frequency into insulin-producing cells compared with AR42J cells that were treated with wild-type BTC protein. These results indicate the possibility of designing BTC mutants, which have an activity of inducing differentiation only, without facilitating growth promotion.  相似文献   

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