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Gillett G 《Bioethics》1990,4(3):181-198
Grant Gillett argues that it is consciousness which makes a human or other being the 'locus of ethical value'. Since cortical functioning is, in Gillett's view, necessary for conscious activity, an individual whose neocortex is permanently non-functional is no longer a locus of ethical value and cannot be benefited or harmed in a morally relevant sense. This means that there is no obligation to continue treating those who have suffered neocortical death.  相似文献   

Brain death: a durable consensus?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wikler D 《Bioethics》1993,7(2-3):239-246
Is it even conceivable that this global consensus [on the whole-brain definition of death] could, in time, be regarded as a very temporary and makeshift expedient, a momentary substitute for a resolution of some profoundly difficult issues which for a time, perhaps a brief time, fit with both the technical capacities and the legal needs of those who endorsed it? And that in the long run it could linger as a footnote, or perhaps a chapter heading, in the long history of man's conceptions of life and death? This suggestion is so far from conventional wisdom today that one who espouses it risks being regarded as a crank. Nevertheless, I believe that the argument in its favor, while not conclusive, is much stronger than the argument against it (and in favor of the prevailing consensus). I will state the argument briefly, with particular reference to the landmark report in 1982 in Washington of the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine, and will situate the argument in the context of trends in contemporary bioethics. I do not expect to win over, in this one pass, those who have been convinced of the validity of the conventional view. I do hope, however, to re-open the issue; in particular, to provide reasons to regard the issue as far from settled.  相似文献   

The idea of ‘equity’, largely grounded in Western legal tradition, has come to permeate evaluations of what is fair and just within environmental governance programmes. But what constitutes equity in climate change and conservation projects? And does everyone affected by such projects see equity as desirable? Local encounters with global environmental governance interventions in Suau, Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea, provide an entry point to explore these questions. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork with communities implicated in the Central Suau Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) Pilot Project and in Save the Forest conservation projects, we examine tensions around conceptions of equity and equality between project proponents and local communities, as well as between individuals within those communities. By paying attention to talk about pigs in Suau, and tracing the intersections between reciprocity and trade, we explore how people negotiate equity and equality. We emphasize that this negotiation is central to Suau ideas of fairness. While the REDD+ and Save the Forest projects work to ensure ‘equitable’ distribution of benefits among supposedly equivalent actors, we show how this may actually close down possibilities for negotiation of outcomes that local people consider fair.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are both the power plant of the cell and a central integrator of signals that govern the lifespan, replication and death of the cell. Perhaps as a consequence, genes that encode components of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) are generally conserved. Therefore, it is surprising that many of these genes in anthropoid primates (New World monkeys, Old World monkeys and apes, including humans) have been major targets of darwinian positive selection. Sequence comparisons have provided evidence that marked increases of non-synonymous substitution rates occurred in anthropoid ETC genes that encode subunits of Complex III and IV, and the electron carrier molecule cytochrome c (CYC). Two important questions are: (i) how has evolution altered ETC function? and; (ii) how might functional changes in the ETC be linked to evolution of an expanded neocortical brain?  相似文献   

DOV FOX 《Bioethics》2010,24(4):170-178
Liberal theory seeks to achieve toleration, civil peace, and mutual respect in pluralistic societies by making public policy without reference to arguments arising from within formative ideals about what gives value to human life. Does it make sense to set aside such conceptions of the good when it comes to controversies about stem cell research and the genetic engineering of people or animals? Whether it is reasonable to bracket our worldviews in such cases depends on how we answer the moral questions that the use of these biotechnologies presuppose. I argue that the moral language of liberal justice – of rights and duties, interests and opportunities, freedom and consent, equality and fairness – cannot speak to these underlying concerns about what the human embryo is, why the natural lottery matters to us, and whether ‘animal nature’ is worth preserving. I conclude that liberal theory is incapable of furnishing a coherent or desirable account to govern the way we use our emerging powers of biotechnology.  相似文献   

In this article we present a synthesis of the research affecting pupils' conceptions of photosynthesis and plant nutrition. The main false conceptions of the pupils identi?ed in this literature review are: that green plants ?nd their food in the soil; that water and mineral salts are suf?cient to the growth of a plant; the role of chlorophyll, where the transformation of luminous energy into chemical energy is never evoked; and air as a source of matter, which is never underlined. Secondly, we are going to see that several of these false conceptions have been developed during history. For example, the famous philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) thought that plants receive their food from the soil already elaborated. Several centuries later, the physician and chemist Van Helmont (1677–1644) added more precision to Aristotle’s conception while claiming that plants use only water for their growth. Finally, we will see that the analysis of the false theories developed during history will permit in a context of teaching to valorize the false conceptions of the pupils. Indeed, the history of sciences could incite a teacher to valorize his pupils’ false conceptions while considering them as an indication of difficulties that deserve particular pedagogical and didactic tools. The false conceptions constructed by the pupils don’t have to be ignored in a teaching context because they obey particular reasoning rules, sometimes similar to those that once guided some scientific steps. This view, drawing on false conceptions developed during history, gives a dynamic and human picture of the science very distant from the one sometimes carried on by dogmatic teaching.  相似文献   

In 2017 and 2018, the English courts were asked to decide whether continued life-sustaining treatment was in the best interests of three infants: Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans and Isaiah Haastrup. Each infant had sustained catastrophic, irrecoverable brain damage. Dignity played an important role in the best interests assessments reached by the Family division of the High Court in each case. Multiple conceptions of dignity circulate, with potentially conflicting implications for infants such as Charlie, Alfie and Isaiah. The judgements do not explicate the conceptions of dignity upon which they rely. This article reconstructs the conceptions of dignity invoked in these judgements, finding that a broadly Kantian, agential conception dominates, under which human dignity requires the prospect of agency. This conception is situated within the broader body of thought on dignity, and the potentially adverse implications of applying the reconstructed conception in best interests assessments for infants with severely restricted consciousness are discussed.  相似文献   

Neuronal loss has often been described at post-mortem in the brain neocortex of patients suffering from AIDS. Neuroinvasive strains of HIV infect macrophages, microglial cells and multinucleated giant cells, but not neurones. Processing of the virus by cells of the myelomonocytic lineage yields viral products that, in conjunction with potentially neurotoxic molecules generated by the host, might initiate a complex network of events which lead neurones to death. In particular, the HIV-1 coat glycoprotein, gp120, has been proposed as a likely aetiologic agent of the described neuronal loss because it causes death of neurones in culture. More recently, it has been shown that brain neocortical cell death is caused in rat by intracerebroventricular injection of a recombinant gp120 coat protein, and that this occurs via apoptosis. The latter observation broadens our knowledge in the pathophysiology of the reported neuronal cell loss and opens a new lane of experimental research for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to limit damage to the brain of patients suffering from HIV-associated dementia.  相似文献   

Sceptics of informational terminology argue that by attributing content to signals, we fail to address nonhuman animal communication on its own terms. Primarily, we ignore that communication is sender driven: i.e. driven by the intrinsic physical properties of signals, themselves the result of selection pressures acting on signals to influence receivers in ways beneficial for senders. In contrast, information proponents argue that this ignores the degree to which communication is, in fact, receiver driven. The latter argue that an exclusive focus on the intrinsic mechanical properties of signals cannot explain why receivers respond as they do. This is because receivers are not prisoners of sender influence. They possess response flexibility, and so we can only explain why receivers respond to signals as they do by positing that receivers ‘derive information’ from signals. I argue that, while basically true, this response flexibility can take one of two forms depending on the causal-explanatory role of information in understanding the response of the receiver: diachronic, on the one hand; and synchronic, on the other. In species with diachronic response flexibility only, information is derived by receivers from signals in a minimal sense. In such cases, information is an ultimate explanatory construct: one underpinned by historical facts at the population level. Alternatively, in species with synchronic response flexibility, information is derived by receivers from signals in a richer sense. Here, information is a proximate explanatory construct: one underpinned by cognitive-mechanistic facts at the level of the individual organism. Without recognising the different ways information can be derived from signals, and the different causal-explanatory roles (ultimate vs proximate) information can play in understanding alternate kinds of receiver flexibility (diachronic vs synchronic), proponents of information leave themselves open to the charge of anthropomorphising some signalling systems.  相似文献   

We investigated how the pea (Pisum sativum cv. Harunoka) root, upon return to an Al-free condition, recovers from injury caused by exposure to Al. The growing region of the root during and after treatment with Al was examined by marking the root at intervals with India ink. Al-induced cell death was detected by staining with Evans blue. Root growth in 40 μM Al solution relative to that in Al-free solution (RRG) was approximately 45% from 6 h to12 h after the start of the treatment. However, values of RRG from 12 h to 24 h in Al-free solution for recovery or in the same Al solution were about 75% and 35%, respectively, indicating recovery from Al-induced growth inhibition. Images of the root characterized by zonal staining with Evans blue were observed in the sub-apical region (more than 1 mm from the tip) in Al-stressed roots. However, the interval of the stained zone was widened in the root after recovery from Al-induced growth inhibition, though it was narrower and more densely stained with time in the Al-stressed roots. During the recovery, the root apex may resume elongation in a specified region without Al-induced death or injury in cells detected by Evans blue.  相似文献   

The development of the main brain components in two fetal bats (one insectivorous and one frugivorous type) is studied quantitatively and comparatively. The telencephalon, cerebellum, and diencephalon grow faster in the frugivorous bat. The brainstem maintains a greater relative volume throughout in the insectivorous type. The morphology and density of neurons in the cerebellum, caudate nucleus, olfactory mitral stratum, and neocortical layer II suggest that there exists an initial delay in development in the frugivorous bat; through subsequent reordering, however, it becomes more advanced in development, in accordance with the more progressive status of the adult forms in its category. In this there may be a certain ontogenetic recapitulation of a possible chiropteran phylogeny. These comparisons also point to the precociousness of the functional determination of those structures that are related to future behavior in a purely deterministic, non-teleological sense. The qualitative differentiation appears to be more significant than might be expected in comparison with the quantitative proliferation. Technical problems involved in the study of brain morphogenesis are discussed, especially the difficulty of distinguishing the respective effects of cell multiplication, cell death, and artificial increase in cell density through tissue shrinkage.  相似文献   

A small peak of haemolymph ecdysteroid titre precedes the gut purge that characterizes larval-prepupal transition of the saturniid moth Samia cynthia ricini. This peak shifts its phase in parallel with the phase shifts of gut purge according to the changes in light-dark conditions preceding gut purge. Decapitated larvae responded to these light-dark changes as intact larvae did, as assessed by the phase shifts of the haemolymph ecdysteroid peak. This indicates that the brain-centred PTTH clock is not prerequisite for realization of the circadian-clock-controlled timing in the initiation of prepupal development, and supports indirectly our previous notion that the prothoracic glands of Samia possess a circadian clock dictating gut purge timing.  相似文献   

Job C  Tan SS 《Developmental biology》2003,257(2):221-232
The mammalian neocortex is subdivided into regions that are specialised for the processing of particular forms of information. These regions are distinct in terms of their cytoarchitecture, electrophysiology, and connectivity. How this regional diversity is generated through development is currently a topic of considerable interest and has centered upon two main issues. First, to what extent are these regions prespecified by intrinsic genetic mechanisms? Second, what is the influence of extrinsic activity in transmitting signals that ultimately shape functional regions? Historically, experimental evidence has tended to emphasise the role of extrinsic influences, but the identification and analysis of several genes that are expressed asymmetrically in the developing neocortex have tempered this viewpoint. We review current literature from the standpoint that intrinsic influences act early in neocortical development to generate molecular patterning whose main role is the guidance of long-range projections from the dorsal thalamus. Extrinsic influences appear to generate receptive fields for peripheral input, the summation of which determines the areal extent of particular neocortical region.  相似文献   

Liana Chua 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):262-288
This article explores conceptions of the Malaysian ethnic system from the perspective of certain Bidayuhs, an indigenous group of Sarawak, Borneo. Recent scholarship has highlighted the ‘fluid’ and ‘shifting’ nature of Malay identity; but less attention has been paid to how ethnic minorities in the region depict Malayness. I suggest that for many Bidayuhs, Malay-ness is marked by an inescapable flxity which stifies a fluidity that they value as intrinsic to Bidayuh-ness and other aspects of life. Moreover, this sense of flxity has been mapped onto their conceptions of the (Malay-dominated) Malaysian ethnic system, in which they are inescapably entangled. The article investigates some of the consequent tensions arising from Bidayuh (dis)engagements with Malaysia's ethnic ‘flxity’, while tracing certain trends and changes in this relationship.  相似文献   

Moderate reduction in the protein content of the mother's diet (hidden malnutrition) does not alter body and brain weights of rat pups at birth, but leads to dysfunction of neocortical noradrenaline systems together with impaired long-term potentiation and visuo-spatial memory performance. As β?-adrenoceptors and downstream protein kinase signaling are critically involved in synaptic long-term potentiation and memory formation, we evaluated the β?-adrenoceptor density and the expression of cyclic-AMP dependent protein kinase, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase Fyn, in the frontal cortex of prenatally malnourished adult rats. In addition, we also studied if β?-adrenoceptor activation with the selective β? agonist dobutamine could improve deficits of prefrontal cortex long-term potentiation presenting these animals. Prenatally malnourished rats exhibited half of β?-adrenoceptor binding, together with a 51% and 65% reduction of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase α and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase α expression, respectively, as compared with eutrophic animals. Administration of the selective β? agonist dobutamine prior to tetanization completely rescued the ability of the prefrontal cortex to develop and maintain long-term potentiation in the malnourished rats. Results suggest that under-expression of neocortical β?-adrenoceptors and protein kinase signaling in hidden malnourished rats functionally affects the synaptic networks subserving prefrontal cortex long-term potentiation. β?-adrenoceptor activation was sufficient to fully recover neocortical plasticity in the PKA- and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-deficient undernourished rats, possibly by producing extra amounts of cAMP and/or by recruiting alternative signaling cascades.  相似文献   

The antiviral activity induced by chitosan (CHT), and the mechanisms underlying it, were studied in a tobacco-tobacco necrosis necrovirus (TNV) pathosystem. Treatments with 0.1% CHT enhanced tobacco inducible defenses against TNV, reducing significantly the virus-induced necrotic lesions (in a range from 32% to 83%). In planta, this resistance was associated with a network of callose deposits, micro-oxidative bursts and micro-hypersensitive responses (micro-HRs), as assessed, respectively, by aniline blue, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and Evans blue staining. In order to verify if CHT-elicited cell death could be regarded as an apoptotic process, tobacco bright yellow 2 (BY2) cell cultures were treated with different CHT concentrations, ranging from 0.01% to 0.1%. After 6 h about half of the cultured cells incubated in 0.05% CHT were Evans blue positive, showing some typical morphological features of apoptosis, such as cytoplasm shrinkage and nuclear chromatin condensation. The latter was checked by 4',6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and ethidium bromide nuclear staining and was visible already at 2 h after treatment. Moreover, the cell death kinetic induced by CHT was delayed by Verapamil(R), a calcium channel blocker. Finally, electrophoresis of genomic DNA extracted from cultured cell after 48 h treatment showed internucleosomal fragmentation, visualized as a distinct ladder of DNA bands corresponding to oligonucleosomal units.  相似文献   

This article concerns the metaphysics of disease. Is disease a fixed feature of the world or a social value or preference? I argue that disease is not a value-laden concept and thus debates concerning it differ fundamentally from debates concerning health, harm, or suffering where evaluative judgements are central. I show how the so-called social constructionist view of disease has been motivated both by ethical concerns with medical practices and general theoretical doubts about scientific naturalism. If I can show that ethical concerns about medical treatment can be answered without adopting social constructionism, that leaves only the broader theoretical question of naturalism. I cannot completely answer those theoretical doubts, but I show that the theoretical motivation is less convincing when it is separated from the moral challenge often accompanying it. I conclude that a convincing defense of the non-naturalistic conception of disease is rarely attempted and proves more difficult and counter-intuitive than its proponents assume.  相似文献   

Natural selection is an important mechanism in the unifying biological theory of evolution, but many undergraduate students struggle to learn this concept. Students enter introductory biology courses with predictable misconceptions about natural selection, and traditional teaching methods, such as lecturing, are unlikely to dispel these misconceptions. Instead, students are more likely to learn natural selection when they are engaged in instructional activities specifically designed to change misconceptions. Three instructional strategies useful for changing student conceptions include (1) eliciting na?ve conceptions from students, (2) challenging nonscientific conceptions, and (3) emphasizing conceptual frameworks throughout instruction. In this paper, we describe a classroom discussion of the question “Are humans evolving?” that employs these three strategies for teaching students how natural selection operates. Our assessment of this activity shows that it successfully elicits students’ misconceptions and improves student understanding of natural selection. Seventy-eight percent of our students who began this exercise with misconceptions were able to partially or completely change their misconceptions by the end of this discussion. The course that this activity was part of also showed significant learning gains (d = 1.48) on the short form of the Conceptual Inventory of Natural Selection. This paper includes all the background information, data, and visual aids an instructor will need to implement this activity.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, loss of function of many genes leads to increases in lifespan, sometimes of a very large magnitude. Could this reflect the occurrence of programmed death that, like apoptosis of cells, promotes fitness? The notion that programmed death evolves as a mechanism to remove worn out, old individuals in order to increase food availability for kin is not supported by classic evolutionary theory for most species. However, it may apply in organisms with colonies of closely related individuals such as C. elegans in which largely clonal populations subsist on spatially limited food patches. Here, we ask whether food competition between nonreproductive adults and their clonal progeny could favor programmed death by using an in silico model of C. elegans. Colony fitness was estimated as yield of dauer larva propagules from a limited food patch. Simulations showed that not only shorter lifespan but also shorter reproductive span and reduced adult feeding rate can increase colony fitness, potentially by reducing futile food consumption. Early adult death was particularly beneficial when adult food consumption rate was high. These results imply that programmed, adaptive death could promote colony fitness in C. elegans through a consumer sacrifice mechanism. Thus, C. elegans lifespan may be limited not by aging in the usual sense but rather by apoptosis‐like programmed death.  相似文献   

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