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In the present study, three Arabidopsis thaliana pop2 mutant lines with different T-DNA insertions in a gene coding γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase (GABA-TA) were screened for seed germination percentage, stress-induced oxidative damage, and GABA content and metabolism under various abiotic stresses including high temperature (42 °C), low temperature (4 °C), salinity (NaCl), and osmotic stress (mannitol). All mutant lines showed a decreased germination under all the stress treatments with a significant reduction in the pop2-1 and pop2-3 mutant lines. Content of GABA and MDA increased significantly in all pop2 mutants and wild type (WT) seedlings in response to all the treatments. However, content of GABA and MDA was lower in all pop2 mutants comparing to the WT under the same treatments. GABA increased already after 30 min and increased significantly after 2 h at 42 °C especially in the pop2-3 and WT seedlings. In response to the cold treatment, GABA content increased up to 4-fold compared to the control in all pop2 mutants and WT seedlings. In response to the NaCl treatment, GABA accumulated slightly in the WT and all pop2 mutants. On the contrary, GABA content increased significantly in the pop2, pop2-1, and pop2-3 mutants and WT under all mannitol treatments.  相似文献   

Synaptosomes isolated from mouse brain were incubated with [14C]glutamate and [3H]-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA), and then [14C]GABA (newly synthesized GABA) and [3H]GABA (newly captured GABA) in the synaptosomes were analysed. (1) the [3H]GABA was rapidly degraded in the synaptosomes, (2) when the synaptosomes were treated with gabaculine (a potent inhibitor of GABA aminotransferase), the degradation of [3H]GABA was strongly inhibited, (3) the gabaculine treatment brough about a significant increase in Ca2+-independent release of [3H]GABA with no effect on Ca2+-dependent release, (4) no effects of gabaculine on degradation and release of [14C]GABA were observed. The results indicate that there are at least two pools of GABA in synaptosomes and support the possibilities that GABA taken up into a pool which is under the influence of GABA aminotransferase is released Ca2+-independently and that GABA synthesized in another pool which is not under the influence of GABA aminotransferase is released Ca2+-dependently.  相似文献   

Sue M  Ishihara A  Iwamura H 《Planta》2000,210(3):432-438
A beta-glucosidase (EC with a high affinity for cyclic hydroxamic acid beta-D-glucosides was purified from 48-h-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. The activity occurred transiently at a high level during the non-autotrophic stage of growth, and the nature of the transient occurrence was correlated with that of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (DIMBOA-Glc). The glucosidase had maximum activity at an acidic pH (pH 5.5) and the purified enzyme showed a high affinity for DIMBOA-Glc, Vmax and Km being 4100 nkat/mg protein and 0.27 mM, respectively. It also hydrolyzed p-nitrophenol beta-glycosides, as well as flavone and isoflavone glucosides, but to a lesser extent. The results indicated that the primary natural substrate for the glucosidase is DIMBOA-Glc and that the enzyme is involved in defense against pathogens and herbivores in non-autotrophic wheat. The glucosidase was found to be present as oligomeric forms with a molecular mass of 260-300 kDa comprising 60- and 58-kDa monomers. The N-terminal 12-amino-acid sequences of the two monomers were identical (Gly-Thr-Pro-(Ser?)-Lys-Pro-Ala-Glu-Pro-Ile-Gly-Pro), and showed no similarity to those of other plant glucosidases. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing condition indicated the existence of at least eight isozymes. Three cultivars of Triticum aestivum had the same zone of glucosidase activity on zymograms, but the activity zones of the Triticum species, T. aestivum L., T. spelta L. and T. turgidum L., had different mobilities.  相似文献   

In addition to triglochinin, taxiphyllin has been detected as a cyanogenic glucoside in seedlings of Triglochin maritima. Taxiphyllin at first increases during seedling development and then decreases, whereas tri-glochinin increases to a level higher than that ever reached by taxiphyllin and remains there during further seedling development. Two β-glucosidases have also been characterized in these seedlings. One of these shows a distinct specificity for triglochinin, whereas taxiphyllin appears to be the preferred substrate of the other.  相似文献   

Nipecotic acid is one of the most potent competitive inhibitors and alternative substrates for the high-affinity -aminobutyric acid transport system in neurons, but the structural basis of this potency is unclear. Because -aminobutyrate is a highly flexible molecule in solution, it would be expected to lose rotational entropy upon binding to the transport system, a change which does not favor binding. Nipecotic acid, in contrast, is a much less flexible molecule, and one would expect the loss of conformational entropy upon binding to be smaller thus favoring the binding of nipecotic acid over -aminobutyric acid. To investigate this possibility, the thermodynamic parameters, G°, H°, and S°, were determined for the binding of -aminobutyrate and nipecotic acid to the high affinity GABA transport system in synaptosomes. In keeping with expectations, the apparent entropy change for nipecotic acid binding (112±13 J·K–1) was more favorable than the apparent entropy change for -aminobutyric acid binding (61.3±6.6 J·K–1). The results suggest that restricted conformation per se is an important contributory factor to the affinity of nipecotic acid for the high-affinity transport system for -aminobutyric acid.This work was conducted when both authors were at the Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Elling Kvamme.  相似文献   

Exogenously applied GABA modulates root growth by inhibition of root elongation when seedlings were grown in vitro on full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) salts, but root elongation was stimulated when seedlings were grown on 1/8 strength MS salts. When the concentration of single ions in MS salts was individually varied, the control of growth between inhibition and stimulation was found to be related to the level of nitrate (NO3?) in the growth medium. At NO3? concentrations below 40 mM (full-strength MS salts level), root growth was stimulated by the addition of GABA to the growth medium; whereas at concentrations above 40 mM NO3?, the addition of GABA to the growth medium inhibited root elongation. GABA promoted NO3? uptake at low NO3?, while GABA inhibited NO3? uptake at high NO3?. Activities of several enzymes involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolism including nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (NADH-GOGAT), NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH), and phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) were regulated by GABA in the growth medium. Supplementing 1/8 strength MS medium with 50 mM GABA enhanced the activities of all of the above enzymes except ICDH activities in root tissues. However, at full-strength MS, GABA showed no inhibitory effect on the activities of these enzymes, except on GS in both root and shoot tissues, and PEPCase activity in shoot tissues. Exogenous GABA increased the amount of NR protein rather than its activation status in the tissues. This study shows that GABA affects the growth of Arabidopsis, possibly by acting as a signaling molecule, modulating the activity of enzymes involved in primary nitrogen metabolism and nitrate uptake.  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Drought stress is one of the most prevalent environmental factors limiting faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crop productivity. β-aminobutyric acid (BABA)...  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - As drought threatens the yield and quality of maize (Zea mays L.), it is important to dissect the molecular basis of maize drought tolerance. Flavonoids, participate in the...  相似文献   

Both glial and neuronal cells maintained in primary culture were found to accumulate [3H]GABA by an efficient high-affinity uptake system (apparentK m=9 M,V max=0.018 and 0.584 nmol/mg/min, respectively) which required sodium ions and was inhibited by 1 mM ouabain. Strychnine and parachloromercuriphenylsulfonate (pCS) (both at 1 mM) also strongly inhibited uptake of [3H]GABA, but metabolic inhibitors (2,4-dinitrophenol, potassium cyanide, and malonate) were without effect. Only three structural analogs of GABA (nipecotate, -alanine, and 2,4-diaminobutyrate) inhibited uptake of [3H]GABA, while several other compounds with structural similarities to GABA (e.g. glycine,l-proline, and taurine) did not interact with the system. The kinetic studies indicated presence of a second uptake (K m=92 M,V max=0.124 nmol/mg/min) in the primary cultures containing predominantly glioblasts. On the other hand, only one of the neuronal cell lines transformed by simian virus SV40 appeared to accumulate [3H]GABA against a concentration gradient. ApparentK m of this uptake was relatively high (819 M), and it was only weakly inhibited by 1 mM ouabain and 1 mM pCS. The structural specificity also differed from that of the uptake observed in the primary cultures. Significantly, none of the nontransformed continuous cell lines of either tumoral (glioma, C6; neuroblastoma, Ml; MINN) or normal (NN; I6) origin actively accumulated [3H]GABA. It is suggested that for the neurochemical studies related to GABA and requiring homogeneous cell populations, the primary cultures offer a better experimental model than the continuous cell lines.  相似文献   

Walking performance of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) in sea water at 15 °C was assessed. In large crabs there was an inverse relationship between fatigue time and speed; crabs ran for $?10 min at 3.2 m·min?1 and for only 2 min at 14 m·min?1. There were linear relationships between oxygen consumption and walking speeds for small and large animals walking at up to 4 m·min?1 Estimates of maximum oxygen consumption were proportional to W0.13 whereas inactive consumption is proportional to W0.44 this resulted in aerobic scope (i.e. the difference between inactive and maximal rates of oxygen consumption) remaining almost constant across a weight range of animals whereas the aerobic expansibility (maximal rates/inactive rates) declined from 7- to 4-fold with increasing size. After a 12-h period without handling (settled animals) the animals could immediately become active and reach maximal rates of oxygen consumption similar to those of animals handled 1 h before the experiment. The aerobic expansibility of these settled animals could range from 21 to 8 times their inactive rates of oxygen consumption in small and large animals respectively. After 10 min of exercise oxygen consumption and whole body lactate levels returned to pre-exercise values within 5 to 25 min. The net oxygen debts range from 16 to 64% of the net oxygen consumption increase during exercise in small and large animals respectively.Calculations of the energy gained from lactate accumulation indicated that the net aerobic energy production during walking was supplemented from 4 to 71 % by anaerobic metabolism in small and large animals respectively. With increasing animal size the decline in aerobic expansibility was offset by an increased capacity for lactate production so that the overall maximum energy production during sustained activity remained almost constant at around seven times the inactive rate. The cost of transport (the net increase in oxygen consumption per g per m) falls with increased walking speed and increased animal size.  相似文献   

As one of the most indispensable element in mineral nutrition of plants, iron (Fe) is closely related to fruits quality and yield. However, molecular mechanisms towards Fe metabolism in fruit trees is largely unclear. In higher plants, iron–sulphur (Fe–S) cluster assembly occurs in chloroplasts, mitochondria and cytosol involving dozens of genes. In this study, we identified 44 putative Fe–S cluster assembly genes in peach (Prunus persica cv. ‘Xiahui6’), and analyzed Fe–S cluster assembly gene expression profiles in response to abiotic stresses. Peach seedlings were more sensitive to iron deficiency, drought and salinity stress, evidenced in reduced photosynthetic performance and altered activity of nitrite reductase, succinate dehydrogenase and aconitase. In addition, Fe–S cluster assembly genes are differentially regulated by abiotic stresses. Iron depletion and drought stress are likely to affect Fe–S cluster assembly genes in leaves. Excess iron toxicity mainly induces Fe–S cluster assembly gene expression in roots, whereas salinity stress massively inhibits Fe–S cluster assembly gene expression in roots. Interestingly, we found that un-functional scaffolds are more prone to disappear during the long-term evolution in perennial woody plants. Our findings directly provide molecular basis for Fe metabolism in peach, and favorably reveal potential candidate genes for further functional determination.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution in the rat oviduct of -aminobutyric acid and its catabolic enzyme GABA-transaminase was studied by the use of immunocytochemical and enzymehistochemical techniques. At the light-microscopic level, both GABA immunoreactivity and GABA-transaminase enzyme reactivity were found primarily in the tubal epithelium while in the muscle layers of the organ only a faint GABA and GABA-transaminase positive staining could be detected. Electron-microscopic evaluation of the GABA immunoreactivity revealed a heavy labelling of the basal bodies (kinetosomes) and a moderate staining of the cilia. These findings indicate that the role of GABA in the oviduct is not related to neurotransmission but may be related to ciliary functions.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms by which serum levels of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) become elevated in experimental acute liver failure, a multicompartmental model of GABA metabolism has been constructed and used to simulate previously generated data on the kinetics of 3H-GABA uptake by isolated hepatocytes from normal rats and the kinetics of 3H-GABA in the plasma of normal rabbits, rabbits with galactosamine-induced acute liver failure, and rabbits with divascularized livers. Modeling analysis revealed that acute liver failure was associated with values for the mean fractional catabolic rate of GABA, plasma volume, and hepatic extraction of GABA that were 29%, 12%, and 49% less, respectively, than the corresponding control values. The defect in hepatic tissue extraction of GABA was sufficient to account for only 60% of the 10-fold increase in serum GABA levels that occurs in acute liver failure. Furthermore the 10-fold increase in serum GABA levels occured in acute liver failure before the onset of overt hepatic encephalopathy when hepatic extraction of GABA was not appreciably different from that found in normal rabbits. Thus the increase in serum GABA levels that occurs in acute liver failure cannot be attributed to a defect in hepatic extraction of GABA alone. Indeed, the modeling analysis indicated that in acute liver failure there is a 3—8-fold increase in the rate of delivery of GABA to the systemic circulation, but did not indicate its source.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to evaluate the radioprotective effect of ferulic acid (FA), a naturally occurring plant flavonoid in terms of DNA damage and damage related alterations of repair pathways by gamma radiation. FA was administered at a dose of 50?mg/kg body weight for five consecutive days prior to exposing the swiss albino mice to a single dose of 10?Gy gamma radiation. Ionising radiation induces oxidative damage manifested by decreased expression of Cu, Zn-SOD (SOD stands for super oxide dismutase), Mn-SOD and catalase. Gamma radiation promulgated reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated DNA damage and modified repair pathways. ROS enhanced nuclear translocation of p53, activated ATM (ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein), increased expression of GADD45a (growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein) gene and inactivated Non homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair pathway. The comet formation in irradiated mice peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) reiterated the DNA damage in IR exposed groups. FA pretreatment significantly prevented the comet formation and regulated the nuclear translocation of p53, inhibited ATM activation and expression of GADD45a gene. FA promoted the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) and activated NHEJ repair pathway to overcome ROS mediated oxidative stress and DNA damage. Therefore, the current study stated that FA can challenge the oxidative stress by (i) inducing nuclear translocation of Nrf2, (ii) scavenging ROS, and (iii) activating NHEJ DNA repair process.  相似文献   

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