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The structure of the pollen wall as revealed by transmission electron microscopy is presented for 29 speciesSenecio including 19 aureoid and ten non-aureoid species. The previous report of a helianthoid wall structure (exine with internal foramina) is confirmed for all the aureoid species examined while all of the non-aureoid taxa showed a senecioid pattern. The data provide support for the treatment of the aureoid complex as a distinct taxon.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Packera is presented based on sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA of 26 species (28 populations) of Packera and 23 outgroup taxa, including representatives of all three subtribes of the Senecioneae. The results support a Mexican origin for Packera, with its closest relatives found among Old World taxa in the subtribe Senecioninae, such as Senecio jacobaea and Pericallis. Packera species from the west coast of the United States, previously included in the section Bolanderi of Greenman, are part of a basal assemblage including species of Greenman's Mexican section Sanguisorboidei. The rest of Packera separates into two sister groups, one containing species from the Arizona-New Mexico region and the other containing more geographically diverse taxa. Among the outgroups, New World Senecio species are monophyletic and two Tussilaginoid assemblages are strongly supported; the Tephroseroid group (Tephroseris and Sinosenecio) plus Petasites combine with the Luina complex to form a clade of north temperate taxa, and the four Mexican genera (Psacalium, Robinsonecio, Barkleyanthus, and Pittocaulon) form a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

There have been few DNA sequencebased studies of phylogenetic relationships within theFestuca-Lolium complex. Here we infer the phylogeny of 31Festuca-Lolium taxa with a dataset of 116 ITS sequences. The results are consistent with previous studies that resolved two majorFestuca clades: one clade of fine fescues and another clade that containsLolium and associatedFestuca species. This study is unique in suggesting a third, basalFestuca clade, but support for the basal position of this group is low. Extensive sampling permitted investigation of the effects of lineage sorting and reticulate events on the evolution of the complex. Roughly half of the taxa show evidence of lineage sorting or reticulation, and the monophyly ofLolium has likely been obscured by reticulate events. Overall, polyploid species harbor higher levels of ITS sequence diversity than diploids; ITS sequence variants may provide clues to the identity of allopolyploid parents.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Silphium and subtribe Engelmanniinae were examined using DNA sequence data. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the external transcribed spacer (ETS) region were sequenced for 39 specimens representing the six genera of subtribe Engelmanniinae (Berlandiera, Chrysogonum, Dugesia, Engelmannia, Lindheimera, and Silphium), plus five additional genera identified as closely related to the Engelmanniinae by chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis, and three outgroups. Phylogenetic analysis supported the monophyly of Silphium with Lindheimera as sister. Silphium can be divided into two sections based upon two well-supported clades that correspond to root type and growth form. These results also supported the expansion of subtribe Engelmanniinae to include Balsamorhiza, Borrichia, Rojasianthe, Vigethia, and Wyethia. We hypothesize that subtribe Engelmanniinae originated in Mesoamerica and later radiated to the United States. We suggest that the cypsela complex, which is present in Berlandiera, Chrysogonum, Engelmannia, and Lindheimera, arose only once and was subsequently lost in Silphium.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the 18 S–25 S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat was sequenced from 19 populations of the tribeLactuceae, including all species of dwarf dandelion (Krigia) and five outgroup genera. The incidence of length changes and base substitutions was at least two times higher for ITS 1 than ITS 2. Interspecific sequence divergence withinKrigia averaged 9.62% (1.61%–15.19%) and 4.26% (0%–6.64%) in ITS 1 and ITS 2, respectively. Intergeneric sequence divergence ranged from 15.6% to 44.5% in ITS 1 and from 8.0% to 28.6% in ITS 2. High sequence divergence and homoplasy among genera of tribeLactuceae suggest that the phylogenetic utility of ITS sequence data is limited to interspecific studies or comparisons among closely related genera. Trees generated from ITS sequences are essentially identical to those from restriction site comparisons of the entire nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA region. The degree of tree resolution differed depending on how gaps were treated in phylogenetic analyses. The ITS trees were congruent with the chloroplast DNA and morphological phylogenies in three major ways: 1) the sister group relationship betweenKrigia andPyrrhopappus; 2) the recognition of two monophyletic sections,Krigia andCymbia, in genusKrigia; and 3) the monophyly of theK. occidentalis-K. cespitosa clade in sect.Cymbia. However, the two nrDNA-based trees are not congruent with morphology/chloroplast DNA-based trees for the interspecific relationships in sect.Krigia. An average of 22.5% incongruence was observed among fourKrigia data sets. The relatively high degree of incongruence among data sets is due primarily to conflict between trees based on nrDNA and morphological/cpDNA data. The incongruence is probably due to the concerted evolution of nrDNA repeating units. The results fromKrigia and theLactuceae suggest that nrDNA data may have limited utility in phylogenetic studies of plants, especially in groups which exhibit high levels of sequence divergence. Our combined phylogenetic analysis as a total evidence shows the least conflict to each of the individual data sets.  相似文献   

根据ITS序列证据重建防己科蝙蝠葛族的系统发育   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
研究了国产防己科蝙蝠葛族tirb.Menispermeae9属20种和外类群青牛胆族trib.Tinosporeae 2属3种植物完整的ITS(包括5.8S rDNA)序列。trib.Menispermeae的ITS长527~601 bp,排序后长667bp。当gap处理为missing时具281个有信息位点。PAUP软件分析结果表明:①trib.Menispermeae是一个单系类群,该分支得到hootstrap l00%的支持;②确定了存疑种Pachygone valida的系统学位置,该种是Coc—culus属的成员;③Sinomenium和Menispermum两属有很近的系统学关系,组成族内稳定的一支,它们的ITS序列同源性极高,ITS1比族内其它属长41~73bp;④Stephania和Cyclea也是系统发育关系很近的两个类群。前者具两个主要分支,其IIS1、ITS2的G+C含量差异较大,在种类组成上,该两大支与传统上Stephania属内处理的2个亚属——千金藤亚属subgen.Stephania和山乌龟亚属subgen.Tuberiphania基本一致;Cyclea属内种间的ITS序列差异小,同源性极高。  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the tribe Menispermeae (Menispermaceae) represented by 20 species of 9 genera in China, was reconstructed based on sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) (including ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S rRNA gene ) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Three species of two genera in the tribe Tinosporeae were designated as outgroups. Direct PCR sequencing method was used in the study, The sizes of ITS within trib. Menispermeae range from 527 to 601 bp. The aligned length is 667 bp, which provides 281 phylogenetically informative sites when gaps are treated as missing. The results of phylogenetic analyses show that: ① trib. Menispermeae is a monophyletic group strongly supported by a bootstrap value of 100%; ② Pachygone valida, whose systematic position was uncertain in the previous classification, should be placed in the Cocculus. ③Sinomenium and Menispermum are two close genera of the tribe. Their sequcences are very similar to each other, with ITS1 having 41 to 73 bp longer than that of the other genera in trib. Menispermeae. ④ Stephania and Cyclea are also closely related. The former forms two major clades, which are approximately consistent with the two traditional subgenera: subgen. Stephania and subgen. Tuberiphania. The species of Cyclea are mutually little diverged in complete ITS sequences, and they com-prise a sister clade to the genus Stephania.  相似文献   

Complex geographical distribution patterns and agamospermy have united to obscure systematic relationships in the genusErigeron (400+ species). Sequence data were analyzed from the internal transcribed spacer region of nrDNA (ITS) and 5.8S cistron for 77 taxa including 63Erigeron species. Results support the North American origin ofErigeron and document thatAphanostephus, Conyza, and three small genera restricted to South America (Apopyros, Hysterionica, Neja) are all derived from withinErigeron. Phylogenetic data indicate that agamospermy has arisen at least three times inErigeron and that autogamy has evolved independently inConyza and inE. sect.Trimorpha.  相似文献   

Analysis of ITS 1 and ITS 2 sequences in the pearl oysters Pinctada albina, Pinctada chemnitzi, Pinctada fucata, Pinctada fucata martensii, Pinctada imbricata, Pinctada margaritifera, Pinctada maxima, Pinctada nigra and Pinctada radiata was carried out. Homogeneity test of substitution patterns suggests that GC contents are highest in P. margaritifera and P. maxima and chromosomal rearrangements occurred in P. chemnitzi. These observations indicate that P. margaritifera and P. maxima are primitive species and P. chemnitzi is a recent species. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the pearl oysters studied constitute three clades with P. margaritifera and P. maxima forming the basal clade, congruent with results revealed by the substitution pattern test. The second clade consists of P. fucata, P. fucata martensii and P. imbricata. Low genetic distances among these taxa indicate that they may be conspecific. The remaining species make up the third clade and low genetic divergence between P. albina and P. nigra suggests that they may represent the same species. The ITS 1 sequence of P. radiata in GenBank is almost identical to that of P. chemnitzi determined in the present study and we suspect that the specimen used for the P. radiata sequence was misidentified.  相似文献   

ITS1 sequence data was obtained for fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) andS. lautus from Australia,S. madagascariensis andS. inaequidens from South Africa andS. madagascariensis from Madagascar. Despite the low level of variation (0.0–3.4%), these data further resolve the controversy concerning the identity and origin of fireweed. They confirm that fireweed is part of the South AfricanS. madagascariensis/S. inaequidens complex, and indicate that the infestation in Australia originated from South Africa as opposed to Madagascar. This will facilitate a resumption of biological control efforts in Australia and will direct surveys for control agents to South Africa.  相似文献   

The genusCheirolophus has an interesting western Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution. Here we investigate the delimitation of the genus and its exclusion from the large genusCentaurea, the systematic position of the related genusPaleocyanus, the delimitation of some species and the phylogeny of the group. We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the PCR-generated sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results suggest that the genus, includingPaleocyanus crassifolius is monophyletic; thus, a new combination of this species underCheirolophus is proposed. The Macaronesian group of species is also monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the archipelago. The poor resolution of microspecies in the Macaronesian group reinforces the hypothesis of a very recent differentiation of the group.  相似文献   

Within the Mediterranean complexCarduncellus-Carthamus, taxonomic classification has proven problematic. Numerous attempts to clarify the relative systematic boundaries have included splittingCarduncellus andCarthamus into several genera, but none of these proposed classifications have been generally accepted. For a comprehensive resolution of the relationships within this group, we used sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results indicate that the complex should be classified into four genera:Carduncellus, Carthamus, Femeniasia andPhonus. The relationship between the western group (Carduncellus, Femeniasia andPhonus) and the eastern genusCarthamus are not resolved by analysis of ITS sequences, but the two groups are probably not close relatives. The ITS classifications corresponded with biogeography and less with morphological characters, which have also been the main source of confusion in traditional classifications. Most of the unusual morphological features in theCarduncellus-Carthamus complex appear to be reversals to ancestral character states.  相似文献   

Non-concerted ITS evolution in Mammillaria (Cactaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Molecular studies of 21 species of the large Cactaceae genus Mammillaria representing a variety of intrageneric taxonomic levels revealed a high degree of intra-individual polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, ITS2). Only a few of these ITS copies belong to apparently functional genes, whereas most are probably non-functional (pseudogenes). As a multiple gene family, the ITS region is subjected to concerted evolution. However, the high degree of intra-individual polymorphism of up to 36% in ITS1 and up to 35% in ITS2 suggests a non-concerted evolution of these loci in Mammillaria. Conserved angiosperm motifs of ITS1 and ITS2 were compared between genomic and cDNA ITS clones of Mammillaria. Some of these motifs (e.g., ITS1 motif 1, 'TGGT' within ITS2) in combination with the determination of GC-content, length comparisons of the spacers and ITS2 secondary structure (helices II and III) are helpful in the identification of pseudogene rDNA regions.  相似文献   

Sequence data from internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA and data from morphology, cytology and wood anatomy are used to study phylogenetic relationships inPseudopanax. The molecular and non-molecular data are analysed as independent data sets and in combination using parsimony. Results supported the conclusion that the genusPseudopanax is polyphyletic.Pseudopanax species emerge in two major monophyletic groups. The Anomalus group containsPseudopanax anomalus, P. edgerleyi, andP. simplex; these species share a common ancestor withCheirodendron trigynum and more distantly withPseudopanax gunnii. The second major group consists of two smaller groups: the Arboreus group, includingPseudopanax arboreus, P. colensoi, P. kermadecensis, P. laetus, andP. macintyrei, and the Crassifolius/Discolor group, includingP. chathamicus, P. crassifolius, P. discolor, P. ferox, P. gilliesii, P. lessonii, andP. linearis. Meryta species are close relatives of thePseudopanax Arboreus and Crassifolius/Discolor groups.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among sexually reproducing species of Antennaria (Asteraceae) are poorly understood. An earlier cladistic analysis based on morphology did not fully resolve the phylogeny of these taxa and therefore a different approach using molecular data was explored. The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced for 30 species of Antennaria and one species from each of the outgroup genera Anaphalis, Ewartia, Leontopodium, and Pseudognaphalium. The ITS-1 sequence in Antennaria ranged from 253 to 260 base pairs (bp) in length, and the proportion of nucleotide differences between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 1 to 14%. For ITS-2, the divergence between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 0 to 8%. ITS-2 is shorter than ITS-1, ranging from 213 to 219 bp. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, relative to the outgroups included, Antennaria is a well-supported monophyletic group. Based on the genera surveyed, Leontopodium appears to be the sister genus of Antennaria. The general topology of the molecular trees agrees with that based on previous morphological analyses and indicates that Antennaria is composed of six clades of equal rank, corresponding to the traditionally recognized informal groups, the Geyeriae, Argenteae, Arcuatae, Dimorphae, Pulcherrimae, and Catipes. Sequence and morphological data indicate that the Alpinae and Dioicae are unnatural, polyphyletic units that should be abandoned and redefined as the monophyletic Catipes group. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences also suggests the dissociation of A. stenophylla from the Dimorphae, where it is traditionally placed, and its affiliation with the Argenteae, as well as the placement of A. arcuata in its own group.  相似文献   

Two morphologically distinct strains, 63–76 and 63H1, were isolated from a protoplast and a hyphal tip of the parentalSclerotium rolfsii strain S-63, respectively. Strains 63–76 and 63H1 showed reduced mycelial growth and lacked clamp connections on hyphae. The two strains also differed from each other and from their parent in RAPD patterns generated by several primers, suggesting that 63–76 and 63H1 were homokaryons isolated from the hetereokaryon S-63. Whereas the parent S-63 belonged to ITS-RFLP group 1, RFLP patterns of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA of 63–76 and 63H1 were similar to those of ITS-RFLP groups 5 and 3, respectively. The sequence similarity of ITS regions were more than 99% between 63–76 and group 5 strains, 100% between 63H1 and the group 3 strain, and 96.3% between 63–76 and 63H1. Direct sequencing failed in the parental strain S-63. S-63 was considered to contain ITS types of groups 5 and 3.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic study based on sequence data from the complete internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA for sect.Polium of the genusTeucrium shows both intersectional congruence and intrasectional incongruence with traditional morphological classifications. We attribute this incongruence largely to problems related to the polyploid complex studied. SectionPolium includes many poorly differentiated taxa of probable recent origin through hybridization followed by polyploidization. Both on the basis of parsimony and distance (Neighbor-Joining method) analyses,T. dunense andT. thymifolium are the species that diverge most from the sampled taxa. However, unlikeT. thymifolium, the morphology ofT. dunense is not much differentiated in relation to the other taxa. Both species are, nonetheless, the only sampled species to occupy isolated, exclusive environments and which may have undergone rapid evolution by a bottleneck effect.Teucrium dunense is found only on dunes along the Spanish and French coasts andT. thymifolium, a chasmophytic species with limited endemism, is found solely on limestone and dolomite cliffs in the low mountains in south-eastern Spain. A hypothesis is presented to explain the discrepancy between the observed comparatively large amount of ITS sequence divergence and the low morphological differentiation inT. dunense.  相似文献   

Iva s.str. (comprising ten species) was examined by cpDNA restriction site variation to determine phyletic relationships within the group. The results were compared with relationships proposed from other data. A total of 86 restriction site mutations was detected, 47 of which proved phylogenetically informative. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained using both Wagner and Dollo parsimony. The tree revealed three main lineages that are congruent with the three chromosome lineages (base numbers of x = 16, 17, 18). The monophyly of the x = 16 and 18 groups was supported strongly by molecular data, while the monophyly of x = 17 lineage was only supported moderately. Relationships among the three lineages indicate that the sect.Iva is paraphyletic because sect.Linearbractea is nested within it. Both morphological data and the secondary chemical data are in agreement with the proposed cpDNA phylogeny. Because of this agreement, sect.Iva is revised such that,I. axillaris was excluded and positioned within the newly proposed sect.Rhizoma. Patterns and rates of cpDNA evolution were also examined. The results indicated an uneven evolution in the chloroplast genome with different rates of cpDNA evolution in at least a few species ofIva. However, the evolutionary clock hypothesis can not be rejected within most of the lineages inIva.  相似文献   

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